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[UK] Book of Virtues - The Creation

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Sainte Wilgeforte

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009
Messages: 6071

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 27, 2010 6:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the Creation
    Chapiter VI - « The question »

    1 It was the greatest gathering of the creatures that ever took place.

    2 They were several billion to have met on the same stretch of plain. They were gathered there without the least animosity. The wolves waited near the sheep, the dogs near the cats, the eagles near the mice, and the lions near the gazelles. Even the plants were represented. Thus, the oaks, fir trees, poplars, olive-trees, apple trees, date palms and other trees formed the most gigantic forest that has ever been. The flowers, the vegetables, the fruits, the wheat and the corn were also present. The gigantic plain was a true sanctuary for all life, because they all waited patiently for God to come to them.

    3 Then the thunder rumbled, the clouds parted, and a soft light with its origins in space lit the sky. A great silence fell over the gathered creatures. Celestial gleam, a serious voice, penetrating, but soft and serene was next heard. The voice made itself understood thus: “Listen to me, you that I conceived, because I am your God. Without Me, you would not exist and to Me you owe all fidelity.”

    4 God added: “A number among you have claimed to be My preferred, but never have I hitherto expressed favor towards any of you above any other. The time approaches that I will change this. The time comes that I make a choice among My creatures. The time comes that I will name a species among you to be “My children.” To make this choice, I will ask you a single question.”

    5 God thus asked them: “You live thanks to Me, because I am your creator. You nourish yourselves, you reproduce, and you raise your offspring. But you do not know why you live. According to you, what purpose have I given to life?”

    6 The majority of the creatures could not answer. They looked one at the other, hoping to find in their neighbors the answer to this quite strange question. One could observe a fish remain happy, knowing nothing to say. A horse rubbed the ground with his shoes. An oak curved, hopelessly seeking the response in his roots. In addition, even a dove scrapes the head in a sign of reflection.

    7 But one of them advanced. It seemed sure of itself and its answer. All the other species opened the passage to it and, soon, a space emerged around it. It raised its eyes toward God, but its glance was full with competence. It answered: “You made the creatures animated by the need to nourish themselves. You made the strong able to devour the weak ones. Without question, it is thus a question of ensuring the domination of the strong over the weak!”

    8 It added: “I want of proof that I am the last representative of my species. Only the strongest survived among mine! If You name me “Your child,” I will be able to show You who, of all creatures, must dominate the world.”

    9 It waited until God congratulated it for its answer, but in vain, because He did not answer it.


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Sainte Wilgeforte

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009
Messages: 6071

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 27, 2010 6:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the Creation
    Chapiter VII - « Love »

    1 God did not answer the creature that had defended the domination of the strong over the weak.

    2 He turned to another group of creatures. It was precisely that group composed of the mankind, which had traversed the world. God knew that this group believed themselves to be rejected by Him. These humans thought that they were deprived of any talent. They believed themselves to be the deviants of creation because of their alleged inferiority. However, among them, the human who carried the name of Oane held, though without being sure, the answer to the question raised by the Most High.

    3 Because Oane doubted, he often looked at the stars, hoping to see God. He loved God with a sincere love, but did not know if that were the true direction of all life. He wanted to give his answer well, but his group regarded him as weak spirited and nobody wanted to let him speak. But God was omniscient. He had listened to the group of humans complaining. But especially, He had perceived the love and the doubt in the heart of Oane.

    4 Then, from the sky, a ray of light shone forth and alighted upon Oane. All the creatures were amazed, admiring the soft light, which haloed the human one. They moved aside then, leaving him alone to face God. He contemplated his illumined body with a glance full of curiosity. Then he turned to the members of his group. For the first time of his life, he could not see in their glance contempt, but only respect.

    5 In addition, God asked him: “And you, the human one, don't you have any answer for Me? I convened all My creation here to find that which will give the right answer to My question. You came and you did not answer. Then, now, I summon you to do it!”. Then, Oane, terrified by the severe tone of his creator, raised his eyes towards Him and hesitantly said: “But, Oh Most High, I do not know if my answer is right…” And God ordered to him: “Speak it to me and I will answer you!”

    6 Then, Oane answered: “You made certain Your creatures would draw nourishment from each other and provide nourishment to each other. It is necessary for them to drive out and kill to nourish themselves. In the same way, it is necessary for them to fight to defend their lives. Nevertheless, there is none completely strong or any entirely weak. Nobody is always higher or always lower than the others. We all are plain in the life and we are all Your humble servants. Because You are our creator.”

    7 “Therefore You gave talents to all Your creatures, each more beautiful than the last. Each one of them has its place in Your creation. Their talents make it possible for each one of them to find that place. So, there is no creature preferred of You, Oh Most High. You similarly love us all in the same way and we all must ourselves love You in return. Because, without You, we would not exist. You created us while nothing obliged You to do so and we must love You to thank You for this gesture.”

    8 “We are certainly connected with the matter, certainly subjected to its laws, but our goal is to tend towards You, the Spirit Eternal and Perfect. Therefore, in my opinion, the purpose You gave to life is love.” Then God said: “Human, since you are the only one to have understood love, I make your kind My children. Thus, you know that the talent of your species is its capacity to love Me and to love each other. The other species can love only themselves.”


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Sainte Wilgeforte

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009
Messages: 6071

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 27, 2010 6:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the Creation
    Chapiter VIII - « The decision »

    1 All the other creatures were surprised by this decision of God to make the humans His children. They did not understand love and could not conceive that the Most High God should grant such importance to it. They began to whisper among themselves, hoping that one of them could explain to the others this divine choice.

    2 However, God turned His voice in the direction of these creatures that had not been able to give Him the answer. He said to them: “You who did not know to answer me, yet who claimed to be My preferred creatures. Your spirits will no more be of the higher things. They will not tend any more towards Me. As you will henceforth be subject to the humans, your nature will consist strictly of the material. I deprive you of the language. You will bleat, moo, growl, neigh, meow or bark until the end of time!”

    3 Then, God turned His voice in the direction of the creature who had affirmed the domination of the strong over the weak. He said to him: “Since you are so sure of your choice, I leave you the occasion to prove it. You will preserve your spirit, but your body will be made of shadow. Thus, you will live, alone, among the human ones, until I deliver you of your sorrow. Thus, nobody will see you and nobody will name you, because I decided Myself not to see or name you.”

    4 God turned then His voice in direction of Oane and said to him: “I have made your species My children. I now make your spirits of My heart. They are different from the spirits of the other species in that they will henceforth be the only ones to remain of higher nature, tending towards My divine perfection. Thus, I divide time into seven parts, called “days,” so that with each seventh day you will meet to honor your father: Me.”

    5 “But it will still be necessary that, each day, you and your kind work to perpetuate your species. Except for that which I did not name, I have made all the creatures subject to you. Thus, you will nurture these others some, without any encouragement from them that you should do so. This capacity you have to nurture yourselves and other species, I name it “work”. However, so that you never forget that this capacity is a gift from Me, thus rewarding you for Oane’s good answer, work will be hard, difficult, abrasive and tiring. Yet do not feel sorrow over the suffering that it causes you, because, in truth, it is a good and beautiful gift which I give you.”

    6 “So that you replace, in succeeding generations, those whose life finishes, I give you another gift still more beautiful. This love which I await from you, I also enable you to direct it towards yourselves, in a couple. Mutual tenderness and desire will be the components of this pure feeling, befitting the blend in you of spirit and matter. Procreation will be the goal of it. But only the love that I will have blessed will be able to make permissible this act of the flesh, so that your species continues in My love.”

    7 Then, God created two stars above the world. One, radiating light, was called “the sun.” The other, shining coldly, was named “the moon.” God explained to Oane: “See that your fidelity is that of the children towards their parents or I would be as severe as any parent towards its children. Therefore, when each one of you dies, I will judge its spirit, according to the life that it lived. The sun will flood each day the world with its light, proof of My love for My creation. Those among you that I will send to it will live an eternity of happiness. But between each day, the moon will take over. And those among you who will be thrown there will know nothing but torment any more."


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