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Bandi: Compagnia di Aristotele

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Inscrit le: 17 Avr 2014
Messages: 1089
Localisation: Treviso (Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia)

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 18, 2015 8:58 pm    Sujet du message: Bandi: Compagnia di Aristotele Répondre en citant


Appello alle candidature per i posti di Compagno di Aristotele della Compagnia di Aristotele

Noi, Sua Eccellenza Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Vescovo Suffragante di Modena, Parroco di Mirandola, in qualità di Prefetto della Compagnia di Aristotele, facciamo annuncio che:

La parola è la tua arma?
Sei un credente aristotelico e desideri servire la Chiesa da laico, in un modo che ti permetterà di conoscere persone nuove e di confrontarti con loro?
Sei un sacerdote con il sogno di convertire gli eretici e di guidare chi ha smarrito la via a ritrovare l’Amicizia Aristotelica?
Sei convinto che la pace e il dialogo abbiano bisogno di essere costruiti ogni giorno per il bene dell’umanità?

Entra a far parte della rinata Compagnia d’Aristotele come predicatore IG o inviando in missione un Praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (png) dall’identità certificata.

Per chiedere informazioni sui requisiti richiesti e sulle modalità della predicazione, rivolgiti al Prefetto della Compagnia, Monsignor "Fuego2806", con una missiva.
Puoi trovare il suo ufficio e lo Statuto della Compagnia a Roma.

Fatto a Roma, il giorno diciotto del mese di settembre dell anno di Grazia MCDLXIII

Per la Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede,


An appeal to the candidates for the seats of a Fellow of the Society of Aristotle Aristotle

We, His Excellency Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Suffragan Bishop of Modena, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Society of Aristotle, we announce that:

The word is your weapon?
Are you a believer Aristotelian and want to serve the Church as a lay person, in a way that allows you to meet new people and to confront them?
You're a priest with the dream of converting the heretics and to guide those who have lost their way to find the Aristotelian Friendship?
Are you convinced that peace and dialogue they need to be built every day for the good of humanity?

Become part of the reborn company of Aristotle as a preacher IG or by sending in a mission praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (PNG) from ?? certified identity.

To inquire about eligibility and the manner of preaching, talk to the Prefect of the Society, Bishop "Fuego2806", with a message.
You can find her office and the Statute of the Company Rome.

Done in Rome, the eighteenth day of September of the year of Grace MCDLXIII

For the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,


[b][size=18] An appeal to the candidates for the seats of a Fellow of the Society of Aristotle Aristotle[/size][/b][/color]

[b]We, His Excellency Monsignor Francesco Ivan Dragone Nero, Suffragan Bishop of Modena, Pastor of Mirandola, as Prefect of the Society of Aristotle, we announce that:[/b]

The word is your weapon?
Are you a believer Aristotelian and want to serve the Church as a lay person, in a way that allows you to meet new people and to confront them?
You're a priest with the dream of converting the heretics and to guide those who have lost their way to find the Aristotelian Friendship?
Are you convinced that peace and dialogue they need to be built every day for the good of humanity?

Become part of the reborn company of Aristotle as a preacher IG or by sending in a mission praedicator Nuntius Gratiae (PNG) from ?? certified identity.

To inquire about eligibility and the manner of preaching, talk to the Prefect of the Society, Bishop [url=http://www.iregni.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=fuego2806]"Fuego2806"[/url], with a message.
You can find her office and the Statute of the Company [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewforum.php?F=40]Rome[/url].

[color=olive][b] Done in Rome, the eighteenth day of September of the year of Grace MCDLXIII[/b][/color]

[b][i]For the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith,

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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