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[RP] Ecclesia Scala Coeli
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 16, 2018 5:53 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Ecclesia Scala Coeli Répondre en citant

The Church was a jewel recognized within history. In many accounts, chroniclers write of how the Emperor Diocleziano ordered the execution of many martyrs of the faith after a raid against the Aristotelian soldiers in the ranks of his imperial army. Inside the Church, Bernardo Claraval had a vision of the mother of Christos, with a shining ladder, that led to the Sun. That was the reason of the Church's name: Scala Coeli, Ladder to Heaven.

The name also carved in the marble of the entrance for many times the Church have been burned, and many times it has been rebuilt. It was a symbol of the faith that can be restored, no matter the efforts of the pagans or heretics to destroy the true faith.
The last time that the church had been restored was a few years ago, when the Jesuit brothers of the Holy Order had settled down in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. As the other churches, it merged many styles, being composed of roman, gothic, and early renaissance architecture.

This was the place, also, were the new members of the Order, pronounced their Vows.

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Inscrit le: 09 Oct 2008
Messages: 1086
Localisation: Epernay (51)

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 5:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

*Talona arriva pour la cérémonie, elle etait prete. C'etait un grand jour pour elle car elle entrait dans un ordre pour la premiere fois de sa longue vie*
Talona was coming for the ceremony, she was ready. It was a great day for her as she was entering inside a religious order for the first time in her long life

Mgr Talona De Vir,
évêque alcoolique de Nantes
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Inscrit le: 25 Nov 2016
Messages: 327
Localisation: Cambrai en Artois

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 6:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Floralye arrive à la suite de Monseigneur Talona, dans la magnifique abbatiale, assez fébrile, car c'est aussi la première fois qu'elle va entrer dans un Ordre.

Quels vœux allons nous prononcer, Monseigneur ?

Floralye cames right after Monseigneur Talona in the beautiful abbatial church, rather feverish as it was also the first time she was going to access an Order.

Which vows are we going to pronunce, Monseigneur ?
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Inscrit le: 09 Oct 2008
Messages: 1086
Localisation: Epernay (51)

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 6:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Quels vœux allons nous prononcer, Monseigneur ?

*chuchotte et donne un coup de coude à Floralye*
Voeux majeurs, bien évidemment! Vous etes ordonné pretre.
Parlez tout bas, le grand monsieur en robe noire va nous faire les gros yeux....
Wink Wink


* whisper and nudge Floralye *
Major wishes, of course! You are a priest.
Speak low, the big man with the black dress may have a bad look on us, if you are noisy ....
Wink Wink
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 7:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    This was the first time he was coming out of his shadows into the light to see the new recruits. Hull was talking about them. He was welcomed them but he, Kalixtus, will take their oaths and make them Jesuit.

    His present was full of joy but like all the beauty he was, with his arctic-blue eyes and the fair-haired head, he was just also a person of mystification. As shadow he was a really "black pope" not cause he recruits a hidden army or manage the dark processes behind the closed doors. No, he was cause he collects informations and knowledges about just everything. To know things is so much more important than to do things. Cause knowledge is the most sacrifice power in this world - the prize can be always your life or the life of others.

    Dressed in just black with a golden large cross of aristotle on his chest, his hand holds the staff made of olive oil - his sign of power over the most important order in this world. Here the political and social power of the Holy Church are connected als unity. Each decision of the last years where comming from here - even if was other circle who have to vote.

    To know this was a wonderful thing and Kalixtus smiles - his smile was so sacred that no one could know why he is always so smiling - was it joy, happyness or was it his way to show the world his teeth like a big, bad, evil cat. That will be a mystery for us all.

    As he enters the Church some of the recruits are present, that was good but there are some missing.

    His greeting was joyfull and his voice, a dark melodic one, filled this church easily.

    Dominus vobiscum

    He fall on his knee before the altar and cross oneself: E nomine Deus et Christos et Aristoteles. Amen. Than he stands up and take the steps to the sanctuary, he kiss the Book of Virtues and looks into the eyes of the new recruits.

    I am Praepositus Generalis, His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle. Welcome to our ceremony of enlightenment into the truth.

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Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2017
Messages: 67

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 7:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gardenor arriva un peu en retard, nerveux de la ceremonie qui allait se derouler

Il salua ses amis et les presents d'un sourire


Gardenor arrived a little late, nervous about the ceremony that was going to take place

He greeted his friends and presents with a smile
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Inscrit le: 08 Déc 2016
Messages: 769

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 7:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oberon entered the church quietly, and he was also here that day to take his vow. His bright eyes slid over the people present and he nodded to them in greeting. He glanced at Calixtus, as he was only a few minutes late. Then he sought his place in the ceremony.
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013
Messages: 1340

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 8:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Even on the edge of his appointment book was a note to this event. The secretary quickly set off to attend this service.
As always, but not new, he arrived with some delay.

His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 25 Nov 2016
Messages: 327
Localisation: Cambrai en Artois

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 19, 2018 8:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Floralye n'osait bouger et se pressa un peu plus derrière Monseigneurs Talona et Gardenor, elle ne faisait que sourire benoitement à tous les arrivants.


Floralye dared not move and pressed a little more behind Monsignor Talona and Gardenor, she only smiled naively to all the arrivals.
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Inscrit le: 09 Oct 2008
Messages: 1086
Localisation: Epernay (51)

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 20, 2018 9:22 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

*Juste avant de venir à la cérémonie, Talona avait bien picolé pour atténuer son stress et pour se donner du courage. Une petite odeur de vieille vinasse flottait autour de Talona! Elle n'était pas bourrée, car elle avait l'habitude de boire une ou deux bouteilles par jour, ce qui contrastait avec son age très avancé pour l'époque: L'archeveque émérite de Reims avait déja 52 ans....!
Elle salua respectueusement tous les membres du Sacré Ordre*


* Just before coming to the ceremony, Talona had driken a lot of alcohol in order to decrease her stress and give herself courage. A little smell of old bad wine surrounded Talona! She was not drunk, because she used to drink one or two bottles a day, which contrasted with her very advanced age for the period of the Middle Ages: The archbishop emeritus of Reims was already 52 years old ....!
She respectfully saluted all the members of the Sacred Order *

Dernière édition par Talona le Dim Mai 20, 2018 6:15 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 02 Déc 2016
Messages: 1283

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 20, 2018 3:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le spectral et blafard Portalis, toujours plus flottant dans sa bure noire, s'avançait pour cette cérémonie qui lui plaisait bien. Remontant ses gants, cachant les marques de vie, le jeune archevêque au faciès et à la démarche de vieillard salua ses frères et soeurs, se plaçant près des novices, au cas ou il y aurait besoin d'une aide... francophone!

The spectral and pallid Portalis, still more fluttering in his black wardrobe, was advancing for this ceremony which pleased him well. Reassembling his gloves, hiding the marks of life, the young archbishop facies and the approach of old greeted his brothers and sisters, placing himself near the novices, in case there is need for help ... francophone!


Premier cardinal francophone de la Sainte Inquisition et emmerdeur de première classe
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 20, 2018 4:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    As he saw that all novices are arrived he let the bells ring and he puts some insance into the thurible to let them burn and he smells the wonderful fragrance of the arabic insance that surge the old church.

    He will wait with this ceremony until the bells coming to an end and a few brothers will hear the calling.

    In the back of the sanctuary we hear some monks praying an old chant. It was the litany of the Jesuits that are gone and be holy. Their words are more a prayer to HIM and with them Kalixtus voice pray. It was his soul that have to make some decisions. God will help him find some answers here between the brothers and the novices. This order will grow and be young and diversity and forever.

    The protector of the Church himself from the beginning till the end. For God sake and the prophets. This mission will not coming to an end. He remembers the brothers and sisters who burned alive cause their convictions. This is a tribut to them, cause her sacrifice was not wasted - they are alive!

    For the moment he closed his eyes and feels inside of himself - searching and finding the truth, the faith ... God. A single smiling, a second just between Kalixtus and God. There was only light, peace and bliss - what a moment of truth as he opens his eyes he can see it. There was power inside him and between him and all from HIM.

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Inscrit le: 25 Nov 2016
Messages: 327
Localisation: Cambrai en Artois

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 20, 2018 6:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Floralye est concentrée sur le chant des Jésuites ou plutôt du Sacré Ordre, puis l'odeur de l'encens se propagea dans la vielle église, son Éminence le Praepositus Généralis Kalixtus ayant allumé l’encensoir.
Ce parfum l'entoure et, presque aussitôt, elle se sent apaisée, au calme, son stress disparait peu à peu. Elle sent que Dieu est présent auprès d'elle et de ses amis pour ce grand moment qu'ils vont vivre ensemble.

Seule l'arrivée de Son Éminence Portalis la déstabilise légèrement. Floralye l'accueille d'un petit sourire en guise de 'Bonjour' et compte bien sur lui pour lui expliquer, dans sa langue maternelle, le déroulement de cette importante cérémonie.


Floralye is concentrated on the song of the Jesuits or rather the Sacred Order, then the smell of incense spread in the old church, her Eminence Praepositus Généralis Kalixtus having lit the censer. This scent surrounds her and, almost immediately, she feels soothed, calm, her stress disappears little by little. She feels that God is present with her and her friends for this great moment that they are going to live together.

Only the arrival of Her Eminence Portalis destabilizes her slightly. Floralye welcomes him with a small smile as a 'Hello' and relies on him to explain to her, in her mother tongue, how this important ceremony will unfold.

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Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2018
Messages: 330

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 20, 2018 10:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Amenediel était toujours dans sa cellule à méditer. Quand il entendit le son des cloches, il se hâta pour aller assister à l'office.

Il entra dans l'église et salua les personnes qu'il avait pu croiser par le passé.
Il remarqua la présence de Son Eminence Kalixtus qui bien que vêtu tout de noir, il y avait comme une aura lumineuse qui émanait de lui.

Après s'être signé, il alla prendre place dans l'église.


Amenediel was still in her cell meditating. When he heard the sound of the bells, he hastened to attend the service.

He entered the church and greeted the people he had met in the past.
He noticed the presence of His Eminence Kalixtus who, although dressed in black, had a luminous aura emanating from him.

After signing himself, he went to take a seat in the church.
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Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2017
Messages: 67

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 21, 2018 9:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La ceremonie semblait commencer, des personnes arrivaient encore, il saluait poliment

Coup d'oeil à Talona et Flo, il commençait à être impatient, surement la nervosité de l'instant qui le guidait...


The ceremony seemed to start, people were still coming, he greeted politely

A glance at Talona and Flo, he was starting to be impatient, surely the nervousness of the moment that guided him ...
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