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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate

Réponses: 23
Vus: 12025

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Lun Mar 04, 2013 4:40 pm   Sujet: Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate
Will this Round Table be open to the "Reformists" or to us as well? I agree with you that speaking with them would be fundamental as there are several matters to discuss together. For instan ...
  Sujet: Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate

Réponses: 23
Vus: 12025

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Dim Mar 03, 2013 1:12 pm   Sujet: Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate
Thank you, your Eminence. I ignore whether there are other loyalists (would "loyalists" be the right name?) around. If I happen to find anyone, I will try to redirect them here so that we ca ...
  Sujet: Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate

Réponses: 23
Vus: 12025

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Sam Mar 02, 2013 11:42 pm   Sujet: Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate
Your Eminences, I am Iustinianus, a humble Parish priest in Barnstaple. Despite the vast presence of heretics, I have decided to remain faithful to the Roman Church and I am ready to act as you decide ...
  Sujet: [RP/AEF] Un nouvel évêque pour Cahors

Réponses: 2
Vus: 1400

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Lun Oct 22, 2012 11:58 pm   Sujet: [RP/AEF] Un nouvel évêque pour Cahors
Félicitations, Vôtre Excellence!
  Sujet: [RP/AEF] Un nouvel Évêque du Puy!

Réponses: 1
Vus: 1456

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Mar Déc 13, 2011 10:42 pm   Sujet: [RP/AEF] Un nouvel Évêque du Puy!
Félicitations Vôtre Excellence!
  Sujet: [CESE]Nuovo Arcivescovo per Firenze

Réponses: 2
Vus: 1179

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Jeu Déc 08, 2011 4:09 pm   Sujet: [CESE]Nuovo Arcivescovo per Firenze
Congratulations Your Excellence! May the High One help you in your task!
  Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.

Réponses: 13
Vus: 7097

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Lun Déc 05, 2011 12:32 am   Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.
Thank-you Your Eminence. You have been extremely courteous to me and I am sure that the High One has noticed the purity and the kindness of your acts.

May the Lord Bless us all.

As he finished ...
  Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.

Réponses: 13
Vus: 7097

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Dim Déc 04, 2011 3:16 pm   Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.
Your Eminence, you do not have to ask me to excuse you, as I know that you must face innumerable complex situations as a Cardinal and that your devotion is source of bliss for those who have faith.
  Sujet: [RP/AEV] Nomina di un nuovo Vescovo di Udine

Réponses: 4
Vus: 1759

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Sam Déc 03, 2011 1:25 pm   Sujet: [RP/AEV] Nomina di un nuovo Vescovo di Udine
Congratulations Your Eminence!
  Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.

Réponses: 13
Vus: 7097

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Ven Déc 02, 2011 12:41 am   Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.
Iustinianus did indeed ponder for a while after the two High prelates had finished speaking. A decision had to be taken and it surely was not easy; in fact, the traveller was not doubtful in regards t ...
  Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.

Réponses: 13
Vus: 7097

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Lun Nov 28, 2011 8:40 pm   Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.
As he knelt, Iustinianus perceived the soft noise of feet treading the floor and understood that somebody else was nearby. After a few moments, he felt a hand on his shoulder and he heard a voice exho ...
  Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.

Réponses: 13
Vus: 7097

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Lun Nov 28, 2011 12:35 am   Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.
Iustinianus heard someone speaking to him and turned in order to see his interlocutor; initially he failed to recognize him but, as he observed the colour of his vests and his headgear, he understood ...
  Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.

Réponses: 13
Vus: 7097

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Dim Nov 27, 2011 4:21 pm   Sujet: Whether England needs a potential priest or not.
Your Eminences and Excellencies,

greetings, I am Iustinianus, a humble traveller, whose continuous errands have caused to begin questioning the meaning of life and the goal towards whom humanity co ...
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