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[Congregation]Diffusion de la Foi/Dissemination of the Faith
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 30, 2015 12:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Confirmation de la nomination de Monseigneur David de St-Bertrand en tant que Recteur de l'Ordre Grégorien

    Nous, Sa Merveilleuse Éminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau, Cardinal-Archevêque de Lyon, Primat du Saint Empire Romain Germanique, Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foi, Cardinal-Inquisiteur francophone, Prince de Trèves, de Stavelot & Malmedy, Comte d'Orvieto et de Spiegelberg, Vicomte de Nidenggen, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d’Aristote,

    Conformément au Livre 3.3 régissant l'organisation du clergé régulier, annonçons la validation formelle de la nomination de Monseigneur David de St-Bertrand à la charge de Recteur de l'Ordre Grégorien. Lui adressons tous nos vœux de réussite en la lourde mission qu'il reçoit, l'invitons à siéger au Chapitre Régulier Romain et lui souhaitons d'assurer la prospérité au sein de l'Ordre dont il devient le Recteur.

    Fait à Rome, ce trentième d'avril quatorze cent soixante-trois.


[b][size=18]Confirmation de la nomination de Monseigneur David de St-Bertrand en tant que Recteur de l'Ordre Grégorien[/size][/b][/color]

Nous, Sa Merveilleuse Éminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau, Cardinal-Archevêque de Lyon, Primat du Saint Empire Romain Germanique, Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foi, Cardinal-Inquisiteur francophone, Prince de Trèves, de Stavelot & Malmedy, Comte d'Orvieto et de Spiegelberg, Vicomte de Nidenggen, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d’Aristote,  [/b]

Conformément au Livre 3.3 régissant l'organisation du clergé régulier, annonçons la validation formelle de la nomination de [color=#009900][b]Monseigneur David de St-Bertrand[/b][/color] à la charge de [color=#009900][b]Recteur de l'Ordre Grégorien[/b][/color]. Lui adressons tous nos vœux de réussite en la lourde mission qu'il reçoit, l'invitons à siéger au Chapitre Régulier Romain et lui souhaitons d'assurer la prospérité au sein de l'Ordre dont il devient le Recteur.

[b]Fait à Rome, ce trentième d'avril quatorze cent soixante-trois.[/b]





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Onael d'Appérault

Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2013
Messages: 3498
Localisation: Palazzo Altemps

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 18, 2015 11:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Nomination d'un Inspecteur des Chapelles.

Nous,Monseigneur Onael d'Appérault,Archevêque de Malines,Recteur de l'Ordre Lescurien,Préfet des Chapelles, annonçons:

La nomination de Frère Alexandre Diftain d'Azayes à la charge d'Inspecteur des chapelles pour la zone francophone.

Il sera en charge de contrôler les chapelles se trouvant dans cette zone afin de s'assurer qu'elles répondent bien aux statuts de l'office et fera rapport de toute infractions à ceux-ci ou au Droit Canon .
Les clés de son office leur sont dorénavant baillées, et nous l'attendons à l'office des Chapelles afin de prendre sa fonction.

Puissent Aristote et Christos le guider dans sa nouvelle charge.

Rédigée et scellée en Rome le dix huitième jour de Mai de l'An de Grasce 1463,par nous.


Nomination of an Inspector of Chapels.

We, Mgr Onael d'Appérault, Archbishop of Malines, Rector of Lescurian Order, Prefect of Chapels, hereby announce

The nomination of brother Alexandre Diftain d'Azayes as Inspector of Chapels for french zone.

He will control chapels on his zone to be sure that those one respect Canon Law and Chapels' statutes.
Keys of his office are giving and we waithim to the chapel's office to begin his work.

Could Aristote and Christos show him the way.

Wrote in Rome, this eighteenth day of May 1463,by us.

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Inscrit le: 06 Aoû 2012
Messages: 1785

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 12, 2015 10:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Seminar recognition Aristotelian German, Ordensschule

    Hereby, we, Nono, Deputy Prefect of teaching Aristotelian,
    Metropolitan Archbishop of Tours,
    Special Advisor to the Primate of France ,
    Lord of Fondettes ,

    before the Most High, and in the sight of Aristotle , on behalf of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith

    announce, after thorough study, recognition of Aristotelian German seminarOrdensschule the statutes of the Prefecture.

    Furthermore , we recognize all diplomas issued by this seminar since its inception.

    Pax et Bonum

    Done at Rome on 12 June of the year 1463,


    Reconnaissance du séminaire Aristotélicien Allemand, Ordensschule

    Par la présente, Nous, Nono, Vice-Préfet de l'enseignement Aristotélicien,
    Archevêque Métropolitain de Tours,
    Conseiller spécial de la Primat de France,
    Seigneur de Fondettes,

    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foy,

    annonçons, après étude approfondie, la reconnaissance du séminaire Aristotélicien Allemand, Ordensschule des statuts de la Préfecture.

    De plus, nous reconnaissons l'ensemble des diplômes donnés par ce séminaire depuis sa création.

    Pax et Bonum

    Fait à Rome le 12 juin de l’an de grâce 1463

[b][size=18]Seminar recognition Aristotelian German, Ordensschule[/size][/b][/color]

Hereby, we, [b][url=http://www.lesroyaumes.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=nono18]Nono[/url], Deputy Prefect of teaching Aristotelian,[/b]
[i][size=9]Metropolitan Archbishop of Tours,
Special Advisor to the Primate of France ,
Lord of Fondettes ,[/size][/i]

before the Most High, and in the sight of Aristotle , on behalf of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith

announce, after thorough study, recognition of Aristotelian German seminar[URL=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewforum.php?f=660]Ordensschule[/url] the statutes of the Prefecture.

Furthermore , we recognize all diplomas issued by this seminar since its inception.

[b][i]Pax et Bonum[/i][/b]

Done at Rome on 12 June of the year 1463,


[b][size=18]Reconnaissance du séminaire Aristotélicien Allemand, Ordensschule[/size][/b][/color]

Par la présente, Nous, [b][url=http://www.lesroyaumes.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=nono18]Nono[/url], Vice-Préfet de l'enseignement Aristotélicien,[/b]
[i][size=9]Archevêque Métropolitain de Tours,
Conseiller spécial de la Primat de France,
Seigneur de Fondettes,[/size][/i]

devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foy,

annonçons, après étude approfondie, la reconnaissance du séminaire Aristotélicien Allemand, [URL=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewforum.php?f=660]Ordensschule[/url] des statuts de la Préfecture.

De plus, nous reconnaissons l'ensemble des diplômes donnés par ce séminaire depuis sa création.

[b][i]Pax et Bonum[/i][/b]

Fait à Rome le 12 juin de l’an de grâce 1463



"Le DC ne vous commande pas d'aller aux toilettes. Pourtant, vous le faites." Rehael
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 15, 2015 1:24 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Requiescat in pace
    Décès de Mgr Marie-Clarence de la Rochefoucault-Mirandole, Évêque de Bazas

    Nous, Son Éminence Arnault d'Azayes, Camerlingue, Chancelier de la congrégation de l'Inquisition,
    Nous, Sa Merveilleuse Éminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau, Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foi,
    Nous, Monseigneur David de Sent-Bertran, Primat de France,
    Nous, Monseigneur Eloin Bellecour, Évêque de Limoges, Rectrice de l'Ordre Cistercien

      Prenons la plume pour annoncer au monde la triste et douloureuse nouvelle du décès de Mgr Marie-Clarence de la Rochefoucault-Mirandole lachement assassiné par un suppôt du Sans-Nom. Elle qui fut Secrétaire Pontifical, Evêque de Bazas et Vicaire Général de l'Archidiosèe d'Auch, ancienne Vice-préfète de l'office de l'Inquisition et Inquisitrice, procureur national de France, Archexorciste, Magister au séminaire Saint-Benoit de Noirlac et Inquisitorial d'Arles, Maître des novices de Noirlac, manque déjà et manquera terriblement à ses proches, à qui nous présentons toutes nos condoléances, et à toute l'Église qui perd une de ses plus fidèles servantes.
      Ses funérailles seront célébrées par Mgr Eloin dans l'abbaye de Noirlac le dix-sept juin prochain. Nous encourageons tous les fidèles à prier pour le salut de l'âme de feue Monseigneur.

    En foi de quoi, afin que ce soit chose stable et ferme à toujours, nous avons fait mettre et apposer notre sceau à cette présente annonce par nous faite et passée et donnée à Rome le quatorzième jour du mois de juin de l'an MCDLXIII, sous le pontificat de SS Innocent VIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 06 Aoû 2012
Messages: 1785

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 16, 2015 9:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Revocation of National Vice-Prefect and Spanish Recruitment notice

    Hereby, we, Nono, Deputy Prefect of teaching Aristotelian,
    Metropolitan Archbishop of Tours,
    Special Advisor to the Primate of France ,
    Lord of Fondettes ,

    before the Most High, and in the sight of Aristotle , on behalf of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith,

    Announcing the revocation of Casiopea the responsibility of Vice-Prefect Aristotelian teaching Spanish. We take this opportunity to thank him for all his work and for his investment.

    Also, make announcement of the opening of the recruitment notice for the position of Vice Prefect Aristotelian teaching Spanish.
    Candidates should send by 5 days Monsignor Nono18 message for nomination and curriculum vitae containing a cover letter.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome le XVI de juin de l'Anno Domini MCDLXIII

    Monseigneur Nono


    Révocation du Vice-Préfet National Espagnol et Avis de recrutement

    Par la présente, Nous, Nono, Vice-Préfet de l'enseignement Aristotélicien,
    Archevêque Métropolitain de Tours,
    Seigneur de Fondettes,

    devant le Très Haut, et sous le regard d’Aristote, au nom de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foy,

    Annonçons la révocation de Casiopea à la charge de Vice-Préfet à l'enseignement Aristotélicien Espagnol. Nous en profitons pour le remercier pour l'ensemble de son travail et pour son investissement.

    De plus, faisons annonce de l'ouverture de l'Avis de recrutement pour la charge de Vice Préfet à l'enseignement Aristotélicien Espagnol.
    Les candidats devront faire parvenir d'ici 5 jours à Monseigneur Nono18 un message pour la candidature contenant curriculum vitae et une lettre de présentation.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fait à Rome le XVI de juin de l'Anno Domini MCDLXIII

    Monseigneur Nono


"Le DC ne vous commande pas d'aller aux toilettes. Pourtant, vous le faites." Rehael
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Inscrit le: 06 Aoû 2012
Messages: 1785

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 23, 2015 11:18 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of Vice-Prefect in teaching Aristotelian Spanish

    Hereby, we, Nono, Deputy Prefect of teaching Aristotelian,
    Metropolitan Archbishop of Tours,
    Special Advisor to the Primate of France ,
    Lord of Fondettes ,

    before the Most High, and in the sight of Aristotle , on behalf of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith,

    Have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of :

    My Lord Chapita the responsibility of Vice-Prefect in teaching Aristotelian Spanish

    It is therefore invited to appear in the Roman theaters Prefecture to be able to begin its work.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    In witness whereof, that this thing is stable and still firm, we put our seal and affix to the present announcement we made and passed and given to Rome the sixth day of November in the year of Horace MCDLXII, under Pope Innocent VIII SS.

    Monseigneur Nono


"Le DC ne vous commande pas d'aller aux toilettes. Pourtant, vous le faites." Rehael
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 24, 2015 7:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Dismissal of the Prefect of Aristotle's Company

    We, His Wonderful Eminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau,
    Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce

    The dismissal of Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi Aslann Borgia, from her function of Prefect of the Aristotle's Company, for her absence and her total unhability to manage this Office.

    May the Almighty always guid us,

    Made in Rome, this twenty-fourth day of June MCDXLIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 24, 2015 7:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of Fuego2806 as Prefect of the Aristotle's Company

    We, His Wonderful Eminence Yvon-Ulrich Borgia-Diftain d'Embussy-Taschereau,
    Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyon, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, before the Almighty, hereby announce

    The nomination of His Excellency Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero [Fuego2806] , to the function of Prefect of the Aristotle's Company. He receives the charge of ensuring the good functioning of the Office, the coordination of staff and the regulation and planning of missionary works all over the world.

    May the Almighty always guid him

    Made in Rome, this twenty-fourth day of June MCDXLIII.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 24, 2015 11:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination du Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foy

    Nous, cardinaux de la sainte Église aristotélicienne réunis en sacré-collège, au nom du pape Innocent VIII et sous le regard d’Aristote,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de SE Quarion à la charge de Chancelier de la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foy. Conformément à la bulle pontificale De Sanctae Sedis summo administratione, élevons Sa Eminence Quarion au rang de cardinal romain électeur.

    Donné à Rome le vingt-quatrième jour du mois de Juin de l’an de grâce MCDLXIII

    Pour le sacré-collège des cardinaux,
    Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia,
    Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome


    Appointment of the Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church gathered in the Sacred College, in the name of Pope Innocent VIII and under the gaze of Aristotle,

    Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule and order the appointment of HE Quarion at the charge of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith. According to the pontifical bulle De Sanctae Sedis summo administratione, we raise His Eminence Quarion to the dignity of Roman Elector cardinal.

    Given in Rome on the XXIV day of June in the year of our Lord MCDLXIII

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
    Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia,
    Archdeacon of Rome

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2008
Messages: 2492
Localisation: Modena

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 26, 2015 4:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Candidacies for the Prefecture of Exorcists

    We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop In Partibus of Nazianze, Duke of Bologna, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:

      After the terrible announcement of the disappearance of His Excellency Marie Clarence, in consequence we have also lost the Archexorcist, we pray therefore for her soul and we thank her for the splendid work done in our congregation.
      Considering that, we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Prefect of the Offices of Exorcists.
      Anybody applying for this role will have to know the exorcisms procedures and applications, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
      Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Quarion

    Made in Rome, this 26th day of June MCDLXIII.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Candidacies for the Prefecture of Exorcists[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop In Partibus of Nazianze, Duke of Bologna, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:[/b]

[list][i]After the terrible announcement of the disappearance of  His Excellency Marie Clarence, in consequence we have also lost the Archexorcist, we pray therefore for her soul and we thank her for the splendid work done in our congregation.
Considering that, we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Prefect of the Offices of Exorcists.
Anybody applying for this role will have to know the exorcisms procedures and applications, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation.
Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor Quarion[/i][/list]

[b]Made in Rome, this 26th day of June MCDLXIII. [/b]
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2748/110421011007114554.png[/img][img]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/619561CDFJ.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

Dernière édition par Quarion le Ven Juin 26, 2015 6:40 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2008
Messages: 2492
Localisation: Modena

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 26, 2015 5:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination of the Prefect to the Aristotelian teaching

    We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop In Partibus of Nazianze, Duke of Bologna, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:

      Have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: Monseigneur Nono [Nono18] as Prefect of the Prefecture for the Aristotelian Teaching

      This position has a huge impact on our Church because it is at the forefront of spreading the Faith and supporting New Churches and faithful to join us and stay with us.

      Full training will be provided and you will be supported throughout your role.

    Made in Rome, this 26th day of June MCDLXIII.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Nomination of the Prefect to the Aristotelian teaching[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop In Partibus of Nazianze, Duke of Bologna, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:[/b]

[list][i]Have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: [b][color=orange]Monseigneur Nono[/color][/b] [Nono18] as [b]Prefect of the Prefecture for the Aristotelian Teaching[/b]

This position has a huge impact on our Church because it is at the forefront of spreading the Faith and supporting New Churches and faithful to join us and stay with us.

Full training will be provided and you will be supported throughout your role. [/i][/list]

[b]Made in Rome, this 26th day of June MCDLXIII. [/b]
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2748/110421011007114554.png[/img][img]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/619561CDFJ.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

Dernière édition par Quarion le Ven Juin 26, 2015 6:41 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2008
Messages: 2492
Localisation: Modena

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 26, 2015 5:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Candidacies for the Prefecture of Aristotelian teaching

    We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop In Partibus of Nazianze, Duke of Bologna, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:

      After the nomination of Nono18 to Prefect, the charge of Deputy General Prefect of the Prefecture of the Aristotelian teaching is become vacant.
      Considering that, we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Deputy General Prefect of the Aristotelian teaching.
      Anybody applying for this role will have to know the seminars procedures and applications of the Prefecture, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation, preferably polyglot with knowledge of french and english.

      Candidacies must be send through private message to the Prefect Nono18 and subsequently discussed in the room of the Prefecture by the Prefect with the Chancellors

    Made in Rome, this 26th day of June MCDLXIII.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Candidacies for the Prefecture of Aristotelian teaching[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Raniero Borgia, Cardinal-Archbishop In Partibus of Nazianze, Duke of Bologna, in our quality of Chancellor of the Congregation for Propagation of Faith, hereby announce:[/b]

[list][i]After the nomination of Nono18 to Prefect, [u]the charge of Deputy General Prefect of the Prefecture of the Aristotelian teaching is become vacant[/u].
[color=darkred]Considering that, we announce by the same way the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of [b]Deputy General Prefect of the Aristotelian teaching.[/b][/color]
Anybody applying for this role will have to know the seminars procedures and applications of the Prefecture, and will have to be able to manage the Office to give it an international vocation, preferably polyglot with knowledge of french and english.

Candidacies must be send through private message to the Prefect Nono18 and subsequently discussed in the room of the Prefecture by the Prefect with the Chancellors[/i][/list]

[b]Made in Rome, this 26th day of June MCDLXIII. [/b]
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2748/110421011007114554.png[/img][img]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/619561CDFJ.png[/img] [/list][/quote]
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 26, 2015 8:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Noi, Sua Eccellenza Padre Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Parroco di Mirandola, in qualità di Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele, facciamo annuncio che:

La parola è la tua arma?
Sei un credente aristotelico e desideri servire la Chiesa da laico, in un modo che ti permetterà di conoscere persone nuove e di confrontarti con loro?
Sei un sacerdote con il sogno di convertire gli eretici e di guidare chi ha smarrito la via a ritrovare l’Amicizia Aristotelica?
Sei convinto che la pace e il dialogo abbiano bisogno di essere costruiti ogni giorno per il bene dell’umanità?

Entra a far parte della rinata Compagnia d’Aristotele come predicatore IG o inviando in missione un Praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (png) dall’identità certificata.

Per chiedere informazioni sui requisiti richiesti e sulle modalità della predicazione, rivolgiti al Prefetto della Compagnia, Padre "Fuego2806", con una missiva.
Puoi trovare il suo ufficio e lo Statuto della Compagnia a Roma.

Fatto a Roma, il giorno ventisei del mese di giugno dell anno di Grazia MCDLXIII

Per la Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede,
Sua Eccellenza Padre Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Vice Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele.


    We, His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Company of Aristotle, we do that ad:

    The word is your weapon?
    Are you an Aristotelian believer and do you desire serve the Church as a layman, in a way that will allow you to meet new people and discuss with them?
    Are you a priest with the dream of converting the heretics and to guide those who have lost the way to find the Aristotelian Friendship?
    Are you convinced that peace and dialogue need to be built each day for the good of humanity?

    Join the reborn Company of Aristotle as a preacher IG or by sending in a mission a Praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (png, minor character) with certified identity.

    To inquire about eligibility and the manner of preaching, please contact the Prefect of the Company, Father "Fuego2806" , with a message.
    You can find her office and the Statutes of the Company in Rome.

    Done at Rome this twenty-sixth day of June of the year of Grace MCDLXIII

    To the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,
    His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Company of Aristotle.


[b]We, His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Company of Aristotle, we do that ad:[/b]

The word is your weapon?
Are you an Aristotelian believer and do you desire serve the Church as a layman, in a way that will allow you to meet new people and discuss with them?
Are you a priest with the dream of converting the heretics and to guide those who have lost the way to find the Aristotelian Friendship?
Are you convinced that peace and dialogue need to be built each day for the good of humanity?

Join the reborn Company of Aristotle as a preacher IG or by sending in a mission a Praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (png, minor character) with certified identity.

To inquire about eligibility and the manner of preaching, please contact the Prefect of the Company, Father "Fuego2806" , with a message.
You can find her office and the Statutes of the Company [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewforum.php?f=40]in Rome[/url].

Done at Rome this twenty-sixth day of June of the year of Grace MCDLXIII[/b][/color]

[b][i]To the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,
His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Company of Aristotle.[/i]


Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo

Dernière édition par Fuego2806 le Sam Juin 27, 2015 4:58 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 27, 2015 4:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appello alle candidature per il posto di Vice Prefetto Generale della Compagnia di Aristotele

    Noi, Sua Eccellenza Padre Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Parroco di Mirandola, in qualità di Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele, facciamo annuncio che:

    Avvertiamo della deposizione delle candidature per la carica di Vice Prefetto Generale per la Compagnia di Aristotele. Volendo continuare il lavoro di ricostruzione dell'Ufficio iniziato da Sua Eminenza Fenice, noi domandiamo ai candidati interessati di proporre un progetto completo e dettagliato in maniera pertinente sulle missioni nel tempo, varie e innovative con le esigenze legate al nostro tempo e la diffusione della fede. Siate fantasiosi!

    I candidati interessati sono pregati di inviare in una settimana dopo la pubblicazione dello stesso un messaggio privato (PM) a Padre "Fuego2806", contenente una lettera di presentazione e un cursus honorum completo sulle attività precedentemente esercitate. Ricordiamo che gli uffici collegati alla Congregazione per la diffusione della fede sono accessibili a tutti gli aristotelici battezzati e con Diploma in Teologia conseguito presso uno dei Monasteri riconosciuti, indipendentemente dalla sua appartenenza all'area linguistica, a condizione che parli inglese.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Fatto a Roma il XXVII del mese di giugno dell'anno di grazia MCDLIX

    Per la Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede,
    Sua Eccellenza Padre Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele.


    Appeal to the candidates for the post of Deputy Prefect General of the Company of Aristotle

    We, His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Company of Aristotle, we do that ad:

    We feel the deposition of candidatures for the post of Deputy Prefect General for the Company of Aristotle. Wanting to continue the reconstruction work of the Office began by His Eminence Fenice, we ask interested applicants to propose a comprehensive and detailed plan in a relevant missions over time, varied and innovative with the requirements relating to our time and the spread of the faith . Be imaginative!

    Interested applicants are asked to send in a week after the publication of the same a private message (PM) to the Father "Fuego2806", containing a letter and a cursus honorum complete the activities previously carried on. Recall that the offices attached to the Congregation for spreading the faith are accessible to all baptized Aristotelian and Diploma in Theology degree from one of the Monasteries recognized, regardless of its membership to the linguistic, provided they speak English.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome on XXVII of June of the year of grace MCDLIX

    To the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,
    His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Company of Aristotle.


[b][size=18]Appeal to the candidates for the post of Deputy Prefect General of the Company of Aristotle[/size][/b][/color]

[b]We, His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Company of Aristotle, we do that ad:[/b]

We feel the [color=green][b]deposition of candidatures[/b][/color] for the post of [color=green][b]Deputy Prefect General for the Company of Aristotle[/b][/color]. Wanting to continue the reconstruction work of the Office began by His Eminence Fenice, we ask interested applicants to propose a comprehensive and detailed plan in a relevant missions over time, varied and innovative with the requirements relating to our time and the spread of the faith . Be imaginative!

Interested applicants are asked to send [color=green][b]in a week[/b][/color] after the publication of the same a private message (PM) to the Father "Fuego2806", containing a letter and a cursus honorum complete the activities previously carried on. Recall that the offices attached to the Congregation for spreading the faith are accessible to all baptized Aristotelian and Diploma in Theology degree from one of the Monasteries recognized, regardless of its membership to the linguistic, provided they speak English.

[i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam [/i]

Done at Rome on XXVII of June of the year of grace MCDLIX[/b]


[b][i]To the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,
His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Company of Aristotle.[/i]


Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo

Dernière édition par Fuego2806 le Dim Juil 05, 2015 1:48 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 05, 2015 1:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of Enriique as Deputy Prefect General of the Aristotle's Company

    We, His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Company of Aristotle, we do that ad:

    The nomination of His Eminence His Eminence Enrique Legrat Villanueva y Rogrigues ["Enriique"] , to the function of Deputy Prefect General of the Aristotle's Company. He will help us in our function and will manage Companions of Aristotle.
    Keys of his office are giving and we wait him to the company office to begin his work.

    May the Almighty always guid him

    Made in Rome, this five day of July MCDXLIII.

To the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,
His Excellency Father Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Prefect of the Company of Aristotle.

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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