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[CESE] - Slovenian Vice-Primacy

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Inscrit le: 27 Jan 2011
Messages: 499

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 25, 2012 3:08 pm    Sujet du message: [CESE] - Slovenian Vice-Primacy Répondre en citant


    Primatial decree for the establishment of a Slovenian Vice-Primacy in the Imperial Church

    We, Her Excellency Cristina Cocca De' Giustiniani Pucci, Primat of the Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire, Metropolitan and Archbishop of Pisa, Missus Inquisitionis, with the apostles and saints as our witnesses, on behalf on the Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire, declare:

    We make usage of our right as Primate of the Holy Roman Empire to decree the establishment of the Vice-Primacy of the Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire for the Slovenian territories.

    We also decree that father Ferdo will be the Vice-Primate of the Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire for the Slovenian territories, responsible for the representation of the Primate in the Slovenian territories, and His Excellency Kapsi, Bishop of Lavant, will be the Slovenian grand elector, responsible for choosing the new Primate when that time occures.

    This decree has a temporary nature and will become void after an integration of the Slovenian Vice-Primacy in the Statutes of the Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire, after the election of a new Primate, by vote of the Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire or by decree of the Primate.

    May they be guides for the Slovenians and be true brothers in faith among us.

    May Aristotle guide them!

    Made in Rome, the 25th day of the second month of the Year of Our Lord MCDLX.

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