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[RP] Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj su Campo Marzio a Roma
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Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2020
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 4:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The young prince was overwhelmed by the magnificence of the palace, and so many guests of his father. His dark eyes sparkled like the moonlight. He liked to have one of the servants give him a glass of wine.
It was his first time in Rome and also here in Palazzo Doria Pamphilj.
He took himself from the golden grapes and looked if he knew anybody. His father had to be found here too...
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Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2018
Messages: 34

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 4:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Now Marie Claire, the First Archdeaconess from Mainz, has finally arrived. She had been out and about in the city in the afternoon, and now she was a little lost in getting dressed.

So today she wears a light blue dress made of fine silk with golden ornaments and golden lace to wear the colours of the family as usual on such occasions. The sleeves end in wide, long trumpet sleeves and at her décolleté there is a golden chain with a sun that is repeated on the ears and wrist.

With great respect she greets the high ranks of the church and looks out for her uncle and her maman.
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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2019
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 5:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As they were getting more into spring, invitations and possibilities to travel were increasing. Even though Nicolas always seemed in a good mood, he was rather tired and annoyed lately. Only Eva knew the reasons behind it as he did not like to discuss about such issues. He did not like to show weakness or that he could be affected by some proceedings. However, when we received the invitation, he did not hesitate for a second. He knew immediately that he would answer it. First, he hadn’t visited the italic lands since quiet some time now. And then, he wouldn’t refuse an invitation for a party prepared by Kalixtus for anything in the world. On her side, Eva had accepted to attend the ceremony immediately as well. The couple, who had married almost two months ago, were always happy to travel together as their love and their union was stronger each passing day.

Eva and Nicolas left Dole and Franche-Comté early enough to make sure they are not late to the soirée, which was going to happen in Rome, at the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj. Nicolas had heard about this palace on several occasions, but he had never visited it yet. The journey started at dawn. Nicolas had planned the trip with the head of his guards, to make sure they get some rest every few hours but most importantly to plan some visits and make the trip as enjoyable as possible for him and Eva. It was the perfect moment for the two of them to spend quality time together and to try, whenever is possible, to put their overflowing lust into action.

Upon arriving to the palace, he asked his steward to announce him and his wife. The Imperial Chancellor took the arm of his wife before looking around to check if he knew any of the guests. He first approached Kalixtus to greet him, before doing the same to Lysiane.

Happy to see both of you. Eva and I are honored to be your guests.

He smiled to both of them before greeting Mala. He smiled to her, taking a second or two to look at the blue stone of her necklace, before looking up again

Nice to meet you again Baroness. Blue is a very beautiful color.

He smiled to her, teasing her, before greeting Filomena respectfully. He had seen her before, but he had forgot her name. He did the same with Gropius until arriving to the king of Germany.

Your Royal Majesty. It’s a pleasure to see you here. I hope the night will be pleasing for you.

Nicolas was then informed that the King of the Two Sicilies and his wife, who seemed very beautiful, were present. As Imperial Chancellor, he approached them to greet them. Such occasions were always interesting to cement relations between two nations. He smiled to the both of them before saying

Greetings your Majesties. I am Nicolas Ulrik Matthias d’Irissarri, Imperial Chancellor. And this is my wife, Eva. She is the Imperial Spokeswoman.

Nicolas then noticed the presence of Marie Claire. As Mala, she was always present at the ceremonies of Kalixtus and Nicolas was always happy to meet her again. With a big smile he approached her and said

Oh! what a nice surprise. How are you ?
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Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2020
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 5:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Filomena looked at the beautiful and rich people who had gathered here. As always, when Katu called out Europe is marching. How wonderful that the high clergy and the high nobility of Europe met here and only one could create this magic. Filomena was quite proud of her brother. The bridge builder between the great trenches and then there was Rome, again and again Rome, Rome - what wonders you have seen. Her footsteps turned to one or the other familiar figure and she smiled happily to see some friends again.

She bowed her head before the royal majesties from Germany and the Two Sicilies, Wajakla and Cristofero. Especially the queen was admired for her excellent dress. Your Highness Adrianne, you look enchanting.
She greeted the high clerics Arduino and Pamelita with the kiss of the ring. Pax et Bonum, Eminences. She knew how to behave and then, yes, then she saw her daughter waving to her, as always she had a stylish entrance. She greeted her nephew Maty with a kiss on each cheek, untypical for the family, and then, yes, then she saw him.

Kalixtus, her Katu, surrounded by guests, she by no means knew them all - there were so many especially exclusive guests and even though she attended so many of her brother's celebrations, she never realized how immeasurably happy he is surrounded by all these people who mean something to him. She saw it in his eyes. They glittered with joy, full of energy. He does not seem to have aged a day when he is so full of the joy of life. This is all that matters. This here is his life, his life's work - alive and revealed.

She placed her glass on a tray and stepped on her brother, kissing him on the mouth to greet him. Katu, my beloved brother. What a wonderful idea to stir up the dust of Rome and organize such an exclusive festival. She turned to Alessandro, Excellency. She bowed her head and showed her respect for the clergyman's rank.

With joy she saw that Alvero brought her a new glass of champagne.

He's such a dear, knows whenever I feel like refreshment. Filomena looked at Alessandro and Katu - from one to the other - and smiled at them while she took a sip and covered her thoughts, they were surprisingly indecent.

Is the emperor also present? I would like to talk to him on a private matter.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 6:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Soiree at Palazzo Doria Pamphilj

      Kalixtus greeted Hamea and Ercolino. It is a personal pleasure for me to finally welcome you personally in my modest home. Let me say that I am in love with your House Della Scala. You are a delightful family. I have so many friends and so many good connections to your house. It is a special honor for me. He kissed Hamea's hand. I congratulate you both to this special family. You are always welcome in my house. We are allies and I would be happy to count you among my friends.

      Alessandro and Arduino are both such close allies and friends. Life without them would be a waste of time. I hope you'll be comfortable here.

      Kalixtus waved for wine and saluted them.

      Then Lodovio approached him. My friend, welcome. It's good to see you here. He returned the kiss on each cheek and smiled in delight. We tried our best to make this a particularly good reunion. Nobility and clergy together can change the balance of the world in God's favor. Here we shall be united. Glad you could come.

      Then he returned Alecsander's kiss and smiled at him with joyful, fiery eyes - which was quite a skill in itself with the cardinal's ice-blue eyes. Good to see you, nephew. I'm sure your mother will arrive here soon. She never misses any of my celebrations.

      He looked at Tjara with some interest. Welcome your highness. I'm sure Thuringia will bloom into a true rose under your hands. This will not be the last time we meet today. Kalixtus kissed her once on each cheek and whispered in her ear. Take good care of my Alecsander. He gets lost so easily. Then he brushed a strand of hair from her face and winked at her in an entertaining way.

      A beautiful woman one after the other now he saw Mala Kalantha - a jewel of the House of the Sun. He waved her to him, kissed her on the mouth and smiled. She showed him the nightingales. What a beautiful gift, my star. You always know how to surprise me and how pretty this cage fits in here. They will always remind me of this evening. Thank you, so much.

      May I introduce you Bishop Alessandro Della Scala. He is one of my very special friends and closest associates in my congregation.

      Then he saw a couple arrive whom he adored. Kali comes towards them dancing and bobbing to the music. Arduino, let me look at you. You look delicious enough to bite. He kissed him on each cheek and purred in his ear. I'm so jealous of your body, you're crazy, but I love you. It's so good to have you here. Stay in my sight at all times I'll kidnap you to dance if you look that crispy. Then he opened his arms to greet Pamelita. My dear Pam. Let me give you a hug. I miss our casual evenings. Welcome to my palazzo. He squeezed her and gave her a kiss on each cheek. Then he looked at them both with a beaming face. He waved for wine and toasted with them. Let's have fun today until the sun comes up again. Let us give this day a meaning. Together. He looked at Arduino and purred again. I'll throw you into the pool, then I have to unpack you in private. Kalixtus smiled gleefully and introduced them to those around him.

      Now it happened one by one - he saw Waja and immediately Kalixtus was back with a broad grin. My king, how nice to welcome you. Look, the day becomes more and more beautiful and delightful. I may be the incarnation of the sun but what is the sun without the life that it feeds on. He gave him a kiss on each cheek. Welcome to Rome, my dear.

      He introduced Wajakla to those around him. Eminence Arduino and Pamelita. Monsignore Alessandro and Mala, you know her. This is His Royal Majesty Wajakla of Karolingen. King of the German Kingdom.

      Kalixtus remembered his ability as a spokesman to address the people and so he did here.
      He toasted with Waja. Make yourself at home, my friend. I have arranged accommodation for you here in the palazzo.

      Then a guest arrived whom he had been expecting. Cristoforo and his wife Adrianne. Your Majesty, what a special pleasure to welcome you. He talked to Cristoforo and kissed Adrianne's hand with a friendly smile. I'm so happy that you were able to attend this illustrious feast today. We have already had many encounters, dear Cristoforo, but now we finally have the opportunity to meet privately and you have kept your beautiful wife from me long enough. Enchanté. He served wine and if dear Adrianne prefers chilled juices during pregnancy, her wish is my command.
      I will soon visit your kingdom - my dear friend Gianvitus awaits my arrival in your beautiful region and I absolutely must taste the lemons I dream of at night. He gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. Welcome to my palazzo, make yourself at home and feel like my friends.

      Out of the corner of his eye he saw Nicolas and Eva and of course he would greet them as soon as they had greeted the kings. The attention was naturally now on Filomena. His beloved sister and he enjoyed seeing her so detached.

      Sister, he returned her kiss and smiled, dancing lightly with her two steps forward and two steps back, half a turn and then half a turn back again. You look hot again. He didn't even ask about Friza, he saw Alvero and knew. Welcome to the adults. He lovingly stroked her face and whispered. I love you. The siblings have survived so much together that their bond is unbreakable.

      I love to kick up dust, you know that. I'm a master at it. I'm sure Amenediel is here too, although I think he's still stuck in the red salon. He's obsessed with my art collection. But I've seen Lys. She's a very special woman. You must meet her. He waved to Lysiane and stepped a few meters in her direction and extended the circle on the way he poked for a little delicacy. Lys, my dear, may I introduce Filomena to you, she is my sister and as you can imagine, terribly curious to meet the Empress. But who wouldn't be. He winked at her, grabbed a sweet delicacy from the tray and fed it to Lys. Taste, my flower, taste. He tossed her a kiss and smiled indecently.

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    Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2020
    Messages: 3

    MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 6:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    A party?

    When Nicolas told me about it, I didn't hesitate more than a few seconds to answer in the affirmative. Since our marriage, which had already taken place two months earlier. We had spent most of our time at work. I wasn't complaining, we each had the career we wanted to have, but in all this, we both always made sure that we also had time for each other and it was always the best moments, the ones that really mattered in the end. Moreover, I knew his weariness of the moment, this little aside fell even better, we were going to be able to find ourselves a little quietly, far from the daily worries that animated our lives, the time of a romantic getaway. Then Italy had a particular taste since it was this destination that he had chosen at the time for our first appointment. A lot of water had flowed under the bridge since then. My feelings were even stronger as our couple evolved.

    As promised, the trip was delicious, it was a good bet that the desire he had expressed to me a few moments earlier would come true sooner than we thought at that train! I avoided thinking about it too much, not knowing what I was going to get into, it was easy to talk about it but once it was done and real, it would probably be a little different.

    For the occasion, I had put on one of my prettiest dresses, I had allowed myself a fabric much lighter than what I could usually wear, the climate was nothing like that of Franche Comté and was perfectly appropriate. If we weren't the first to arrive, we certainly weren't the last either. I had let myself be guided on my husband's arm and had a broad smile on my face as soon as we arrived on Kalixtus and my cousin Lysiane.

    Hello Lysiane, I am happy to see you here, how are you? Kalixtus, thank you for the invitation. It's great as always!

    Then, I had followed the movement, going from guests to guests for the usual greetings, many people were unknown to me except the king of Germany whom I had already met several times. Leaving Nicolas to make the introductions, I smiled here and there, hoping he wouldn't be too long to offer me a drink. If the dress was light, the temperature was high.

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    Inscrit le: 18 Jan 2012
    Messages: 34

    MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 19, 2020 9:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

     His Excellency met her, he was as always very kind. He returned the light embrace.

    I am also very happy with this meeting and your welcome invitation. The trip was fantastic, I love Rome. If you haven't seen Rome, you haven't seen anything!

    She left his Excellency to his guests and wandered around the room and took a glass of wine. Her nephew Ettore approached her and introduced himself. She replied : Thanks for your kind wishes. It is a pleasure to meet you here in Rome, at the Palazzo. She nodded. Yes, we are close relatives, I remember you when you were still a young boy and you had not yet received your vocation. You have become a man! I am very proud of you...

    She raised her glass and took a sip.
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    Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2020
    Messages: 3

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 3:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    He felt the looks on him as he slowly walked through the room. He brushed his blond hair from his eyes and then greeted his family members.
    He greeted Mala, Filomena and Marie with a kiss on the hand and also Alecsander lovingly.

    I am happy to see you. ... he said lovingly to everyone.

    Then he also saw his friend Waja and was happy that he was here too. He greeted him too...
    Nice of you to join us, Waja. I hope you had a good journey.

    Where was his father? So many red robes...

    Then he saw him in his splendid robe and his bright alabaster skin. A tender smile came over his lips.
    Many people were gathered around Him that He did not know yet. Slowly he walked along the festive marble columns to his father, who was probably still in a conversation.
    He greeted him with a long kiss and whispered into his ear. A cheeky smile stood in his brown eyes.

    Hello my father I like it here very much - I am even more curious about the night - and your guests.

    the young blond prince nodded to the guests nearby and took a glass of wine from one of the servants...
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    Inscrit le: 27 Juil 2019
    Messages: 48

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 6:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    In his office, the Prefect of the Chapels finished examining the last files that had been presented to him. The young man did not count his hours, combining this important task with the heavy task of presiding over the Imperial Diet. The duties of prefect of the chapels were not particularly complicated, but it was an honor for the baron to serve the Holy Church to the best of his ability. He had done it as a priest in the parish of Vaudemont, and he was happy to continue doing it here in the Eternal City as Prefect. He sealed the last document before blowing out the candles and leaving the palace of the congregation for the dissemination of the faith.

    On this day there was a great festivity organized by his boss, colleague and friend Kalixtus de Montfort Beumont d'Hauteville, cardinal & chancellor of the congregation for the dissemination of the faith. He had to prepare for the event. The young man therefore went to his Roman apartments to change his clothes and perfumehimself. He quickly put on a ceremonial outfit that would be more appropriate for Roman festivities, and left the house in the direction of Palazzo Doria-Pamphili.

    The young man admired the streets of Rome as he traveled the city on horseback to reach the Cardinal Palace. Being in the Eternal City charged him with all the history it carried, and he enjoyed himself very much in the city. He crossed the Tiber to finally arrive in front of the palace and harness his horse there. The house was lit up and a cheerful noise came out that made the young man smile as he entered it. The evening promised to be very happy.

    His green eyes scanned the room for known faces. He nodded respectfully to the Primate of the Holy Empire, whom he had met a few days earlier, and who seemed to him to be a man of nice company. The host of the festivities seemed particularly busy, so the president of the diet resigned himself to wait before going greeting him and thank him for the invitation. He went first to greet the Marquis and the Marquise of Brabant, then the King of Germany. He ended by going to kiss the hand of his suzerain and friend, the Empress consort Lysiane.

    Your Imperial Majesty, it is such a pleasure to see you here. I hope you enjoy the night.
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    Inscrit le: 17 Mai 2020
    Messages: 4

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 8:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    ala returns Kalixtus's kiss and his radiant smile. For a moment she tastes the sweetness of the hazelnut liqueur, while her fine hand rests for a moment on his chest. With a slight smile she follows his gaze to the nightingales, before answering more quietly with her familiar slightly darker voice. People will still be talking about this feast when we are no longer here, mon amour, but her words are good-humoured and, as always, sincere, before she turns her attention to the bishop Alessandro Della Scala, who is introduced to her by Kalixtus. Respectfully, the blonde bows her head and suggests a curtsy. It is a great pleasure for me to make your acquaintance. A wonderful and amusing feast, and an honor to be part of it. She speaks with a charming smile.

    Shortly afterwards Mala also meets Nicolas, a charming young man. Smiling and respectful, she tilts her head and returns his greeting. I am very happy to see you, Your Highness. She notices his gaze on her jewellery and smiles as she looks into his blue eyes. Yes, blue is a beautiful color... like the endless sky on a balmy summer's day.
    After the short chat with Nicolas, Mala looks around for one of the servants. She's gone to Chapagner. It's going to be a long and fun night. She takes one of the fine, slim glasses with the sparkling drink and sips it with pleasure. In a good mood she lets her amber eyes wander over the arriving guests and catches sight of Maty. His greeting is warmly returned. I am happy to see you, Maty. How have you been? Ask the blonde with a light smile.
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    Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
    Messages: 977
    Localisation: Udine

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 10:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The monsignor smiled embarrassed.

    Thank you for the polite words. I must confess that I am very nervous because this is my first gala here in Rome.

    Then he let a few moments of silence pass.
    The cerulean irises explored the guests and the shapes of their robes. Eventually he decided to take the floor again.

    I don't think I've ever apologized to you for what happened in the Serenissima.
    My oath obliges me to keep my tongue in check but I hope one day you can go back to see the waters of the Adriatic lagoon.

    Ettore admitted with a veil of melancholy.
    + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
    Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
    Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
    Primate di Venezia
    Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
    Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
    Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
    Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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    Inscrit le: 20 Mai 2020
    Messages: 1

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 10:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Fui piacevolmente colpita ed onorata dell'invito ricevuto.
    I giorni di viaggio, intercorsi dalla contea di Pescara a Roma, resero l'attesa più piacevole.

    La carrozza rallentò ed intuii che eravamo giunti a destinazione, un.tosso istintivo alla collana che indossavo per l'occasione, un ricordo di mia sorella Aiyla, e fui pronta a scendere.
    Mi fu aperta la porticina della carrozza , alzai lievemente il vestito per scendere agevolmente e mi trovai d'innanzi al bellissimo palazzo.
    Lo ammirai per qualche istante, restando incantata da cotanta bellezza ed incuriosita , varcai la soglia presentandomi ad un paggio ed annunciandomi.

    Sono la Contessa Viviana Thessa Sforza, ecco il mio invito
    dissi mostrandolo ed attendendo mi venisse indicata la strada
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    Inscrit le: 17 Mai 2020
    Messages: 6

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 10:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Tjara acknowledges Kalixtus' words with a grateful smile that reaches wholeheartedly into the green eyes. Even if they don't know each other, even if it is just a hollow, nice phrase, it is balm against self-doubt to hear such words. The cheek kisses, his whisper about Alecsander, the gesture with her hair: Kalixtus certainly caught her by surprise. There are only three people coming to her mind she allows this close. Alecsander, Tilda and Thinka. She is quite uptight and usually uncomfortable in this matter, explaining the confused look she gives the cardinal for a second. "Will do." she assures him diligently. At least she hasn't been completely floored.

    The look of the soon-to-be Duchess seeks Alecsander’s while she loosely clasps her hands behind her back. "You recognised someone you know earlier, right?" She asks him quietly thinking about Mala. Her eyes wander through the strange faces in her immediate vicinity. She would greet with a smile if she caught someone's eye.

    However Tjara doesn't really expect to see another familiar face. Think again! Wajakla catches her attention. "Your majesty." she greets him implying a curtsy. "What a pleasant surprise. I hope your journey wasn't too exhausting?" Would she normally just go to the German king like she did now? Probably not, but as for him she has an idea who she's dealing with, reducing the chance of putting her foot in her mouth and giving her some more time to acclimatise and very slowly take the cloak of restraint off her shoulders. If Alecsander is still at her side and not talking to someone else, she would introduce the two of them to each other. Hopefully they didn't know each other yet, if they did ... well, better safe than sorry! "May I introduce to you my best friend and Episcopal Secretary Alecsander Ivanovich de Montfort-Beaumont d’Autevielle.“ She really thought he already had a long and complicated name before, but now he's taking the cake. „He will soon be ordained priest here in Rome."
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    Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
    Messages: 4683
    Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 10:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    As he walked around the room, Adonnis see Kalixtus approaching and, after playing with him by sliding a feather in his arm, he welcomes you.

    Hi Cardinal Kalixtus, thank you for the invitation. Your Palazzo is, in fact, spectacular. I found the arts and architecture lovely!

    After the host continued to receive people, Adonnis continued walking around the place.
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    Alessandro Della Scala

    Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
    Messages: 1554
    Localisation: Rome and Modena

    MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 11:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Responding to good Samuele, Alessandro said:

    How nice to see you united here in Rome! It is a pleasure to share this moment of joy with those who have always supported and comforted me, especially in the darkest moments!

    Then, inviting Katied to join the conversation, he said:

    The family that reunites, Duchess, I knew that Samuele was your nephew! Rome is not only beautiful, but it is an occasion itself. Opportunity to consolidate alliances, relationships and to build new ones.

    Do you allow me to introduce the Chancellor of the Congregation to all of you?

    Approaching Kalixtus, Alessandro said:

    Kalixtus, my dear, I would like to introduce you to a family that has always supported me, will you allow?
    They have a high noble rank, but you know that I'm not interested in noble titles. They have always been by my side, for better or for worse, and I have always been able to count on their support.

    He later let them introduce themselves personally. Alessandro was entertaining himself with his guests when he heard the arrival of the royal family of the Two Sicilies that he had personally invited. Then he turned away from the conversation to welcome his guests

    Your Highness, welcome back to Rome!

    Later he also greeted the queen consort:

    Your Highness, let me tell you that you are a splendor tonight!

    You are welcome to this humble and Aristotelian party! Enjoy the entertainment, the good food, the excellent company and the atmosphere of peace and harmony that you can breathe here!

    He later said welcome to Filomena and Mala Kalantha:

    Dear ones, it is an honor to meet the womens of the family of Chancellor Kalixtus, beauty must certainly be a family gift!

    Later he was brought to the attention of the king of Germany, Alexander greeted him reverently:

    Your Highness, it is an honor to make your acquaintance!

    Subsequently he went away for a few sitante, he was making a lot of new acquaintances and he needed a second of tranquility ... he approached the entrance and there I met dear Thessa, so Alessandro came up, hugged her and said:

    Your Greatness, it is a pleasure to have you here in Rome as my guest and Cardinal Kalixtus' guest, please come, I can't wait to introduce you to you.

    Alessandro seated the Countess, sister of the previous Queen of the Two Sicilies, and introduced her to Kalixtus:

    Dear, can I introduce you to a dear friend of mine?

    ------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
    ----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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