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[Congregation]Diffusion de la Foi/Dissemination of the Faith
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 18, 2015 8:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Appello alle candidature per i posti di Compagno di Aristotele della Compagnia di Aristotele

Noi, Sua Eccellenza Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Vescovo Suffragante di Modena, Parroco di Mirandola, in qualità di Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele, facciamo annuncio che:

La parola è la tua arma?
Sei un credente aristotelico e desideri servire la Chiesa da laico, in un modo che ti permetterà di conoscere persone nuove e di confrontarti con loro?
Sei un sacerdote con il sogno di convertire gli eretici e di guidare chi ha smarrito la via a ritrovare l’Amicizia Aristotelica?
Sei convinto che la pace e il dialogo abbiano bisogno di essere costruiti ogni giorno per il bene dell’umanità?

Entra a far parte della rinata Compagnia d’Aristotele come predicatore IG o inviando in missione un Praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (png) dall’identità certificata.

Per chiedere informazioni sui requisiti richiesti e sulle modalità della predicazione, rivolgiti al Prefetto della Compagnia, Monsignor "Fuego2806", con una missiva.
Puoi trovare il suo ufficio e lo Statuto della Compagnia a Roma.

Fatto a Roma, il giorno diciotto del mese di settembre dell anno di Grazia MCDLXIII

Per la Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede,


An appeal to the candidates for the seats of a Fellow of the Society of Aristotle Aristotle

We, His Excellency Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Suffragan Bishop of Modena, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Society of Aristotle, we announce that:

The word is your weapon?
Are you a believer Aristotelian and want to serve the Church as a lay person, in a way that allows you to meet new people and to confront them?
You're a priest with the dream of converting the heretics and to guide those who have lost their way to find the Aristotelian Friendship?
Are you convinced that peace and dialogue they need to be built every day for the good of humanity?

Become part of the reborn company of Aristotle as a preacher IG or by sending in a mission praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (PNG) from ?? certified identity.

To inquire about eligibility and the manner of preaching, talk to the Prefect of the Society, Bishop "Fuego2806", with a message.
You can find her office and the Statute of the Company Rome.

Done in Rome, the eighteenth day of September of the year of Grace MCDLXIII

For the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,


[b][size=18] An appeal to the candidates for the seats of a Fellow of the Society of Aristotle Aristotle[/size][/b][/color]

[b]We, His Excellency Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Suffragan Bishop of Modena, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Society of Aristotle, we announce that:[/b]

The word is your weapon?
Are you a believer Aristotelian and want to serve the Church as a lay person, in a way that allows you to meet new people and to confront them?
You're a priest with the dream of converting the heretics and to guide those who have lost their way to find the Aristotelian Friendship?
Are you convinced that peace and dialogue they need to be built every day for the good of humanity?

Become part of the reborn company of Aristotle as a preacher IG or by sending in a mission praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (PNG) from ?? certified identity.

To inquire about eligibility and the manner of preaching, talk to the Prefect of the Society, Bishop [url=http://www.iregni.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=fuego2806]"Fuego2806"[/url], with a message.
You can find her office and the Statute of the Company [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewforum.php?F=40]Rome[/url].

[color=olive][b] Done in Rome, the eighteenth day of September of the year of Grace MCDLXIII[/b][/color]

[b][i]For the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 22, 2015 2:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Recognition of a new abbey for the Thomist Order

    We, His Wonderful Eminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau, Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon, in our quality of Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce

      The recognition of the Abbey of Kornelimünster, with its buildings & its lands, as properties of the Thomist Order, monastery which will be put under the authority of an Abbot representing this Order.
      We have all confidence that this abbey will help the Thomist Order, to spread the faith all over the world and allow it to greatly expand.

    Made in Rome, this 22th day of september MCDXLIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2008
Messages: 2492
Localisation: Modena

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 23, 2015 4:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Pilgrimage

    We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Bishop of Arezzo, Duke of Bologna and of Camerino, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:

      after the great flow of clergymen in the Prefecture and the request of collaborators that can help the Prefect in his job.
      Considering that, we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Deputy-Prefect of the Pilgrimage.
      Anybody applying for this role will have to know the procedures of pilgrimages and to know the greatest sanctuaries where the most important Aristotelian relics are guarded, at least two languages English or French and the proper one, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
      Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Quarion

    Made in Rome, this 23th day of September MCDLXIII.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Pilgrimage[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Bishop of Arezzo, Duke of Bologna and of Camerino, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:[/b]

[list][i]after the great flow of clergymen in the Prefecture and the request of collaborators that can help the Prefect in his job.
Considering that, [b]we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Deputy-Prefect of the Pilgrimage.[/b]
Anybody applying for this role will have to know the procedures of pilgrimages and to know the greatest sanctuaries where the most important Aristotelian relics are guarded, at least two languages English or French and the proper one, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Quarion[/i][/list]

[b]Made in Rome, this 23th day of September MCDLXIII. [/b]
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2748/110421011007114554.png[/img][img]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/619561CDFJ.png[/img] [/list][/quote]
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 18, 2015 5:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination de Michalak de Valdesti au poste de Préfet de la Biblihomélie

    Nous, Sa Merveilleuse Éminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau, Cardinal-Archevêque de Lyon, en notre qualité de Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foi, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d’Aristote,

    Faisons annonce de la nomination de Son Excellence Michalak de Valdesti [Michalak], à la charge de Préfet de la Biblihomélie Romaine, autrement nommé Grand Bibliothécaire.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome ce dix-huitième d'octobre quatorze cent soixante-trois.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 13 Jan 2015
Messages: 922

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 19, 2015 6:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination de Monseigneur Robert Étienne de la Rose Noire au poste de Vice Préfet Général de la Biblihomélie

    Nous, Monseigneur Michalak de Valdesti Préfet de la Biblihomélie, Baron de Schöneck, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d’Aristote,

    Faisons annonce de la nomination de Monseigneur Robert Étienne de La Rose Noire [Scolopius.], à la charge de Vice Préfet de la Biblihomélie Romaine, autrement nommé Vice Préfet Général de la Biblihomélie.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome ce dix-neuvième d'octobre quatorze cent soixante-trois.


[b][size=18]Nomination de Monseigneur Robert Étienne de la Rose Noire au poste de Vice  Préfet Général de la Biblihomélie[/size][/b][/color]

[b] Nous, Monseigneur Michalak de Valdesti Préfet de la Biblihomélie, Baron de Schöneck, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d’Aristote,

Faisons annonce de la nomination de Monseigneur [color=#009900][b]Robert Étienne de La Rose Noire [/b][/color] [Scolopius.], à la charge de [color=#009900][b]Vice Préfet de la Biblihomélie Romaine[/b][/color], autrement nommé Vice Préfet Général de la Biblihomélie.

[i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/i]

Fait à Rome ce dix-neuvième d'octobre quatorze cent soixante-trois.[/b]

"Soyez une personne qui encourage les autres. Le monde est déjà plein de critiques"
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 29, 2015 12:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Reclutamento dell'Ufficio alle Cappelle

Noi, S.Ecc. Mons. Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Vice-Prefetto alle Cappelle, Vescovo Suffragante di Modena, Parroco di Mirandola, Ufficiale Giudiziario per l'Arcidiocesi di Ravenna, Professore e Monaco Cistercense dell'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo, apriamo, oggi, il reclutamento per la posizione di Ispettore per la zona Italiana, Inglese, Spagnola, Tedesca, Olandese, Portoghese e Francese.

L'ispettore è una persona che può essere nominata dal Prefetto per assisterlo.
Il prefetto può nominare tanti ispettori quanti ne sono necessari.

In pratica, l'ispettore è tenuto a:

- Informare i fedeli della zona che gli è assegnata sulla procedura per la consacrazione di una Cappella
- Controllare che le Cappelle, nella sua zona di competenza, rispettino integralmente le procedura.
- Fare rapporto al Prefetto con cadenza trimestrale sulla situazione delle Cappelle nella sua zona di competenza.

Oltre a questi compiti, il Prefetto può decidere di tanto in tanto di affidare delle missioni speciali agli ispettori.
Gli ispettori avranno accesso alla sala di coordinamento della Prefettura.

Si noti che ogni fedele della Nostra Santa Chiesa può candidarsi come ispettore.

Le candidature dovranno esserCi inviate direttamente per missiva privata.

Possano Aristotele e Christos guidarci.

Scritto e sigillato a Roma,
Il 22 ottobre dell'anno 1463,
da noi,


Recruiting Office Chapels

We, His Excellency. Msgr. Francis Ivan Drago Black, Vice-Prefect of the Cappelle, suffragan bishop of Modena, pastor of Mirandola, Judicial Officer for the Archdiocese of Ravenna, Professor and Monaco Cistercian Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, open, today, the recruitment for the position of Inspector for the area Italian, English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese and French.

The inspector is a person who can be appointed by the Prefect to assist.
The prefect can appoint as many inspectors as it needs.

In practice, the inspector is required to:

- To inform the faithful of the area that is allocated on the procedure for the consecration of a chapel
- Check that chapels, in his area of ​​expertise, to comply fully with the procedure.
- Do report to the Prefect every three months on the situation of the Chapels in his area of ​​expertise.

In addition to these tasks, the Prefect may decide from time to time to entrust special missions to inspectors.
Inspectors shall have access to the room of the Prefecture coordination.

Note that all the faithful of our Holy Church can stand as an inspector.

Nominations should be sent directly to the message private.

Aristotle and Christos can guide us.

Written and sealed in Rome,
On 22 October of the year 1463
from us,



[size=24][color=yellow][b]Recruiting Office Chapels[/b][/color][/size]

[i]We, His Excellency. Msgr. Francis Ivan Drago Black, Vice-Prefect of the Cappelle, suffragan bishop of Modena, pastor of Mirandola, Judicial Officer for the Archdiocese of Ravenna, Professor and Monaco Cistercian Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, open, today, the recruitment for the position of Inspector for the area Italian, English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese and French.

The inspector is a person who can be appointed by the Prefect to assist.
The prefect can appoint as many inspectors as it needs.

In practice, the inspector is required to:

- To inform the faithful of the area that is allocated on the procedure for the consecration of a chapel
- Check that chapels, in his area of ​​expertise, to comply fully with the procedure.
- Do report to the Prefect every three months on the situation of the Chapels in his area of ​​expertise.

In addition to these tasks, the Prefect may decide from time to time to entrust special missions to inspectors.
Inspectors shall have access to the room of the Prefecture coordination.

Note that all the faithful of our Holy Church can stand as an inspector.

Nominations should be sent directly to the message private.

Aristotle and Christos can guide us.

Written and sealed in Rome,
On 22 October of the year 1463
from us,

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 14, 2015 6:18 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Dismissal of the Prefect of the Chapels

    We, His Wonderful Eminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau,
    Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce

    The dismissal of Her Excellency Onael d'Appérault, from her function of Prefect of the Chapels, for her absence and her total unhability to manage this Office.

    May the Almighty always guid us,

    Made in Rome, this 13th day of November MCDXLIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 14, 2015 6:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero as Prefect of Chapels

    We, His Wonderful Eminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau,
    Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce

    The nomination of His Excellency Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero [Fuego2806], to the function of Prefect of Chapels. He receives the charge of ensuring the good functioning of the Office, the coordination of staff and the regulation of the registers and consecrations of chapels all over the world.

    May the Almighty always guid him

    Made in Rome, this 13th day of november MCDXLIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »

Dernière édition par Yut le Sam Nov 14, 2015 6:20 am; édité 3 fois
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 14, 2015 6:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Resignation of the Prefect of Aristotle's Company

    We, His Wonderful Eminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau,
    Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce

    That we accept the resignation of Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, from his function of Prefect of Aristotle's Company, after his recent appointement as Prefect of the Chapels.

    May the Almighty always guid him,

    Made in Rome, this 13th day of November MCDXLIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 14, 2015 11:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Recrutement à l'Office des Chapelles

Nous, Son Excellence Monseigneur Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Préfet de la Chapelle, évêque Suffragant de Modena, Pasteur de Mirandola, Monaco Cistercienne de l'Abbaye Cistercienne de Fornovo, ouvrons, ce jour, le recrutement aux charges de Vice Préfet des Chapelles et Inspecteurs.

Les Vice-préfets sont nommés à la discrétion du Préfet et selon les nécessités, ils aident et ils collaborent avec le Préfet dans la gestion de la Préfecture, ils sont les intermédiaire des Inspecteurs et ils remplacent le Préfet dans les actions ordinaires en cas d'absence.

L'inspecteur est une personne qui peut être nommée à la discrétion du Préfet pour l'assister.
Le préfet peut en nommer autant que nécessaire.

En l'état, l'inspecteur est tenu :

D'informer les fidèles de la zone qui lui est confiée sur la procédure de consécration d'une Chapelle
De contrôler que les Chapelles, dans leur zone de compétence, respectent l'intégralité des procédures.
De faire rapport au Préfet avec échéance trimestrielle sur la situation des Chapelles dans sa zone de compétence.

En outre de telles obligations, le Préfet peut décider de temps en temps de confier des missions spéciales aux inspecteurs.
Les Inspecteurs auront accès à la salle de coordination de la Préfecture.

Il est à noter que tout Fidèle de Notre Sainte Eglise peut être candidat au poste d'Inspecteur.

Les candidatures devront nous être envoyées directement par Missive Privées.

Puisse Aristote et CHristos nous guider.

Rédigée et scellée en Rome,
le 14 Novembre de l'An 1463,
par nous,


Reclutamento dell'Ufficio per le Cappelle

Noi, Sua Eccellenza Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefetto delle Cappelle, Vescovo Suffragante di Modena, Parroco di Mirandola, Monaco Cistercense dell'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo, apriamo, oggi, il reclutamento per le posizioni di Vice Prefetto delle Cappelle e Ispettore.

I Vice-prefetti sono nominati a discrezione del Prefetto secondo necessità, aiutano il e collaborano con il Prefetto nella gestione della Prefettura, sono gli intermediari degli Ispettori e sostituiscono il Prefetto nelle sue mansioni ordinarie in caso di assenza.

L'ispettore è una persona che può essere nominata dal Prefetto per assisterlo.
Il prefetto può nominare tanti ispettori quanti ne sono necessari.

In pratica, l'ispettore è tenuto a:

Informare i fedeli della zona che gli è assegnata sulla procedura per la consacrazione di una Cappella
Controllare che le Cappelle, nella sua zona di competenza, rispettino integralmente le procedura.
Fare rapporto al Prefetto con cadenza trimestrale sulla situazione delle Cappelle nella sua zona di competenza.

Oltre a questi compiti, il Prefetto può decidere di tanto in tanto di affidare delle missioni speciali agli ispettori.
Gli ispettori avranno accesso alla sala di coordinamento della Prefettura.

Si noti che ogni fedele della Nostra Santa Chiesa può candidarsi come ispettore.

Le candidature dovranno esserCi inviate direttamente per missiva privata.

Possano Aristotele e Christos guidarci.

Scritto e sigillato a Roma,
il 14 Novembre dell'anno 1463,
da noi,


Recruitment for the Office of Chapels

We, His Excellency Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Chapels, Suffragan Bishop of Modena, Pastor of Mirandola, Monaco Cistercian of Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo, open this day, the recruitment for the positions of Vice Prefect of Chapels and Inspectors.

The Vice-Prefects are appointed at the discretion of the Prefect, they help and work with the Prefect in the management of the Prefecture, they are the intermediaries of the inspectors and they replace the Prefect for common activities in the event of absence.

The inspector is a person who can be appointed at the discretion of the Prefect for their assistance. The prefect may appoint as many as necessary.

The duties of the inspector are:

To inform the faithful of the area entrusted to him on the procedures for the consecration of a Chapel
To check that Chapels in their area of competence, respect all the procedures.
To report to the Prefect with quarterly installments on the situation of chapels in their area of competence.

Besides these obligations, the Prefect may decide from time to time to entrust inspectors with special missions.

Inspectors will have access to the coordination room of the Prefecture.

Please note that all faithful of the Holy Church can be a candidate for post of Inspector.

Applications must be sent to us by Private Mail.

May Aristotle and Christos guide us.

Written and sealed in Rome,
14th November in the Year 1463
by us,

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 16, 2015 12:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Resignation of the Prefect to the Aristotelian teaching

    We, His Eminence Rev. Attanasio Borgia,
    Cardinal-Archbishop of Ravenna, Baron of Pizzoli, Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce

    That we accept the resignation of Nono"Nono18", from his function of Prefect of Prefect to the Aristotelian teaching, after his voluntary resignation.

    May the Almighty always guid him,

    Made in Rome, this 16th day of November MCDXLIII.


[b][size=18]Resignation of the Prefect to the Aristotelian teaching[/size][/b][/color]

We, His  Eminence  Rev. Attanasio Borgia,
Cardinal-Archbishop of Ravenna, Baron of Pizzoli, Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce[/b]

That we accept the resignation of [color=#009900][b]Nono"Nono18"[/b][/color], from his function of [color=#009900][b]Prefect of Prefect to the Aristotelian teaching[/b][/color], after his voluntary resignation.

[i]May the Almighty always guid him,[/i]

Made in Rome, this 16th day of November MCDXLIII. [/b]



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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 16, 2015 1:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Aristotelian teaching

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia, the cardinal-archbishop of Ravenna, Baron Pizzoli, in our capacity as Chancellor of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, we announce:

    Accepted the resignation of His Excellency Nono "Nono18", from his duties as Prefect for the Aristotelian Teaching.

    We are, open to candidates officialy to that role.

    We request that all applications are sent via private letter to me, S.E. Attanasio Borgia "Attanasio" here in Rome and that they contain:

    - Curriculum Studiorum
    - Motivational letter

    Duration of nominations 7 days from now.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Made in Rome, this 16 day of November MCDLXIII.

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 19, 2015 6:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Pilgrimage

    We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop of Ravenna, Baron of Pizzoli, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:

      after the great flow of clergymen in the Prefecture and the request of collaborators that can help the Prefect in his job.
      Considering that, we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Deputy-Prefect of the Pilgrimage.
      Anybody applying for this role will have to know the procedures of pilgrimages and to know the greatest sanctuaries where the most important Aristotelian relics are guarded, at least two languages English or French and the proper one, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
      Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Attanasio

    Made in Rome, this 19th day of November MCDLXIII.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Candidacies for the Prefecture of the Pilgrimage[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Attanasio  Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop of Ravenna, Baron of Pizzoli, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:[/b]

[list][i]after the great flow of clergymen in the Prefecture and the request of collaborators that can help the Prefect in his job.
Considering that, [b]we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Deputy-Prefect of the Pilgrimage.[/b]
Anybody applying for this role will have to know the procedures of pilgrimages and to know the greatest sanctuaries where the most important Aristotelian relics are guarded, at least two languages English or French and the proper one, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Attanasio[/i][/list]

[b]Made in Rome, this 19th day of November MCDLXIII. [/b]
[img]http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/73059550271469.png[/img][img]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/619561CDFJ.png[/img] [/list]

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 23, 2015 10:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appello per la candidatura di un Segretario per la Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede

    Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia, Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede, Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede, annunciamo

    Sarà suo dovere aggiornare i registri della Congregazione, recuperare e archiviare documenti ufficiali della storia della congregazione, ricevere e aggiornare la Santa Chiesa su nomine, varie altre modifiche e occuparsi degli incarichi che potranno esserle affidati dal Cancelliere o dal suo vice.

    Le candidature dovranno pervenire a S.E. Attanasio tramite messaggio privato a Roma.

    Tale annuncio ha la durata di 3 giorni a partire da oggi.

    Pax et Bonum

    Scritto e ratificato a Roma nel XXIII giorno del XI mese dell'anno di Grazia MCDLXIII di Nostro Signore


    Appel à candidatures d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi

    Nous, Son Éminence Attanasio Borgia,, Cardinal Romain Électeur de Sainte Église Aristotélicienne Romain et Universel, Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, , Cardinal-Archiévêque de Ravenna, , pour grâce du Trés-Haut et sous le regard de nos Prophètes, au nom de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, annonçons

    la recherche d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi

    Ce sera son devoir ajourner les registres de la Congrégation, récupérer et archiver documents officiels de l'histoire de la congrégation, recevoir et ajourner la Sainte Église sur nominations, autres modifications différentes et s'occuper des charges qui pourront être elle confié du Chancelier ou de son Vice.

    Les demandes doivent être reçues dans S.E. Attanasio via message privé à Rome.

    Cette annonce a une durée de trois jours à partir d'aujourd'hui.

    Pax et Bonum

    Écrit et ratifié à Rome dans le XXIII jour de l'XI mois de l'an de Grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur



[size=18][color=green][b]Appello per la candidatura di un Segretario per la Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Noi, Sua Eminenza Attanasio Borgia,  Cardinale Romano Elettore di Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana et Universale, Cancelliere della Congregazione della Diffusione della Fede, Cardinal-Arcivescovo di Ravenna, per grazia dell'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo dei nostri Profeti, a nome della congregazione della diffusione della fede, annunciamo[/b]

Sarà suo dovere aggiornare i registri della Congregazione, recuperare e archiviare documenti ufficiali della storia della congregazione, ricevere e aggiornare la Santa Chiesa su nomine, varie altre modifiche e occuparsi degli incarichi che potranno esserle affidati dal Cancelliere o dal suo vice.

Le candidature dovranno pervenire a S.E. [b]Attanasio[/b] tramite messaggio privato a Roma.

Tale annuncio ha la durata di 3 giorni a partire da oggi.

[b]Pax et Bonum[/b]

[i]Scritto e ratificato a Roma nel XXIII giorno del XI mese dell'anno di Grazia MCDLXIII di Nostro Signore[/i]



[size=18][color=green][b]Appel à candidatures d'un Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Son Éminence Attanasio Borgia,, Cardinal Romain Électeur de Sainte Église Aristotélicienne Romain et Universel, Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, , Cardinal-Archiévêque de Ravenna, , pour grâce du Trés-Haut et sous le regard de nos Prophètes, au nom de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi, annonçons[/b]

la recherche d'un [b]Secrétaire pour la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi[/b]

Ce sera son devoir ajourner les registres de la Congrégation, récupérer et archiver documents officiels de l'histoire de la congrégation, recevoir et ajourner la Sainte Église sur nominations, autres modifications différentes et s'occuper des charges qui pourront être elle confié du Chancelier ou de son Vice.

Les demandes doivent être reçues dans S.E. [b] Attanasio[/b] via message privé à Rome.

Cette annonce a une durée de trois jours à partir d'aujourd'hui.

[b]Pax et Bonum[/b]

[i]Écrit et ratifié à Rome dans le XXIII jour de l'XI mois de l'an de Grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur[/i]


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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 25, 2015 3:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination de an Préfet Général Romain de la Préfecture À l'enseignement

    Nous S.E. Rev. Attanasio Borgia,Baron de Pizzoli, Cardinal Archiévêque de Ravenna,Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Diffusion de la Foi,
    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de la congrégation pour la diffusion de la foy nous annonçons:

    La nomination de Mons. Alboin de Valyria Alboin à la charge dePréfet Général Romain de la Préfecture À l'enseignement.

    Il va maintenant avoir les clés de haut Conseil aura à traiter avec soin et diligence dans la préfecture qui lui est assigné en rapportant le chancelier régulièrement.
    Peut procéder à la nomination indépendamment de tout autre responsables de sa préfecture de meilleurs emplois et une plus grande efficacité.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome dans le XXV jour de mai de l’an de grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur

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