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[RP]Palazzo Madama

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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 19, 2019 10:06 am    Sujet du message: [RP]Palazzo Madama Répondre en citant

                                  ~Palazzo Madama~

The newly finished Palazzo does not miss to fascinate who ever approaches it from afar. It was built atop the ruins of the ancient baths of Nero, next to Piazza Navona.
The facade designed by one of the most important architecs within Rome has nine-axis, three floors and a mezzanine floor.
It is smoothly plastered and is framed by friezes of light limestone and emphasized at the corners by rustical palaster. The mezzanine windows are embedded in a richly decorated frieze. The windows are crowned with magnificent segment gables and triangular gables. Two pillars flank the portal and carry a balcony.
The opulent spaces are imaged with imposing images from the Book of Virtues. The palace is located on the homonymous square on Corso Rinascimento, east to the Vatican City on the right side of the Tiber.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 24, 2019 9:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Alessandro had been invited by Cardinal Jolieen to Palazzo Madama.
The subject of the meeting was very interesting, a consultation about the artworks of the building, but the truth was that the Venetian Cardinal was very curious to learn more about that sister with the red dress, until today he had dealt with her only in the Roman Curia.

Arriving at the entrance of the Palace aboard his carriage, the Cardinal was announced.


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 24, 2019 11:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Everything was still very busy, the palazzo was just newly built and there were still plenty of ongoing processes to design the inner of the palazzo to the liking of the redblond Cardinal.
Rome and her birthplace both should be in some ways reflected within these halls. It shall be a sanctury to her as well as a place that reflects her work and doings.
Evros dedicated as usual to help overseeing all processes as well as overseeing the servants, staff and those who still worked within the halls was the first who got notified about the arrivials of the venetian Cardianal. Of course he was informed and prepared as this has become his daily work. He was some sort of caretaker for Caillen and she was very fond and thankful for his dedicated work.

The young greek knocked on the door of the private chambers of the Cardinal and Caillen nodded, there was no need for more words. Evros knew what to do he would take care to welcome Alessandro with all needed respect and invite him into the only representative meeting room that was already decorated in a way that the redblond was satisfied with it.

Huge chandeliers enlighted the richly decorated fresco at the ceiling that showed scenes of the "Creation" within the book of virtues. Not many furniture pieces where yet in this room but enough to find a place to sit and relax.
As soon as Alessendro was served with refreshments the Caillen entered the room, wearing a long red robe of flowing rich silk, embroided with golden yarn.
"Welcome within the palazzo Madama my Brother, I am very happy you followed my invitation as you can see this palazzo is yet like a blank page that needs to be shaped."
Her blue eyes were sparkling as she was full of energy on this sunny day in Rome. A fresh start to write a book that might be read for centuries that was a metaphor she was liking a lot.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 26, 2019 9:57 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Peace and good sister in faith, for me it is a joy to see each other in these clothes.
It still seems to me yesterday that we saw ourselves in the offices of the CDF from simple bishops, while now we meet in this new building with red clothes and a red cap on our head ... what did we do wrong to have it?

A small smile, the cardinal took the glass of wine that one of the servants passed to him.

Well, my dear...we should start talking about our common goals, don't you think?

------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 02, 2019 5:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She needed to laugh at his words. Indeed she remembered that day she got notified about being elected by the pope and she was still in disbelieve. Non the less there was no time to be wasted and no doubts to be asked as his Holiness was choosen to represent the Most High with his doings.
It was now the time to start working and to proof the invested trust into the both of them to be worth it.

"My dear Alessandro, as prefect of the Museum of Rome I am sure you will be the right person to help me finding people who can make this place unique. Representing the current state of the art as well as making sure that all this work will last for the generation about to come." she referred to her own palazzo which was still except of the room they both were meeting in right now mostly a construction side and asked to be turned into something beautiful.

But that is not the only reason I asked you to visit me - see we both will have our own basilica which will need a lot of work as well and as if all these mentioned work-fields are not yet enough I thought of another project that effects both of our work.

She turned around and picked her own book of virtues to open it where the hagiographies of the saints started. "You see yourself the problem I am talking about? Many of those paintings of the Saints have vanished durring time and as I visited the vatican library I was not able to find them in those displayed originals as well. Colors and Art are very important to me, seeing this part of our history slowly vanishing saddens my heart and I do hope that with a lot of energy from you and me we can help rescueing what is about to be lost."


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 12, 2019 9:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal looked at the room where they were for a while, remaining interested in the possibilities that this place offered, while in the other he was very embarrassed to find himself in that mansion so without ornaments.

This place is not yet the worthy home of a cardinal of the church. We will have to work hard to make this place one of the most beautiful buildings in Rome, obviously after the Holy Father's ... ever!

Well, my dear sister in faith, I know the rector of a famous academy of art that operates in the Italian peninsula. His name is Betelgeuse. I believe we could contact you and make you a part of the discussion about the work in this building.

He then flipped through the Book of Virtues, noticing how much it had been ruined by the years.

As for your concern about the portraits of the saints in the book of virtues, I believe that our collaboration in museums is proceeding quite well, soon we will be able to restore these works of art.

We could also take advantage of it for an exhibition on the saints, however it is clear that this requires commitment and greater commitment.

What do you think about it?


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Lun Juil 15, 2019 1:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She enjoyed the conversation with Alessandro. "The beauty of the faith is the perfection of the most High and this shall be seen in here. I am sure that you have the right contacts to make this happen as well as I am willing to meet Betelgeuse in here. Art is a way to communicate with the eternity of time. As art can endure longer then our body can. It is a way we can send messages to the future and tell them about us. I am very happy you help me on this mission to make this place a unique statement."

Her blue eyes wandered over the book of virtues and she nodded to the comments of Alessandro.
"I do believe we share the very same mindset regarding such matters. An exhibition sounds like a good idea - maybe we can find magnificant carpenter who will help us framing the paintings and set them into the right light for such exhibition - dont you think?"

Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 21, 2019 12:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

An exhibition on the saints I believe can help spread more awareness about the great men full of virtues of the past.

Soon I will inform the employees of the Papal Museums, in order to realize the installations and the frames, as well as all the other necessary things.

The exhibition will be held, as usual, at the square of Aristotele, then it will be moved to the interiors of the Museums.

What do you think about it?


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 10, 2019 4:00 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

With his hands behind his back and in his upright position, Krasoljub walked through Rome, and if the roads in this autumn time were often full of mud and far from the ancient splendor, look towards the façade of the building reminded him why Rome was sung by many artists. Just into one such building, with a gorgeous façade and believed similarly to the rich interior, the bishop was invited by her eminence Jolieen.

But even if the external attitude of the body and movement through the streets of Rome showed no concern, it was rather restless in itself, because the only thing Krasoljub knew was that the place, the building, where resides Cardinal Jolieen, is called the Palazzo Madama.
*I may have already walked past it *- thoughts flowed through the bishop's head.

Since it's been quite a while in the search for the palace, he's decided to humiliate himself and ask someone for help. He got close to one of the fountains, where some guy was washing his underwear. Krasoljub decided to address to him on bad Italian languange;
„Mi scusi, sai dove posso trovare Palazzo Madama? "
"Si" – replied briefly, and proceeded to wash his clothes.
"Puoi mostrarmi come raggiungerla?" – persistently tried Krasoljub
"Si, cinque ducati" – replied the guy while he was splitting the laundry.
Bishop smiled, and took it out ducats of the leather pouch and handed it to the young man, who showed him to follow him.

They moved through the streets, and the bishop barely kept up with the fast-footed guy, but the „race“ didn't last long, only two blocks away, they found themselves in front of a graceful building, tall, almost like a church tower in Vrbovsko, so at least Krasoljub imagined it. The façade was decorated with floral and religious decorations, while the façade was filled with windows, which were symmetrically positioned. The iron grids gave a sense of safety and comfort that must be felt within the palace.

„Grazie“ – Krasoljub wanted to thank the guy for his job well done, but he was already lost in the crowd.


Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 10, 2019 4:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Evros was taking care of the household of her Eminance. Everything needed to be in perfect order that was his personal goal. Managing the servants, deligating tasks and making sure that the daily errends would be taken care of.
Usually Evros was not expecting her Eminance to be around much, as she used to be busy within the offices of Rome, while they resided within the eternal city. But today was different, as she was actually within her Palazzo having given the order to not get disturbed, since she was reading various documents for important research.

The young greek had proofed himself as a loyal and responsible servant to Caillen Jolieen, with eagerness and ambition, never really stopping to work, just like herself. He had grown a lot in his office, he was way more self confident by now and Caillen made sure he would read parts of the book of virtue daily.

It was still early according to many people, as it was just about 9 o'clock in the morning, while this ment that the entire household was already working and running for more then 5 hours. The daily rotinues of keeping the palazzo clean, making sure that those workers, artists and other people who kept the palazzo busy to finalize the interior within the various rooms. As the palazzo was still not fully finished. At least the private room of Caillen needed no further work as well as some other rooms.

It was indeed autumn, which was the reason why the kitchen within the palazzo was extremely busy, creating jams, pastries and making sure divers fruits, vegetables would be treated in a way that throughout the winter there would not be any shortage. A young kitchen boy sneaked behind "Nona Cucina" as the elderly italian woman who was head of the kitchen was named by everyone. She was the personification of an italian grandmother with a passion for cooking. The young boy knew his way around and kept to nibble on the divers disches, although he knew it was strictly forbidden. Nona Cucina caught him while doing so and soon the kitchen was filled by a typical italian hot-tempered argument. Evros was of course alerted by these disturbing sounds and went down in the kitchen to see the reason for it.

When the noise settled a bit, he took the kitchen boy at his earlope and lead him towards the entrance door. "You are going to confess your sins, and learn how to behave - we will have a walk through Rome to find someone of the clergy to listen to your confession and give you the right penance to make up for your behavior." Evros said, usually he would have simply brought him to Caillen but she had asked not to be disturbed so he had decided to find someone else to solve this case. Opening the door the greek Evros was still discussing with the kitchen boy who was deeply red within his face obviously very aware of his misconduct.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 11, 2019 7:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As Krasoljub approached the door of the Palazzo Madame, he could hear that something was happening inside the palace, the sound of tools and different human voices was heard.For a moment he stopped at the door made of oak, carefully decorated with artistic carving with motives religious and details of the flora. Krasoljub was always loved well-done carvions in the wood, but he knew that for too long standing at the door could become suspicious, and even if he was dressed in the bishop’s vestis Talaris.

Krasoljub shook the rope of a small bell that was next to the palace door, and left to wait for an answer outside the Palace gate.After a few moments, a small window on the door opened, and a young face peeled through them and said: "The residence of Her Eminence Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, please?"
Krasoljub only calmly replied: "I'm Bishop Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoch, I came to visit Her Eminence Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, at her invitation."
"Oh, Monsignor De Illoch, I didn't recognize you, excuse me, here's a moment." – quickly replied that head which past through the door window, and how quickly she responded, so quickly and disappeared.
Shortly thereafter, the sound of the key in the locks was heard, and Krasoljub felt a slight breeze on his face, when the palace gates slowly opened.A black-haired young man standing in front of an open door stretched out his hand and said: "Monsignor De Illoch, Welcome to the Palazzo Madame!"


Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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