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[GB]Book of Virtues - The Legacy of Oane -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:25 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - The Legacy of Oane - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Nov 16, 2021 6:15 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    The mirror of Oane


    Dear Mirror of Oane ,
    You reflect me as I am: a mysteriously chosen by God man among mankind to guide them to the green pastures of life. You are the only person to whom I can speak freely from the depths of my solitude.
    Before God had asked me, I was alone and misunderstood. I still feel the same even now, though I am surrounded by the respect.
    God has withdrawn from the world, leaving the men to live and to prosper in their own way. And I have to face the destiny, chosen by Him, which makes me feel like a prisoner.
    It is in this state of almost absolute distress and guided only by His Love, that I have to found a Church.
    Oh Mirror on the wall, it is a mercy that years allow me to write my thoughts, my doubts and my vision of the world, which would be desired by God.


    I) Fragments of Oane’s Life

    God, Nothingness and the Nameless Creature

    For a long time now I had these thoughts about nothingness (before God had created the world) and God Himself existing together. I have come to the conclusion that Nothingness is the dark side of God. Like the dirty, oily and sticky earth He has created, where all those ferments, rot and swarming are like worms withering a way that, to her alone, reflects their blackness.
    And yet this sordid place yields the finest fruits in the world: none of them are born black, but as beautiful fruits of divine virtues.
    Nothingness itself was a chaos of both fertility and rot, just like the earth we tread.
    Good and evil, black and white. Perhaps black was born with a little bit of white, the same as white was born with a little bit of black. Like some sort of perpetual motion that reproduces the vicious primary chaos.
    Thus, God Himself was born as an opposite of Evil, the Nameless Creature (for you cannot name it, as it would be called God as well).

    It is said that God is the creator of everything, but this is wrong.
    Just like Nothingness is the dark side of God in heaven, so is the Nameless Creature on earth.
    And I, Oane, alone among the men, am the center of this eternal duel when God confronts God.

    The three spheres

    The world consists of three spheres: one good, one evil and that of uncertainty.
    The sphere of the good is the Sun that warms us and allows plants to grow; the evil is the moon, a sickly yellow color, a pale reflection of the sun, its surface appears cracked as if a thousand volcanoes are constantly spitting fire; the sphere of uncertainty is that of the earth.
    The land itself is divided into three entities: there is Sky which is the entity of good, the Soil and mud of earth is the seat of Evil, and between those two lies a human world which represents uncertainty.
    God’s creation – humans live in this sphere of uncertainty and this uncertainty is reflected in them. So, we all have it within us, as God, our Father, has in him a share of evil and darkness which existed before the revelation.
    The evil exists because the horrid Nameless creature was born, which transformed and was able to tempt men with impunity, long before God. It was a man among men, and shared as God, the world and the earth in three circles, good, evil and conscience, clay of uncertainty.

    In some men, the good prevails, in others the evil triumphs, and finally there are those who navigate between those two.

    The uncertainty of good and evil

    To tell you the truth, there are a few people who know that their actions are good or bad. Perhaps only the Nameless creature and his servants know.
    I knew a man who was convinced that only wealth could bring him happiness. So, he devoted his time to getting rich, he even sold his wife into slavery to other men to increase his income and thus becoming rich he seemed happy.
    But then I saw him being overpowered by idleness and boredom, drinking wine which became the source of his distraction. I saw him becoming a man full of rage and anger until finally one drunken evening he decided to sacrifice his only son to God. But almost at the last moment, when the his knife was about to befall the victim and act of infanticide would be committed, I do not know what, but something stopped him in the middle of the act, as if suddenly the glow of good and evil sprang alive and awaken his conscience.
    Where does the border lie between Good and Evil?
    This man wanted to be good, but instead became evil. Then when he wanted to act evil, the good has come out.
    I often think that wanting to do good, unwittingly becomes the evil deed.

    The moral

    This episode had made me realise, that I, Oane, had to fix the rules of life. So I have invented the moral.
    All feelings are pleasurable: love, perversion, hatred. And men act on those feelings, but some actions turn to be evil: it seduces the victims and leads them to distraction. Therefore I list everything that destroys and pains men and use the state law as the basis for such morals:
      - Thou shall not steal
      - Thou shall not kill
      - Thou shall respect his parents
      - Thou shall not testify falsely against the neighbor
      - Thou shall not covet his property
      - Thou shall act with temperance
      - Thou shall respect the freedom of the others

    Thus, I urged everyone to follow these rules and use them as the means to distinguish between the good and the evil. And so, from the first laws, the moral and the seven commandments have resulted and succeeded in the community.
    And I became both religious and political leader of my community. I was terrified of the these responsibilities then and I am still terrified now. It is this heavy burned that God has left to be by withdrawing from the world.

    God is Mystery

    It is frightening, that we will never be able to explain to ourselves what God is: He is beyond the capabilities of our intelligence. We can only know that God exists and that he is perfect. We cannot comprehend a being so absolute and ideal, because our intelligence is “finite” (i.e. limited), while God is “infinite”. His perfection is supremely above all and all we can say is just His name.
    We can only prostrate ourselves before Him and present as mere mortals, who humbly seek Him. Mortals who are hoping, doubting, knowing that He will be with us, regardless of our mistakes, misunderstandings and inaccuracies. We are his children related to him by the bonds of fatherhood and love.

    Can Evil ever triumph?

    I have never seen evil prevail over good.
    God knows that there is an evil, dark side of Him. He knows everything, including himself. But he fights the darkness, for He seeks to do only good and thus he has created us. We are the guarantee that God will never allow evil to prevail in him, if we love him. So, Love itself is not only the reason for living, but also for existence of the good in God. If we abandon our love for God, then the good will disappear into darkness, which will engulf everything and will destroy the world.
    When God created us, He also gave us he means to repel the evil by fighting its emanation on earth: the nameless creature. Just as our love helps God to fight the evil in heaven, our struggle against it on the ground is our assistance in the fight of God against the dark side of himself.

    II) The Beatitudes

    Every Sunday we had the People’s Assembly, where I have gathered all the people in my community and where all the decisions were made. We resolved domestic problems, conflicts with neighbors, discussed management of the community and I have taught the moral principles that should govern our actions in order to overcome the evil and help God in his eternal fight.

    Thus I have delivered a series of judgments.

      Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
      Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
      Blessed are those who are in pain, for they shall be comforted.
      Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
      Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
      Blessed are the pure in heart, as they shall behold God in all its glory.
      Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
      Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
      Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
      Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:36 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Noam, the Father of Oanism

    1) How the legacy of Oane was lost by all

    After the destruction of Oanylone, the survivors separated into multiple groups that soon had nothing to do with each other.
    Almost all abandoned the religion of their forefathers, believing that the collapse of Oanylone was caused by the religion taught by Oane, and they began to honour many Gods - thus inventing paganism.

    However, the truth is that one Noam, a nephew of Oane as well as those of his relatives and his servants, remained faithful to his thoughts. Noam was also the one who was saved from the flames The Mirror Oane , which unfortunately we do not have many surviving fragments today.
    It is from this tiny bud of primitive belief in one God that was maintained and perpetuated and that is the oldest branch of our church who would later become a source of Aristotelianism.

    2) Noam reflects on the Oanylone disaster, and invents the concept of 3 and 8

    Noam was one of the first to examine the causes of the fall of Oanylone and he would write a book about it, (sadly now lost), which served as the basis for Spyosu when he began writing the Book of Virtues.

    However, unlike Spyosu , Noam was convinced that the acedie (sloth of the mind) had developed because it was believed to not have reduced the working time of men in line with the gain of time operated by the machines invented by the human mind.
    Most of the masters of business, moreover, knew nothing more than that hard work and more hard work was needed to win still more. Thus despite the advances of science, the men were still working as hard.

    This led to the exhaustion and suicide of many apprentices, and eventually a will not to obey at all, neither to other men nor to God

    Noam had learned that these recalcitrant humans had begun to worship a high priestess named Sheila who taught them that the best time to rest was the middle of the day.

    Sheila wrote a poem where she questioned the logic and idealogy of this time:

    "Oane, You told me to put confidence in the work for it would retain my health. I have worked everyday without fail yet I am tired.

    Oane, you're not even close Oane! you should, my word, go back to school soon, and revise your judgment, believe me, it would be more careful! "

    Noam then decided to share the day into three equal parts: eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work and eight hours of leisure.
    And so as to diversify the leisure of Men, he invented a new game Yannick Noam, an ancestor of the current game of Tennis.

    3) Establishment of the rites of noamien

    While it is known the Mass was invented after the last meal of Christos, some elements of it were born back in the times of Noam. Indeed in the city of Constantinople there exists remnants of parchment outlining a mass said in noamien which consists of:

    The priest began his sermon with a prayer to God, to attract his protection.
    The faithful then read and commented on a passage from a sacred text of unknown origin (sadly we know not the text, perhaps it is one of the sources that Spyosu used)
    The ceremony ended with the blessing of the people by the priest in the name of divine omnipotence, then wished them a good week.

    Today, this ritual is still performed occasionally in some churches of Constantinople, under the name of "little ritual" for ordinary masses, but we can not be certain that this is so with the Clerics of the West.

    4) The Vision of Noam

    One day that he was asleep, Noam had a strange dream. He saw a tree, or rather his gaze followed a long tree trunk that seemed to ride straight to the sky, when, suddenly, breaking this immutable line, tens of thousands of matted and intractable branches appeared, substantially blurring his view.
    He took fear, felt lost in the middle of the Lunar hell and woke up in a sweat; at least he believed he was awake, but in fact he was still dreaming... An Angel now appeared to him and, to appease Noam, the Angel explained his dream: 'What you saw, Noam, is the fate of your church... the trunk, this is it, and what you took for branches, they are, in fact, the roots of this tree, which burrow into the Earth and that together in a single body to give this beautiful tree. " Your church will be such, Noam, strong and brilliant, because thousands of roots will come to the feed; you, you are one, but, everywhere, in the world, even among the pagans, people will reflect, think, and will bring, through the two prophets that God will send to men to guide them towards him, their stone to the building, because these two prophets will be able to preserve the unique parts of the faith and retain parts of the pagan beliefs and rituals that are harmonius with our faith , so that thy Church, Noam will give rise to unity through diversity - E pluribus unum ("and many, one")-

    We know not how ended the life of Noam, nor who after that replaced him, but one thing is certain, it is thanks to Noam and the prophets whom he had vision of , Aristotle first, Christos second, that our Church is still here today, thanks to the many contributions that it continues to receive, have helped the Church Aristotelian to be born and continue to live up to today proving the superiority of God over all other religions who all eventually shut down, due to lack of believers.

    Translated by Jerem Theologian, from the Greek translation of a Syriac text, translation found at the sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204, and translated into Latin by Lorenzo Valla, a close friend of late Pope Nicolas V, the Jerem Brother who discovered the existence, buried within the Vatican library.

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