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[RP]Celebration of Saint Loyats
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Alessandro III giarru

Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2009
Messages: 6572
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 01, 2011 12:23 pm    Sujet du message: [RP]Celebration of Saint Loyats Répondre en citant

Era giunto il grande momento tanto atteso per Santa Chiesa Romana, la celebrazione di San Loyats, patrono dei traduttori e dei pescatori.

La gente e i chierici cominciavano ad affluire prima dell'inizio della santa messa.

Sua Eminenza avrebbe celebrato assieme al Prefetto di Villa San Loyats Mons. Mirceadino.

Le campane cominciarono a suonare per richiamare i fedeli in basilica.

had come to the big long-awaited moment for the Holy Roman Church, the celebration of St. Loyats, patron saint of translators and fishermen.

The people and clergy began to flow before the start of the holy mass.

His Eminence would have celebrated together with the Prefect of Villa San Loyats, Mons. Mirceadino.

The bells began to ring to call the faithful in the basilica.

Había llegado a la gran momento tan esperado de la Santa Iglesia Romana, la celebración de San Loyats, santo patrón de los traductores y los pescadores.

El pueblo y el clero comenzó a fluir antes del inicio de la santa misa.

Su Eminencia se han celebrado junto con el Prefecto de Villa San Loyats Mirceadino Monseñor.

Las campanas comenzaron a sonar para llamar a los fieles en la basílica.


Father of the Church
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Inscrit le: 05 Sep 2006
Messages: 3535

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 02, 2011 9:03 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Bishop currently at Sea in the English Channel opens his book to read a passage & finds a note reminding him of Saint Loyats After a short prayer in his memory he hosts a flag in celebration & prepares some bread & wine for his fellow clergy on board.

Although he never met the man by a few short months many stories were told to him about his dedication & commitment. The Bishop decides to spend the day doing a bit of fishing in his memory off the stern of the Ship.

Cardinal Bishop in Partibus of Augusta Former Bishop of Portsmouth, Whithorn, Glasgow, Hereford & Worcester
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Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2006
Messages: 1700
Localisation: RL =australia

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 02, 2011 3:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

i shall preach his story next month in hastings.
(I had already committed other preaches this weekend just gone
Former too many things
not enough active things

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Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2009
Messages: 2537

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 02, 2011 5:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Koolike had long prepeared for the celebration of St. Loyats a former englishman, now a saint. Koolike was not born when St. Loyats lived nevertheless, Koolike had deep respect for the saint and was more than sure to make this day vacant to celebrate with the brothers and sisters of the church.

Koolike travelled long from England to Rome arriving excatly for the time when the bells started ringing he entered the basilica and took a seat at the backrow pew

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Inscrit le: 05 Avr 2006
Messages: 6335

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 02, 2011 10:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Somewhere in sea, Latan, cardinal emeritus, bishop in partibus, was informed that the day was St Loyats' day celebration;
He prayed for this man who indeed was a saint he never met but from hearsay and from his hagiography which he himself helped translating in french his native tong.

Indeed he was now following St Loyats inspiration while seeking knowledges across the seas of the world...

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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2009
Messages: 2118
Localisation: 1 High Street, Solar Paradise (since 22.11.1461)

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 02, 2011 11:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    [ English ]

This year, the first day of May was not only the beginning of the favourite month of Mircea, it was too the Saint Loyats' day, when the Church was celebrating the patron of the fishermen and translators, in Saint Titus Basilica. The bishop of Lausanne has entered the holy edifice of Rome. He had to assist the Cardinal of Montemayor as prefect of the Villa San Loyats, an office whose patron the English saint was. Turning his eyes in Basilica, he was watching some known faces - he has recognized some English priests who could say more about Saint Loyats than this middle-aged Wallachian. Mircea has approached by the Eminence of Montemayor waiting his signal to begin the ceremony - in prefect's opinion, the ceremony could wait some minutes until more faithful was entering in the Basilica.

    [ Français ]

Cette année, la première journée de mai n’était pas seulement le début de la mois préférée de Mircea, elle était aussi le jour du Saint Loyats, quand l’Église célébrait le patron des pêcheurs et traducteurs, dans la Basilique du Saint Titus. L'évêque de Lausanne entra dans le saint édifice de Rome. Il devrait assister le cardinal de Montemayor en tant de préfet de la Villa San Loyats dont patron le saint anglais était. Tournant ses yeux en basilique, il regardait quelques visages connues - il reconnaît quelques prêtre anglais qui pouvaient dire plus beaucoup sur le Saint Loyats que ce valaque d'âge moyen. Mircea s'approcha d’Éminence de Montemayor en attendre de son signal pour commencer la cérémonie - en l'avis du préfet, la cérémonie pouvait attendre quelques minutes jusqu'à plus beaucoup fidèles entraient dans la Basilique.

    [ Română ]

În acest an, prima zi din mai nu era doar ziua favorită a lui Mircea, ci şi ziua Sfântului Loyats, când Biserica îl sărbătorea pe protectorul pescarilor şi al traducătorilor, in Basilica Sfântului Titus. Episcopul de Lausanne intră în sfântul edificiu al Romei. Trebuia să-l asiste pe cardinalul de Montemayor ca şi prefect de Villa San Loyats a cărei patron este sfântul englez. Întorcându-şi ochii in basilica, a văzut câteva feţe cunoscute - a recunoscut câţiva preoţi englezi care puteau zice mai multe despre Sfântul Loyats decât acest valah de vârstă mijlocie. Mircea se apropie de Eminenţa de Montemayor aşteptând semnalui acestuia pentru a începe ceremonia - in opinia prefectului, ceremonia putea aştepta câteva minute până când mai mulţi credincioşi intrau in Basilică.
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Inscrit le: 22 Avr 2011
Messages: 325

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 02, 2011 11:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Having spent so many long nights of late researching and studying St Loyat and his works, and trying to ressurect the order of St Loyats within both the faithful and the lay of England & Ireland, Brother Richileau shares an affinity with the day. He retreats to a monastery to pray and meditate on the miracles of St Loyat.
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Alessandro III giarru

Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2009
Messages: 6572
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 03, 2011 8:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I fedeli erano giunti, il cardinale affiancato dal Prefetto entrarono in processione.
Il cardinale teneva in mano il libro dell'Agiografia di San Loyats e lo mostrava ai fedeli.

Era molto contento dell'arrivo dei fratelli inglesi, ma nonostante ci fosse stata molta gente al cardinale non sembravano cosi' tanti i cardinali accorsi ad una cerimonia cosi' importante per la Chiesa.

Giunsero all'altare...

The faithful had arrived, flanked by Cardinal Prefect entered in procession. The cardinal was holding the Hagiography book of San Loyats and showed to the faithful.

He was very happy with the arrival of the English brothers, but still there was a lot of people to the cardinal did not seem so many noticed the cardinals at a ceremony so important for the Church.

They reached the altar ...


Father of the Church
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Inscrit le: 11 Jan 2010
Messages: 815
Localisation: Calatayud / Royaume d' Aragon.

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 04, 2011 3:10 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

El vicario aragonés deseaba asistir a la Basílicia de San Tito, a escuchar la misa del día de San Loyats, las campanas ya sonaban y como tal apresuraba el paso para no entrar tarde. Acomodaba sus ropas seleccionando una sotana negra que brillaba, un solideo negro y como tal un bonete. Aunque ya las campanas sonaban y ya los clérigos entraban a la Basílica el vicario estaba tardado, decidió caminar cuánto más rápido le fuese posible para llegar a la Basílica antes de que comenzara la liturgia. Los cardenales ya estaban en sus lugares a la espera de que todo comenzara, no había visto a clérigo hispano alguno en la ceremonia, así que tomó el primer banco que pertenecía al clero hsipano. En silencio estaba mientras que todo comenzaba.


Le vicaire aragonais souhaitait assister à la Basílicia de San Tito, à écouter la messe du jour de San Loyats, les cloches sonnaient déjà et comme tel dépêchait le pas pour ne pas entrer tard. Il recevait ses vêtements en choisissant une soutane noire qui brillait, une calotte noire et comme telle une barrette. Bien que les cloches sonnent déjà et les ecclésiastiques entraient déjà à la Basilique le vicaire était tardé, il a décidé de marcher tout au plus rapide il lui était possible pour arriver à la Basilique avant que commence la liturgie. Les cardinaux étaient déjà dans leurs lieux en attendant que tout commencerait, n'avait pas vu à ecclésiastique hispanique quelqu'un dans la cérémonie, donc il ait pris la première banque qui appartenait au clergé hsipano. En silence il était tandis que tout vicaire aragonais comenzabaEl souhaitait assister à la Basílicia de San Tito, à écouter la messe du jour de San Loyats, les cloches sonnaient déjà et comme tel dépêchait le pas pour ne pas entrer tard. Il recevait ses vêtements en choisissant une soutane noire qui brillait, une calotte noire et comme telle une barrette. Bien que les cloches sonnent déjà et les ecclésiastiques entraient déjà à la Basilique le vicaire était tardé, il a décidé de marcher tout au plus rapide il lui était possible pour arriver à la Basilique avant que commence la liturgie. Les cardinaux étaient déjà dans leurs lieux en attendant que tout commencerait, n'avait pas vu à ecclésiastique hispanique quelqu'un dans la cérémonie, donc il ait pris la première banque qui appartenait au clergé hsipanique. En silence il était tandis que tout commençait

José Enrique Saint O'cconnor,
Secretario Apostólico de España y Portugal,
Vicario de la Santa Iglesia Aristotélica.
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Alessandro III giarru

Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2009
Messages: 6572
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 04, 2011 7:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'assemblea era tutta riunita in silenzio in attesa delle parole del Cardinale:

Prima di entrare nel cuore della commemorazione,ripetiamo insieme:

Io credo in Dio l'Altissimo Onnipotente,
Creatore del Cielo e della Terra,
Degli Inferi e il Paradiso,
Giudice delle nostre anime nell'ora della morte.

E in Aristotele, suo profeta,
Figlio di Nicomaco e Phaetis,
Mandato a insegnare le leggi
E la sapienza divina dell'universo agli uomini fuorvianti.

Credo anche in Christos,
Nato da Maria e Giosep.
Ha sacrificato la sua vita per mostrarci la via del Paradiso. Così, dopo aver sofferto sotto Ponzio,
morì martire per salvarci.
Si è unito al sole dove Aristotele era in attesa alla destra dell' Altissimo.

Io credo nell' azione divina,
In Santa Romana Chiesa aristotelica, una e indivisibile,
In con la comunione dei Santi
In remissione dei peccati
Nella Vita Eterna.



The meeting was all gathered in silence waiting for the Cardinal's words:

Before getting to the heart of the commemoration of St. Olcovidius repeat together:

I believe in God, the Most High Almighty,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomachus and Phaestis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Maria and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce the Procurator,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.



Father of the Church
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Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2009
Messages: 2537

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 04, 2011 7:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Koolike repeats after the cardinal

I believe in God, the Most High Almighty,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomachus and Phaestis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Maria and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce the Procurator,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.


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Inscrit le: 22 Avr 2011
Messages: 325

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 04, 2011 9:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I believe in Jah, the Most High Almighty,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomachus and Phaestis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Maria and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce the Procurator,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.

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Inscrit le: 03 Fév 2010
Messages: 434
Localisation: Poland

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 04, 2011 10:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Camcal quietly along with the other he began to recite the Creed

Wierzę w Boga, Ojca Wszechmogącego,
Stworzyciela nieba i ziemi,
Piekło i Raj,
Sędziego naszych serc, aż do godziny śmierci.

I w Aristotelesa, proroka
Syna Nicomaque i Phaetis,
Wysłanego, by nauczał mądrości
I boskie prawa wszechświata do błądzącego człowieka.

Wierzę również w Christosa,
Syna Maryi i Józefa,
Który poświęcił życie swe, by pokazać nam drogę do raju.
Umęczony pod Poncjuszem ,
Umarł jako męczennik, aby nas zbawić.
Wstąpił na Niebiosa, gdzie Arystoteles czekał po prawej ręce Ojca.

Wierzę w Boże działanie,
W Świętego Kościół Arystotelesiański,
W Świętych poczet,
W odpuszczenie grzechów,
W życie wieczne.
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Inscrit le: 11 Jan 2010
Messages: 815
Localisation: Calatayud / Royaume d' Aragon.

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 05, 2011 2:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Jose Enrique say before of the Cardinal Alessandro:

I believe in God, the Most High Almighty,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomachus and Phaestis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Maria and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce the Procurator,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.



José Enrique Saint O'cconnor,
Secretario Apostólico de España y Portugal,
Vicario de la Santa Iglesia Aristotélica.
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Inscrit le: 11 Juin 2009
Messages: 1312
Localisation: City of Kendal, Westmorland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 05, 2011 5:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Josephus recited the Creed together with the rest.

I believe in God, the Most High Almighty,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomachus and Phaestis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Maria and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce the Procurator,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.



From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
[Cardinal Deacon of the British Consistory][Bishop In Partibus of Hieron][Primate of the British Isles][Parish Priest of Kendal]
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