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[Annonces] Congregation for the New Apostolate
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 26, 2016 11:36 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of Prather to the position of sexton in Gefle

    We, Edoardo Borromeo Galli known as "Egal", Plenipotentiary Prelate of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church, Roman Elector Cardinal, Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth,
    before the Most High and under the eyes of Aristotle and Christos, on behalf of all the cardinals gathered in the Sacred College,

    Have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of Prather to the diaconate and the sexton's office and the care of the parish of Gefle.
    He is granted to preach and bless, celebrate the sacraments of baptism, marriage and burial, as well as guide the Parish of Gefle, in accordance with Canon Law and the will of his bishop and the Office for New and Developing Churches.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done in Rome on XXVI July in the year of grace of Our Lord MCDLXIV


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of Prather to the position of sexton in Gefle[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Edoardo Borromeo Galli known as "Egal", Plenipotentiary Prelate of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church, Roman Elector Cardinal, Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth,
before the Most High and under the eyes of Aristotle and Christos, on behalf of all the cardinals gathered in the Sacred College,[/b]

[i]Have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of [color=green][b]Prather to the diaconate and the sexton's office and the care of the parish of Gefle[/b][/color].
He is granted to preach and bless, celebrate the sacraments of baptism, marriage and burial, as well as guide the Parish of Gefle, in accordance with Canon Law and the will of his bishop and the Office for New and Developing Churches.[/i]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/b][/i]

[b]Done in Rome on XXVI July in the year of grace of Our Lord MCDLXIV[/b]



    Nomination de Prather au poste de sacristain in Gefle

    Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote et Christos, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de Prather à le diaconat et au bureau du sacristain et la prise en charge de la paroisse de Gefle.
    Il lui est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage et de l'enterrement, ainsi que guider le Paroisse de Gefle, en accord avec le Droit Chanoine et la volonté de son évêque et de l'Office pour les Eglises Nouvelles et en Développement.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome le XXVI juillet, de l’an de grâce MCDLXIV de Notre Seigneur


[size=18][color=green][b]Nomination de Prather au poste de sacristain in Gefle[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège,[/b]

[i]Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de [color=green][b]Prather[/b][/color] [color=green][b]à le diaconat et au bureau du sacristain et la prise en charge de la paroisse de Gefle[/b][/color].
Il lui est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage et de l'enterrement, ainsi que guider le Paroisse de Gefle, en accord avec le Droit Chanoine et la volonté de son évêque et de l'Office pour les Eglises Nouvelles et en Développement.[/i]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

[b]Fait à Rome le XXVI juillet, de l’an de grâce MCDLXIV de Notre Seigneur [/b]


H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 29, 2016 5:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Appointment of the Delegates from Congregations and Main Offices of the Church

We, Our Most Reverend Eminence Edoardo Borromeo Galli, known as "Egal", being the Plenipotentiary Prelate of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church and holding the keys of the Office for New and Developing Churches, together with Chancellors of the other Congregations and Main Offices of Our Blessed Institution, under the Sight of the Almighty and the guidance of the Prophets and Saints,

appoint the Council of Delegates that will help the management of the uprising of the newborn or problematical Aristotelian assemblies and will represent all the aspects of Our Church inside the Office for New and Developing Churches, to ensure that we will work at best for the sake of all the faithful.

The members proposed and accepted joining the efforts of the Plenipotetiary Prelate and the Chancellors or Leader of the Main Offices are:

  • Delegate for the Roman Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs with local power (Apostolic Nunciature)
    His Excellency Gropius

  • Delegate for the Procedures and the Places whereby Spreading the Faith (Diffusion of Faith)
    His Eminence Hull de Northshire, known as "hull19"

  • Delegate for the Discernment about Threats to the Faith and Heresies (Inquisition)
    Her Excellency Ariana Anthea Del Casalièr

  • Delegate for the Managing of the Defence and the Security in the Developing Communities (Holy Armies)
    His Eminence Rodrigo Manzanarez , known as "Rodrigomanzanarez"

  • Delegate for the Adaptation in Compliance with the Doctrine and the Dogma (Saint-Office)
    His Excellency Franciscus Bergoglio, known as "franciscus_bergoglio"

  • Delegate for the Communications with Papal Chancellery (Pontifical Chancellery)
    His Eminence Endymion d'Abbadie, known as "Endymion"

The work of the whole Council, lead by the Plenipotentiary Prelate, will be as quick as possible, to bring aid wherever requested in the name of the Most High and His Church.

Parvo semine, magnum messem.

Written in Rome, on the XXIX day of August, MCDLXIV

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 17, 2016 2:41 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination de Hadramasmatra au poste de curé in Brno

    Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège, et en particulier du Consistoire Oriental,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de sœur Hadramasmatra à la prêtrise et la prise en charge de la paroisse de Brno.
    Elle est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage et de l'enterrement, ainsi que guider le Paroisse de Brno, en accord avec le Droit Chanoine et la volonté de son évêque.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome le XVI septembre, de l’an de grâce MCDLXII de Notre Seigneur


[size=18][color=green][b]Nomination de Hadramasmatra au poste de curé in Brno[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège, et en particulier du Consistoire Oriental,[/b]

[i]Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de [color=green][b]sœur Hadramasmatra[/b][/color] [color=green][b]à la prêtrise et la prise en charge de la paroisse de Brno[/b][/color].
Elle est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage et de l'enterrement, ainsi que guider le Paroisse de Brno, en accord avec le Droit Chanoine et la volonté de son évêque.[/i]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

[b]Fait à Rome le XVI septembre, de l’an de grâce MCDLXII de Notre Seigneur[/b]


H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 30, 2017 8:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination de Hadramasmatra au poste d'évêque in Olomouc

    Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège, et en particulier du Consistoire Oriental,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de mère Hadramasmatra au trône épiscopal de Olomouc.
    Elle est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage, de l'enterrement et de la commande sacerdotal, ainsi que guider le Diocèse de Olomouc en accord avec le Droit Chanoine.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome le XXII septembre, de l’an de grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur


[size=18][color=green][b]Nomination de Hadramasmatra au poste d'évêque in Olomouc[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège, et en particulier du Consistoire Oriental,[/b]

[i]Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de [color=green][b]mère Hadramasmatra[/b][/color] [color=green][b]au trône épiscopal de Olomouc[/b][/color].
Elle est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage, de l'enterrement et de la commande sacerdotal, ainsi que guider le Diocèse de Olomouc en accord avec le Droit Chanoine.[/i]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

[b]Fait à Rome le XXII septembre, de l’an de grâce MCDLXIII de Notre Seigneur [/b]


H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2018 6:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination de Albrect au poste d'évêque in Turku

    Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège, et en particulier du Consistoire qui traite avec l'Union de Kalmar,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de père Albrect au trône épiscopal de Turku.
    Il est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage, de l'enterrement et de la commande sacerdotal, ainsi que guider le Diocèse de Turku en accord avec le Droit Chanoine.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome le XVIII janvier, de l’an de grâce MCDLXIV de Notre Seigneur


[size=18][color=green][b]Nomination de Albrect au poste d'évêque in Turku[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Edoardo Borromeo Galli dict "Egal" Prélat Plénipotentiaire de Rome, Cardinal Romain Electeur, Eveque In Partibus de Beyrouth,
devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de l’ensemble des cardinaux réunis en Sacré Collège, et en particulier du Consistoire qui traite avec l'Union de Kalmar,[/b]

[i]Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de [color=green][b]père Albrect[/b][/color] [color=green][b]au trône épiscopal de Turku[/b][/color].
Il est accordé de prêcher et bénir, célébrer les sacrements du baptême, du mariage, de l'enterrement et de la commande sacerdotal, ainsi que guider le Diocèse de Turku en accord avec le Droit Chanoine.[/i]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

[b]Fait à Rome le XVIII janvier, de l’an de grâce MCDLXIV de Notre Seigneur [/b]


H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 05, 2018 2:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Call for applications for the two positions of Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Announce the call for applications for the positions of Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. He must have knowledge of Canon Law and Dogma. Assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

    This call for application will remain open for the next ten days since the publication of this announcement and all applications must be sent directly to Us, by a private letter. Each candidate must send Us a copy of baptism certificate, a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on 5th of August, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Call for applications for the two positions of Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=red][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Announce the call for applications for the positions of [b]Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b].

Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. He must have knowledge of Canon Law and Dogma. Assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

This call for application will remain open for the next [b]ten days[/b] since the publication of this announcement and all applications must be sent directly to Us, by a private letter. Each candidate must send Us a copy of baptism certificate, a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation.

[b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on 5th of August, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b]





Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗

Dernière édition par Gropius le Sam Sep 29, 2018 8:08 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 12, 2018 11:54 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of an Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Appoint His Excellency Mons. Albrect Eriksonn [Albrect] as Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. He assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on XIIth of August, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of an Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Appoint His Excellency Mons. Albrect Eriksonn [color=blue][b][Albrect][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. He assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on XIIth of August, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗

Dernière édition par Gropius le Sam Sep 29, 2018 8:08 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 30, 2018 10:57 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of an Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Appoint Her Eminence Mons. Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla [Pamelita] as Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. She assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on XXX of August, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of an Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Appoint Her Eminence Mons. Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla [color=blue][b][Pamelita][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. She assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on XXX of August, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗

Dernière édition par Gropius le Sam Sep 29, 2018 8:09 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 18, 2018 12:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



Noi, Sua Eminenza Arduino I Della Scala detto "Gropius", Cardinale romano elettore della parrocchia di San Silfaele Fuori le Mura, Cardinale Governatore del Patrimoniun Titi e Conte di Civitavecchia, Arcivescovo di Pisa, Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede, Protonotario Apostolico, Stella d'Oro dell'Ordine di Aristotele, Barone Palatino di San Giovanni in Laterano, Scudiero del Ducato di Camerino,

nella nostra qualità di Arcivescovo Metropolita di Pisa e Prelato Plenipotenziario,

    Dichiariamo che NULLA OSTA alla celebrazione del sacramento del FUNERALE del fedele Andrej Nikolaevic Bolkonskij [Principe_andreij], che fu residente a Livorno.
    Autorizziamo a celebrare tale sacramento presso la chiesa di Lissia Gori nel Principato di Moscovia.
    Il celebrante, che dovrà essere un presbitero Aristotelico Romano, è tenuto a provvedere a tutti gli adempimenti burocratici del caso.

Roma, 18 Settembre 1466

Sua Eminenza Monsignor


[b][size=22][color=indigo]NIHIL OBSTAT[/color][/size][/b]

[b]Noi, Sua Eminenza Arduino I Della Scala detto "Gropius", Cardinale romano elettore della parrocchia di San Silfaele Fuori le Mura, Cardinale Governatore del Patrimoniun Titi e Conte di Civitavecchia, Arcivescovo di Pisa, Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede, Protonotario Apostolico, Stella d'Oro dell'Ordine di Aristotele, Barone Palatino di San Giovanni in Laterano, Scudiero del Ducato di Camerino,

nella nostra qualità di Arcivescovo Metropolita di Pisa e Prelato Plenipotenziario,[/b]

[list][b][size=18]D[/size][/b]ichiariamo che NULLA OSTA alla celebrazione del sacramento del FUNERALE del fedele Andrej Nikolaevic Bolkonskij [b][Principe_andreij][/b], che fu residente a Livorno.
[b][size=18]A[/size][/b]utorizziamo a celebrare tale sacramento presso la chiesa di Lissia Gori nel Principato di Moscovia.
Il celebrante, che dovrà essere un presbitero Aristotelico Romano, è tenuto a provvedere a tutti gli adempimenti burocratici del caso.
Roma, 18 Settembre 1466

[i]Sua Eminenza Monsignor[/i]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 08, 2018 8:36 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of a Legate for the Anglophone zone of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Appoint Her Excellency Jolieen Rose [Jolieen] as Legate for the Anglophone zone of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on VIII of October, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of a Legate for the Anglophone zone of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Appoint Her Excellency Jolieen Rose [color=blue][b][Jolieen][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Legate for the Anglophone zone of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on VIII of October, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 11, 2018 7:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Removal from Assessor and Appointment to Legate for the Northern Countries of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Remove His Ex. Mons. Albrect Eriksson, Albrect from Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches and Appoint Him as Legate for the Northern Countries of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on XI of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Removal from Assessor and Appointment to Legate for the Northern Countries of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Remove His Ex. Mons. Albrect Eriksson, [b][color=blue]Albrect[/color][/b] from Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches and Appoint Him as [color=blue][b]Legate for the Northern Countries of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on XI of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 11, 2018 7:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of an Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Appoint His Ex. Mons. Valentino Borgia [Astuzia] as Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. She assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on XI of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of an Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Appoint His Ex. Mons. Valentino Borgia [color=blue][b][Astuzia][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Assessor of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

Assessor is an operator at the service of the Church. She assists the Plenipotentiary Prelate in the management of the Department of New or Developing Churches.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on XI of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 12, 2018 10:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of a Legate for the Center and Eastern Europe of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Appoint His Excellency Mons. Giordano [Pixhell] as Legate for the Center and Eastern Europe of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on XII of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of a Legate for the Center and Eastern Europe of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Appoint His Excellency Mons. Giordano [color=blue][b][Pixhell][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Legate for the Center and Eastern Europe of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on XII of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 23, 2018 12:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of a Legate for the Spanish speaking Area of the Department of New and Developing Churches

    The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

    The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

    The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

    The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

    The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly.

    We, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary

    Appoint His Excellency Mons. Augusto Borgia [Augusto.] as Legate for the Spanish speaking Area of the Department of New and Developing Churches.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Written in Rome on XXIII of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI


[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of a Legate for the Spanish speaking Area of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color][/size]

[quote][i]The Department of New and Developing Churches is a reserved office created by the Curia to work with the newborn and the smaller Aristotelian communities.

The main goals of the Department are to develop religious integration of all those regions that do not belong to the Holy Aristotelian Church yet and to support the Churches with any difficulties and special needs.

The Department makes contact with the inhabitants of those countries where it is called for intervention and introduces them to the Aristotelian Church and Its Dogma.

The Department negotiates for the integration under the Aristotelian Church or the recognition as an Autonomous Aristotelian Church, according to the Canon Law. It handles every deal representing the Congregations in front of the existant groups and leaders until the appointment of the proper officers

The Department, lastly, manages the Churches without Consistory and without an Episcopal Assembly. [/i][/quote]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, His M. R. Eminence Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius], Roman Elector Cardinal of the Parish of St. Silfaele outside the Walls, Archbishop of Pisa, General Secretary of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Apostolic Protonotary, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi and Count of Civitavecchia, as Prelate Plenipotentiary[/b]

Appoint His Excellency Mons. Augusto Borgia [color=blue][b][Augusto.][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Legate for the Spanish speaking Area of the Department of New and Developing Churches[/b][/color].

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Written in Rome on XXIII of November, the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 18, 2019 1:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



We, His Eminence Arduino I Della Scala called "Gropius", Cardinal-bishop of the parish of San Silfaele Outside the Walls, Plenipotentiary Prelate and Cardinal Governor of the Patrimoniun Titi, Count of Civitavecchia, Archbishop of Pisa, et al.

    Declare that NIHIL OBSTAT to the celebration of the sacrament of BAPTISM of [Krasoljub], resident in Vrbovsko, Kingodm of Croatia


    Authorize H.M.R.Em. Pamela Cagliosto d'Altavilla [Pamelita] to celebrate this sacrament at the Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo.
    The celebrant is compelled to provide all the bureaucratic requirements.

Rome, Palace of the Convertendi, XIV.II.MCDLXVII Sixti IV PP Anno I

Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala


[b][size=22][color=indigo]NIHIL OBSTAT[/color][/size][/b]

[b]We, His Eminence Arduino I Della Scala called "Gropius", Cardinal-bishop of the parish of San Silfaele Outside the Walls, Plenipotentiary Prelate and Cardinal Governor of the Patrimoniun Titi, Count of Civitavecchia, Archbishop of Pisa, et al.[/b]

[list][b][size=18]D[/size][/b]eclare that NIHIL OBSTAT to the celebration of the sacrament of BAPTISM of [b][Krasoljub][/b], resident in Vrbovsko, Kingodm of Croatia

[b][size=18]A[/size][/b]uthorize H.M.R.Em. Pamela Cagliosto d'Altavilla [Pamelita] to celebrate this sacrament at the Cistercian Abbey of Fornovo.
The celebrant is compelled to provide all the bureaucratic requirements.

Rome, Palace of the Convertendi, XIV.II.MCDLXVII Sixti IV PP Anno I

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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