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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 12:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Good morning Brothers, I would like to ask you about a basic theme that I have seen on this first day in Dover.

I have not seen churches Res Parendo for this part of the island, or is my perception or the forums here are armed different and the local parish churches are in other sections, could you comment on this issue of the Res Parendo churches?

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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 12:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

You will surely find them in Scotland - for the parishes in England I believe not all enjoy the Res Parendo Churches - a lack of people and probably a parish that is not covered by one of our clergy members.

I am sure my Brothers and Sisters may answer you better but I do understand your point very well as I keep saying there is a need to show presence Res Parendo no matter if the aristotelian belief is not the main belief within the Kingdom of England.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 1:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Exactly, in the case of Hispano, all the villages have parishes Res Parendo that are usually carried by the Parrocos In Gratibus, who have the studies of the corresponding seminars so that they have the right to do sacramental ceremonies and Masses, and wrote to Brother Blazingwill, to see what you can tell me about it.

And if your Officials allow me and taking advantage of my religious Aristotelian pilgrimage, allow me to create a Temple Res Parendo as a pillar for those who wish to pray and perform ceremonies there.

To our credit we have already consecrated four temples.

A Nobiliary
Two Templar
A fourth in Aix, Providence, on my last trip visiting His Eminence Hull..

Because no, being we defenders of our Church be the ones who promote the pillars of our Res Parendo churches.

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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 1:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I do share your thinking - we wait for the english clergy brothers and sisters to tell us about the current status quo.

Maybe it is a good "wake up call" you gave to us. As of course any parish should have a res parendo church, there would not even be the need to ask the Chapel Registry to approve it as it is "standard" to have one church per parish - if there is non we are free to errect one.

I am willing to help you celebrating a first consecrating sermon within such new buildings non the less. But I am sure that those present in England will be helping you and there wont be a need for me to interfere.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 2:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you very much for your kindness and answers, and I think you have given a good point regarding the Register of Chapels, you should have these exceptions in places that are growing aristotelicamente as I have seen as the English seminar has been approved, I am also a professor of the Hispanic seminar and I would have no problems in helping with the doctrines in this visit to the islands, not only to learn but also to share the dogmatic and doctrinal knowledge of our Church, let's hope the opinion of the rest of the Brothers of the Church in England and we will begin to work for the basic foundations, the temples Res Parendo so that the faithful have their place where they wish to go to pray, to do baptisms, marriages, etc.
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1470
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thanks for the question, truly it is an accurate observation. The same as with Mother Jolieen we the Franciscans share the view that RP is very important foethe life of the Church. However the situation is a bit delicate to celebrate sacraments in Chruches that doesn't belong to us. I am referring to the changes of parish priests on a monthly basis. What we have come up with is having our church in the official section of the Roman Church in Forum 1.

As for my part, from time to time I go in the official parish church to pray to assure a presence. Howeve,r I have my Hermitage which is open to all in the county section. For the last year I have been absent due to IRL issues. Now, I am back and I will continue offering a presence in the daily lives and not only in churches.


Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Brother from my point of view there should be no problem in opening a church in each parish no matter if we hold the IG position or not.
To make it a place of Res Parendo life of the clergy as there is no need to celebrate all sacraments in such places but of course we can have a place in each city. Just like we all do have our houses.
We need to show that we are a living part of the sociaty and that we do not take our role as aristotelian clergy members easily.

For me any church is a sanctury where I do feel save and where I can simply meet with people. Something we all should do way more often - meet and get to know people.

[IRL you have as well planty churches of various religions present -so for me the same does apply here]

Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Well, if nothing says otherwise I will begin to carry out my Aristotelian mission in the construction of the temples, then we will approach to see how they can be officially registered so they can work, and see that Res Parendo religious can carry them out.
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1470
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Jolieen a écrit:
Brother from my point of view there should be no problem in opening a church in each parish no matter if we hold the IG position or not.
To make it a place of Res Parendo life of the clergy as there is no need to celebrate all sacraments in such places but of course we can have a place in each city. Just like we all do have our houses.
We need to show that we are a living part of the sociaty and that we do not take our role as aristotelian clergy members easily.

For me any church is a sanctury where I do feel save and where I can simply meet with people. Something we all should do way more often - meet and get to know people.

Having a church in each town is a good idea and I also wish we could do it. However, we do not have all the manpower to take up the churches in each town. But we should work on it.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

or have a unique temple in a forum2 where it can be visible, and from there it is viable for all the villas
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Is there a way we can list those without a Res Parendo Church? And see if we find a solution.

Maybe even having a "janitor" is also already showing presence.

[Using a blue character if possible]

Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Everything that is understandable and works is possible, I am now in Dover and here there is no church Res Parendo, I will move on my trip to the following towns and so I will see where they are missing, I will make a list and information about it and from there we see what we can do
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1470
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Eminence Jolieen I agree that having a presence is a good idea. We should try and find creative ideas for it. The Janitor is good I think I will adopt it.

Brother Monderakalbarrasin, let us wait and see your reports. You being in the field will provide us a richer understanding of our situation.


Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

So, today we begin to travel, and my colleagues are all in my group after getting off the boat, we will travel according to the map to Halsting and then the next village, we will observe the lack of churches and I will register.
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 03, 2019 4:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Dover (Sussex (Domaine Royal)) Tuesday 2 July 1467

Province of Southwark

Diócesis metropolitanas : Archdiocese of Southwark Greenwich

Diócesis sufragáneas :
Diocese of Brighton
Diocese of Portsmouth

Archdiocese of Southwark Greenwich
(It depends on the province of Southwark, led by the metropolitan bishop Staleno)

Archbishop: Staleno
The mandate of the bishop ends in 2 months and 13 days

The King invests the bishop

Parish of Dover
Current time: 14:54 GMT
Teagan Cure
Archdiocese of Southwark Greenwich
The diocese is headed by Archbishop Staleno
Capital of the diocese: Dover

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