L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church
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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: Solemn funeral of His Eminence Raniero Borgia

Réponses: 46
Vus: 28122

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Dim Fév 05, 2017 11:56 pm   Sujet: Solemn funeral of His Eminence Raniero Borgia
With her hand in her sisters hand she feels less alone and smiles softly to her next to hear.
Thank you Sis, does she whisper and listens to their Zio.
  Sujet: Solemn funeral of His Eminence Raniero Borgia

Réponses: 46
Vus: 28122

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Sam Fév 04, 2017 1:45 pm   Sujet: Solemn funeral of His Eminence Raniero Borgia
Overwhelmed by the feeling of loss does she enter the Basilica. Tears make a little river over her cheek before dropping on her red dress she especially wore for the occasion. It would have given her ...
  Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia

Réponses: 57
Vus: 50489

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Dim Mai 18, 2014 9:35 am   Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia
When he asks her how Holland is, she gets a serious sad look in her eyes.

Do you know that people can not be baptist in Holland, they have to wait for months and nothing happens. To help them I hav ...
  Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia

Réponses: 57
Vus: 50489

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Dim Mar 09, 2014 10:34 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia
The fruits and vegetables seem to smile to her but she knows it is not polite to answer the question with her mouth full,
so she takes her eyes away from the table and looks at the Camerlengo.

The ...
  Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia

Réponses: 57
Vus: 50489

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Lun Mar 03, 2014 8:47 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia
The voice sounds friendly when she is asked to come forward. It takes some steps before she is eye to eye with the owner of the voice
and with all respect does she kneel and kisses his ring.

Your ...
  Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia

Réponses: 57
Vus: 50489

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Dim Mar 02, 2014 9:55 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa de Montemayor-Borgia
A little awkward does she walk through the corridors toward the office where she used to come regularly when is was her fathers. There is not much changed, and as she stands at the door she sees that ...
  Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_

Réponses: 59
Vus: 25269

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Dim Mar 02, 2014 1:55 pm   Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_
With her head slightly down out of sadness does she enter the coffin.

Dear Kali, I am so sorry that this is the last time we meet on this earth. Please greet all of people you will meet soon who ar ...
  Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_

Réponses: 59
Vus: 25269

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Mer Fév 19, 2014 1:10 am   Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_
When the Credo is started she rises as she always does in respect of the words. With a soft voice come the words from her heart.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae, ...
  Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_

Réponses: 59
Vus: 25269

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Sam Fév 15, 2014 3:53 pm   Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_
Even with her eyes closed does she know who kneels next to her and from that moment at that time she is calmed down.
  Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_

Réponses: 59
Vus: 25269

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Sam Fév 15, 2014 3:42 pm   Sujet: Funerale di S.Em. Kali_
It had to take her to get some curage to enter the chapel between all the impressive people from the church but she had told her self, she needed to be there to give her respect to Carlotta Isabell, h ...
  Sujet: [RP] Remise de l'Etoile d'Aristote - février 1459

Réponses: 153
Vus: 53335

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Mer Fév 09, 2011 11:36 pm   Sujet: [RP] Remise de l'Etoile d'Aristote - février 1459
Very impressed sits Pippa next to her husband Raboude. He had told her about the ceremony and proudly she travelled with him to the Basilica
With her hand in his she listens to everything is said an ...
  Sujet: [RP] Procès en canonisation de Sjnoel

Réponses: 36
Vus: 11129

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Ven Fév 19, 2010 11:30 am   Sujet: [RP] Procès en canonisation de Sjnoel
Proces der Heiligverklaring van Sjnoel
Moet de Zalige Sjnoel verheven worden tot het statuut van Aristotelische Heilige?

Naam van de stemmer: Pippa de Ligne


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