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[Announcement] Support from Queen of Ireland

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Inscrit le: 20 Nov 2016
Messages: 603

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 25, 2021 5:58 pm    Sujet du message: [Announcement] Support from Queen of Ireland Répondre en citant


      Support to His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV

      ADELHEID DE LANCASTRE Queen of Ireland.

      To all who will read and hear,

        HAIL !

      As a fervent Roman Aristotelian, we reaffirm our support for His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV against the attacks from the Empire. Only our Holy Father holds the true word of the Most High. No other man, no king can claim to hold the Sacred Word of God.

      We hope that the Emperor will find the way back to reason and true faith. We hope that he will succeed in being pardoned for his words against our Holy Father, as well as the few people he may have dragged with him into this unfortunate adventure.

      We hereby reaffirm our eternal support for the Roman and Aristotelian Church and for Sixtus IV, the one and only representative of God.

      The Pontifical Lands belong to the Holy Roman Church, and we recognize His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV as the sole ruler of these territories. No other person can claim ownership of them.

      May He keep you.

      [right]Writen in Dublin •XXIV• day of April, Anno Domini •MCDLXIX• during the reign of Adelheid de Lancastre.[/right]

Queen of Ireland - Viscountess of Marignane - Baroness of Tori in Sabina ♕
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 27, 2021 9:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    The Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church, guided by His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV and the Sacred College of Cardinals,
    thanks the Kingdom of Ireland, Her Majesty Adelheid of Lancaster

    for her public and explicit condemnation of the acts committed by the Emperor of the SING against Our Holy Mother Church, as well as for her reaffirmation of the strong values of the True Faith.

    The support shown by this friendly, allied and very Aristotelian land is a most precious support.

    May this declaration of faith, friendship and truth awaken the consciences of those who have lost faith, and show the way to those lost in the darkness.

    + Fortes in Fide+

    Roma, XXVII.IV.MCDLXIX, Sixtus IV PP Anno III

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals
    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

    For the Congregation of the Apostolic Nunciature
    Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia
    Cardinal-Chancellor of the Nunciature

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