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[HRP]on the absence of the development - assenze e sviluppo
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Inscrit le: 31 Juil 2009
Messages: 81

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 2:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Three months ago, precisely on August 20, Giarru presents the candidature of my pg Vidame in Ravenna, including the letter of advocacy of the archbishop of Ravenna, Kemnos. On 28 November there was still no response, the Cardinal Connestable continues saying that the appointments will be made next year, 2010... There seems normal? I'm tired of waiting for a simple "yes" of Connestable after 3 months of waiting, I consider this a serious lack of respect, and I'm serious about leaving the game or starting with a new pg, foreign to the Church, because I feel taken for a ride...

Another pg, Tonius, is in my same situation: he was proposed as Vice Dominus Veteranus and he received no response after 3 months of waiting.
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Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2010
Messages: 24

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 2:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Someone will have to face the reality: Rome is desert, empty. Maybe RR admins will do it, maybe they will simply close this forum... I don't know.

And why? Because of lack of people. And in particular, it would be coward and hypocrite not to say it, because of lack of some Cardinals.

Well, I really don't know if some Cardinals are conscious of what they're doing to their Church: non-francophone people who managed to reach Rome keeps on leaving this halls, disappointed; French people, except for Bishops in the Episcopal Assemblies and some office, have already left.

Aristotle's Square is no more than an announcement subforum.
Villa San Loyats doesn't exists, and it will never exist with efficiency. Who wants to translate for Rome without even having a title as reward?
St.Titus Basilica... Dead years ago.
Barracks and Library... Who visited them in those days? And our Canon Law is such chaotic for non-francophone peeps...
Some National Churches are working, but well... Maybe 40%?
The Papacy is terrible. Curia works very slowly, St.Arnvald Chapel is useless, the Roman Chancellerie is completely dead (Heraldry in particular!) and maybe Pontifical Councils are working. Maybe.
Seminaries... Well, maybe I'm italian and I don't see them working because we got ours in Italy, but...
I won't speak about Congregations to avoid a horrible sufference.

Maybe it's time to change something?

Quelqu'un devra affronter la réalité : Rome est déserte, vide. Peut-être les admins de RR le feront, peut-être ils fermeront simplement ce forum ... je ne sais pas.

Et pourquoi tout ceci? À cause de l'absence de gens. Et particulièrement, ce serait lâche et hypocrite ne pas le dire, à cause de l'absence de certains Cardinaux.

Bien, je ne connais pas vraiment si certains Cardinaux ont conscience ce qu'ils font à leur Église : les gens non-francophones qui ont réussi à arriver à Rome continuent à quitter ces halls, déçus; les Français, à part les Évêques dans les Assemblées Épiscopales et quelque boureau, sont déjà partis.

La Place d'Aristote est rien plus qu'un sous-forum d'annoncements.
Villa ST Loyats ne n'existe pas et n'existera jamais avec efficacité. Qui veut traduire pour Rome sans même avoir un titre comme récompense ?
La Basilique de St. Titus... Elle est morte depuis des année.
Casermements et Bibliothèque ... Qui les a visités en ces jours? Et notre Droit canon est si chaotique pour les gens non-francophones...
Certaines Églises Nationales travaillent, mais bien... Peut-être pour le 40%?
La Papauté est dans une situation terrible. La Curie travaille tres lentement, la Chapelle de St. Arnvald est inutile, la Chancellerie Romaine est complètement morte (l'Héraldique en particulier!) et peut-être que les consitoires travaillent. Peut-être.
Séminaires ... Bien, peut-être que je suis italien et je ne les vois pas travailler parce que nous avons les nôtres en Italie, mais...
Je ne parlerai pas de Congrégations pour éviter de la suffrance horrible.

Peut-être qu'il soit temps de changer quelque chose?

Père Corrado Borgia dict "Idrargento",
Vicaire Général de l'Archidiocèse de Florence,
Nonce Apostolique pour la République,
Prêtre de Arezzo
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Inscrit le: 07 Déc 2009
Messages: 632

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 3:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mon histoire je concerne les nominations il est seulement à rire.
Tonius fut nommé Vidame du Préfet Adjoint Giarru et Kad il annula la nomination en me faisant revenir à l'Aspirant Vidame.
Depuis lors Kad ne m'a pas plus' nommé Vidame malgré le mois dernier il me dit que je devais avoir déjà été nommé Vidame.
Je lui dis de la nomination à Vice Dominus maintenant proposés depuis juillet, il me dit qu'il nous aurait pensé il.
Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait?Il a nommé deux chapelains français.

Vous excusez, mais je me sens pris en tour.
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 4:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sono anche io consapevole delle difficolta' che abbiamo nelle Terre Italiche ed il fatto che la situazione sembri paralizzata agli alti livelli, mi pare anche scoraggi chi volesse intraprendere con il proprio personaggio la strada della consacrazione ecclesiastica.
Personalmente, quale giocatore dietro all'Arcivescovo di Milano, mi meraviglio dell'avere "soltanto" questa responsabilita' e, se servisse, mi rendo disponibile (come gia' detto altrove direttamente al clero italico).

I'm aware of such difficulties in Italic Peninsula, and that the situation seems so crippled at higher roles, make me think also disheartens everyone who want to play his/her character into the Church and its assignments.
Personally, as the player behind the Archbishop of Milan, I'm a little surprised to be on charge "only" into that position but, if it would be necessary, I am helpful (as I have yet told directly on Italic players' clergy forum).

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2009
Messages: 90
Localisation: IG: Dubovac Croatia

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 7:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

well I see that lots of us have same problem.

Just to introduce myself. I was Croatian bishop.
Long time ago we even had a Cardinal, but it is almost a year since he is inactive (dead), we had Hungarian Cardinal for our geodogmatic zone, he is dead cca 4 months now. Word on the street is that he gave up playing because lack of support from Rome.
Three months ago I needed to go on a long trip and I did my best th have successor so that people of Croatia will be able always to have mass. Three months and official Rome did nothing.
Now I am back, but I do not want to be part of so inert institution.
I am aware that we all like our titles, but church should be about serving others. Even in game. Otherwise soon we will not have any believers in our countries.
Our RP is suffering, people are discouraged to play.
We must do something. Anything.

Passive clergy must give up their titles if they do not want to be more active.
Someone who does not want to communicate on English, should not be in charge for country whose language he does not want to speak.
If that means that we need to have more Cardinals, be that way.
Or we should have more churches.

Jah knows that situation in Croatia and Serbia are critical. And even I was fighting for URAC side yesterday, I think that for faith sake I should become Rome's enemy. Even that give me burning stake as reward.
If things keep going that way I will personally take Croatian church out of URAC, and I know Serbs did same already.
Now I just dare Inquisition to give me public trial.

I will use this place to say something RP what I said already on the international part of forum:

Most Cardinals in Rome are ignorant and apathetic.
They succumbed to "unnamed one" and his demons like Belial and Lucifer.
URAC today is more shame then example of Aristotle's and Christ's teachings.
If we want to save our souls, and honor our Father we should renounce today's Rome and all sinners there!

Ceterum censeo Roma esse delendam.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle
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Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2010
Messages: 1112

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 9:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dear Vlahov.
We in Italy had reveflected about schism.

But at the end, we thinked (I approved) the Church need to be One and Only One.
United, we are strong. Stronger then every other state or organization.

It's no sense to diide ourselves in many little churches.
What we can do it's to gather everyone think the things have to change in a Great Role Play and to define the new face of The United Roman Aristothelic Church.

If all the Cardinal, and Primates, and Archibishop (in your case bishop but i'm not sure of what i'm saying Laughing )...so...all "important people" of the National Churches are linked to change all together, WE will The Roman Church, and the Cardinals of today will be nothing.

I think every nation must have one and only one Cardinal Electour.
Every nation must have five Suffragent Cardinals for the Congregation.

So, dear Vlahov, if a day you will think to do a schism, before that, try to convocate all the Cardinals, the Archbishop from Portugal to Romania, form Scotland to Sicily.
This people can do a new type of United Roman Aristotelic Church.

If Croatian faithful needs some help, we of the true Rome (The Vicariate of Rome^^) will help you. And I think if you ask help to other Archbishop like Giarru, or the Cardinal Heldor of Aquileia, or the Empire Primate Kemnos, they will help you, too.

Vlahov a écrit:
Church should be about serving others. Even in game. Otherwise soon we will not have any believers in our countries.

(Wilgeforte=n00b-roler) PM me if you know what language is a écrit:
Unni s'amputtusau u Fulippo ro Chingosbrigghiu?


Je suis le "Episcopus Placens"...
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Inscrit le: 07 Déc 2009
Messages: 632

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 11:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I am convinced that if in italia it made him a schism they would realize after so many months, and you/they could not do more' nothing, but we would want to play not to create these situations.
is it to ask too much?
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Inscrit le: 15 Nov 2010
Messages: 75
Localisation: guyenne, artois...

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 11:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Yours characters could become spinozist ! They would be welcome ! Spinozists have a war to win in Sicilia...
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Inscrit le: 26 Aoû 2009
Messages: 6406
Localisation: Vienne (Duché du Lyonnais-Dauphiné))

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 11:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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Inscrit le: 31 Juil 2009
Messages: 81

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 11:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The schism solves some problems but creates other far more serious; it is not a feasible solution. The current problem is that the power is concentrated in the hands of a few people, often absent; it would be better to give these position to people more active or distribute these powers in a uniform manner, otherwise there will always be locked up for appointments and decisions in the absence of a cardinal.
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Inscrit le: 15 Nov 2010
Messages: 75
Localisation: guyenne, artois...

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 29, 2010 12:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

désolé jd tully, c'était trop tentant, je recommencerai plus. (mais en même temps, au point où ils en sont, ça changerait pas grand chose)
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Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2010
Messages: 1112

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 29, 2010 12:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

N__eymerich a écrit:
Yours characters could become spinozist ! They would be welcome ! Spinozists have a war to win in Sicilia...

I'm Sicilian (On and Off game) and Spinozists have no wars in Sicily.

We are Religions Sisters, and the Church do the Senior Laughing

No spinozist was harmed by our clerics.

We are an example for the entire world. Razz Razz Razz

I prefer to die (the PG), that to become Spinozist...and someone in Italian Ecumene called me "The admor-priest".
Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Ok, but this don't change the things....

We don't want a schism. We want to renew the Roman Church.
(Wilgeforte=n00b-roler) PM me if you know what language is a écrit:
Unni s'amputtusau u Fulippo ro Chingosbrigghiu?


Je suis le "Episcopus Placens"...
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Eloise de Guérande

Inscrit le: 18 Déc 2009
Messages: 52

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 29, 2010 12:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Idrargento a écrit:
Someone will have to face the reality: Rome is desert, empty. Maybe RR admins will do it, maybe they will simply close this forum... I don't know.

And why? Because of lack of people. And in particular, it would be coward and hypocrite not to say it, because of lack of some Cardinals.

Well, I really don't know if some Cardinals are conscious of what they're doing to their Church: non-francophone people who managed to reach Rome keeps on leaving this halls, disappointed; French people, except for Bishops in the Episcopal Assemblies and some office, have already left.

Aristotle's Square is no more than an announcement subforum.
Villa San Loyats doesn't exists, and it will never exist with efficiency. Who wants to translate for Rome without even having a title as reward?
St.Titus Basilica... Dead years ago.
Barracks and Library... Who visited them in those days? And our Canon Law is such chaotic for non-francophone peeps...
Some National Churches are working, but well... Maybe 40%?
The Papacy is terrible. Curia works very slowly, St.Arnvald Chapel is useless, the Roman Chancellerie is completely dead (Heraldry in particular!) and maybe Pontifical Councils are working. Maybe.
Seminaries... Well, maybe I'm italian and I don't see them working because we got ours in Italy, but...
I won't speak about Congregations to avoid a horrible sufference.

Maybe it's time to change something?

Quelqu'un devra affronter la réalité : Rome est déserte, vide. Peut-être les admins de RR le feront, peut-être ils fermeront simplement ce forum ... je ne sais pas.

Et pourquoi tout ceci? À cause de l'absence de gens. Et particulièrement, ce serait lâche et hypocrite ne pas le dire, à cause de l'absence de certains Cardinaux.

Bien, je ne connais pas vraiment si certains Cardinaux ont conscience ce qu'ils font à leur Église : les gens non-francophones qui ont réussi à arriver à Rome continuent à quitter ces halls, déçus; les Français, à part les Évêques dans les Assemblées Épiscopales et quelque boureau, sont déjà partis.

La Place d'Aristote est rien plus qu'un sous-forum d'annoncements.
Villa ST Loyats ne n'existe pas et n'existera jamais avec efficacité. Qui veut traduire pour Rome sans même avoir un titre comme récompense ?
La Basilique de St. Titus... Elle est morte depuis des année.
Casermements et Bibliothèque ... Qui les a visités en ces jours? Et notre Droit canon est si chaotique pour les gens non-francophones...
Certaines Églises Nationales travaillent, mais bien... Peut-être pour le 40%?
La Papauté est dans une situation terrible. La Curie travaille tres lentement, la Chapelle de St. Arnvald est inutile, la Chancellerie Romaine est complètement morte (l'Héraldique en particulier!) et peut-être que les consitoires travaillent. Peut-être.
Séminaires ... Bien, peut-être que je suis italien et je ne les vois pas travailler parce que nous avons les nôtres en Italie, mais...
Je ne parlerai pas de Congrégations pour éviter de la suffrance horrible.

Peut-être qu'il soit temps de changer quelque chose?

Tout est dit et tout est si bien dit ! Cela rejoint toutes les autres discussions, tous les autres débats qui se tiennent ici ou ailleurs.
Il serait temps de changer, oui.

Cela dit, je l'ai toujours dit, et c'est pas d'aujourdh'ui, que c'était une "idiotie" de faire une EA internationale et que ca finirait par partir en live...

D'ou ma question ici et maintenant :
-> qu'est-ce qui vous empêche, joueurs des autres pays, de faire comme les Allemands ? Et de monter votre propre église, rien qu'a vous tout seuls ? Sans avoir à dépendre des joueurs francais et absents ?
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Inscrit le: 09 Nov 2008
Messages: 5364
Localisation: Ducado de Gandía, Reino de Valencia

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 29, 2010 1:07 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gantzo a écrit:
The schism solves some problems but creates other far more serious; it is not a feasible solution. The current problem is that the power is concentrated in the hands of a few people, often absent; it would be better to give these position to people more active or distribute these powers in a uniform manner, otherwise there will always be locked up for appointments and decisions in the absence of a cardinal.


I support this opinion. But the real problem is how to convince these few persons who have the power of distribute the power and give more independence to the different geodogmatics zones. And this zones, with more freedom, will be developed by themselves under supervision of Rome.

A schism? Just try it. I will strip you of all you have...
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Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2010
Messages: 1112

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 29, 2010 2:02 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

1 Disobbedience: we start to do our appointment without the Cardinals.

Example: we start to call Gantzo and Tonius as Vidami.

2 Menace of creating a new "democratic" Roman Church composed by Italy, Spain, Portugal (Dunpeal!), Croatia and all the nations who follow us.

But THIS is a Schism, and I don't want a schism.
(Wilgeforte=n00b-roler) PM me if you know what language is a écrit:
Unni s'amputtusau u Fulippo ro Chingosbrigghiu?


Je suis le "Episcopus Placens"...
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