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[Call] Yobteivos is the new prefect!

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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 11, 2022 11:54 pm    Sujet du message: [Call] Yobteivos is the new prefect! Répondre en citant

ENG My dear translators, I am the new Prefect of Villa San Loyats. I created this space to understand how many translators are still active among us. I wish you a good continuation of the week.

ITA Miei cari traduttori, sono il nuovo Prefetto di Villa San Loyats. Ho creato questo spazio per capire quanti sono i traduttori ancora attivi tra noi. Vi auguro una buona continuazione di settimana.

FRA Mes chers traducteurs, je suis le nouveau Préfet de Villa San Loyats. J'ai créé cet espace pour comprendre combien de traducteurs sont encore actifs parmi nous. Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation de semaine.
+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 12, 2022 5:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Preffeto, As vice-prefect for the Croatian language, I must mention that there are some published texts in our premises. Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done but some major books for getting to know and understanding our holy faith have been translated and are available.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 13, 2022 7:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Greetings Prefect. I am still here.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 17, 2022 5:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Greetings to you, dear brothers!
Are you currently working on anything in particular?
Let me know if you are already following a project and when you plan to finish it.
I wish you a wonderful week.

+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 17, 2022 6:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

For my part I am not working on any document for now.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 18, 2022 5:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia a écrit:
Greetings to you, dear brothers!
Are you currently working on anything in particular?
Let me know if you are already following a project and when you plan to finish it.
I wish you a wonderful week.

I am currently working on translating the calendar into Croatian, but I am also open to other tasks.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 04 Juin 2014
Messages: 101
Localisation: Brno, Margraviate Moravian, Lands of the Czech Crown

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 20, 2022 5:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Greetings Prefect. I am still here too. Wink

I am currently working on the translation of Canon law into Czech.
Bishop in Diocese of Olomouc (Olomoucká diecéze), Czech Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats (Vomitorium), Chartulary for the Bohemian Region (Congregation for the New Apostolate)
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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 21, 2022 11:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The new Italian vice-prefect and I will proceed with the translations requested by the apostolic chamber.
About when will you be able to finish your work?

+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 21, 2022 11:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I finished the calendar a few days ago, I placed it in the rooms of the Hungarian-Croatian primacy, in a topic opened by his eminence Kalixtus. I can move him here too, no problem. I would like an initiative to be launched to update the canon law of book 3, which has been translated into Croatian. I would also like the new dogma index for the Croatian language to be updated, everything is ready also in the rooms for Croatian translators here in the villa.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 23, 2022 5:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Hello Monsignor,

    First of all, congratulations on your appointment. I wish you luck in this new mission.

    I am still a Portuguese translator. Currently I am the only active translator.

    Lyssah, the Vice-Prefect of Portuguese Language, although always very efficient, has had her participation extremely reduced, due to personal issues (OOC: work in the IRL is preventing her from dedicating much time to the game currently).

    Bads, too, has been helping with translations but is also absent due to personal issues (OOC: IRL).

    So, currently, only I am active. I am currently continuing the translation of Dogma (specifically, the hagiographies of the saints).

    Donnatela. has left the translations service. She has not worked as a translator for a long time. However, her access keys have not been removed yet. I can't tell if there has been a resignation announcement either.

    Asmhita is dead. However, his access keys have not been removed yet (OOC: he has access to the San Loyats - Modo group, although he was only a translator).

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