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[RP] Palazzo Della Scala-Corsini alla Lungara
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Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2016
Messages: 561

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 09, 2018 7:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Strinse con profondo quanto sincero affetto, il cardinale Arduino nel riceverli

Grazie Cardinale per l'invito alla mia modesta persona

entrò con Hamea , salutando nuovamente ma stavolta più sentitamente ed abbracciandoli affettuosamente i suoi zii affettivi Sebastian e Pamelita, salutando infine tutti gli altri cardinali che conosceva, religiosi, e laici che conosceva, la duchessa di Modena compresa.

Rapita infine dalla bellezza e sontuosità del Palazzo.
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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2018
Messages: 33

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 11, 2018 10:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La carrozza lo scodellò davanti al palazzo del magnifico e munifico Cardinale Della Scala.
Non aveva ancora messo il piede a terra che subito venne accolto da solleciti servitori con il compito di guidarlo ai Padiglioni del ricevimento.
Mentre li seguiva si guardava intorno apprezzando la raffinata eleganza architettonica e paesaggistica dell'insieme, ma anche i tavoli imbanditi con ogni tipo di prelibatezza e la gradevole musica che si diffondeva nell'aria senza disturbare.
Ed eccolo il Cardinale Arcivescovo che con fare gioioso, accoglieva tutti gli ospiti.... uno per uno cercando di metterli meglio a loro agio.

Benvenuti. Benvenuti e ben trovati. Lasciate i pensieri gravosi dei quotidiani offici fuori da queste mura e per il tempo che durerà, godetevi un poco di spensieratezza.

Gli si avvicinò sorridendo felice di quella ospitalità salutandolo come l'etichetta imponeva.
Poi prese una coppa di vino speziato che un servitore gli stava proponendo, la sollevò in direzione di Gropius e sorridendo disse sottovoce:

Proprio due stanzette eh.... devo venire a trovarti più spesso...
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 16, 2018 1:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

D'un tratto si sentì provenire un dolce suono di flauti provenire da dentro il palazzo. Più il suono si faceva chiaro, più la gente poteva orientare lo sguardo verso l'uscita da cui si capiva che il corteo sarebbe giunto.

Così fu. Un corteo di amorini, Zefiri, satiri seguiva e anticipava una figura femminile vestita di fiori.

Il corteo della Primavera...

Disse compiaciuto il Cardinale a chi gli stava vicino in quel momento.

L'allegoria attraversò il giardino chiuso, passando attorno ai tavoli imbanditi e celiando con gli ospiti, per poi dirigersi verso il giardino aperto, dove restò il tempo per diversi balli. Gli amorini si rincorrevano tra loro, mentre i satiri giocavano a rincorrere le ninfe e anche le ospiti del ricevimento.

Dopo un discreto tempo, proseguì addentrandosi tra le fronde del bosco. Quando ormai la loro vista era preclusa, restarono in lontananza le loro risate e la musica dei flauti.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11984

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 16, 2018 4:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Con un lieve sorriso, il Cardinal Fenice seguì l'intermezzo, che dimostrava la raffinatezza dell'anfitrione e il suo gusto per le dotte citazioni.
Gli si avvicinò e mormorò, a bassa voce per non disturbare la musica

Assai leggiadro il quadro d'insieme, mi complimento... Chissà se ai cavalieri sarà gradito, in ogni caso, ben studiato e apparecchiato.
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 16, 2018 4:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Arduino tese l'orecchio verso la Cancelliera e le sorrise tra il compiaciuto e il malizioso.

Vi ringrazio. Be', alcuni di certo apprezzeranno. Gli altri impareranno a farlo.

Tornò in posizione eretta mentre applaudiva al giocoso corteo.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 43

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 26, 2018 10:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lasciò il figlio nelle sue vesti di anfitrione e s'incamminò nei vialetti del giardino, scorse nascosta dietro un arbusto di bosso una piccola panca in marmo di Carrara un pò appartata che donava riposo e frescura nelle torride giornate estive, grazie anche alle fronde di una bellissima Magnolia Stellata che emanava un intenso profumo e si sedette.

La posizione era strategica, offriva riparo da occhi indiscreti ma dava la possibilità a chi vi si sedeva di avere una visione totale dei giardini.

Un angolo della bocca le si sollevò in un sorriso appena accennato, era certa che suo figlio usasse spesso quell'angolino appartato.

Udì il suono di flauti e il suo sguardo si posò su un corteo che avanzava nel vialetto dove in una allegoria mitologica, figure tersicoree facevano da sfondo ad una bellissima fanciulla eterea vestita di fiori rappresentante senza ombra di dubbio la Primavera.

Riconobbe la mano del figlio nella regia della rappresentazione e si rese conto di vivere uno di quei rari momenti che si definiscono appaganti.
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Inscrit le: 08 Oct 2017
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Lun Juil 02, 2018 11:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"Eccola" ne scorse un lembo del vestito dietro un arbusto di bosso seduta su di una panca in marmo di Carrara
Fece un cenno al Corteo della Primavera di raggiungerle anche lì e girò dall'altro lato occupando la maggior parte della panca con la rosea organza dell'ampio abito così da condividere lo spettacolo con la gemella, mentre la musica diventava sempre più forte al passare del corteo di amorini, Zefiri, satiri che seguivano la figura femminile vestita di fiori.

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 31, 2019 10:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mastro Moroni, per carità, non guardatemi così!

Diceva il giovane Cardinale mentre, in braghe di lana e mantello di pesante broccato verde e argento, era gettato su di una sedia di ebano imbottita.

So bene che vi ho fatto chiamare così, all'improvviso e che avete molto lavoro da fare e che sarete certamente richiestissimo a Roma in questo periodo, soprattutto visti gli sviluppi. Ma volete scontentare il vostro caro amico Arduino?

Sorrise obliquo. No, no che non volete.

Un servitore si era appena avvicinato a lui per offrirgli una coppa fumante di latte e miele, mentre dalle tende filtrava il timido sole di un mite mattino d'inverno. Prese la coppa, ringraziò il servitore con un sorriso e un cenno del capo, portò il bordo alle labbra e soffiò, prima di berne un sorso.

Vedete, Mastro Moroni, è un evento senza precedenti, almeno per me! Al posto degli occhi pareva avere delle stelle che brillavano di gioia e aspettativa. Inoltre, benché abbia tentato di fare diversamente, la vita del Cardinale è un susseguirsi di impegni, perlopiù profondamente seri e difficili... quando c'è un'occasione così non la dobbiamo sprecare... sì, vi ho capito! Avreste preferito maggior preavviso, ma fiat voluntas Dei!

Socchiuse gli occhi mentre alzava la mano libera verso il soffitto e con l'altra portava la coppa alla bocca per proseguire a bere.

Uhhh! Fece un verso spalancando gli occhi quando un paio di aiutanti del sarto portarono nel salotto alcuni scampoli di stoffa pregiatissima. Balzò in piedi quasi versandosi il latte sul collo e sul mantello e cominciò a saltellare preso da una forma di frenesia bacchica.

Ma sono i broccati veneziani! Si avvicinò tenendo la coppa di latte con entrambe le mani e sporgendosi in avanti tirando il collo e aggrottando la fronte come a tendersi il più possibile. Che magnificenza... QUESTO! Indicò un damasco broccato, dove sul fondo in rosso veneziano, emergeva un motivo broccato a roselline damascate, realizzate con filo d'oro.

Mastro Moroni, for heaven's sake, don't look at me like that!

Said the young Cardinal while he was sitting on a padded ebony chair in woolen breeches and a cloak of heavy green and silver brocade.

I know well that I have called you so suddenly, and that you have a lot of work and that you will certainly be in great demand in Rome at this time, especially now. But do you want to disappoint your dear friend Arduino?

Sideways smiles. No, you don't want.

A servant had just approached him to offer a steaming cup of milk and honey, while the timid sun of a mild winter morning filtered through the curtains. He took the cup, thanked the servant with a smile and a nod, brought the edge to his lips and blew, before taking a sip.

You know, Mastro Moroni, it's an unprecedented event, at least for me! Instead of eyes he seemed to have stars that shone with joy and expectation. In addition, though I have tried to do otherwise, the life of a Cardinal is a succession of commitments, mostly deeply serious and difficult... when there is an opportunity such this, we don't have to waste it... yes, I understand you! You would have preferred more notice, but fiat voluntas Dei!

Squinted his eyes as he raised his free hand to the ceiling and with the other he moved the cup close to his mouth to continue drinking.

Uhhh! He opened his eyes wide when a couple of tailor's helpers brought some remnants of precious cloth into the living room. He jumped up almost as he poured the milk over his neck and cloak and began to jump, caught in a form of bacchic frenzy

But they are the Venetian brocades! He approached holding the cup of milk with both hands and leaning forward pulling the neck and frowning as to stretch as much as possible. What a magnificence... THIS! He pointed to a brocade damask, where on the background in Venetian red, there emerged a brocade motif with damask roses, made with gold thread.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 02, 2019 4:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus had received an invitation from his good friend Arduino to visit his palace and meet him there. In the idyll of central Italy, it is completely impossible not to dream and during the carriage ride - past so many wonderful old streets, paths, groves and of course these small Romanesque towns that always tempt him to stop and taste a little delicacy that was only available in the province. The beauty of these lands was without a doubt the fear of God, the kindness and indulgence of the inhabitants with a cardinal who did not speak the beautiful language of the Italians. He also knew not enough Italians, but was always completely fascinated by their way of living and enjoying. He connected that with this people and of course with Arduino - the pleasure.
    There was no ban on enjoyment on God's earth - the rule of restraint means that things had to be given value. It was necessary to determine whether and to what extent an object was admired, enjoyed or scorned beyond its measure. If you have done that, Kalixtus was convinced, the most important way to enjoy it is to share. So he shared his wealth, his way of living and his nature with all those who would accept this gift. Arduino seemed to be such a man, who did not seem to fall into panic, shock or anger because of the presence of the German Cardinal with French roots. That was beautiful. The black stallions pulled the ebony carriage over the old streets and soon reached the palace. As always, he travelled with one of the state coaches and arrived from Senigallia, his fiefdom here in central Italy in the Vatican State.
    The coat of arms of the Cardinal was clearly visible on the doors of the carriage and showed who was sitting in the spacious and upholstered carriage. As a result, they were used to long journeys and did not want to make them uncomfortable. It already required enough effort to design your own appearance so that you didn't always look like a plucked chicken.

    The episcopal guard from Trier secured the convoy and it was the captain who opened the door for him and Kalixtus got out of the carriage in his flowing robes of silk and damask. He had a weakness for these fabrics, which gave him a particularly elegant and dramatic appearance. He also enjoyed the feeling on his skin - tender and soft, like the hands of a lover, you might think. The thoughts drifted off to Arduino and he was announced by his court master, who was in the carriage. The present was in the chest - furs from Russia. Especially the grey foxes were beautiful and would stand Arduino very well. Tailored as a coat, he would surely defy the cold in the north.

    The cardinal smiled softly and in a smooth movement tied the black hair band, which held part of his white hair together and released his face. However, he hadn't tied his hair tightly, but preferred a slightly more open hair today. He examined the order of the forecourt and would wait to be received by his colleague, which was out of the question, but courtesy was one of his virtues.

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 04, 2019 9:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Passò ancora qualche ora in compagnia del sarto e poi lo lasciò lavorare, insieme ai suoi aiutanti, senza ulteriori domande inutili che il Cardinale sapeva di porre e che poneva appositamente per testare la pazienza dei suoi interlocutori. Salutò con mano benedicente e andò nelle sue stanze, seguito da un codazzo di servitori e servitrici.

Arduino parlava con loro con molta affabilità e sorrideva alle loro battute e alle proprie; considerava fondamentale che nella sua dimora tutti, ospiti, lavoratori, garzoni di passaggio, si sentissero ben accolti e ben trattati.

Il giovane Cardinale sembrava volare sui lucidi pavimenti del Palazzo, tanto lieto aveva il cuore per quei giorni appena trascorsi e per i prossimi che promettevano d'essere altrettanto appaganti.

Avevano preparato un bagno bollente - così gli piaceva - e si dedicò alle abluzioni aiutato da due servitrici. Appena alzava un braccio dall'acqua, la pelle, paonazza, fumava.

Poi fu il momento di vestirsi, dopo che fu asperso da una nuvola di acqua di talco e lavanda. Indossò un abito talare di damasco cangiante, verde scuro e giallo. Fissò sul petto una croce d'argento incastonato di pietre dure "occhio di tigre", un tipo di quarzo.

Passò ancora dell'altro tempo in preparativi, in precise disposizioni sui pasti da servire, sul come e sul quando. Chiamò Francesco, il suo uomo più fidato, e gli affidò come sempre la gestione della sicurezza del Palazzo, poi al segretario invadente, Mastro Gualducci, fu affidato il compito di recarsi a Civitavecchia per controllare alcuni registri; a Dorianus il compito di badare alla servitù con l'aiuto di Lucia - la quale lo seguiva dai tempi di Bagnolo in Piano; mentre la madre di questa, Agnese, cuoca provetta, coordinava le cucine. La sua piccola cerchia era all'opera ed egli confidava che tutto sarebbe andato per il meglio.

Quando gli comunicarono che il Cardinale Kalixtus era giunto, un ampio sorriso gli illuminò il volto e, con passo lesto, andò ad accoglierlo.

Arrivato all'ingresso del Palazzo, lo vide e sorrise e accelerò il passo.

Will Rome resist the light of two suns?

Chiese quando stava per giungere di fronte all'amico, mentre una ciocca di biondi capelli gli copriva l'occhio destro.

He spent a few hours with the tailor and then let him work, together with his assistants, without further unnecessary questions that the Cardinal knew to pose and that he posed specifically to test the patience of his interlocutors. He greeted with a blessing hand and went to his rooms, followed by a bundle of servants.

Arduino talked to them with great affability and smiled at their jokes and at their own; he considered essential that everyone - guests, workers, shop boy - felt welcome and well treated in his home.

The young Cardinal seemed to fly on the shiny floors of the Palace, his heart was so happy for those days just passed and for the next ones who promised to be just as rewarding.

A very hot bath was prepared for him - so he liked - and dedicated himself to ablutions helped by two servants. As soon as he raised an arm from the water, his skin, purple, was surrounded by steam.

Then it was time to get dressed, after he was sprinkled with a cloud of talcum and lavender water. He wore a soutane of iridescent damask, dark green and yellow. He fastened on his chest a silver cross set with hard stones "tiger's eye", a type of quartz.

He spent more time in preparation, in precise provisions on meals to be served, on how and when. He called Francesco, his most trusted man, and entrusted him as always with the security management of the Palace, then Mastro Gualducci, the intrusive secretary, was entrusted with the task of going to Civitavecchia to check some registers; to Dorianus the task of looking after the servants with the help of Lucia - who had followed him since the days of Bagnolo in Piano; while the mother of Lucia, Agnese, expert cook, coordinated the works in kitchens. His small circle was at work and he trusted that everything would be fine.

When they told him that Cardinal Kalixtus had arrived, a broad smile lit up his face and, with a quick step, he went to welcome him.

Arrived at the entrance of the Palace, he saw it and smiled and accelerated the pace.

Will Rome resist the light of two suns?

He asked when he was about to meet his friend, while a lock of blonde hair covered his right eye.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 09, 2019 2:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus kissed him as a greeting on every cheek and stroked him almost tenderly the curl from the face. It is a special pleasure for me to visit you here in your home. It is impressive and worthy of you. I am happy to have accepted your invitation and to have received it so perfectly from you. I was so free to bring you some of my most beautiful specimens of Russian furs as a small present in the pretty red oak chest. Some of these pieces will truly caress your beauty. I'm sure your furrier will have a lot of fun creating something beautiful for you. Then you can visit my palaces in the north and bathe in the hot springs. Kalixtus smiled ambiguously and followed him into the palace. He had noticed the scent of lavender on him as well as Arduino unquestionably sensed the combination of sandalwood, amber and a hint of bergamot on him. Kalixtus seemed to have a soul mate in Arduino, because he also relied on a specially chosen sign when it came to embodying perfection and grace. Every gesture, every piece of jewellery, every smile and every word was of special importance. So was his question. Arduino was not a man who submits and Kalixtus would never want that, because for him it was important to meet someone at eye level. This had also been tried on other people but Strasbourg was a disappointment these days. Not that Italian sun. In the cosmos, he began his answer to the easy but very important question, there are billions of stars. They are all suns. A few of them move across our sky as a system. It seems to me that our creator found the idea particularly exciting to put together some suns so that they can give each other joy. Such a system is probably one of the most beautiful in our firmament and it is called the Southern Cross and is located in the constellation of the centaur. In Greek mythology the centaurs were portrayed as barbaric and violent. An exception was the centaur Cheiron, a son of the Titan Kronos. Cheiron, considered wise and learned, raised some of the ancient heroes, including Jason, Achilleus and Asklepios, whom he taught the art of healing.

    Cheiron came to a tragic end: when one day the hero Heracles was taken in and hosted by the centaur Phólos, there was a quarrel because some centaur intoxicated with wine attacked the hero. Then Heracles fought back and killed some of them. When some of the centaurs fled to Cheiron, who had stayed out of the battle, he was accidentally hit by a poisoned arrow from Heracles. Cheiron was immortal, but the arrow poison would have given him a long and painful existence. In order to relieve Cheiron of his torment and still make him immortal, Zeus took him to heaven. Thus it is a symbol of doctrine, vulnerability and eternity. A few wonderful points that we know very well, don't we?

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 13, 2019 12:28 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His friend was there, in front of him and this made him euphoric. When he gave him the gift - some splendid Russian furs - his eyes shone with joy.

My dear, it's a really remarkable present, they are beautiful! Of course, my furrier will make good use! He looked around. Come on! we don't stay here, come, let's go in.

He spent a few moments and then said:

The story of Cheiron is very beautiful. Yes, we know something about both vulnerability and immortality. We struggle every day to keep alive what we believe in, but at the bottom of our mind we know that, like the generations that preceded us, whole civilizations fallen and forgotten, we too and what we have built with difficulty and to which we have dedicated our efforts, our energies, our lives, even this, someday, will have to end.
His face was crossed by a shadow that dimmed the light of youth that always illuminated his face. He bit his lower lip and shook his head. But until that day, my beloved sun, we will be immortal and perhaps even after, who knows. He smiled. After all, we still talk about Cheiron or the great characters of the past. We have the duty to make of our life something that can remain indelible in memory of future generations. Then, he whispered: Not like some that, although very powerful, are destined to succumb and leave nothing but dust.

He taken Kalixtus by the arm and together crossed the great main door to reach an imposing marble staircase.

My dear, you will need to freshen up and relax from the trip. Your apartments are ready, as well as a hot bath and all sorts of comfort for you to feel welcomed. Come, I'll show you the way.

With a wave of his hand that seemed graceful, but actually darted in the air like a sword blade, he pushed aside a couple of servants who had approached. With a cordial poisonous voice, he told them: Later.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 13, 2019 8:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The palace was what he imagined it to be - a perfect arrangement and proof of Arduino's particularly good taste for details. He looked around with a smile and was only too delighted to be led by him. His eyes absorbed every detail, because they gave an idea of what was important to the Italian and the way he handled his staff was also very much in line with Kalixtus' ideas. At this court it was clear who ruled and who served. That was something Kalixtus particularly appreciated about Arduino - the ability to defend and command his point of view. He himself, however, also acted less with words. He had drilled his staff to anticipate his desires and to read his gestures. So he just waved and the box was handed over to the slaves of Arduino, so behind Kalixtus followed only his own slaves, who were different in that they wore snow-white linen trousers and white pigskin shoes. Their muscular upper bodies were naked except for the heavy sun, which on a long chain made clear the rank in which they existed in the hierarchy of Kalixtus. These here were made of bare metal, although beautifully designed, so they were only slaves and not servants.
    Servants were those who carried silver and gold suns. They had personal access to Kalixtus and he knew their names. Of these there were two who followed them, they would take over the necessary coordination between the court of Arduino and the needs of Kalixtus. For example, the personal hygiene that was as important in Kalixtus' world as the work for the glory of the Mother Church. But only those with golden suns around their necks were allowed to touch him, they originated from his harem. To that circle of constantly growing young men, who were under his personal protection and, unlike the slaves, served him voluntarily, since they profited from his knowledge, his presence and his lifestyle - the freedom in his realm in certain circles was not a luxury but grace - which he granted, as an absolute ruler he always decided what blossomed and what had to wither.

    So it was a long time ago that he came to a similarly organized and harmonious court. He acknowledged this with a benevolent and appreciative smile, he had not been mistaken in Arduino. His overlength garment glided gently over the marble steps and the floor - everything reminded him of history that this city exhaled as much as this building. Arduino's company produced a warmth in Kalixtus that melted the cold in him. It was unusual for Kalixtus to want someone so close to his side and so he looked into the eyes of his counterpart a little too long on more than one occasion. He almost seemed to sink into them, the dark grey, that like platinum, awakened and full of joie de vivre, sprayed small golden dots, which you could see but above all you could feel. It was honest and sincere joy and Kalixtus shared this feeling. When these jewels briefly clouded over as he spoke of transience, his hand gently stroked the back of the other's hand and when he called him "beloves sun" a slight purring could be heard. Kalixtus did not only smile, he looked at him directly with a look and said.

    You will be an eternal star, Arduino. Because all our works, our actions, our work is transient - but our soul, our essence, what we are inside, that remains and I have the grace to see this wonderful side in you and it seems to me like the brightest star in God's sky - but no cosmos can describe, no constellation can guide me, I have to see it and I can only see it if you allow it. So this is such a wonderful day. He smiled sincerely and let the chambers show themselves and finally they landed in the bathroom and Kalixtus sat down on the edge of the tub and looked at Arduino and yes he always discovered something new in his face, in the behaviour of the man. There was so much depth, so much strength and so much will to progress, to prove oneself, to lead and to live. As he did so his fingers stroked over the water and the long nails filed into half moons wet the artery on Kalixtus's throat - he felt the heat of the water but also the heat inside him. Kalixtus saw how the small box with the oils and essences found its way into the bathroom. Then they were alone again and Kalixtus rose from the edge of the tub and opened it. Small vials made of glass with different, colour separated contents came to the surface.

    The scent of the lavender reminds me of my childhood, my family comes from the south of France where they ruled over a barony before they were extinguished, because they fell victim to the intrigues of the French king... Kalixtus faltered and did not want to talk about this situation and then smiled. There was lavender in large fields and my sister and I played so often in those fields that all our clothes smelled of this particularly beautiful scent. I like to smell it on you, it fits very nicely to what I see in you. What do you think I have to choose for today? Zibet or opium maybe sandalwood? He asked Arduino while he took off his coat and in a few skilled moves he took off the silk robes that fell to the ground stroking his flawless skin and revealed Kalixtus in his perfection. In the world in which he lived, this was not an uncommon thing, what was different was his purring.

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 15, 2019 12:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Arduino followed the steps and words of Kalixtus with the same caution, as when you offer your hand to a lion, in a mixture of excitement, fear, prudence. When Kalixtus remembered his family, the young Cardinal understood that it would be better not to investigate, to not sink any blade through that diaphanous skin.

The doors of the bathroom were closed behind them. When Kalixtus undressed and approached him, a thrill went through Arduino, between embarrassment and concupiscence.

I think opium is the best choice for today. He said in a hoarse voice that he disguised in a cough.

He smiled full of malice. He walked away, stopped to look at him. Several times his eyes traveled the body of the friend from the bottom up. Not far away was an ebony sideboard, finely crafted and inlaid with water scenes. The hands of Arduino passed quickly on the wood and with both middle fingers pressed two hidden buttons. A small secret compartment opened, revealing a little glass bottle. He took it, removed the cork and poured its contents into the water. Then he plunged his arm up to his elbow and stirred slowly as he continued to look at Kalixtus.

The bathroom is now ready for such a rare beauty. It is a very powerful... tonic that some bring me from South East Europe. Do not drink, I recommend. Smiled.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 20, 2019 9:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus observes every movement and of course every body reaction of his counterpart. He knew the signs, the reactions that are irrevocably triggered by his presence. He knew the effect that his openness had on those who were willing to enjoy what he had. The truth was that even Kalixtus was not free of such reactions, he watched the world and especially his surroundings not free of such feelings and he enjoyed it. He also felt no commandment of God broken in this action or attitude. The creation of the Lord could only be worshipped through desire and passion. Arduino was a particularly attractive creature and he will not pass this test, Kalixtus knew that and so he did not defend himself either - on the contrary. The attractiveness was not only a superficial, optical - but above all an attractiveness which he attributed to the deep spirit and the ability to assert himself and to recognize his position in the world. Arduino had fought his way to the top and defended his views. This was immensely sexy. He took the hand of his Italian almost frisky and drove with his fingers gently over the single limbs of his hand. He looks at the beautifully formed patterns which drew the veins under the light skin that shimmered bluish as it was reserved for the nobility. You are beautiful. It was the first literal compliment he made to Arduino. It was only the truth and he raised Arduino's hand to his face smelled the smell of the tonic and smiled because it mixed with the lavender. A shame that I have to enjoy the bath alone since you have already cleaned yourself up. But I am sure we will visit one of the beautiful thermal baths in Rome and maybe we will have the opportunity to enjoy a good massage after the coronation ceremony. Those who work a lot must also relax. I have learned some good techniques from the Orient and maybe you will allow me to show them to you?

    Kalixtus rose from the edge of the pool, let go of Arduino's hand and stood behind him, held his shoulders, pushed his hair a little away and kissed him tenderly on the neck, a little like a butterfly landing on the back of his hand before whispering with his dark, deep timbre into his ear: Would you help me remove the bow from my hair?

    The physical closeness to the Italian made Kalixtus electrify and it cost him every effort not to jump on him, but he wouldn't do it, because this wasn't fast food it was something that meant a lot. Nothing for the broom closet. He smiled a bit suggestively because he became aware of what he wanted ....

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