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[RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1469
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Inscrit le: 14 Fév 2015
Messages: 312

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 25, 2021 9:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'heure du renouvellement de serment était arrivée.
Après tout ce qui s'était passé dernièrement la comtoise avait eu grand besoin de se rapprocher de l’Église.
Elle avait fait une courte retraite au sein de son fief romain ce qui lui avait fait le plus grand bien.
Travaillant aujourd'hui au sein de la Chambre Apostolique, elle prenait ses marques et ce jour était pour elle le renouvellement de bien des choses.

Entrant discrètement dans la basilique, comme à son habitude, elle se glissa à une place et pria en attendant le début de la cérémonie.


The time for the renewal of the oath had arrived.
After everything that had happened recently, the Comtoise had a great need to get closer to the Church.
She had made a short retreat in her Roman stronghold which had done her the greatest good.
Working today in the Apostolic Chamber, she was taking her marks and this day was for her the renewal of many things.

Entering the basilica discreetly, as usual, she slipped to a place and prayed while waiting for the ceremony to begin.


#Attention cheveux toujours voilés à Rome!#
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Inscrit le: 16 Nov 2011
Messages: 68

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 25, 2021 10:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ettore raggiunse la Basilica e in silenzioso riserbo si sedette in uno degli scranni liberi attendendo il solenne momento del rinnovo dei giuramenti.


Ettore reached the Basilica and in silent reserve sat in one of the free seats waiting for the solemn moment of the renewal of the oaths.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13062
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 2:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus stood at the shrine of St John and, as usual, laid down a white feather when he was in the basilica. His thoughts rested with his patron and in a certain form of dialogue he shared his thoughts. Saint John had always been his spiritual companion and even in Rome he never left him alone.

    The Cardinal looked tired and a little bit he was. The last days and weeks seemed to pull at him. He had had to make many journeys through Europe. He did not complain. They were the last journeys he made. The last missions, the last tasks.

    His prayer ended and he joined the side of the Cardinals of the Curia, and with them, the side of His Holiness. The feast of St Titus this year was of particular beauty and significance. He gave an almost imperceptible smile to Cardinal Roderic from Spain. It was always remarkable how simple it seemed and yet how complicated these tasks of organising the ceremony were. An almost military flow and a purposeful precision.

    The Cardinal looked forward to this day today and Rome would once again ring the bells for the feast of the Giant, the Rock and of course a feast of Sixtus. The cardinal was particularly happy for him, it was also a celebration of victory.

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Inscrit le: 24 Sep 2009
Messages: 634

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 8:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'occasion du renouvellement du serment à Sa Sainteté fut celle de revenir à la Villa Volpi, cette villa achetée par Eldwin et dont elle avait hérité.
Le climat lui fit le plus grand bien, elle en avait besoin après la douloureuse rencontre vécue dernièrement.

L'heure était à présent de se rendre à la Basilique Saint Titus et d'y attendre le début de la cérémonie.

The occasion of the renewal of the oath to His Holiness was to return to Villa Volpi, the villa bought by Eldwin and which she had inherited.
The climate did her a lot of good, she needed it after the painful encounter she had recently experienced.

Now it was time to go to the Basilica of Saint Titus and wait for the ceremony to begin.


Vicomtesse de Proceno, Baronne de Lagosanto
❃Préfet Inquisitorial Francophone - Préfet de la Congrégation de la Chambre Apostolique - Procureur de l’Officialité Nationale Francophone - Archidiacre Res Parendo de Autun
❃Archiatre du Saint Père
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Inscrit le: 18 Mar 2017
Messages: 44
Localisation: Hic vel alibi

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 2:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Her presence in Rome might have seemed incongruous had it not been required by the Prefect and Official Herald of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges to renew her oath before the Pope, His Holiness Sixtus IV. On the one hand, she was profoundly Helvete, on the other hand, she refused to be instrumentalized and kept as a principle that God also acted outside the sacraments. Finally, she had given life to a natural child, born from her unhappy love with a Geneva man. The little Aloÿse who went on her one year accompanied her on the peregrinations of this hectic journey. They both left the green mountains of the CH and mingled sometimes with pilgrims and sometimes with traders, to take some narrow and steep paths on horses that led them to Lombardy for a first stop: Milan, then they stopped at Florence in Tuscany, before reaching their final destination. Although she had abused her forces somewhat, Orée had never stopped caring for her child, who was fully ensuring her safety. On the eve of the feast of Saint Titus, the first glimmers of the sunrise lit up the dark waters of the Tiber when she finally saw the Basilica's Dome.


Sa présence à Rome aurait pu sembler incongrue si elle n'avait été requise par le Préfet et Héraut Officiel des Collèges Héraldiques Pontificaux pour renouveler son serment devant le Pape, Sa Saincteté Sixtus IV. D'une part, elle était profondément Helvète, d'autre part, elle refusait de se faire instrumentaliser et conservait pour principe que Dieu agissait également en dehors des sacrements. Enfin, elle avait donné la vie à un enfant naturel, né de ses amours contrariés avecques un genevois. Aloÿse qui allait sur ses un an la compagnait dans les pérégrinations de ce voyage trépidant. Elles quittèrent toutes deux les montagnes verdoyantes de la CH et se meslèrent à 'steure aux pèlerins à 'steure aux commerçants, pour emprunter à dos de cavale quelques chemins étroits et escarpés qui les menèrent vers la Lombardie pour une première escale : Milan, puis elles s'étaient arrestées à Florence en Toscane, avant d'atteindre leur destination finale. Si elle avait quelque peu abuser de ses forces, elle n'avait eu de cesse de pourvoir aux besoins de son enfançonne, assurant pleinement sa sécurité. En cette veille de la feste de Sainct-Titus, les premières lueurs du lever du soleil illuminaient les eaux sombres du Tibre lorsqu'elle aperçut enfin le Dosme de la Basilique.

Journal d'une femme d’Église... pas comme les autres...
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Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2020
Messages: 1946

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 3:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As many others, she also received the letter from Rod. She stood up immediately and left her tasks, just to choose the proper dress for such an important moment as a vassality hommage, but taking care of the mourning of the late French King too. Therefore the palatine baroness chose a black, silk Italian dress (a must have in every woman's wardrobe by the way) and left the Aracoeli Palace, helping the Old Duck along the journey, taking his hand in a tender way. He was like a grandfather to her, as she was her nurse of course. People in Rome knew who they were, just by seeing a couple composed by a Cardinal and a blond haired girl. But maybe it was too the duckling band behind them, following Arnarion and Inès, as they used to. That way, they both entered the Basilica, ready for the St Titus Feast.

Queen of Navarre | Princess of Ischia di Castro | Duchess of Billy | Child of Castile | Countess of Tafalla | Baroness Palatine of St John Lateran | Lady of Bressolles
Prefect of the Court of His Holiness Sixtus IV
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Inscrit le: 31 Oct 2014
Messages: 265
Localisation: Lourdes

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 3:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Arrive a son tour ,pour a nouveau prêter serment.
Déjà la tête ailleurs et surtout en espèrent que notre seigneur sois toujours a mes cotés.
Entre et salut de la tête les personne déjà présente.


Arrives in turn, to take the oath again.
Already the head elsewhere and especially hope that our lord is always by my side.
Enter and nod to the person already present.

Blason de Borce Blason de l'égilse
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Inscrit le: 26 Avr 2015
Messages: 30

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 7:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nane he came to Rome to swear to the pope. He reached the Basilica of San Tito, and after finding the place allotted to him, he took a seat and waited in silence for the ceremony to begin.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 26, 2021 7:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Soeur Jenah s'avançait à son tour dans l'impressionnante basilique, invitée à renouveler ses vœux, fidèle à Sa Sainteté comme elle avait dû le réaffirmer face aux menaces de l'Empire. Désormais la sérénité avait repris son cours et les pressions s'étaient estompées, la clerc espérait cependant que l'Eglise puisse reprendre tout son éclat. Cette cérémonie en était une étape, réunissant tous les vassaux de Sa Sainteté le Pape.

google trad a écrit:
Sister Jenah was advancing in her turn in the impressive basilica, invited to renew her vows, faithful to His Holiness as she had had to reaffirm in the face of threats from the Empire. From now on the serenity had resumed its course and the pressures had faded, the cleric however hoped that the Church could regain all its splendor. This ceremony was a stage, bringing together all the vassals of His Holiness the Pope.

Six pieds sous terre

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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2015
Messages: 44

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 27, 2021 12:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

S'il avait été surpris de recevoir le courrier du héraut pontifical pour ce qui est était son premier renouvellement de serment, pensant que la longévité du Saint Père évitait la répétition de ces cérémonies, le Vicomte de Monte Porzio n'en était pas moins ravi de faire le voyage jusqu'à Rome. Celui le libérait, un moment, de la lourdeur du deuil français et des responsabilités du Louvre, pour retrouver la douceur italienne. En outre, bien que la Sainte Eglise ait perdu l'un de ses fils les plus aimants en la personne du Roi Alistaire, elle avait au contraire été débarrassée de l'ingrat fou Copona et de ses multiples attaques contre la Foi peu auparavant. De quoi, sans doute, largement soulager le Souverain Pontife et ses conseillers.

Rejoignant sa camarade Della avec un léger sourire et un clin d'oeil, le Flamand patienta également silencieusement que la cérémonie débute.


If he had been surprised to receive the letter from the papal herald for what was his first renewal of oath, thinking that the longevity of the Holy Father avoided the repetition of these ceremonies, the Viscount of Monte Porzio was no less delighted to make the journey to Rome. It freed him, for a moment, from the heaviness of French mourning and the responsibilities of the Louvre, to find the Italian sweetness. Moreover, although the Holy Church had lost one of its most loving sons in the person of King Alistair, it had, on the contrary, been rid of the ungrateful madman Copona and his many attacks on the Faith shortly before. This was no doubt a great relief to the Sovereign Pontiff and his advisors.

Joining his comrade Della with a slight smile and a wink, the Fleming also waited silently for the ceremony to begin.

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Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2017
Messages: 37

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 27, 2021 1:22 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ricevuto l'invito, Annælena si recò presso la basilica, accompagnata dai propri figli poiché chiamati anch'essi a prestare giuramento al Santo Padre.
La Basilica era così fresca rispetto all'aria ardentente di quel mese di Giugno particolarmente infuocato, tanto che farvi ritorno suonò come una benedizione dell'Altissimo.
Prese posto tra i banchi di famiglia e, accogliendo le mani sul grembo e chinando il capo, si raccolse in preghiera silenziosamente, attendendo che la cerimonia iniziasse.


Having received the invitation, Annælena went to the basilica, accompanied by her children as they were also called to swear an oath to the Holy Father. The Basilica was so fresh compared to the burning air of that particularly fiery month of June, so much so that returning there sounded like a blessing from the Most High. She took her place among the family benches and, holding her hands on her lap and bowing her head, silently gathered in prayer, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

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Inscrit le: 20 Nov 2016
Messages: 603

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 27, 2021 3:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Adelheid avait fait le voyage depuis l'Irlande. Il n'était pas question qu'elle soit absente pour l'hommage au Saint Père.
    Elle pénétra dans la Basilique Saint Titus, puis rejoignit sa cousine Ines, ainsi que Carnardarion.

    Ma chère Ines, je suis heureuse de voir revoir. Eminence, de même pour vous et vos.. vaillants soldats !

    Elle montra la bande canetons et ne put s'empêcher de penser à ce bon vieux Hull et ses canards.


    Adelheid had travelled from Ireland. There was no way she would be absent for the tribute to the Holy Father.
    She entered the Basilica of St. Titus and joined her cousin Ines and Carnardarion.

    - My dear Ines, I am happy to see you again. Your Eminence, likewise for you and your... valiant soldiers!

    She pointed to the band of ducklings and could not help thinking of good old Hull and his ducks.

Queen of Ireland - Viscountess of Marignane - Baroness of Tori in Sabina ♕
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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2007
Messages: 8880

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 27, 2021 6:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Melian s'en vint, répondant à l'appel du héraut, portant une tenue sobre néanmoins, compte-tenu du contexte de décès royal. Entrant dans la basilique, elle en apprécia autant la beauté que la fraîcheur.

Elle salua les personnes qu'elle connaissait, et alla s'installer à la place qui lui était dévolue.


Melian came, answering the call of the herald, wearing a sober outfit nevertheless, considering the context of royal death. Entering the basilica, she appreciated its beauty as much as its freshness.

She greeted the people she knew, and went to take her place.

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Inscrit le: 17 Fév 2008
Messages: 3285
Localisation: Genève et Thorens /Savoie

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 27, 2021 6:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

[ Quelques jours avant, à Genève ]

Hobb reçut une missive de Rome, sans tarder il la décacheta avec une certaine émotion. Il lut l'entête à voix haute :
-"Eminence and Most Reverend Roderic D´Aleixar Batista, Cardinal-Deacon ... ."
-" Grüss Got se dit il pour lui même."
Il opina du chef il se devait de rejoindre la cité Papale pour renouveler ses voeux. Sans tarder il prépara son voyage, sortir de la cité Réformée, n'était pas difficile, y revenir le sera plus. Il fit récupérer Tapfer son misaudor et un cheval de bât. Pour un départ tôt le lendemain.

[b][ A few days before, in Geneva]

Hobb received a missive from Rome, without delay he unsealed it with some emotion. He read the header aloud:
- "Eminence and Most Reverend Roderic D´Aleixar Batista, Cardinal-Deacon ...."
- "Grüss Got said to himself."
He nodded that he had to go to the Papal city to renew his vows. Without delay he prepared his trip, leaving the Reformed city was not difficult, returning there will be more so. He had Tapfer retrieved his misaudor and a pack horse. For an early departure the next day.


Curé de Genève Maire de Genève (5 jours) - Dit "48%" ! Prince de Lausanne, Baron de Saltara
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 27, 2021 6:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Il Cardinale Della Scala giunse per rinnovare il proprio giuramento di fedeltà al Sovrano Pontefice Sisto IV.

    Cardinal Della Scala arrived to renew his oath of loyalty to the Sovereign Pontiff Sixtus IV.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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