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[RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 28, 2017 1:47 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

With one more moon to go before her deliverance, Aliénor was getting easily tired. The twins were very active, running everywhere while her belly was getting heavier day by day. In the carriage, she had put her head on the shoulder of her husband to rest while she could. Those moments were rare and fortunately, the noble was able to sleep almost everywhere when she was pregnant. Eat and sleep was indeed taking a big part of her day, and for this pregnancy, she barely had any special craving except for sweets! For some unknown reasons, she often asked the cooks for desserts!

Finally they were there and, from the other side of the bridge, she could see the tower of the Palace of Cardinal Fenice on Tiber Island. They crossed the bridge, over the Tiber River, in order to reach the Caetani Tower. Once there, the guests were announced and they awaited to be received by their friend.


Con un'ultima luna prima della sua liberazione, Aliénor si stava stancando facilmente. I gemelli erano molto attivi, correndo ovunque mentre la sua pancia diventava sempre più pesante giorno dopo giorno. Nella carrozza, aveva appoggiato la testa sulla spalla di suo sposo per riposare mentre poteva. Quei momenti erano rari e fortunatamente il nobile riusciva a dormire quasi ovunque quando era incinta. Mangiare e dormire stava davvero prendendo una grande parte della sua giornata, e per questa gravidanza, aveva a malapena qualche desiderio speciale tranne che per i dolci! Per alcuni motivi sconosciuti, ha chiesto spesso ai cuochi per i dolci!

Alla fine erano lì e, dall'altra parte del ponte, poteva vedere la torre del Palazzo del Cardinale Fenice sull'Isola Tiberina. Attraversarono il ponte, oltre il Fiume Tevere, per raggiungere la Torre dei Caetani. Una volta lì, gli ospiti furono annunciati e attesero di essere ricevuti dalla lora amica.


Avec encore une lune à faire avant sa délivrance, Aliénor devenait facilement fatiguée. Les jumeaux étaient très actifs, courant partout tandis que son ventre devenait de plus en plus lourd jour après jour. Dans le carrosse, elle avait mis la tête sur l'épaule de son époux pour se reposer pendant qu'elle le pouvait. Ces moments étaient rares et heureusement, la noble était capable de dormir presque partout quand elle était enceinte. Manger et dormir prenait en effet une grande partie de sa journée, et pour cette grossesse, elle n'avait guère eu d'envie spéciale, sauf pour les sucreries ! Pour des raisons inconnues, elle demandait souvent aux cuisiniers des desserts !

Enfin, ils étaient là et, de l'autre côté du pont, elle pouvait voir la tour du Palais du Cardinal Fenice sur l'île Tibérine. Ils traversèrent le pont, au-dessus du Tibre, pour atteindre la Tour Caetani. Une fois arrivés, les invités furent annoncés et attendirent d'être reçus par leur amie.

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Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 28, 2017 6:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Era una forte emozione andare a Roma.
Roma, la caput mundi!
Leonardo ammirava incuriosito dal vetro della carrozza i meravigliosi palazzi che profumavano di antichità.
Quando Alienor si appoggiò a sé fu ancora più emozionato.
Erano lì per una grande occasione e il Margravio era tanto felice per la sua consorte. Con un braccio strinse le spalle di Ali sperando che fosse felice.


It was a great emotion to go to Rome.
Rome, caput mundi!
Leonardo admired intrigued by the glass of the carriage the marvelous palaces that smelled of antiquity.
When Alienor leaned to him, he was even more emotional.
They were there for a great occasion and the Margrave was so happy for her spouse. With one arm he shook Ali's shoulders hoping she was happy.

E' comune defetto degli uomini, non fare conto, nella bonaccia, della tempesta. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 28, 2017 7:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Demetrios, il segretario del Cardinal Fenice, andò ad avvisarla con poche parole dell'arrivo degli ospiti.
Trovò Sua Eminenza alla finestra, assorta nel guardare il fiume.
Ella si riscosse e sorrise.

Fate accomodare gli ospiti nella sala verde. Intanto fate preparare le stanze per loro. Io arrivo subito.

Demetrios uscì in silenzio. Queste erano le regole di casa del Cardinale: poche parole, le azioni necessarie, organizzazione.


Demetrios, Cardinal Fenice's secretary, went to warn her with a few words about the arrival of the guests.
He found Her Eminence at the window, lounging in looking at the river.
She recovered and smiled.

Make the guests enter the green room. Meanwhile, prepare the rooms for them. I'll be there in a minute.

Demetrios came out in silence. These were the rules of Cardinal's home: a few words, necessary actions, organization.
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 28, 2017 8:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A man arrived and introduced himself as Demetrios, the Cardinal's secretary, asking them to follow him into a room. Aliénor took the arms of Leo and with her other hand, held Isabella, while Ludovic wanted to walk by his father's side alone, thinking he was old enough to walk by himself. It was very funny to see them trying to show up how grown up they were, when still so little and needing their parents. She kindly asked tthe secretary while waiting for the Cardinal.

Would you be kind enough to ask for some juice, any fruit, for the children? Thank you!

She straightened the clothes of the children, caressed their cheek, wanting to make sure that they looked nice.


Arrivò un uomo e si presentò come Demetrios, il segretario del Cardinale, chiedendo loro di seguirlo in una sala. Aliénor prese le braccia di Leo e con l'altra mano, teneva Isabella, mentre Ludovic voleva camminare accanto a suo padre da solo, pensando di essere abbastanza grande da camminare da solo. È stato molto divertente vederli mentre cercavano di mostrare quanto erano grandi, quando erano ancora così piccoli e avevano bisogno dei loro genitori. Chiese gentilmente al segretario mentre aspettava il cardinale.

Sareste così gentile da chiedere un po 'di succo, alcun frutto, per i bambini? Grazie!

Raddrizzò i vestiti dei bambini, accarezzò la loro guancia, volendo assicurarsi che fossero belli.


Un homme arriva et se présenta comme Demetrios, le secrétaire du Cardinal, en leur demandant de le suivre dans une salle. Aliénor prit le bras de Léo et, de son autre main, tenait Isabella, tandis que Ludovic voulait marcher seul à côté de son père, pensant qu'il était assez vieux pour marcher tout seul. C'était très drôle de les voir essayer de montrer à quel point ils étaient adultes, quand ils étaient encore si petits et qu'ils avaient besoin de leurs parents. Elle demanda gentiment au secrétaire en attendant le cardinal.

Auriez-vous l'amabilité de demander du jus, de n'importe quel fruit, pour les enfants? Je vous remercie!

Elle redressa les vêtements des enfants, leur caressa la joue, voulant s'assurer qu'ils étaient beaux.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 12:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ben arrivati tutti! Pace e bene!

Il Cardinale entrò sorridente, portando un canestro con dei frutti maturi e un po' dei suoi famosi biscotti. La seguiva Demetrios con delle coppe di succo fresco.

Avete fato buon viaggio? Lasciatemi guardare questi deliziosi piccoli, che ormai non sono più piccoli...

Fece una carezza ai gemelli e tracciò la croce aristotelica sulla fronte di entrambi.
Poi guardò Alienor e il suo sposo e il suo sorriso si accentuò vedendo quanto fosse prossima la nascita del nuovo bambino.

Non stancatevi, vi prego. Dovete andare subito a dormire. Domani ci aspetta una giornata piena di impegni e emozioni, e voi dovete assolutamente riposare.
Poi parleremo con calma. Adesso mangiate e poi andate a dormire

Rise perché stava dando loro degli ordini... affettuosi e premurosi, ma ordini.


Welcome everybody! Pace e bene!

The Cardinal came in smiling, carrying a basket of ripe fruit and some of her famous biscuits. Demetrios followed her with fresh juice cups.

Have you had a good trip? Let me look at these delicious little ones, who are no longer little...

She caressed the twins and traced the Aristotelian cross on the forehead of both.
Then she looked at Alienor and her husband and her smile became more acute as she saw that the new baby was coming.

Do not get tired, please. You have to go to bed right away. Tomorrow is waiting for us a day full of commitments and emotions, and you absolutely have to rest.
Then we will talk calmly. Now eat and then go to sleep.

She laughed because she was giving them orders ... affectionate and thoughtful, but orders.
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 7:21 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Peace to you too Your Eminence, Aliénor gladly added with a smile when she saw the Cardinal arrived. It was not only the sight of the food that rejoiced her, the blonde was happy to see her host. She kindly answered while giving juice to the twins.

Yes, the trip went well but I must say I am happy to be here safe and sound. It's a little more hectic sometimes with the children wanting to play in the carriage...

She smiled when seeing the Cardinal blessing them with the sign of the cross on their forehead. They were indeed blessed by the Almighty and Aliénor did not spend one day without being thankful in her prayer for the joy they bring to her life. The Cardinal soon gave them "orders" to eat and rest for the big day, and even if Ali wanted to protest, she had to agree, she was tired and her belly was heavy. She could feel that her feet and ankles were swollen and couldn't wait to lie down.

You are right, tomorrow will be filled with emotions and I need to be rested. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality.

She warmly held the hands of Fenice by saying the last words and followed the secretary to the room prepared for them.


Pace anche a voi Vostra Eminenza, Aliénor ha volentieri aggiunto con un sorriso quando ha visto arrivare la Cardinale. Non era solo la vista del cibo che la rallegrava, la bionda era felice di vedere il sua ospite. Rispose gentilmente mentre dava del succo ai gemelli.

Sì, il viaggio è andato bene, ma devo dire che sono felice di essere qui sana e salva. È un po 'più frenetico a volte con i bambini che vogliono giocare in carrozza...

Sorrise vedendo la Cardinale benedirli con il segno della croce sulla fronte. Erano davvero benedetti dall'Onnipotente e Aliénor non passò un giorno senza essere grata nella sua preghiera per la gioia che hanno portato alla sua vita. La cardinale ha presto dato loro "ordini" di mangiare e riposare per il grande giorno, e anche se Ali voleva protestare, doveva essere d'accordo, era stanca e il suo ventre era pesante. Poteva sentire che i suoi piedi e le caviglie erano gonfie e non vedeva l'ora di sdraiarsi.

Avete ragione, domani sarà pieno di emozioni e ho bisogno di essere riposata. Grazie mille per la cortese ospitalità.

Prese calorosamente le mani di Fenice dicendo le ultime parole e seguì la segretaria nella stanza preparata per loro.


Paix à vous également Votre Éminence, ajouta Aliénor avec un sourire quand elle vit la Cardinal arriver. Ce n'était pas seulement la vue de la nourriture qui la réjouissait, la blonde était heureuse de voir leur hôtesse. Elle répondit avec gentillesse tout en donnant du jus aux jumeaux.

Oui, le voyage s'est bien passé mais je dois dire que je suis heureuse d'être ici saine et sauve. C'est un peu plus agité parfois avec les enfants qui veulent jouer dans le carrosse...

Elle sourit en voyant la Cardinal les bénir avec le signe de la croix sur leur front. Ils étaient en effet bénis par le Très-Haut et Aliénor ne passait pas une seule journée sans être reconnaissante dans sa prière pour la joie qu'ils apportaient à sa vie. La Cardinal leur donna bientôt des «ordres» de manger et de se reposer pour le grand jour, et même si Ali voulait protester, elle ne pouvait qu'être en accord, elle était fatiguée et son ventre était lourd. Elle pouvait sentir que ses pieds et ses chevilles étaient enflés et qu'elle n'en pouvait plus d'attendre le moment pour s'allonger.

Vous avez raison, demain sera rempli d'émotions et j'ai besoin d'être reposée. Merci beaucoup pour votre aimable hospitalité.

Elle tenait chaudement les mains de Fenice en prononçant les derniers mots et suivit le secrétaire dans la pièce préparée pour eux.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 5:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

November 29 - Noble ceremony

A short rain at dawn had dissolved the snow. The air was cold, but there were no clouds.
From the early morning, the basilica had been prepared for the noble ceremony. Large baskets of white, pink and red hellebore adorned the altar and the aisles, while the benches on which the guests would have settled had been lined with pillows of the same pink color of the flowers.

On the large wooden stand, the Book of Virtues with a white bookmark.

Cardinal Fenice had arrived early, had personally arranged the flowers and prayed alone, before the arrival of the others, kneeling on the naked floor in front of the presbytery steps.

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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 6:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After a good night rest, Aliénor felt better, at least her ankles and feet have retrieved a normal appearance but for how long? A servant helped her dress into a simple light blue gown, not wearing any jewelry, only her Aristotelician cross. Her long blond hair were braided and attached together into an heavy bun. She smiled to her loving husband, holding his hand and kisses the twins before leaving the room.

Remember to be quiet during the ceremony my love... mamma will be busy so you need to stay with papa.

The family arrived early at the basilica and Aliénor noticed the flowers decorating the altar and the aisle, as well as the cushions on the benches. After crossing herself and adressing a prayer to the All Mighty, the young woman approached silently the Cardinal, not wanting to disturb her in her prayers, and whispered.

Your Eminence...


Dopo un buon riposo notturno, Aliénor si sentiva meglio, almeno le sue caviglie e piedi hanno recuperato un aspetto normale ma per quanto tempo? Una serva l'aiutò a vestirsi in un semplice abito azzurro chiaro, senza indossare gioielli, solo la sua croce aristotelica. I suoi lunghi capelli biondi erano intrecciati e attaccati insieme in una pesante crocchia. Lei sorrise al suo amorevole sposo, tenendogli la mano e baciando i gemelli prima di lasciare la stanza.

Ricorda di essere tranquilli durante la cerimonia, i miei amori... mamma sarà occupata, quindi dovrai stare con papà.

La famiglia arrivò presto alla basilica e Aliénor notò i fiori che decoravano l'altare e il corridoio, così come i cuscini sulle panchine. Dopo aver fato il segno della croce e aver rivolto una preghiera all'All Onnipotente, la giovane donna si avvicinò silenziosamente al Cardinale, non volendo disturbarla nelle sue preghiere e sussurrò.

Vostra Eminenza...


Après une bonne nuit de repos, Aliénor se sentit mieux, au moins ses chevilles et ses pieds avaient retrouvé un aspect normal mais pour combien de temps ? Une servante l'aida à se vêtir d'une simple robe bleu clair, ne portant aucun bijou, seulement sa croix aristotélicienne. Ses longs cheveux blonds furent tressés et attachés ensemble en un lourd chignon. Elle sourit à son tendre époux et, tenant sa main, embrassa les jumeaux avant de quitter la pièce.

Souvenez-vous d'être sage pendant la cérémonie mes amours... maman sera occupée alors vous devez rester avec papa.

La famille arriva tôt à la basilique et Aliénor remarqua les fleurs qui décoraient l'autel et l'allée, de même que les coussins sur les bancs. Après s'être signée et adressé une prière au Très-Haut, la jeune femme s'approcha silencieusement du Cardinal, ne voulant pas la déranger dans ses prières, et chuchota.

Votre Éminence...
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Jade de Valdesti

Inscrit le: 10 Mai 2016
Messages: 35
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 6:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La baronne avait reçu l'invitation de sa suzeraine et s'était empressée de prendre la route pour Rome afin d'assister à la cérémonie d'annoblissement...

Jade avait revêtu sa plus belle robe et s'était coiffée soigneusement afin d'être à son avantage.

Elle alla saluer Aliénor Catherine puis prit place rapidement afin de ne pas déranger la cérémonie...

The baroness had received the invitation from her suzeraine and was eager to take the road to Rome to attend the ceremony of ennoblement ...

Jade had put on her best dress and had carefully combed her hair to be to her advantage.

She went and greet Aliénor Catherine then took place quickly so as not to disturb the ceremony ...

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Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 7:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

29 novembre 1465

Il grande giorno era finalmente arrivato. Leonardo indossò un vestito sobrio, ma allo stesso tempo elegante, senza troppi sfarzi e senza gioielli, seguendo l'esempio della sua consorte. Aveva riposato molto bene nella sua prima notte romana. Anche il cibo che aveva assaggiato era delizioso. Adesso teneva per mano i suoi due figlioli in attesa dell'inizio della cerimonia. Tutti e tre stavano in silenzio ad aspettare.


The great day finally came. Leonardo wore a sober but elegant dress, without too much luxury and no jewelery, following the example of his wife. He had rested very well on his first Roman night. Even the food he tasted was delicious. Now he was holding his two sons waiting for the beginning of the ceremony. All three were silent waiting.

E' comune defetto degli uomini, non fare conto, nella bonaccia, della tempesta. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
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Inscrit le: 17 Jan 2017
Messages: 12
Localisation: Fornovo

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 10:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ricevuto l'invito da parte della sua Sovrana, Ginevra non poté che gioire e mettersi in viaggio alla volta di Roma.
Una volta arrivata sul posto, la Burgravina vestita in oro e rosso, colori della Casata Bentivoglio, varcò emozionata la soglia della chiesa di Sant'Elena, salutò la Duchessa Aliénor e la sua famiglia per poi prendere posto al fianco della Baronessa Jade.


Received the invitation from her Sovereign, Ginevra was so much happy she started her travel to Rome.
Once on the spot, the Burgravine dressed in gold and red, the colors of the House Bentivoglio, walked excitedly to the threshold of the church of Sant'Elena, greeted the Duchess Aliénor and her family and then took the place next to Baroness Jade.
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Inscrit le: 01 Mai 2017
Messages: 48

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 10:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La borgne avait reçu l'invitation concernant la cérémonie d'anoblissement de sa suzeraine, elle n'avait même pas réfléchi qu'elle était déjà sur la route direction Rome, c'est donc vêtu convenablement qu'elle se présente à Rome se présentant face aux gardes romains qu'elle pouvait croiser afin de se faire guider à l'endroit où la cérémonie allait se dérouler.

Faisant une légère révérence afin de se présente face à l'ensemble des personnes faisant déjà présence à la cérémonie, s'installant ensuite pas très loin.


The one-eyed man had received the invitation concerning the ceremony of ennoblement of her suzerain, she had not even thought that she was already on the road to Rome, so she dresses suitably she shows up in Rome posing facing the Roman guards she could cross to be guided to the place where the ceremony was going to unfold.

With a slight bow to face all the people already present at the ceremony, then settling not far away.
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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2014
Messages: 3295

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 11:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A ceremony to attend. Just as a guest.. and a friend. So I am looking forward and very happy to be here. I look for a place where I can look good and dont disturb. I am also happy to see Alienor and Leo again.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2017 2:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Guests were slowly arriving, from what he could see. The place had been decorated somewhat, but that mattered little. After all, the important thing was the oath that would be pronounced later in the day.

He gave a fraternal accolade to his dear friend Rodriguo and wished him a good day before advancing along the central alley. He saluted, with a nod of his head, the young Hildary, as well as various guests that he knew, sometimes by face, sometimes by name. After all, what is not his job to know whom was what?

Upon seeing the whereabouts of Fenice, he headed her way.

"Dominus Vobiscum, Eminence. Are we waiting for more guests..?"

He smiled and waited an answer, looking over to Aliénor Catherine and nodding his head.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2017 10:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Some voices called her, interrupting the concentration of prayer, the fervor that had carried her far away.
She turned, stood up, smiled at everyone present, and especially at Alienor.
Then she turned to Cardinal Hull.

Pace e bene, Eminence. Perhaps guests have yet to arrive, but ... should not there be another person who swears an oath?
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