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[Nonciature] A new Secretary for Poland!

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Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2010
Messages: 1112

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 08, 2011 10:21 pm    Sujet du message: [Nonciature] A new Secretary for Poland! Répondre en citant


On behalf of the Congregation for the Affairs of the Century and the High Council of the nunciature
Monsignor Luciano Paul Monforte
Prothonotary Apostolic, Bishop of Piacenza;

Let's announcement:

The appointment of the position of Camcal as Secretary of Poland.
He is elevated a member of our congregation and glorious main mission will be to represent the Holy See to the temporal authorities.

Given at Rome on the VIII day of May in the year MCDLIX, under the pontificate of His Holiness, Eugene V.


[i]On behalf of the Congregation for the Affairs of the Century and the High Council of the nunciature
Monsignor Luciano Paul Monforte
Prothonotary Apostolic, Bishop of Piacenza;[/i]

[b]Let's announcement:[/b]

The appointment of the position of [b]Camcal[/b] as Secretary of Poland.
He is elevated a member of our congregation and glorious main mission will be to represent the Holy See to the temporal authorities.

Given at Rome on the VIII day of May in the year MCDLIX, under the pontificate of His Holiness, Eugene V.


(Wilgeforte=n00b-roler) PM me if you know what language is a écrit:
Unni s'amputtusau u Fulippo ro Chingosbrigghiu?


Je suis le "Episcopus Placens"...
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