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[RP] Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 09, 2020 12:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The sound of the bells of the basilica was attenuated by the thick walls, the freshness and the darkness of the temple welcomed him in an aura of peace and spirituality that could only be felt when entering the house of God. The ether was palpable to any clergyman and to the most devoted faithful, also for him, as well as the smell of incense that purified it and the usual echo of great buildings. Felipe touched the holy water at the entrance and crossed himself, then walked through the main nave of the basilica, where there were still few people because the doors had just been opened.

He genuflected in the center aisle facing the altar, and then took a seat next to a silver-haired and bearded man, whom he had seen at the Pontifical University, where young and old gathered to learn. He didn't know his name, but he smiled at him, who might be over fifty. Felipe then fell into a deep silence, with his eyes closed, praying and thinking about his sins, especially the sin of anger. He asked God to grant him patience and forgiveness, even though he would need a confessor.

- Dominus tecum, breur - he said whispering so his voice would not disturb the quiet of the basilica. He knew that this man was french because his language, although sometimes he seemed Breton. What was his name? Elirus or maybe Ellirus?, he didn´t remember.


El sonido de las campanas de la basílica era atenuado por los gruesos muros, la frescura y la penumbra del templo lo acogió, envolviéndolo en un aura de paz y espiritualidad que sólo podía sentirse al entrar en la casa de Dios. El éter era palpable para cualquier clérigo y para los fieles más devotos, también para él, así como el olor a incienso que lo purificaba y al eco habitual de los grandes edificios. Felipe tocó el agua bendita que había en la entrada y se santiguó, luego continuó caminando por la nave principal de la basílica, donde todavía había pocas personas pues las puertas acababan de ser abiertas.

Él hizo una genuflexión en el pasillo central mirando hacia el altar y luego tomó asiento junto a un sacerdote de barba y cabellos plateados, a quien conocía de haber visto en la Universidad Pontificia, donde jóvenes y ancianos se reunían para aprender. No conocía su nombre, pero sonrió a aquel hombre que podría tener más de cincuenta años. Felipe entonces se sumió en un profundo silencio, con sus ojos cerrados, orando y pensando en sus pecados, sobre todo en el pecado de la ira. Pidió a Dios que le concediera paciencia y el perdón, a pesar de que necesitaría un confesor.

- Dominus tecum, breur - dijo susurrando para que su voz no perturbase la tranquilidad de la basílica. Sabía que ese hombre era francés por su idioma, aunque a veces parecía bretón. ¿Cuál era su nombre? ¿Elirus o quizás Ellirus?, no se acordaba.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2009
Messages: 182
Localisation: Perdu dans les couloirs de la Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum... AU SECOURS !!!!!!!

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 09, 2020 2:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ellyrius was plunged in prayer when he heard the first believers arriving in the basilica. He raised his head and admired the majestic Aristotelian building and its religious paintings.

A young man; blond and slender, with clear and intelligent eyes, arrived and settled down at his height. Ellyrius had seen him dnas out of the Vatican University .... a Spanish or a Portuguese, it seemed to him ....

The young man knelt down and began his prayers, muttering:

- Dominus tecum, breur

Happy to meet a head known in Rome, even if little, Ellyrius took advantage that the young man opened his eyes to make him smile and whispered:

Bonjour mon frère... euh ... Hello my brother. I am Ellyrius and I believe that we are both fellow students.


Ellyrius était plongé dans ses prières quand il entendit les premiers croyants arriver dans la basilique. Il leva la tête et admira le majestueux édifice aristotélicien et ses peintures religieuses.

Une jeune homme, blond et svelte, au yeux clairs et intelligents, arriva et s’installa à sa hauteur. Ellyrius l'avait aperçu dans les couloirs de l'université vaticane.... un Espagnol ou un Portugais, il lui semblait....

Le jeune homme s'agenouilla et commença ses prières, murmurant :

- Dominus tecum, breur

Heureux de rencontrer une tête connue dans Rome, même si peu, Ellyrius profita que le jeune homme rouvre les yeux pour lui rendre son sourire et lui murmura :

Bonjour mon frère... euh ... Hello my brother. I am Ellyrius and I believe that we are both fellow students.

Amor Fati !
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 10, 2020 7:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- Hello brother Ellyrius, I am Felipe - he said looking at the Breton smiling - Yes, we are fellow students at the University. Although I must admit that the first day I saw you I thought you were a teacher. There are not many students with a white beard like yours. - There were a few seconds of silence in which only the bells were heard. - I'm glad that even people your age want to study, we should never stop learning. That shows maturity and humility, because only arrogant and proud people think they know everything.


- Hola hermano Ellyrius, yo soy Felipe - él dijo mirado al bretón sonriendo - Si, somos compañeros estudiantes en la Universidad. Aunque debo reconocer que el primer día que os ví yo creía que usted era un profesor. No hay muchos alumnos con una barba blanca como la vuestra. - Hubo unos segundos de silencio en el que sólo se escuchaban las campanas. - Me alegro que incluso personas de vuestra edad quieran estudiar, no deberíamos dejar de aprender nunca. Eso muestra madurez y humildad, porque sólo la gente arrogante y orgullosa cree saberlo todo.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2009
Messages: 182
Localisation: Perdu dans les couloirs de la Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum... AU SECOURS !!!!!!!

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 11, 2020 6:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ellyrius listened to his classmate Filipe introduce himself. The accent must have been Spanish... When he tells him :

-Although I must admit that the first day I saw you I thought you were a teacher. There are not many students with a white beard like yours.

Ellyrius had to remember where he was so as not to laugh. He manages to contain a chuckle and only smiles in his beard.

- Really happy to meet you Felipe. Rome is a very big cosmopolitan city and I feel a little less lost to finally know another student.

Indeed, despite the weight of the years I still have a lot to learn. I have almost finished my theology license in my Order but I want to see how we teach in Rome and I would like to learn more about canon law and ecclesiastical justice and maybe one day learn to become a professor… In short I consider myself an eternal ignorant, an eternal student.

Ellyrius écouta son condisciple Filipe se présenter. A l’accent il devait plutôt être espagnole… Quand il lui dit :

- Même si je dois admettre que le premier jour où je t'ai vu, je pensais que tu étais professeur. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'élèves avec une barbe blanche comme la tienne.

Ellyrius dut se souvenir du lieu où il se trouvait pour ne pas éclater de rire. Il réussit à contenir un pouffement et à seulement sourire dans sa barbe.

- vraiment heureux de faire ta connaissance Félipe. Rome est une très grande ville cosmopolite et je m’y sens un peu moins perdu de connaitre enfin un autre étudiant.

Effectivement, malgré le poids des ans j’ai encore beaucoup à apprendre. J’ai presque fini ma licence de théologie dans mon Ordre mais je veux voir comment l’on forme à Rome et j’aimerai en apprendre plus sur le droit canon et la justice ecclésiastique et peut être un jour apprendre à devenir professeur… Bref je me considère comme un éternel ignorant, un éternel étudiant.


Amor Fati !
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Inscrit le: 26 Avr 2020
Messages: 45

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 12, 2020 11:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fest der Freundschaft

Marie betrat wieder die Basilika, die Johannes , dem Märtyrer geweiht war und war wieder erstaunt über deisen großartigen Bau mit der gigantischen Kuppel, und der herrlichen Ausstattung.

Die Basilika war mit weißen Blumen geschmückt, die besonders gut zu dem Marmor der inneren Kirche passten. Sie war erst vor Kurzem hier getauft worden, sie hatte das Ereignis in unglaublich erhabener Erinnerung.

Der Kardinal, ihr Lehrer, den sie aufrichtig mochte, hat sie zu dieser Messe eingeladen und sie war seinem Ruf gefolgt, um in dieser besonderen Basilika das Fest der Freundschaft mit zu feiern.
Es waren schon einige Besucher hier, die sie leider nicht verstand, denn sie konnte nur ihre Sprache und ein wenig von einer anderen, die ihr beigebracht wurde.

Sie sah, wie die jungen Burschen kicherten, wusste aber nicht warum.
Sie kniete nieder und wartete, wie nun ihr Kardinal, den sie auch schon in einer Messe erlebt hatte udn sich mit Ehrfurhct daran erinnerte, jetzt prdigen wird. Er hatte eine klangvolle Stimme, es war ein Genuss ihm zuzuhören.


Marie again entered the Basilica dedicated to St. John the Martyr and was again amazed by this magnificent building with its gigantic dome and the magnificent decoration.

The basilica was decorated with white flowers that matched the marble of the inner church. She had only recently been baptized here, she had the event in incredibly sublime memory.

The Cardinal, her teacher, whom she sincerely liked, invited her to this Mass and she had responded to his call to join in the celebration of the feast of friendship in this special basilica.
There were already some visitors here, whom she unfortunately did not understand, because she only knew her language and a little of another one that she had been taught.

She saw the young boys giggling, but did not know why.
She knelt down and waited to hear how her cardinal, whom she had already seen in a mass and remembered with reverence, would now preach. He had a sonorous voice, it was a pleasure to listen to him.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 17, 2020 5:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Feast of Friendship

        The Cardinal smiled for the last time in the mirror and then looked at the acolytes and gave them a beatified look, nodding to them with encouragement. His gaze testified to the love he felt for it, his profession, his vocation, but also to the esteem he felt for every service, every liturgical service. It was not a self-evident thing - like nothing in the world was a self-evident thing. Surrounded by the many young, thirsty for knowledge faces, the Cardinal seemed like a rock in the surf to which the youth clung. His white hair melted into the snow-white liturgical vestments and one could have thought the Cardinal was also a figure of light and for many in the world he may as well be. Bearer of hope and bulwark against a mechanical church. Against a church of tattering, of destroying bridges. The people prayed for him and he prayed for the people - this was extraordinary. His pilgrimage through Italy opened so many doors and they all welcomed him as a long awaited friend and those celebrations of friendship touched him. Often he would sit at night and look at the stars - ask God for answers and he would send him the dreams, the visions, the thoughts he thought to be what he was. A harbor for all the souls who sought consolation and confidence and he gave them all of these, gave them the revelation of God in his infinite grace and love for every single person.

        Here surrounded by his acolytes and altar boys he was like Aristotle, surrounded by his students or like Christos surrounded by his disciples. He was a true, a true leader of the Church. A cardinal who has not yet closed himself to the people. The one who still kept the gates open and whose bridges don't fall - that's worth fighting for. It's worth it for the sake of every soul.

        He nodded and the jingles rang, commanding the community to rise, for now the procession followed. The entrance began with music from the organ which raised its powerful voice and joined the choir. The music was of a heavenly nature and conjured awe and glory into the faces of the visitors.

        The procession began with the Thuriferar and Navicular, incense and boat carriers, who, swinging, consecrated the house of God with holy anointed smells and scented the ether that around us all connected this world with the world beyond. Behind them stepped the Crucifer, carrying a mighty golden cross. The sign of the suffering and martyrdom of Christos and so many others - but also the sign of the connection of both teachings of Aristotle and Christos to a unity of faith. Behind him, the Ceroferar stepped, they carried the Flambeaus, the torches that hold the beacon of truth - the truth that is found in the teachings of the prophets and that ignites the hearts of the whole world. Behind them, an acolyte carries the banner of the Cardinal, followed by the rest of the altar boys, acolytes and worship helpers, who will especially help with the distribution of the bread. Behind the altar boys were the concelebrants and behind them the deacon who held the Evangeliary - the Book of Virtues. Bound in white leather, he showed it to the faithful of the West and East and the North and South. The radiant symbol of the truth of God who in this book reveals himself to his children and describes the golden path of virtue.

        Behind it finally followed Kalixtus, who with mitre and crosier walked gracefully along the central axis of the church towards the apse. He blessed the ranks of the faithful and sprinkled them with holy water from the Aspergil, whose bearer walked by his side.
        Behind Kalixtus followed the Ceremoniar, who will help the Cardinal to keep the liturgical ceremony intact, as well as the Baculifer and the Mitrafer - these acolytes held the crosier and the mitre, if necessary.

        Each group bowed before the cross and altar and sorted themselves in the apse of the church as Kalixtus now stood in front of the altar on which his throne was usually seated. A chair that was elevated by other clerics and stood behind the altar - but Kalixtus felt it was inappropriate for him to stand above the altar, he submitted to the cross and the power of God and did not place himself above it. He crossed himself and spoke. E nomine Deus et due prophetae Aristotle et Christos. Amen. Then he was the only one who lowered himself on his knees while handing the staff to the Baculifer and he opened his arms, closed his eyes and felt the power that rested in God, he felt the tingling that the ether left on his skin. This was Kalixtus' submission to God, but like that of a son to his father. He felt the love that passed through him, the closeness that he always felt to God and that was beating in him, rejoicing and his soul, striving for Him, for Him to merge with Him. Kalixtus smiled happily, fulfilled and inspired. The Ceremoniar helped him back on his feet and the Cardinal stepped up to the altar, the Mitrafer took the mitre from him and the crosier was still in the hand of the Baculifer, he kissed the altar and opened the Evangeliary, then he took the thuribulum and swung it three times over the altar. He then walked around the altar and swung the thuribulum three times in the direction of the community before he sat down and filled the thuribulum with incense from the navicular, crossed it and the mitre was placed back on him, while the baculifer handed him the crosier of St. John the Martyr. Both bowed and stood beside the altar. When the music ended, the Cardinal rose and he spoke, his voice streaming through the Church like the waves of a great ocean to the shores of the continents. He filled the church easily and with joy. He smiled warmly and mercifully - in him the heart of friendship with the creation of the Lord was beating.

        Laudetur Dominum. Welcome. He opened his arms wide as if he wanted to embrace them all. Welcome to today's celebration, the feast of friendship. I greet you all with joy and flames in my heart. Because today is a big day. We are celebrating one of the most important and unfortunately for many people much too obvious festivity. The friendship. How often do we decide to visit an old friend again, or even just write to him? How often do we have to admonish ourselves not to always sink into work and also to use the day to interact with people, to be a pleasure to them and to share it. We as social beings live in the community of the Aristoths, the community which as a unity of faith is self-contained. We create civilization with the knowledge that the salvation of all our souls rests in the joy of friendship - as a noble and pleasant part of the love that God sows between people and that He has sown between Himself and people. Friendship is therefore the equal brother of love itself. Brothers and sisters, each one touching our hearts and giving us the truth of God's revelation - the ability to love Him and ourselves. In friendship we celebrate not only society and community but also the love that God sent. The joy of faith and all this we want to do today on this wonderful day.

        Let us pray:

          Merciful and good God,
          bless the people I care about,
          my family, my friends.

          Let your blessing be around them like a protecting and warming cloak.
          And let the blessings flow into them,
          so that they come into harmony with themselves
          and experience inner peace.


        Kalixtus' words fade away melodiously and he sang the litany of the saints with the choir, as he always did at high feasts and sacraments.

        After the litany, the cardinal rose again and stepped down the steps and stood a little outside the apse - the deacon with the Book of Virtues approached him and to his left and right the ceroferar with the flambeau were positioned.

        We hear from the hagiography of St. George the Archangel:

          I Friendship

          Lightning struck nearby. The terrified infants snuggled even deeper in the arms of their weeping mothers, who begged pity from the Almighty. The men were furious, blaming one another for what had happened. For six days, the elements had been unleashed on the city of Oanylone with primæval rage. An ink-black sky, heavy with menace, pressed all its weight on the wicked city. Among the small group that took refuge in the granary, long since emptied, fear sat alongside anger, fury and despair. A man who stopped laughing at God when He had announced the destruction of the city. A woman who endlessly, shamefully, revisited her luxurious orgies, with so many men and women that she couldn't count them all. A young man, who had taken the unworldly pleasure of shattering the skull of his little brother, and who was now trying to redeem himself by reassuring the children gathered in the tiny chamber. Everyone knew why they had been punished, but none dared to admit it; some of them even sought to blame the others, in the vain hope of having their own sins forgotten.

          A vicious gust of wind forced the door open, filling the flimsy building with a glacial wind. Its foundations trembled when the thunderclap answered the lightning bolt with deafening power. And then, silence. The tornado still roared and the thunder still echoed, but for six days, the residents of Oanylone had known nothing but that. No, the silence was not of nature, but of humans. For the refugees were struck dumb, paralysed by terror, when they saw the shadow that was framed by the doorway. A man approached, so large and massive that he had to crouch and bring his shoulders in to enter. A rugged face and thick beard were barely visible in the half-light. His long silver hair gave him an air of wisdom, contrasting with the size of his hands, which appeared capable of crushing the hardest of rocks into dust. His pale blue eyes were timeworn, but still seemed to hold in their depths a childish pleasure. The colossus was dressed in a patched and threadbare shirt. A large piece of fabric wrapped around his legs bore witness to his disfavoured state. He gave a quick smile, and all the refugees sighed with relief. Then he let his cavernous voice be heard:

          "Even when hope is gone, there is still friendship."

          One old woman, with a hard face and an iron will, stepped toward him and asked:

          "And you, stranger, have you come as a friend? For this is the city of men and women whose words are honey but whose deeds are venom. They live atop mountains of gold, and they want nothing from others unless it raise themselves higher in their foolish search for riches. Their thirst for treasure consumes them so that the lives of their peers matters little to them."

          "I know that", the man replied. "That is why I come to you. The riches of the heart cannot be matched by the riches of this base world. Will they take their mountains of gold with them to the next life?"

          "No, of course not", the old woman answered him. "But are the riches of the world forbidden to us? Must we live like animals to attain the riches of the soul?"

          "Has life taught you not to use your left hand because you are using your right?", the man asked. "It is the same for the treasures that God has created for us. God, through His love for His children, has given us material riches; may they be yours. But never forget that there is no greater treasure than friendship."

          Then one of the young men drew himself up and asked: "But who are you, whose words are filled with wisdom?"

          "My name is George", he responded.

        After the reading the Cardinal let the words diffuse again a little into the silence. He crossed the Evangelium and the choir began to sing - it was the Gloria and the Sanctus

        The Cardinal smiled into the midst of the faithful and raised the word to preach - "Even when hope is gone, there is still friendship.."
        Georg even puts friendship before hope. Isn't that remarkable. Isn't it an impressive testimony that he gives and of course you even have to extend this sentence. Because if there is friendship there is always something we can hold on to, even in the hour of farewell, in the hour of cataclysm, destruction and death. Even then there is friendship, because it is the brother of love and these two siblings remain forever in our hearts, we keep them in us for now and for all time.
        The city of Oanylone falls - it decays and is destroyed by the iniquity of sin, it ruins itself. This is the hour of the demon princes but also the hour of the archangels. George as the archangel of friendship long before Christos revived the commandment of friendship was convinced of this irrefutable truth. "But never forget that there is no greater treasure than friendship".

        Today, on the feast of friendship, we must ask ourselves whether we are guarding and carrying this treasure as we should. Have our friendships survived the trials and tribulations of time Have we been lenient with our fellow men and friends. If we have offended them, do we always be honest and sincere with our friends, with our feelings - with our lives.
        Do we lead a decent, virtuous life in the sense of the archangels, thus also in the sense of friendship as the mortar of society. As building material. Friendship that unites, that already makes two and three out of one and then more and more. She builds long chains, bridges, towers, forts. Friendship is the bond that internalizes all virtues and holds a mirror up to us humans because we are all only as strong as we function as a community.

        In times in which many powers separate, it is the hour of friendship as Georg describes it. When there is no more hope, there is still friendship. Nothing seems to be able to shake this principle and so it should be a maxim.
        In times in which state and church quarrel about the interpretation and presence of faith, I say in the words of George - there is not only one hand. There are always two hands. State and church together in unity are able to achieve what is impossible alone. We must not forget that friendship, promote it and unite. Because in this friendship rests the hope of the people of the continent - and even the whole world. Like brother and sister, like father and mother, like friendship and love, we should also see state and church.

        Especially on the feast of friendship it seems important to look at this relationship and to ask ourselves what can I, what can each of us do to maintain, promote and enrich this relationship in the sense of the commandment of virtues. Friendship that must surround us and fill our heart. She must be our guide and path. She must be a shining torch in a dark night. It must make us feel - we are not alone.

        I tell you, my friends, you are not alone. We are community in friendship.

        My name is George - the archangel of friendship.

        Do not fear the darkness, my friends, light the torch of friendship and this light will drive out the demons that want to torment us and darken our heart. Let us remain strong and united as one.

        Let us pray as the Holy Mother Church teaches - in the Creed through Him and with Him and in Him, God and the holy prophets for gratitude:

          Credo in Deum,
          Altissimum Omnipotentem,
          Creatorem caeli et terrae,
          Inferos et paradisi,
          Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

          Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
          Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
          Missum ut sapientiam et universi
          Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

          Credo etiam in Christum,
          Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
          Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
          Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
          Propter salutem
          Nostram martyr perivit
          Consecutus est Solem
          Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

          Credo in Divinam Actionem,
          Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
          Sanctorum communionem,
          Peccatorum remissionem,
          Vitam aeternam.


        For the next liturgical part he waved, after a reasonable time and when the song was over, for an acolyte to bring the bread. Kalixtus rose from the throne and looking smiling into the crowd of the community.

        Love is the expression of eternal fellowship with God and with one another. But love is also a symbol in the Aristotelian friendship. In memory of Christos Last Supper with his disciples we break bread together to express the love for God and our fellow men in the Aristotelian friendship.

        He took the bread, broke it and put it back into the basket, he made a sign of the cross over the bread, blessed it and broke off pieces which he gave to the acolytes. He left it to the acolytes to distribute the bread. Kalixtus ate a piece of the bread and watched as the bread was passed through the church.

        The music that was played during the sharing of bread ebbed away.

        The Cardinal rose and with a smile and he raised his fingers for a blessing:

          The Lord bless you and protect you;
          The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
          The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

          Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
          Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
          Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

        We want to say a last prayer together:

          Almighty God and Father,

          it is the love that leads us to you and it is the love that strengthens in us the will to retreat and repent
          and it is your love that gives us hope for eternal peace in the solar paradise.
          May this love never end.

          Through Christos the prophet, who reigns in union with Aristotle for all eternity.


        After this final blessing the final canon, the Te Deum, began. Now the procession out of the church started. The Mass was at least liturgically concluded. But of course he would still be available for talks and pastoral care.

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    Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2009
    Messages: 182
    Localisation: Perdu dans les couloirs de la Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum... AU SECOURS !!!!!!!

    MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 18, 2020 8:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Motivated by the very beautiful sermont of Cardinal Kalixtus on friendship, necessary speech while the tensions between Aristotelians are unleashed everywhere, Ellyrius made the cross sign and headed for the exit, to return to work in his cell.

    Amor Fati !
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    Inscrit le: 26 Avr 2020
    Messages: 45

    MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 18, 2020 10:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Marie Valerie nahm demütig und sehr aufmerksam an der Zeremonie teil, sie bewunderte den Kardinal für seine besondere Begabung, ein Fest der Kirche mit unglaublich schönen und passenden Worten zu einem Fest für die Sinne zu machen. Seine Stimme, melodiös und kraftvoll zugleich erhob sich bei den Gesängen zwischendurch, stimmig in jeder Hinsicht.

    Abschliessend betete sie mit allen dieses Gebet:

    Allmächtiger Gott und Vater,

    es ist die Liebe, die uns zu dir führt, und es ist die Liebe, die in uns den Willen stärkt, uns zurückzuziehen und umzukehren,
    und es ist deine Liebe, die uns Hoffnung auf ewigen Frieden im Sonnenparadies gibt.
    Möge diese Liebe niemals enden.

    Durch Christos, den Propheten, der für alle Ewigkeit in Vereinigung mit Aristoteles regiert.

    Nach dieser Messe, die sie noch erfüllte und die nachklang begab sie sich wieder in den Klassenraum, um auf weitere Schritte zu warten.


    Marie Valerie participated humbly and very attentively in the ceremony, she admired the Cardinal for his special talent to make a feast of the Church a feast for the senses with incredibly beautiful and fitting words. His voice, melodious and powerful at the same time, rose in between the songs, coherent in every detail.

    Finally, she prayed this prayer with all of them:

    Almighty God and Father,

    it is the love that leads us to you and it is the love that strengthens in us the will to retreat and repent
    and it is your love that gives us hope for eternal peace in the solar paradise.
    May this love never end.

    Through Christos the prophet, who reigns in union with Aristotle for all eternity.

    After this mass, which she still fulfilled and which still resonated, she went back to the classroom to wait for further steps.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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    Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
    Messages: 1598
    Localisation: Villa Borghese

    MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 18, 2020 1:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    His face and cassock had been splashed with holy water, and he was crossing himself when the cardinal spoke the warm words of welcome - Amen - he whispered.

    Kalixtus always seemed to have that aura of peace and spirituality that stretched the audience, however that day he himself embodied the divine ether with his presence and his words. The young boy listened to his speech, and nodded because the German prelate was right, many times the duties were put before pure love, embodied by friendship, and he forgot to greet friends, visit them or simply send a letter.

    Then he prayed like all the faithful who came to the basilica:

    Merciful and good God,
    bless the people I care about,
    my family, my friends.

    Let your blessing be around them like a protecting and warming cloak.
    And let the blessings flow into them,
    so that they come into harmony with themselves
    and experience inner peace.


    After that fragment of the Hagiography of Saint George which the young Castilian priest had read many times, the sermon came. It was a sermon that made him think about how a good Aristotelian believer should live his life, always in prayer and led by love and friendship. In fact, most of the conflicts that were currently taking place, especially in his kingdom, were due to lack of friendship and excess of anger. Those words moved him and saddened at the same time, it was a truth that could be applied to any territory, but at that moment his thoughts were in his homeland, devastated by war and heterodoxy.

    Credo in Deum,
    Altissimum Omnipotentem,
    Creatorem caeli et terrae,
    Inferos et paradisi,
    Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

    Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
    Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
    Missum ut sapientiam et universi
    Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

    Credo etiam in Christum,
    Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
    Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
    Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
    Propter salutem
    Nostram martyr perivit
    Consecutus est Solem
    Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

    Credo in Divinam Actionem,
    Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
    Sanctorum communionem,
    Peccatorum remissionem,
    Vitam aeternam.


    Then there was the blessing and sharing of the bread with the community of the faithful, which was the central part of the ceremony, just as Christos had done with his disciples. Felipe took a small piece of bread and put it in his mouth while his eyes closed in a paceful silence.

    Finally, the cardinal's blessing made all the faithful stand up. Felipe also did it and crossed himself again. Then the final prayer:

    Almighty God and Father,

    it is the love that leads us to you and it is the love that strengthens in us the will to retreat and repent
    and it is your love that gives us hope for eternal peace in the solar paradise.
    May this love never end.

    Through Christos the prophet, who reigns in union with Aristotle for all eternity.



    _______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
    __________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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    Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
    Messages: 13061
    Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

    MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 25, 2020 10:34 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

        Ordination Alecsander

          The Basilica of St. John the Martyr was decorated in the white flowers that would describe this moment of purity before God. As always, Kalixtus was aware of the symbolism of all things.

          He had asked Alessandro Della Scala, as Bishop of Guastalla, to witness this ordination, so they were together in the sacristy to put on the liturgical vestments, while the bells of the majestic Basilica were already calling for the sacrament, which she usually did in full plenary.

          The mitre was already put on by the Mitrafer - it was a white mitre with a golden border matching the rest of the liturgical vestments. The Baculifer held the staff of St. John the Martyr. This was the saint whom Kalixtus most revered and with whom he felt most closely connected. On the path of an everlasting nemesis, he felt entrusted with the mission of spreading the faith even among the peoples who lived their lives away from the truth.

          The Cardinal smiled to Alessandro - this situation reminded him of Guastalla.

          Alecsander will change with the altar boys, because he would be the last to follow the entry.

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    Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2019
    Messages: 44

    MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 25, 2020 10:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    His hands tremble so much that he can hardly dress himself. For many, this may be a small thing, a simple ordination in a tiny circle, without much ballyhoo. For him, however, it feels like he is finally arriving in his life. As if the path in front of him is illuminated and with every step he takes, he has the certainty that on the one hand he is walking on a safe path and on the other hand he is doing exactly the right thing.

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    Alessandro Della Scala

    Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
    Messages: 1553
    Localisation: Rome and Modena

    MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 26, 2020 10:01 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Bishop Alessandro was in Rome for the invite of his dear friend, Kalixtus, to cocelebrate a very important moment for the life of one of the servant of God. Before the ceremony, Alessandro decides to visit the Basilica of St. John the Martyr to admire this beautiful house of God.

    Everybody knows that Alessandro likes the art under every form and the Basilica was a perfect union between architecture, painting, sculture etc etc.

    After the visit, the bishop enter into the sacristy to prepare himself for the ceremony, greetings his dear friend.


    ------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
    ----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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    Inscrit le: 17 Mai 2020
    Messages: 6

    MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 28, 2020 3:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Tjara wouldn't have missed this day for anything in the world. So of course she is here today to attend the ordination of Alecsander and to give him the small gift she had made a while ago for this special occasion. Today she is wearing the dress he gifted her with some time ago - a soft mint green, almost fairy-like and delicate. When the time has come the blonde sits down quietly on one of the benches in the basilica and fidgets impatiently at a wrinkle in the velvet pouch that is wrapped around her wrist, stretching her neck a little bit to see if she can spot the best friend she imagines to be awfully nervous.
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    Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
    Messages: 13061
    Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

    MessagePosté le: Sam Aoû 08, 2020 12:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Ordination Alecsander

        The bells fell silent and Kalixtus gave the sign for the altar boys - the chimes rang and commanded the community to rise and he himself began to sing in the silent church from where his voice resounded. The introit to the Agnus Dei was as always when he sings personal.

        In front of him, in the central aisle, Kalixtus followed the entry with the Crucifer, who carried the great golden cross - the cross that united the teachings of Aristotle and Christos for the unity of faith, the Zeroferar, the torchbearers that held the light of the world - the eternal message of the prophets, the Thuriferar and Naviculat that carried the censer, the Thuribulum, together with the boat where the incense was kept. The Librifer was the one who carried the Book of Virtues, which was bound in white leather with a gold border.

        Behind all of them Kalixtus went singing, with his crosier. Behind him were the signiferi, the acolytes who would take away his mitre and crosier when liturgically necessary. Then, of course, there was the bearer of the aspergill - that acolyte would hand him the instrument to spread holy water. In front of Kalixtus went Alessandro and behind the entry went Alecsander who had wrapped himself in the Albae.

        Arriving in front of the altar, the group around Kalixtus bowed in deep reference and Kalixtus reached for the incense and swung three times towards the people. Then he took the aspergill and sprinkled Konsar with holy water before passing the coffin and taking his place on his throne in front of the altar. Meanwhile, the Book of Virtues was placed on the altar and the torch bearers positioned themselves on the left and right of the altar. Alecsander lay down on the floor in front of the altar, and around him were four vessels for the four elements of its equivalents: oil, holy water, incense and the foundation stone of the basilica. These were still on the altar at the time and would be used later.

        The voice of Kalixtus died and he sat on the throne, which was the sign for the church to sit down as well.

        A moment later he stood up and with a strong voice he spoke over those present:

        Welcome to the Basilica of St. John the Martyr. Welcome to the ordination of Brother Alecsander. Welcome to Rome. Here, in the heart of the Aristotelian world, love reigns as an element of friendship in eternal unity with all our parts, which only in unity make man. Faith, love, hope, flesh and soul, heart and mind - talents and potential. Everything is from God.

        John the Martyr, to whom this Basilica is dedicated, is a strong but often neglected saint from the canon of saints of the Holy Mother Church. He was not a disciple of Christos even though he constantly asked him and asked him to stand by his side as such. No, God has another task for him, an important mission - the spreading of the faith in those cities that Christos recently left. He strengthened the faith among the people, he brought them together under the guise of catechesis and liturgy.

        No, my friends, John was not a simple confidant of Christos - no, he demonstrates the grace of God who reveals a different destiny. He demonstrates that everything we do is our own choice. He demonstrates that the love of Christos was not only for his apostles, but for all people. He demonstrates that the foundation of faith is the foundation of the Church, and so the simple service to people is the foundation of the Church until today. This important, if not the most important task in the service of the Church is revealed in the parish clergy. It reveals itself in the love for people as Christos felt and lived it.

        Alecsander wants to be accepted into this realm and we want to enable him to do so today and God wants to empower him.

        We want to pray:

          Pray for our Pope Sixtus IV.
          for all bishops, priests, deacons,
          for all those who exercise clerical services,
          in the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church
          and for all the faithful.

          Eternal and Almighty Father
          highest drive that governs,
          about the whole church,
          listen to the prayers we offer
          to all the petitions of those who ask of thee the faithful:
          May each of them, by the gift of thy grace,
          serve you with fidelity,
          like Christos and Aristotle, our prophets.
          May faith and reason guide them,
          and that St. Arnvald the Righteous protects them.


        Afterwards, the familiar sounds of the All Saints Litany were heard, which everyone could sing and pray along. They would be witnesses of this sacrament and would connect this world with the hereafter by turning the community of the Aristoths into the community of the saints. Kalixtus waved the incense burner and let the holy fragrances float into the ether.

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    Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2019
    Messages: 44

    MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 11, 2020 8:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Er hat Tjara natürlich aus den Augenwinkel bemerkt und sich sehr heimlich und sehr stark gefreut. Ihr Winken kann er natürlich nicht und zuzwinkern würde gewiss falsch aufgefasst werden. Daher könnte sie ein Zucken seiner Mundwinkel beobachten. Der Boden ist kühl, was ihn zu dieser Zeit des Jahres allerdings nicht stört. Von hier aus lauscht er den ausgewählten Worten über John den Martyr. Einen eigenen Weg gehen im Namen des Herrn. In seiner Liebe zu erblühen und den Glauben zu verbreiten. Ungesehen der wohl Umstehenden oder Sitzenden lächelt Alecsander, was in seiner Stimme wiederklingt, während er das Gebet mitspricht.
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