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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
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  Sujet: Informations about current charges in these lands

Réponses: 1
Vus: 6140

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Dim Oct 16, 2016 12:18 am   Sujet: Informations about current charges in these lands

9.A.1. Mbretëria e Arbërisë njeh si të vetmin besim zyrtar Kishën Universale të Besimit të Lashtë, si kishë autonome Arbëre e drejtuar nga Patr ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Dim Sep 27, 2015 9:39 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Sure sure...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Mer Sep 23, 2015 8:31 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Ups, I am sorry I have missed all these touching exchanges, but I am sorry to inform you that nothing has changed in Albania regarding to "gjini" and his followers.

But there are a lot of ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Dim Oct 19, 2014 4:55 pm   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
There has been no creation of an autonomous church. As I already told you, if there will be one, you will know of it officially, don't worry.

I am here to denounce actions by criminals in Albania ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Dim Oct 19, 2014 2:18 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Go on Eminence Egal, clap "his" shoulders for his logic explanation. I am sure angelo can confirm that he gave him permission to bear arms against his people with some nonexistent note... :l ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Ven Oct 17, 2014 1:30 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
And what do we have here... "gjini" fulfilling his priestly duties by revolting against the town hall of Lezha...


Seriosly, your Eminence, you want ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Mer Oct 15, 2014 11:34 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Your Eminence,

you opened this topic in Mar 23, 1462. Since then, how many briefings have you had for the church in Albania?

Ah, yes...We have the baptism of Preng I guess... Might it be that t ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Mar Oct 14, 2014 12:52 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Well done for the pronouncement, but why should we care, as long as it has no connection with reality?

There is no action by Albania to repudiate the true faith, instead there is every action possi ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Dim Oct 12, 2014 9:14 pm   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

On the matter of the so called patriarch, it is just a desperate lie by "gjini" who still feels the burns of his sins when he wanted to become a patriarch. Patriarku_Jeronim is the name ...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Mer Juin 18, 2014 2:24 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Your Eminence,

I gave you religious facts, not political ones. Soon you will have news from us.

Kind regards
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Mer Juin 18, 2014 2:20 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
"You" already listened to my ideas...in Adriatic... Need more of them?
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Lun Juin 16, 2014 1:59 pm   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
Since Dec 05, 1462, what are the achievements of the Church in Albania Eminence Egal? It is the date I first posted about the matter of our King and other problems of the "people" you have l ...
  Sujet: Pagëzimi i AB18- AB18 Baptism

Réponses: 13
Vus: 10540

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Sam Mai 24, 2014 11:28 pm   Sujet: Pagëzimi i AB18- AB18 Baptism
No please, let's wait for him endlessly...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Sam Mai 03, 2014 6:12 am   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation
I really don't understand why this evil illusion addresses me when I am speaking to his Eminence...
  Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

Réponses: 65
Vus: 42821

MessageForum: Kisha e Arbërisë - L'Église d'Albanie - Church of the Kingdom of Albania   Posté le: Jeu Avr 24, 2014 8:43 pm   Sujet: Continual briefing on the Albanian Church situation

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