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[Congregation]Diffusion de la Foi/Dissemination of the Faith
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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 25, 2015 3:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nominations for the Prefecture of the Pilgrimage

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop of Ravenna, Baron of Pizzoli, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:

    the nomination for the role of Deputy-Prefect of the Pilgrimage Mons. Mons. Napoleone Barberini Napoleone87

    He immediately take possession of his role to wish him a good job for the Prefecture and for the Holy Church Aristotelian.

    Made in Rome, this 25th day of November MCDLXIII.

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 27, 2015 2:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomina di un Segretario per la Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede

    Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia, Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Barone di Pizzoli, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede, Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede, annunciamo

    La nomina di S.Ecc. Mons. Augusto Giovanni Borgia Ruiz de la Prada , alla carica di Segretario della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede.

    Sarà suo dovere aggiornare i registri della Congregazione, recuperare e archiviare documenti ufficiali della storia della congregazione, ricevere e aggiornare la Santa Chiesa su nomine, varie altre modifiche e occuparsi degli incarichi che potranno esserle affidati dal Cancelliere o dal suo vice.

    Pax et Bonum

    Scritto e ratificato a Roma nel XXVII giorno del XI mese dell'anno di Grazia MCDLXIII di Nostro Signore


    Nomination d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi

    Nous, Son Éminence Attanasio Borgia, Cardinal Romain Électeur de Sainte Église Aristotélicienne Romain et Universel, Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, Baron of Pizzoli, Cardinal-Archiévêque de Ravenna, pour grâce du Trés-Haut et sous le regard de nos Prophètes, au nom de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, annonçons

    La nomination de S.Ecc. Mons. Augusto Giovanni Borgia Ruiz de la Prada , à la charge de d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi

    Ce sera son devoir ajourner les registres de la Congrégation, récupérer et archiver documents officiels de l'histoire de la congrégation, recevoir et ajourner la Sainte Église sur nominations, autres modifications différentes et s'occuper des charges qui pourront être elle confié du Chancelier ou de son Vice.

    Pax et Bonum

    Écrit et ratifié à Rome dans le XXVII jour de l'XI mois de l'an de Grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur


[size=18][color=green][b]Nomina di un Segretario per la Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia, Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Barone di Pizzoli, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede,  Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede, annunciamo[/b]

La nomina di [color=green][b]S.Ecc. Mons. Augusto Giovanni Borgia Ruiz de la Prada[/b][/color] , alla carica di [color=green][b]Segretario della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede.[/b][/color]

Sarà suo dovere aggiornare i registri della Congregazione, recuperare e archiviare documenti ufficiali della storia della congregazione, ricevere e aggiornare la Santa Chiesa su nomine, varie altre modifiche e occuparsi degli incarichi che potranno esserle affidati dal Cancelliere o dal suo vice.

[b]Pax et Bonum[/b]

[i]Scritto e ratificato a Roma nel XXVII giorno del XI mese dell'anno di Grazia MCDLXIII di Nostro Signore[/i]



[size=18][color=green][b]Nomination d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Son Éminence Attanasio Borgia, Cardinal Romain Électeur de Sainte Église Aristotélicienne Romain et Universel, Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, Baron of Pizzoli, Cardinal-Archiévêque de Ravenna, pour grâce du Trés-Haut et sous le regard de nos Prophètes, au nom de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, annonçons[/b]

La nomination de [color=green][b]S.Ecc. Mons. Augusto Giovanni Borgia Ruiz de la Prada[/b][/color] , à la charge de [color=green][b]d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi[/b][/color]

Ce sera son devoir ajourner les registres de la Congrégation, récupérer et archiver documents officiels de l'histoire de la congrégation, recevoir et ajourner la Sainte Église sur nominations, autres modifications différentes et s'occuper des charges qui pourront être elle confié du Chancelier ou de son Vice.

[b]Pax et Bonum[/b]

[i]Écrit et ratifié à Rome dans le XXVII jour de l'XI mois de l'an de Grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur[/i]


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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 27, 2015 9:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fuego2806 a écrit:

Recrutement à l'Office des Chapelles

Nous, Son Excellence Monseigneur Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Préfet de la Chapelle, évêque Suffragant de Modena, Pasteur de Mirandola, Monaco Cistercienne de l'Abbaye Cistercienne de Fornovo, ouvrons, ce jour, le recrutement aux charges de Vice Préfet des Chapelles et Inspecteurs.

Les Vice-préfets sont nommés à la discrétion du Préfet et selon les nécessités, ils aident et ils collaborent avec le Préfet dans la gestion de la Préfecture, ils sont les intermédiaire des Inspecteurs et ils remplacent le Préfet dans les actions ordinaires en cas d'absence.

L'inspecteur est une personne qui peut être nommée à la discrétion du Préfet pour l'assister.
Le préfet peut en nommer autant que nécessaire.

En l'état, l'inspecteur est tenu :

D'informer les fidèles de la zone qui lui est confiée sur la procédure de consécration d'une Chapelle
De contrôler que les Chapelles, dans leur zone de compétence, respectent l'intégralité des procédures.
De faire rapport au Préfet avec échéance trimestrielle sur la situation des Chapelles dans sa zone de compétence.

En outre de telles obligations, le Préfet peut décider de temps en temps de confier des missions spéciales aux inspecteurs.
Les Inspecteurs auront accès à la salle de coordination de la Préfecture.

Il est à noter que tout Fidèle de Notre Sainte Eglise peut être candidat au poste d'Inspecteur.

Les candidatures devront nous être envoyées directement par Missive Privées.

Puisse Aristote et CHristos nous guider.

Rédigée et scellée en Rome,
le 14 Novembre de l'An 1463,
par nous,


Reclutamento dell'Ufficio per le Cappelle

Noi, Sua Eccellenza Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefetto delle Cappelle, Vescovo Suffragante di Modena, Parroco di Mirandola, Monaco Cistercense dell'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo, apriamo, oggi, il reclutamento per le posizioni di Vice Prefetto delle Cappelle e Ispettore.

I Vice-prefetti sono nominati a discrezione del Prefetto secondo necessità, aiutano il e collaborano con il Prefetto nella gestione della Prefettura, sono gli intermediari degli Ispettori e sostituiscono il Prefetto nelle sue mansioni ordinarie in caso di assenza.

L'ispettore è una persona che può essere nominata dal Prefetto per assisterlo.
Il prefetto può nominare tanti ispettori quanti ne sono necessari.

In pratica, l'ispettore è tenuto a:

Informare i fedeli della zona che gli è assegnata sulla procedura per la consacrazione di una Cappella
Controllare che le Cappelle, nella sua zona di competenza, rispettino integralmente le procedura.
Fare rapporto al Prefetto con cadenza trimestrale sulla situazione delle Cappelle nella sua zona di competenza.

Oltre a questi compiti, il Prefetto può decidere di tanto in tanto di affidare delle missioni speciali agli ispettori.
Gli ispettori avranno accesso alla sala di coordinamento della Prefettura.

Si noti che ogni fedele della Nostra Santa Chiesa può candidarsi come ispettore.

Le candidature dovranno esserCi inviate direttamente per missiva privata.

Possano Aristotele e Christos guidarci.

Scritto e sigillato a Roma,
il 14 Novembre dell'anno 1463,
da noi,


Recruitment for the Office of Chapels

We, His Excellency Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Chapels, Suffragan Bishop of Modena, Pastor of Mirandola, Monaco Cistercian of Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, open this day, the recruitment for the positions of Vice Prefect of Chapels and Inspectors.

The Vice-Prefects are appointed at the discretion of the Prefect, they help and work with the Prefect in the management of the Prefecture, they are the intermediaries of the inspectors and they replace the Prefect for common activities in the event of absence.

The inspector is a person who can be appointed at the discretion of the Prefect for their assistance. The prefect may appoint as many as necessary.

The duties of the inspector are:

To inform the faithful of the area entrusted to him on the procedures for the consecration of a Chapel
To check that Chapels in their area of competence, respect all the procedures.
To report to the Prefect with quarterly installments on the situation of chapels in their area of competence.

Besides these obligations, the Prefect may decide from time to time to entrust inspectors with special missions.

Inspectors will have access to the coordination room of the Prefecture.

Please note that all faithful of the Holy Church can be a candidate for post of Inspector.

Applications must be sent to us by Private Mail.

May Aristotle and Christos guide us.

Written and sealed in Rome,
14th November in the Year 1463
by us,

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 04, 2015 11:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Nomination of an Inspector of Chapels.

We, S.E. Mgr Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Bishop of Treviso, Pastor of Treviso, Monaco Cistercian of Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, Prefect of Chapels, hereby announce

The nomination of Mrg Gianvitus Tarcisius De Reame as Inspector of Chapels for italian zone.

He will control Chapels on his zone to be sure that those one respect Canon Law and Chapels' statutes.
Keys of his office are giving and we waithim to the chapel's office to begin his work.

Could Aristote and Christos show them the way.

Wrote in Rome, this fourth day of december 1463,by us.

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo

Dernière édition par Fuego2806 le Mer Déc 09, 2015 4:09 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 09, 2015 1:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Appello alle candidature per il posto di Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele

Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia, Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Barone di Pizzoli, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede, Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede:

Avvertiamo della deposizione delle candidature per la carica di Prefetto per la Compagnia di Aristotele. Volendo continuare a dare lustro alla Compagnia di Aristotele, Noi domandiamo ai candidati interessati di proporre un progetto completo e dettagliato in maniera pertinente sulle missioni nel tempo, varie e innovative con le esigenze legate al nostro tempo e la diffusione della fede. Si

I candidati interessati sono pregati di inviare entro sette (7) giorni dalla data di pubblicazione un messaggio privato a Roma a S.Em. Attanasio, contenente una lettera di presentazione e un curiculum vitae nella Santa Chiesa Aristotelica completo sulle attività precedentemente esercitate. Ricordiamo che gli uffici collegati alla Congregazione per la diffusione della fede sono accessibili a tutti gli aristotelici battezzati e con Diploma in Teologia conseguito presso uno dei Monasteri riconosciuti, indipendentemente dalla sua appartenenza all'area linguistica, a condizione che parli inglese.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Fatto a Roma il IX del mese di dicembre dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIII[/b


[b]Appeal to the candidates for the post of Prefect of the Company of Aristotle

We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith :

We announcement of the deposition of candidatures for the post of Prefect for the Company of Aristotle. We want to continue to importance at the Company of Aristotle, we ask interested applicants to propose a comprehensive and detailed plan in a relevant missions over time, varied and innovative with the requirements relating to our time and the spread of the faith .

Interested applicants are asked to send in seven (7) days after the publication of the same a private message (PM) to the Eminence Attanasio, containing a letter and a cursus honorum complete the activities previously carried on. We recall that the offices attached to the Congregation for spreading the faith are accessible to all baptized Aristotelian and Diploma in Theology degree from one of the Monasteries recognized, regardless of its membership to the linguistic, provided they speak English.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Done at Rome on IX of December of the year of grace MCDLXIII

[size=18]Appello alle candidature per il posto di Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele[/size][/b][/color]

[b]Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia, Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Barone di Pizzoli, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede, Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede:[/b]

Avvertiamo della [color=#009900][b]deposizione delle candidature[/b][/color] per la carica di [color=#009900][b]Prefetto per la Compagnia di Aristotele[/b][/color]. Volendo continuare a dare lustro alla Compagnia di Aristotele, Noi domandiamo ai candidati interessati di proporre un progetto completo e dettagliato in maniera pertinente sulle missioni nel tempo, varie e innovative con le esigenze legate al nostro tempo e la diffusione della fede. Si

I candidati interessati sono pregati di inviare [color=#009900][b]entro sette (7) giorni dalla data di pubblicazione[/b][/color] un messaggio privato a Roma a S.Em. Attanasio, contenente una lettera di presentazione e un curiculum vitae nella Santa Chiesa Aristotelica completo sulle attività precedentemente esercitate. Ricordiamo che gli uffici collegati alla Congregazione per la diffusione della fede sono accessibili a tutti gli aristotelici battezzati e con Diploma in Teologia conseguito presso uno dei Monasteri riconosciuti, indipendentemente dalla sua appartenenza all'area linguistica, a condizione che parli inglese.

[i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/i]

Fatto a Roma il IX del mese di dicembre dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIII[/b


[color=#009900][b][size=18]Appeal to the candidates for the post of Prefect of the Company of Aristotle[/size][/b][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith :[/b]

We announcement of the [color=green][b]deposition of candidatures[/b][/color] for the post of [color=green][b]Prefect for the Company of Aristotle[/b][/color]. We want to continue to importance at the Company of Aristotle, we ask interested applicants to propose a comprehensive and detailed plan in a relevant missions over time, varied and innovative with the requirements relating to our time and the spread of the faith .

Interested applicants are asked to send [color=green][b]in seven (7) days after the publication of the same[/b][/color] a private message (PM) to the Eminence Attanasio, containing a letter and a cursus honorum complete the activities previously carried on. We recall that the offices attached to the Congregation for spreading the faith are accessible to all baptized Aristotelian and Diploma in Theology degree from one of the Monasteries recognized, regardless of its membership to the linguistic, provided they speak English.

[i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/i]

Done at Rome on IX of December of the year of grace MCDLXIII[/b]



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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 09, 2015 4:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Nomination of an Inspector of Chapels.

We, S.E. Mgr Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Bishop of Treviso, Pastor of Treviso, Monaco Cistercian of Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, Prefect of Chapels, hereby announce

The nomination of Brother Archibabel Pourciel (Archibabel) as Inspector of Chapels for french zone.

He will control Chapels on his zone to be sure that those one respect Canon Law and Chapels' statutes.
Keys of his office are giving and we waithim to the chapel's office to begin his work.

Could Aristote and Christos show them the way.

Wrote in Rome, this ninth day of december 1463,by us.


Nomination of a Vice Prefect of Chapels.

We, S.E. Mgr Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Bishop of Treviso, Pastor of Treviso, Monaco Cistercian of Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, Prefect of Chapels, hereby announce

The nomination of Mgr Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia (Arnarion) as Francophone Vice-Prefect of Chapels.
He will help us in our function and will manage Inspector of Chapels.
Keys of his office are giving and we wait him to the chapel's office to begin his work.

Could Aristote and Christos show him the way.

Wrote in Rome, this ninth day of december 1463,by us.

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 11, 2015 5:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Revocation of the Prefect of the Villa San Loyats

We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith :

We decided and ordered, through this edict perpetual and definitive: We order the revocation of Monsignor Monseigneur Kathleen of Kinsale [countess.Kathleen] , from the office of Prefect of the Prefecture of the Villa San Loyats This decision is taken by its prolonged unauthorized absence .

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Written and ratified in Romeon XI of December of the year of grace MCDLXIII

[b][size=18]Revocation of the Prefect of the Villa San Loyats[/size][/b][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith :[/b]

We decided and ordered, through this edict perpetual and definitive: We order the revocation of Monsignor[color=green] [b] Monseigneur Kathleen of Kinsale [countess.Kathleen] [/b][/color], from the office of [color=green][b]Prefect of the Prefecture of the Villa San Loyats[/b][/color] This decision is taken by its prolonged unauthorized absence .

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/b] [/i]

[b]Written and ratified in Romeon XI of December of the year of grace MCDLXIII[/b]



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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 23, 2015 10:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Villa San Loyats

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith:

      we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Prefect of the Villa San Loyats.
      Anybody applying for this role will have to know the procedures of translation of the texts, at least two languages English or French and the proper one, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
      Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Attanasio

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Written and ratified in Romeon XXIII of December of the year of grace MCDLXIII


[list][color=green][size=18][b]Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Villa San Loyats[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith:[/b]

[b]we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Prefect of the Villa San Loyats.[/b]
Anybody applying for this role will have to know the procedures of translation of the texts, at least two languages English or French and the proper one, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Attanasio[/i][/list]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/b] [/i]

[b]Written and ratified in Romeon XXIII of December of the year of grace MCDLXIII[/b]


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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 26, 2015 2:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Confirmation de la nomination de Monseigneur Hernanie en tant que Recteur de l'Ordre Grégorien

    Nous, Sa Merveilleuse Éminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau, Cardinal-Archevêque de Lyon, Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foy, Primat du Saint Empire Romain Germanique, Légiste Pontifical, Prince de Trèves, de Stavelot & Malmedy, Comte de Spiegelberg et d'Orvieto, Vicomte de Nideggen, Baron d'Ivoire, Seigneur de Fléty, de Chassy et de Rivoli, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d’Aristote,

    Conformément au Livre 3.3 régissant l'organisation du clergé régulier, annonçons la validation formelle de la nomination de Monseigneur Hernanie à la charge de Recteur de l'Ordre Grégorien. Lui adressons tous nos vœux de réussite en la lourde mission qu'il reçoit, l'invitons à siéger au Chapitre Régulier Romain et lui souhaitons d'assurer la prospérité au sein de l'Ordre dont il devient le Recteur.

    Fait à Rome, ce vingt-sixième de décembre quatorze cent soixante-trois.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 19, 2016 6:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination of the Prefect of the Villa San Loyats

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith:

      Have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: Monseigneur Marco del Castello di Pozzolorenzo,
      [Nome IG] as Prefect of the Prefecture of the Villa San Loyats

      A very important role for the Church, manifold congregations are submitted to the scrupulous job of the Prefecture of the Villa St. Loyats.
      The Prefect must coordinate all the translators to work in collaboration with the chancellors and the prefects of all Rome to develop every text and ecclesiastical document.

    Written and ratified in Rome XVIII of January of the year of grace MCDLXIIII

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 06, 2016 1:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Revocation of the Prefect of the Office of Pilgrimages

We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith :

We decided and ordered, through this edict perpetual and definitive: We order the revocation of S.Em. Monseigneur Nicolá Borja d'Agnillo [Nicolino] , from the office of Prefect of the Prefecture of the Office of Pilgrimages This decision is taken by its prolonged unauthorized absence .

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Written and ratified in Rome on Vi of February of the year of grace MCDLXIV


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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 06, 2016 1:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Appello alle candidature per il posto di Prefetto dell'Ufficio dei Pellegrinaggi

Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia, Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Barone di Pizzoli, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede, Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede:

Avvertiamo della deposizione delle candidature per la carica di Prefetto per Ufficio dei Pellegrinaggi. Volendo continuare a dare lustro a tale prefettura, Noi domandiamo ai candidati interessati di proporre un progetto completo e dettagliato in maniera pertinente sulle missioni nel tempo, varie e innovative con le esigenze legate al nostro tempo e la diffusione della fede.

I candidati interessati sono pregati di inviare entro sette (7) giorni dalla data di pubblicazione un messaggio privato a Roma a S.Em. Attanasio, contenente una lettera di presentazione e un curiculum vitae nella Santa Chiesa Aristotelica completo sulle attività precedentemente esercitate. Ricordiamo che gli uffici collegati alla Congregazione per la diffusione della fede sono accessibili a tutti gli aristotelici battezzati e con Diploma in Teologia conseguito presso uno dei Monasteri riconosciuti, indipendentemente dalla sua appartenenza all'area linguistica, a condizione che parli inglese.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Fatto a Roma il VI del mese di febbraio dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIV[/b


[b]Appeal to the candidates for the post of Prefect of the Office of Pilgrimages

We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith :

We announcement of the deposition of candidatures for the post of Prefect for the Office of Pilgrimages. Wanting to continue to bring prestige to this prefecture, We ask interested applicants to propose a comprehensive and detailed plan in a manner relevant on missions over time, varied and innovative with the demands related to our time and spreading the faith.

Interested applicants are asked to send in seven (7) days after the publication of the same a private message (PM) to the Eminence Attanasio, containing a letter and a cursus honorum complete the activities previously carried on. We recall that the offices attached to the Congregation for spreading the faith are accessible to all baptized Aristotelian and Diploma in Theology degree from one of the Monasteries recognized, regardless of its membership to the linguistic, provided they speak English.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Done at Rome on VI of February of the year of grace MCDLXIV

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 15, 2016 7:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination of Napoleone Barberini as Prefet of Pilgrimages

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith:

    The nomination of His Excellency Napoleone Barberini, to the function of Prefet of the Office of Pilgrimages. He receives the charge of ensuring the good functioning of the Office, the coordination of staff and the regulation and planning of the Pilgrimages toward all the Europe.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Written and ratified in Rome XV of February of the year of grace MCDLXIV

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 18, 2016 4:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination of Egal Borromeo as Archexorciste.

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , by the grace of the Most High and under the gaze of our Prophets , to name of the congregation of the spreading of the faith:

    The nomination of His Eminence Egal Borromeo, to the function of Archexorciste.
    . The latter will have the difficult task of leading the Congregation of Exorcists , to ensure the practice of exorcism to home , to the good performance of exorcisms and investigations sacraments if necessary.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Written and ratified in Rome on XVIII of February of the year of grace MCDLXIV

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 19, 2016 2:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Report on the activity of the offices of the Congregation of Evangelization of Peoples

We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia , Cardinal Elector of the Holy Roman Church Aristotelian Roman et Universal , Baron Pizzoli , Chancellor of the Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples , Cardinal- Archbishop of Ravenna , in the name of the congregation of the Diffusion of the Faith

make public the report on the offices of the Congregation of the Diffusion of the Faith, drafted in XIX day of February o of the current year.

    Prefecture of the Chapels

    The Prefecture of the Chapels, straight from the Prefect Monsignor Francesco Dragone Ivan Nero [Fuego2806] is progressing on a regular basis with work and with the normal administration.
    We trust that soon will start development projects of this important prefecture.

    Villa Saint Loyats

    The Villa is just recovering fully its duties following the appointment of Msgr. Marco_Castello that is restarting the whole. Let's take time to prefect to start the structure and individual cubicole.

    The Company of Aristotel

    The Company of Aristotle is under review net. We will see shortly sistemarne of the structure. It will help us in this by appointing a Prefect to the task.

    Prefecture of Pilgrimage

    It 'was recently appointed the new Prefect Mons. Napoleone Barberini [Napolenoe87] that has proven right from the start participant and attentive to the needs of the Prefecture. I am start new and major development projects.


    We have recently approved two pellegriniaggi Italic (one in TDL and one near Modena-Genoa) whose itineraries are present in the prefecture.
    Deputy prefects and secretaries
    He appointed two sottosegreatri Italics Ciridonio for The R2S and Tonius for Venezie. The last appointment dates back to December 27, forget about the Secretary for Lands Dutch language.

    Recent Activity:
    We have taken steps to create an office for the secretariat of the pilgrimages to the Dutch land while it is very interesting to the vast project by an Eastern cleric who has in mind a great mission project to those lands. My wish would be if I had the moderation of the prefecture to create a special office for this great mission project in the world of the Orient.

    The first step in my opinion is to see people involved in this case to design a business. I regret a certain lack on the part of some secretaries and undersecretaries who if they were not in the possibility to continue their assignments or inactive I will have them removed simultaneously by opening the appropriate calls.

    Projects in the pipeline:

    - Pilgrimages and Missionary of the Dogmatic Campaign
    We are discussing with Messer Dimitrios to enhance the world of the Orient.

    - Pilgrimage in Northern Europe
    The Dutch Secretary presented a good project and approve it shortly.

    Brotherhood of the exorcists

      We appointed His Eminence Egal as Archexorciste. We are certain that the Brotherhood will come back to play with him driving his actual task within the congregation.
      We'll close the to support it.

    Prefecture in the teaching

      Given the absence of appointed Prefect recently, we will shortly appoint a replacement so that this situation is remedied and the prefecture may proceed at best.

    Office Bibliomélie

      The prefect is working expect in a short his account on his valuable work.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Written and ratified in Rome on XIX of February of the year of grace MCDLXIV

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