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[GB]Book of Virtues - Archangels -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:38 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - Archangels - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Nov 16, 2021 6:21 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:47 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint Gabriel the Archangel

    Birth And Childhood of Gabriel

    Gabriel was born on a day just like any other day, a day no different from any other day. There was no indication that he would become reknown in times to come, nothing. Because Gabriel was born as others. Only his virtue and purity of his heart would allow him to reach the Almighty.
    The parents of Gabriel were pious, but like many people in Oanylone the message of God that they had received and then taught Gabriel was perverted. They instilled in him that God had created the earth, That God was the basis of all things, but that God inflicted punishment without reason, and ruled like a tyrant ...

    The first fifteen years of Gabriel passed with nothing happening to distinguish it from the other kids his age. He was however interested in finding the truth about God, and knew that he was a God of love and not of hate ...

    The life of Gabriel

    Gabriel's father, whose name was Vorian, was a Sailor and was working for a wealthy shipowner of Oanylone named Leto. Leto was a good man, just with sinners, but he married Hecate, a wicked and cruel woman. They had a son, named Leviathan, who was born a few months before Gabriel. Leviathan had inherited all the vices of his mother, but none of the virtues of his father. He was angry, cunning and an expert in lying. However, Leviathan was an excellent navigator and his father had appointed Leviathan a captain on one of his vessels at the age of fifteen.

    It was precisely on this ship that Gabriel was assigned when he turned fifteen years and began working as a fisherman.

    Leviathan arrived as usual screaming, spitting on fishermen not fast enough for his liking, and hitting them, which triggered anger and resentment. Fishermen often sank into a rage and tried to rebel and strike Leviathan, but Leviathan enjoyed their hatred, and always avoided the blows and then returned a wicked smile.

    Gabriel witnessed all this, a monstrous man who was barely older than her was, who revelled in the hatred he caused.
    Gabriel always did his work well, but after two weeks while he was on the ship with Leviathan, Levaithan fell upon him. Leviathan reproached him for doing wrong work, yelling at him to see his reaction, but Gabriel remained calm and without anger or hatred. The Insults and cries of Leviathan slid over him like rain on a smooth surface. Nothing of what he said penetrated or caused Gabriel to rouse to anger. Disappointed by the reaction of Gabriel, he hit a good shot and left to stir trouble elsewhere.

    Sometime later, we learned that Leto was killed by his son during a tantrum. Leviathan had smashed his skull with his sextant. Of course, officially, it was an accident ...

    Becoming the boss, Leviathan became uncontrollable, he unleashed his wrath on all and caused anger among those who worked for him.

    Alone, Gabriel remained steadfast to the insults and bullying of Leviathan. The latter remained incredulous, he did not understand that despite all the outpouring of hatred which he directed at Gabriel, he remained calm, obedient and hardworking ...

    It is at this time that Gabriel met an old blind beggar who told him this:

    Understand people that it is you that distinguishes yourself, and not your birth,
    understand people that God will judge you according to your deeds and not your birth.
    God puts you on the road, and your peers are men who knowingly or not, whether winding or straight, do move away or closer to you but it is you and only you to decide where and when you walk to the end as it is for you to walk.
    Certainly, you should go to your brothers and sisters and for God, but it is your salvation that is at stake
    By loving God, by loving your brothers and your sisters the human ones, you can only gain, if it is not on Earth, it will be elsewhere, in the star of the day
    It is thyself and thy brethren that God confronts because these are your greatest enemies although many try to be good.

    These last words filled his heart and his soul, and later, the life of Gabriel was a kind of acceptance of all the misery of the world. He had already learned to withstand evil without resisting, now, he knew he had to particularly understand it, because to fight evil, what better way than to sow peace and love inside of this evil?

    He had until then never left talking about anger or hatred, but he knew now that he would have to say no to evil when it grew too much and sewed discord in souls.
    He already had such a capacity to contain evil, that he gave the impression of being a man who could hold many secrets.

    He had such confidence in God that he let himself be carried away by the providence and divine love.

    One night, God spoke to him in his sleep and said:

    "Man, I whisper every day my word into the hollow of your ear
    and the depth of your heart
    but you, fisherman and profiteer,
    you change the Scriptures,
    and pervert my statements When I speak through you.
    Many are those to which I transmitted my word,
    But everyone wanted to divert it,
    Not only to attract their own glory,
    Not only to justify their own words.
    But the day will come when I will confide in one my words of wisdom
    and to another my commandments.
    Because I love you, man.
    And as long as you want to hear what I have to reveal,
    I will speak,
    And when knowingly you close yourself to my statements.
    I will send you burn in the flames of hell in the depths of the moon.
    Because only suffering can make you see that every day I work for your own good.
    In Making you suffer I'll make understand that without me there is nothing and nothing can be.
    If I forced you to follow me you would not understand why it is good to follow me.
    You put some time to understand, man, and yet I love you.
    Do not seek, happiness is there, in the simplicity of your heart.
    Going to Gabriel, convey my message to those you judge worthy to be saved.
    As Gabriel, I say to you, this era of decadence will end shortly.
    And only the righteous will be saved.

    Then Gabriel travelled through Oanylone looking for the righteous, he gave them a such thirst for God that many quit the vocations they were in and began to work for the glory of God. He also explained to them what they were meant to do. He said these words:

    'My friends, my brothers '
    God reserves for each of you a particular pathway.
    He keeps shouting it to you in the depths of your heart.
    Open Yourself to his call and Shout "Yes!"
    Saying Lord, 'you know what is good for me. That wherever you lead me will not torture me because this is the way which is mine. Wherever you lead me, I'll know I'll be happy despite the hardships.
    So open your hearts.

    Many were touched by his words but this was not enough to keep the mass of men on their path toward God.
    Indeed the words of love that came from Gabriel spoke of turning away from sin, to get closer to that full virtue that only God alone possesses.
    But it is far easier to remain a sailor, it was so easier to persist in sin ... why change when you're in a good situation?

    It was then that Leviathan, increasingly intrigued by the Temperance of Gabriel, made him call.
    When he arrived, Gabriel saw his father tied to a wooden column. Leviathan tells him that his father had lost a whole load of fish, was a bad element and deserved punishment.
    Leviathan began beating Vorian, Gabriel begged him to stop, but the more he pleaded the more Leviathan beat Vorian harder.
    Leviathan struck so hard that he pierced the belly of Vorian and in an explosion of blood, Vorian died on the spot, accompanied by the tears of his son ...

    Leviathan was expecting at that point for Gabriel to react, to be blinded by rage, and try to avenge his father. But Gabriel did nothing, he turned his back and walked away, but just before leaving, said this to Leviathan:

    "your Hate and your anger doesn't affect me, you think to be the strongest, but your end is nigh. God will punish you for your sins and you shall be condemned to an eternity of suffering. ".

    Before Leviathan had time to respond, Gabriel had gone ...

    The Fall of Oanylone

    Gabriel strolled through the port of Oanylone displaying a great sorrow after the outburst of extreme violence that he had just witnessed.
    He approached the boat "QueBec" , a name given to this ship because on the bow was a large albatross with its large beak open.
    The owner of the ship was a friend of Gabriel, that had been guided to the path of salvation by Gabriel some time ago.

    Gabriel was about to go and see the owner when lightning appeared in the sky. Gabriel understood right away that the time of the fall of Oanylone had arrived.
    He decided immediately to find all those who he had met and were now following the path of virtue, and to save them

    He began by contacting his friend Alcisde, the owner of the "QueBec" and getting him to prepare the boat to take on board those that Gabriel would bring in order to save them.

    Gabriel toured the streets of Oanylone, telling all those of virtue to go to the port and embark on the "Quebec", taking nothing with them that would weigh them down.

    While returning to port accompanied by four orphans, Gabriel saw Leviathan with eyes full of fury and rage, throwing a huge beam on the boat which fell upon the sail, preventing it from being boarded from the city.
    While a demented thunderous laughter came from the throat of Leviathan, Gabriel, listening only to his faith, rushed on deck to help release the "Que-Bec."
    The beam was too high and Gabriel, who was very strong, proposed making a ladder of his body. So he grabbed a plank put it across to the ship and stood as a ladder to the plank. He told the sailers to use him as a ladder. Thus they climbed up Gabriel, across the beam and onto the boat and could free the boat.
    All were shouting "long live Gabriel, who has made his body a ladder! Long live "Quebec" free! ".

    Once released, and all were on board the ship. A man then asked Gabriel "What does God expect of us?" This is what Gabriel said:

    Oane engraved the words of the creator on the first wall of our city, it is written that God told our ancestors:

    "That your loyalty is that of children towards their parents or I will be as strict as parents to their children."
    Because when each of you will die, I judge, based on the life you have led.
    The Sun will flood every day the world of his light, as proof of love for my creation.
    Some of those I am sending among you, will live an eternity of happiness.
    But every day, the moon will take over.
    And those who, among your are not able to see more than just lying there, will suffer torment.

    But I tell you this as well

    This day is a day brand new.
    It has never existed and there will never be more.
    So take this day and make a ladder
    to Reach the highest peaks.
    Do not allow the sunset to drag you down
    You will find yourself equal to what you are at dawn.
    Because tomorrow may be the day where you will be judged".

    The ship departed while Gabriel returned to the city in the grip of absolute chaos. And, in six days, did all he could to save those who could still be saved.
    He was there then the seventh day, the day of the terrible cataclysm.

    Gabriel was in port when he saw Leviathan, mad with rage, trying to escape the city on his boat named "Kraken", but the elements were let go and an awful whirlwind was formed around the ship, and swallowed it.
    It was then that a gigantic earthquake destroyed Oanylone, which became submerged under the sea.

    Witnesses then saw a rainbow illuminated the dark skies and recognized then that Gabriel was being guided toward the Sun.

    Prayer to Saint Gabriel

      Saint Gabriel Archangel,
      Angel of Temperance,
      open our ears
      to the sweet warnings
      and urgent appeals of the Most High.
      Stand still before us,
      we beseech thee,
      that we understand
      the Word of God,
      so that we follow Him
      and obey Him
      and that we accomplish
      what He wants from us.
      Help us stay awake
      so that when He comes,
      the Lord does not find us asleep.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:35 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint Galadrielle the Archangel


    Galadrielle was born in troubled times in which the City of Oanylone was declining into sin. Her family were among those who claimed to be the strongest. They controlled the trade of cows thus ensuring their superiority over others. They were barricaded in a big house on a hillside overlooking the city of Oanylone. Galadrielle, being raised in an era of ongoing conflict and sin, remained confined in her attic bedroom and grew tired of her house. Galadrielle was a simple child who never asked for anything merely what was offered to her. She knew nothing of God during the early part of her childhood. She was told only the history of their town, where they represented Oane as a powerful man. Soon, she was rejected by her brothers and sisters as being too weak. Upset, she often found herself alone and was given only two meals for lunch and dinner.

    However one day everything changed for her. A servant came to bring her the usual lunchtime meal, but as he was handing the meal over the lantern he carried fell and rolled toward the dark corner of her attic bedroom. There the light revealed to Galadrielle a stack of books she had never seen. Where they had come from is not known. Beside the books was a small lamp and a tinderbox to light the flame. Slowly she learned to read and, alone in her attic she read many of the other books she found. One day she finished reading a book on medicinal plants and she wanted something else to study. She found an old set of parchments, very worn, with many torn and faded pages. It was called "The Guide". These parchments told the story of Oane and the creation of the city and thus Galadrielle discovered the existence of God. From that day she prayed every day, and on Sundays prayed more to commune with God, just like the people used to do over Oane's tomb in the Guide.


    One day a loud crash woke her. The house was under attack. The Vice and corruption in the city was reaching its climax with the depravity and violence leading to many deaths over small trivial things. The rioting was expanding from the city and had reached the home of Galadrielle's family. It was time for her family to pay the price for forgetting God and his love. Her family and household were massacred, women raped before being murdered or gutted. Galadrielle, hidden in her attic prayed during the time of the attack, and all the time while the house was being looted. After several days, in which she did not eat but spent her time praying and reading holed up in her attic she finally emerged. The house was ransacked, there was nothing left, everything had been picked and then destroyed. She escaped into the mountains where she survived for a time before returning to the city. She found like people who still believed in God and love. She helped them as she could, eating and drinking little, keeping nothing for herself other than a simple old dress. During this time she served the poor and the weak, showing the most generosity possible, and her humility was recognized by all those who were with her.


    It was Then that God spoke to the people of Oanylone announcing the imminent destruction of the city. The seven Lords of Vice (the Daemon Princes) appeared and took control over parts of the city for their rebellion against God.

    Galadrielle was in the opposite camp, those who still believed in the Almighty, in His love and acknowledged the sins of men with humility. During the six days of destruction, Galadrielle prayed with Raphaelle Michel, Sylphaël, Gabriel, George and Miguaël as well as the handful of men and women who followed. During these six days God spoke to her twice.

    The first time a woman was dying for lack of food. He said: -
    - Galadriel, among the seven people who embody the highest virtues, you're the one who has the least, and have never felt the need for possessions. Help this woman, prove to me your frugality and conservatism , and you will be rewarded.

    During the next two days Galadrielle ate only part of a loaf of bread, leaving the rest of her ration to the woman, who was saved because of this.

    On the third day God spoke again and said to Galadrielle like the first time: -

    Galadrielle, among the seven people who embody the highest virtues you're the one who has the least and have never felt the need for possesiions. If you offer to your companions all you possess to prove to me that you embody the conservatism and frugality, and you will be rewarded.

    Galadrielle then gave everything she had, even her dress, but nonetheless she kept it still at the request of a midwife. Galadrielle ate each day, relying on the friendship of her companions to share food with her.

    On the seventh day, the ground rent itself open, flames came out of the earth and the whole city was engulfed. Galadrielle, and her six companions had fled with their disciplines onto a nearby hill where they witnessed the cataclysm. That's when the light fell on them. Galadrielle, Raphaelle Michel, Sylphaël, Gabriel, George and Miguaël had the honor of being called archangels for humility and virtue they all their followers were incarnated as angels because they had also proven their desire for repentance and love for God.


    And so it was that Galadrielle became an Archangel. Her her humility, frugality and conservatism embodied one of the seven virtues and Galadrielle became one of seven seconds to God whose mission it was to help people whenever it is was possible, as well as to battle the Creature with no name. Galadrielle pursued these missions zealously that God had given her.

    During the early days, until the birth of Aristotle, she battled paganism and the works of the nameless one, without being directly involved. There were so few true followers calling for help, as paganism engulfed the humans. But the birth of the Prophet changed many things, it inspired so many people to follow the path of conservatism. With each prayer addressed to her she descended to the earth to grant pardon and assist. Such had the nature of many men become that she never ceased in the struggle against the greedy.

    A day came when she was called to Earth by a young boy who asked for her help. Galadrielle appeared before the the child, who had been crying and praying alone on his bed in a large lavishly furnished room. She appeared to the boy as a beautiful woman, with long blond hair wearing a simple white linen dress revealing her immaculate shape, with two wings on her back, and all the while radiating pure light. She spoke thus to the boy -
    I Galadrielle, Archangel of Conservatism, you called me for help and I have answered your call, tell me how I can help you.

    The boy, who was moved by the beauty and purity of Galadrielle replied:

    My father, the king of the land, is forcing me to eat and drink like a warrior because he says I'm too puny. But I do not want to eat and drink these things and all these wines as he and his court do

    Galadrielle then shook her head and slowly floated into the air saying to the boy " your wish shall be granted"
    And she then vanished in the sky between two clouds.

    The next day the King's warehouses were found to be empty, and the King unable to live without gorging on his food daily, passed away that very day. The boy became King and through his leadership, no one ever became overweight in his Kingdom. *

    There came a day when God asked Galadrielle personally to accomplish a mission for him. He summoned her and she appeared to him with humility and he said -

    Galadrielle, I want you to do a special mission for me. You are to go to the forgotten lands, where the ruins of Oanylone and your home are and I want you to bring me back the Crown of the Nameless Creature.

    Galadrielle then went on a long journey. The location of the forgotten lands were known to no man, for they had fled without looking back and their memories had dimmed. But the angels knew the location and that it could only be accessed by flying. There were miles and miles of arid black earth, without any life and no water at all. No one could traverse that distance on foot.

    When Galadrielle reached the site of Oanylone, she found the ruins beside a large crevasse. For days she looked around for the crown of the Nameless Creature without success. Galadrielle was becoming desperate, as she did not want to go back to the paradise of the sun and tell God of her failure. Just then, the sound of cracking came out of the huge crevasse and a cavern opened. Galadrielle then realized the Crown may have slipped into the crevasse or one of the caverns. She dove in, lighting her way with the divine light that as an Archangel she radiated.

    Deep in the cavern, on a pedestal surrounded by lava she found the crown. It was huge, made of gold and set with so many gems it testified to the pride, greed and gluttony of the Nameless Creature. Galadrielle then took the crown and went out of the cavern but was attacked by the nameless creature itself. The Nameless Creature wrapped her in blackness and they fought for seven days with neither the light of Galadrielle nor the darkness of the Nameless One triumphing.

    That's when Michael, the Archangel of Justice came to help Galadrielle. Michael pierced the Nameless Creature with his lance causing the nameless creature to flee in fright. He then helped bring Galadrielle and the Crown to heaven, where God destroyed the object, a symbol of lust that typified what was wrong with the Nameless Creature. God then granted Galadrielle with the divine grace for her fight against the Nameless Creature.

    Translated from the Greek by Arilan Louvois, Theologian of the Holy Roman office. Translated to english by Teagan

    * - some research suggests the name of he boy who became King was Craig Jenny.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:27 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:58 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint George the Archangel


    Lightning struck nearby. The terrified infants snuggled even deeper in the arms of their weeping mothers, who begged pity from the Almighty. The men were furious, blaming one another for what had happened. For six days, the elements had been unleashed on the city of Oanylone with primæval rage. An ink-black sky, heavy with menace, pressed all its weight on the wicked city. Among the small group that took refuge in the granary, long since emptied, fear sat alongside anger, fury and despair. A man who stopped laughing at God when He had announced the destruction of the city. A woman who endlessly, shamefully, revisited her luxurious orgies, with so many men and women that she couldn't count them all. A young man, who had taken the unworldly pleasure of shattering the skull of his little brother, and who was now trying to redeem himself by reassuring the children gathered in the tiny chamber. Everyone knew why they had been punished, but none dared to admit it; some of them even sought to blame the others, in the vain hope of having their own sins forgotten.

    A vicious gust of wind forced the door open, filling the flimsy building with a glacial wind. Its foundations trembled when the thunderclap answered the lightning bolt with deafening power. And then, silence. The tornado still roared and the thunder still echoed, but for six days, the residents of Oanylone had known nothing but that. No, the silence was not of nature, but of humans. For the refugees were struck dumb, paralysed by terror, when they saw the shadow that was framed by the doorway. A man approached, so large and massive that he had to crouch and bring his shoulders in to enter. A rugged face and thick beard were barely visible in the half-light. His long silver hair gave him an air of wisdom, contrasting with the size of his hands, which appeared capable of crushing the hardest of rocks into dust. His pale blue eyes were timeworn, but still seemed to hold in their depths a childish pleasure. The colossus was dressed in a patched and threadbare shirt. A large piece of fabric wrapped around his legs bore witness to his disfavoured state. He gave a quick smile, and all the refugees sighed with relief. Then he let his cavernous voice be heard:

    "Even when hope is gone, there is still friendship."

    One old woman, with a hard face and an iron will, stepped toward him and asked:

    "And you, stranger, have you come as a friend? For this is the city of men and women whose words are honey but whose deeds are venom. They live atop mountains of gold, and they want nothing from others unless it raise themselves higher in their foolish search for riches. Their thirst for treasure consumes them so that the lives of their peers matters little to them."

    "I know that", the man replied. "That is why I come to you. The riches of the heart cannot be matched by the riches of this base world. Will they take their mountains of gold with them to the next life?"

    "No, of course not", the old woman answered him. "But are the riches of the world forbidden to us? Must we live like animals to attain the riches of the soul?"

    "Has life taught you not to use your left hand because you are using your right?", the man asked. "It is the same for the treasures that God has created for us. God, through His love for His children, has given us material riches; may they be yours. But never forget that there is no greater treasure than friendship."

    Then one of the young men drew himself up and asked: "But who are you, whose words are filled with wisdom?"

    "My name is George", he responded.


    Meanwhile, on one of the seven hills of Oanylone, a man trembled more than any other before the divine anger. He did not fear for his life, for that was not important to him. But he was so attached to his possessions that he could not part with them. While people were slaughtering and raping, he pillaged the inhabited houses and acquired enough riches to make a hill of precious metals, of delicate cloth, of succulent sweetmeats... He decided to build a tower so high, so large, so solid, that in it he could protect his wealth from the desire of others. He hired masons and soldiers, promising them an unrivalled salary; the former to build his fortress and the latter to repel the paupers, the disinherited and the famished who wanted his riches. These approached the slopes of the hill, which lit the area with a golden light and appetizing smells. Only the masons were allowed to set foot on the treasures, so that they could build the tower; but when one of them stopped working to indulge his greed, the soldiers struck his heart with a thousand blows of the sword. And the rich man exulted in the idea of being able to protect his goods until his death, admiring the paupers and the famished who surrounded his hill and gazed at it longingly. This man was called Beelzebub.

    So George came to that place, followed by all the unhappy people who had crossed his path. When they saw the honey, and the milk, and the roasted meat, and the silk clothing, and the chests overflowing with precious stones and metals, they ran forward to take their share, not hearing George's exhortations of restraint. And the guards unsheathed their blades and dealt death to anyone approaching the riches. Once the massacre was over and tears replaced shouts, George approached to the soldiers with a calm and assured step. One of them, especially zealous, put the edge of his blade under George's chin, in a promise of violence to come.

    But George said to him: "Why have you killed these poor people?"

    "I'm being paid to," answered the mercenary.

    "And how much have you been paid up to now?" George continued.

    "Nothing. Sir Beelzebub will pay me a fortune once his tower is built and his riches stored inside," said the soldier in a self-assured voice.

    "So you kill to serve a person who only wants to conserve his wealth, and you believe that he's going to keep his word and will pay you later, like he promised?" inquired George.

    "That's right! Otherwise, that would be slavery!" exclaimed the soldier, eager to hear such a question.

    So George concluded: "In truth, I tell you, whoever lives for material wealth, at the expense of the friendship that every child of God must bear to his peers, deserves no trust. Instead of killing to defend the greed of such a man, take his riches that crowd your feet and give them to those who actually need them. God has created these goods so that all His creatures can find what they need among them, not so that just one person can have more than any other."

    Then the guards laid down their arms; the masons stopped their work; the people approached, and they shared the riches, each according to their needs. Beelzebub screamed his rage at seeing his riches disappearing, passed from hand to hand. But this occurred on the seventh day of the divine punishment of Oanylone, and the Earth began to tremble. The partly-built tower fell, and large faults opened all over the hill, swallowing up the treasures. Most of the people fled, encouraged by George. But some of them continued to fill their pockets with everything they could find. Beelzebub fought against everyone he met, such was his anger at losing what was his. The hill subsided slowly, but George spied a child in tears, left behind, his leg wedged under a heavy chest. He ran to him as the ground shook, threatening to crumble at any instant. When he reached the child, he freed his leg, took him in his arms and tried to reach safety. At that time, some people decided to reach him and help in this hopeless attempt, but the whole hill was swallowed into the bowels of the Earth, in a gigantic cloud of flame.

    The people were overwhelmed with sadness to lose such friends. They wondered if God took pleasure in making His creatures suffer. But they understood when they saw a soft calming light shine from the pit in front of them. And beings rose up, carried on majestic white wings, spreading tranquility and gentleness. The people saw those who had died trying to save the child among them. But they saw George most of all, raised to the rank of Archangel, holding the child in his arms and returning him to his mother, unharmed. Then they all flew away toward the Sun, where God awaited them.

    The tongues

    There was a time when King Hammurabi of Babylon fought all over Mesopotamia to become the King of Kings. One day, his troops went to the city of Mari and put it to the torch. The people were terrified and did not know how to escape. Then, the creature without a name came and murmured in the ear of a Babylonian General, whispering that he should exact a tribute from each person in exchange for their lives. The more a person gave, the less their chance of dying. The rich lords of the city, the same people who advised little but the Shakkanaku, the kings of the city, approached first, bringing with them heavy chests filled with riches. But there was an old woman whose only wealth was a few grains of wheat. The mercenaries laughed in her face, telling her that such a gift was offensive to the Babylonian General. They drew their swords and approached the old woman, ready to run her through. But a tall man with a silver beard stepped between them. One of the soldiers raised his sword but could not strike the man, as though prevented by an invisible force. The man opened his mouth and exclaimed:

    "Why would you strike this woman? While the rich lords of Mari kept innumerable riches to themselves, she has offered you everything she owns. You mock her gift, but she has given her essence while they gave nothing but the superfluous. Take these grains of wheat, and carry them with you; they will weigh heavily on your heart in the Lunar Hell."

    Then the man went to the chests and distributed their contents among the poorest and hungriest of Mari. The guards did not know how to deal with this unarmed man, who could not be struck and whose strength was in the wisdom of his words. Defeated, they raised camp and returned to Babylon.

    The voyage to this powerful city was long. The heat was intense, and the air along the canals and bank of the Euphrates was humid. But once they arrived, they were surprised to see the silver-bearded man waiting for them at the feet of its gigantic walls.

    The General asked him: "Who are you, who speak with such wisdom?"

    "I am George the Archangel, modest servant of the One God, Whom you have forgotten before legions of false divinites and a life of sin," he answered. He added: "Follow me to the ziggurat, and you will see for yourself the judgement of God, as I saw it myself long ago."

    So the General and his guards followed the Archangel to the base of a gigantic stepped tower, covered with flowering plants, proof of the omnipotence of King Hammurabi of Babylon.

    Then George raised his arms and proclaimed: "The children of God have always spoken one selfsame tongue, for brothers and sisters must understand one another to love one another. But today they tear themselves apart, for they have forgotten their Father and His love. A day will come when the prophets will follow one another to remind people where they come from and where they are going. Until that time, you will be judged not by your faith, but by your love of the world around you. Learn to know it, and you will learn to love it. In order to make this come to be, God, in His great mercy, has decided to divide the word of His children into many tongues, so that you must make an effort to discover each other.

    And Saint George lowered his arms, and the tower fell in an immense cloud of dust. From that day forward, the word of the children of God has been manifold, and we must learn from one another in order to live. In so doing, we understand the point at which are differences are misleading, and that we are all brothers and sisters.

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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint Michel the Archangel

    Birth of Michel

    Michel was born in the city of Oanylone as the fifth of ten children. His parents, Diane and Robin were hunters. Like many at that time, they served a man richer than themselves. Their Master, for that is how he was addressed, did not have any other goal in life than to acquire more lands and riches than he had use for.

    This man, their master, was known by the name of Satan Sybarite. He had claimed ownership of all the land surrounding the city for two kilometres. Any who hunted on these lands or cultivated the ground were forced to give him half the fruits of their labour in payment. It was said that he did not sleep until the day had brought him good to fill two coffers, one with corn and the other with meat. He even sent his henchmen to collect even more from the unfortunate ones who lived on the edge of the city, in the land that he claimed.

    Life of Michel

    Michel grew up among the poor of Oanylone. From his father he learned the art of hunting and the handling of a lance. From his mother he learned how to follow the tracks left by animals that he flushed out. He also learned how to read the stars to find his way. Living with his nine brothers and sisters instilled in him the principles of sharing, and of love for others.

    By the age of thirteen, Michel already had the breadth and strength of a full grown adult. He was the eldest of the boys in the family, thus it often fell to him to defend his brothers and sisters. And although he never injured anybody, he was feared and respected by others in the neighbourhood. After a time, Michel was asked to settle all disputes because it was said that he could see into the hearts of people.

    When there was no proof to decide between two people, he deposited his lance on the head of one of the disputants. If the lance remained balanced, it showed that the person was telling the truth. If the lance did not remain balanced, it showed that the person had lied. However, after a time, Michel did not need his lance any longer. Simply announcing that the lance would be brought out was enough to make the culprit confess. Some said that Michel had a supernatural ability, but the wisest knew from where his ability came. However, in spite of his great wisdom, and his dexterity with the lance, he could not do anything against the henchmen of Master Satan Sybarite who was becoming increasingly greedy.

    Michel’s father died on the day that he reached 20 years of age. Thus, Michel, as the eldest boy, became the patriarch of the family. It is at this period that he accepted a visit from his friend Timothy who came to ask for permission to wed Emmelia, his younger sister. In Oanylone, the priests had abandoned the people and dealt exclusively with the rich and notable in giving the favours of the Almighty. Michel thus undertook the task of organizing an engagement.

    Many people attended the engagement and among them was Simplicious, one of the lieutenants of Master Sybarite. Simplicious fell under the charm of Emmelia. He returned the following day with his guards and ordered that she follow them and enter the service of Satan. Michel interposed and put the guard at bay and finally Simplicious was at his mercy. However, instead of killing him, Michel took a knife and launched it at him saying, “If your right eye attracts you toward what you are not intended to have, tear it out and burn it, because it is better that you should live without it than that you should attract the anger of God. The lieutenant withdrew without a word and returned to his master. On the following day he returned with a larger troop and stopped Michel and Timothy who were taken and locked up in the prison of Oanylone.

    Destruction of Oanylone

    The first day of their captivity was also the first of the seven days in which would occur the destruction of the first city of men. The lightning fell down on the wall of the prison allowing Michel and Timothy to flee the chaos. Michel gathered together as many people as he could. It was said that the punishment of the Creator was going to be terrible, but that the right ones would be able to live a new life far from the cursed city.

    As Timothy was a fisherman, he proposed to meet at the harbour to flee by way of the lake. Michel helped those who deserved, by their faith in God, to embark by boat. As there remained places, he asked his friend to let any children who had taken refuge with them find place on the boat. Cowards wanting to flee the city, more for fear than to follow the will of God, tried to take the boat by force, but Michel interposed and allowed the ship to leave the city without delay.

    While his friends travelled for safety, he alone stayed behind. During the next six days he saved those who could be saved. On the seventh day there still remained people to be saved but only a small boat. By a miracle two other boats appeared and Michel invited those who were pure of heart to go upon these ships. He seemed able to read by a person’s eyes whether or not their faith was real, and he sent away those that he considered worthy on the first boat, and those who fled by fear or to save their riches on the second. Seeing the two ships filled, Michel still refused to board, saying that God had a mission for him and that he felt his mission was to remain to save other friends. Arriving at the egress of the city, the first ship moved without encumbrance towards the open waters; however, the second, because it was heavy with gold was stopped short by the shallow waters. It disappeared with the city when the destroying high winds came up from the center of the Earth, causing the ground to fissure.

    Some surviving, far from the city, told that at this time, while the rain fell despite the lack of clouds in the sky, an arc came down directly from the sun and fell on the city. Michel, chosen by God, was thus carried up by a celestial cloud and became one of the seven archangels.

    First Appearance

    The First Archangel's appearance is indeed the one that made him a warrior angel though he never spilled blood himself.

    Some generations after the day of the judgement and death of Michel, two clans, descended directly from those whom Michel had protected, quarrelled because one group had built a temple to Michel. They even regarded Michel as an equal of God because he had saved them. The others regarded the sacrifice of Michel as an example and not as an act that makes a god out of a man.

    The first group referred to Michel as Anubis, though the reasons for this name are not known. Perhaps it was the name of their clan, but no trace of it has been found to this day.

    Inspired by the shadow, he who declared himself to be the Great Priest of Anubis saw his power grow. (For at that time Michel was known as Anubis, though we do not know the reason why, perhaps it was the name of his clan, but no trace of it has been found to this day). Claiming to receive his information directly form his god, the prelate named a new-born baby as the son of Anubis, and on his behalf, he took control for several years and razed the temple dedicated to Gad. He declared that since God had not known to protect his faithful ones, and that those there would become his slaves. To solidify his power and to erase the memory of the true God, he took the names of the archangels and made gods of them.

    The head of the faithful beseeched God each day, and in spite of his sufferings, thanked Him for what they had. The Lord took pity on him and sent the archangel in person. St. Michel appeared in armour with a long lance and a broad shield. He was recognized by all while appearing at the top of the temple that had been built for him.

    The large priest challenged him and said, “Anubis, finally you have come! Did you come to thank your faithful and reward us for having built such a temple for you?”

    Michel answered, “No, I came to bring the word of hope from God for those who were not diverted from Him. Many are the communities of faithful who traverse the world while waiting for the arrival of the prophets who will join them together in love and friendship.

    The large priest did not understand and he gave the order to his guards to prove their loyalty by massacring the faithful ones of the single god. Michel interposed himself and for two days pushed back the attackers without killing any of them and allowing the faithful to flee to other lands.

    After the two days of engagement, the ones loyal to the large priest were either too tired or too wounded to continue. The saw wings emerging from the back of the archangel enabling him to reach the skies. The prelate made it known that it was not Anubis who had come, but an avenging god to punish them for having left the servants of the false single god live.

    There is an alternative to this story claiming that the Archangel was at the head of an army of angels. Another that claims he armed the most extremely faithful ones. And still another that claims he did nothing but inspire the most valiant of the servants of God to carry out the revolt and guide the faithful through the desert. The main thing is the intervention of Michel and the will of God that made it possible for His children to flee towards a land that was safe.

    The Legend of the Holy Mount Michel

    The second appearance of the archangel takes place at a time when certain drunken barbarian gods had only taverns for temples and drinking bouts for a liturgy. At that time there was a community of faithful who were pursued by a barbarian with the name Saathan. He venerated a drunken god who required the sacrifice of children.

    The community fleeing towards the North was trapped in a forest at the edge of the ocean. The patriarch of the community asked that they prepare themselves to sacrifice themselves in the ocean rather than fall into the hands of the barbarians. They then moved towards the point highest above the waters and prayed to God so that St. Michel might prepare for their arrival.

    God, who cannot tolerate his children to put an end to their lives, let the patriarch know, via a celestial messenger, that it was not allowed for men to choose when they would meet their creator. God ordered that if they had faith in him, they would cut down large trees and make a palisade around the rock. Once made, they would have a great feast and light a fire upon the rock so that Saathan would know their position.

    Thus it was done, and seven days later the palisade was finished and the fire was lit. In the morning, the troops of Saathan surrounded the rock and started to attack the fragile protection around it. Using stones and lances, the faithful ones prepared to fight since such was the will of God. However, in the place where the fire had been lit, an angel, dressed in armour, carrying a lance and shield, appeared. He did not say a word, but the faithful all know who he was.

    Then Michel launched his weapon towards the horizon. The horizon itself seemed to rise up towards the skies and advance toward the rock like a wall of galloping horses. This wall carried away everything on its passage, but did not destroy the weak palisade. The flowing wall engulfed the troops of Saathan, and when the sea withdrew, it had made of the rock an island surrounded by quicksand that finished swallowing the army defeated by faith of the believers.

    Translated by Mother Arynna, and released onto the English speaking faithful, March 1455.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:34 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:18 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint Miguaël the Archangel

    By Garmon of Vaisuny
    Translated from Latin by Brother Sauvigny, Franciscan.

    Birth of Miguaël and Belial

    In the city of Oanylone lived Adiguaëla, wife of Theophilus, who was expecting twins. These children had been conceived iwith the greatest love and had not been tainted by lust whatsoever. Adiguaëla was a generous woman, who was attentive to her surroundings.

    She usually took care of the poor, but then the situation in Oanylone was becoming, as men began to ignore God, they sunk into laziness and greed, creating a growing rivalry between the oanylonians. The situation meant no help to reduce the poverty, on the contrary, the number of poor went up and they were despised by the strongest. Not wanting to harm anyone, Adiguaëla dealt with all of them, but the Nameless Creature inspired them with jealousy and revenge.

    Exhausted by the situation and the children she was expecting, Adiguaëla can no longer keep the people of the city on the right track.
    She gave birth to two boys, one named Miguaël that, according to legend, means "give and love", the other was called Belial, meaning "give and receive."

    The evil Nameless Creature persuaded the poorest to go and kill this family. The love that existed between them and the love that brought them to God was, in her statements, the reason that strengthened the despise of the strongest by the poor.

    Sensing the danger, Theophilus took Miguaël and his brother from the hands of their mother and hid them inside a box. Just as he had placed them in the box, those who had worked for Adiguaëla each day, came and killed them in the most horrible way. But the children, hidden in the box were saved because they had not been seen.


    They were collected by Ménopus, an elderly and pious man who knew nothing of the origin of these "love", as he liked to call them, and who wanted to know nothing about their history. He gave the children milk produced from his cow Minerva, who became a famous cow, much later, among the nations for giving milk, unlike its counterparts who could not .

    ... But back to our story, and I must finish writing before the light from my candle burns out. These two young boys grew close together and were never apart, a link existed between them was so great that it went beyond friendship and brotherly love, but unfortunately one of them would eventually turn away.....

    The temptation of Belial

    These two siblings, despite the temptations of the Creature Without a Name continued to grow religiously and did not hesitate to help others before they helped themselves. Being young when their parents were killed, they Knew nothing of it, but in a dream they were told about it. They tried to be discreet until the day when the creature came to speak to Belial:

    "Why do you focus especially on others even if they have nothing to offer, when you could serve the rich, and be paid, so you will not be working for nothing. "

    Belial replied:

    "I have never worked for nothing, these people need me, if we do not, then who will? "

    "No one, but what do they give you in return, nothing, then they keep on harassing you because the more you give, the more they will ask. "

    This discussion did not sit well with Belial, but gradually the idea grew on him , and eventually it took hold and he no longer could cope with his old thoughts.
    He began by asking for items in exchange for his work but the poor had no money and could not give. So he stopped working for them and then began his life of laziness and sin, feeling this was more satisfying and that he was not indispensable to the poor.

    The temptation of Miguaël and prayer

    The creature with no name then whispered in the ear of Miguaël, but he knew of the creatures intentions and would not listen, because the more you listen, the more it would be hard to resist.

    Resolute in his prayer, Miguaël knelt and recited the following prayer which was forever to be used by the faithful.

    "God Almighty,
    Father of mankind
    And divine Omnipotence,
    Close my ears
    to the temptations
    And open my eyes
    to endless love you give me,
    that I can then give to those who must receive
    Love those who should be,
    Always knowing,
    If I was not there,
    Someone else would be there to do
    For it is You who speaks through my mouth
    And work with my hands.
    Forgive my brother and all the others
    For They do not know what they do. '

    This young man was blessed by God, it was sure, he was chosen so that he gives his life for the world. Faced with such strength and blessing the nameless creature could do nothing and even if it tried many other times, it could never convince Miguaël.

    Punishment-and the Creation of the Institution of the Archangels

    The situation of men was getting worse. They no longer saw God and acted more as a function of themselves at the expense of their brothers and even their own families. This led to rivalries and often even the fittest of mind was led to unprecedented crimes.

    It is at this point that the Divine Punishment fell, not that the Almighty did not love this world, but he did not intervene, he let man face his downfall.

    Then there was lightning and while many fled, the most determined among the fighting stayed and somehow split into two groups:
    There were those who embody in themselves all the sins of the world, The Iinaudiendis (note: in Latin, those who do not agree) were led by seven evil men:
      Asmodeus said the greedy,
      the lustful Azazel,
      Lucifer acédique,
      Beelzebub the miser,
      the choleric Leviathan,
      Satan the jealous
      and Belial the proud.

    These seven, believing the unnamed ensured that this punishment was incontrovertible proof that God does not love them.

    On the other hand, aware of their faults, a group preached repentance.
    Led by

      and Miguaël

    and they embodied respectively in contrast to the seven virtues inaudiendis they tried to defend temperance, friendship, justice, conservation, fun, conviction and selflessness.

    These two groups each had their followers, the sinners being among the most numerous,but it was the Righteous and their faith unwavering that would win over the corrupted.

    At the end of the seventh day, a great destructive wind came from the center of the earth and the earth cracked into many abysses, taking the inaudiendis deep within them.

    But among the carnage, a heavenly cloud came and brought the seven of virtue to the top of the sky.

    Here, a soft light shone. Still not knowing where they were, their fears were taken away as the place was so soft and soothing that they felt comfortable there and felt an immense feeling of warmth, a feeling of love.

    Then a strong tender voice was heard:

    "My children, you are in front of me because you understood that I neither through jealousy nor punishing them for pleasure but because the human race has reached a point where the only punishment was to get back on my path. I called for it Archangels, you embody the seven virtues that you defend down and you will now become the inspiration of all virtues. I give you three pairs of wings, a sign of your power and your rank,
    Go now, for paradise awaits you. '

    Eternal damnation

    The inaudiendis were sent to the deepest depths, where the fire roars and where sinners are tortured.
    If you look, all created beings are sinners but the Almighty, in His great kindness offered forgiveness, and if they reject or do not seek forgiveness they keep their sins and suffer until the end of time.

    Belial and the pride of men divert away again from God
    Institution of exorcism

    At the beginning of the Church, it was still frail and Belial said nthat to destroy the church it would be better to act from the inside. Being proud, he took possession of the body of the highest dignitary of the Church, the Pope.

    In that time, the Pope Hyginus was affected by a serious illness. Belial, full of cowardice took possession and from that moment, the features of the Holy Father began to change. A servant, Mirall realized this and begged the Almighty to send someone. The Archangel Miguaël, patron Saint against possession, "exorcist" as he was named later, was sent.

    He gushed as fast as he could, his six wings beating out of breath, for if the church was falling the result would be terrible. He entered into the body of Hyginus, whose virtuous thoughts were trapped in a struggle against Belial.

    Belial said:
    "You dare to act against your own brother Miguaël?
    Thou seest not how thy God uses you?

    To which Miguaël replied:
    -You are no longer my brother Belial.
    I disown you, Go back to where you came from, leave and return to the the abyss, only God is sovereign, God alone is the master. Only the virtues of this man shall man arise! '

    While this confrontation took place, the sky and the earth seemed to also compete in a decisive battle, with much lightening and colour changes.

    "Go back where you came from, the prince of demons and let the soul of this man in peace, you hear??


    Belial, get thee behind me , Go back from where you came from!!! "

    At this point, a flame sprung from the mouth of the possessed party Hyginus and crashed into the earth while the overlooking Night sky suddenly became calm and resumed its normal coloring.

    Saint Miguaël ascended to heaven in glory seated on a cloud and accompanied by a thousand celestial voices singing the glory of God because only God is sovereign.

    This happened in the year of grace 140. It was the last year of Hyginus as Pope.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Juil 24, 2023 5:57 pm; édité 2 fois
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint Raphaella the Archangel


    An old woman had been walking since the sun was setting. She ached a lot as she moved. For three months she had felt her strength diminishing and her legs gradually giving out, and yet she walked and walked, stopping only to sleep and gather her strength. She knew whom she would find. A man living in a little house, a one-eyed man much sought-after who called himself the 'one born out of time.' Night had now fallen, and this traveler was afraid, she didn't know where to sleep, and she didn't like the look of the path.

    She continued to walk, faster, pressing herself now, determined to arrive as if her life depended on it. If she died then it would be finished. Oh, her parents hadtold her that after death she would live...that God was there to save her. But that was impossible, if God was there, there would not be so many miseries and lifewould not exist. Why be separated, only to return to Him after death. This story really did not hold true. That was going to be her case if she didn't arrive soon. The story of God was beginning to titillate her. She began to panic now. She was almost running, in any case the efforts that she put in were just as strong. This was no longer possible, in one gulp she turned and faced into the void (or so she believed) and screamed.

    "If you exist, show yourself. Don't hide yourself away, even if you are incapable of loving what you created, or if you are unable to uphold your commitments, or if you must make this world suffer for your own pleasure. Show yourself!"

    There was a thunderous rage already in the head of this poor woman as she waited for this God of whom she had heard so many speak but had never seen. What was most astonishing was that she, who didn't believe in anything, was persuaded that she was going to receive an answer.... an answer, certainly, she was going to have one, but very far from that which she expected. No matter what else might be upon her heart, from deep cried out the truth.


    Instead of the deadly currents that it had promised, a soft light flooded out, and it was impossible to know from where it came. It was as if even the darkness shone.

    A voice made itself heard, coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was reassuring and seemed to come from the depths of time.

    "Raphaella, Raphaella,
    why do you shout?
    Your cries scatter into echoes in the mountains and disturb the course of the rivers. The little ones of the world are petrified with fear by your cries, and the wisest are made to fight."

    The old woman didn't know how to answer. She was extremely touched by what she had just heard. Hearing the voice of God was always an extraordinary thing, but this was even more so because He called her by name. How long had it been since she was called by name? No one had ever used her name, not once since her father left. Nicknames had replaced her true name. Raphaella, whose heart was beginning to open again, still doubted and the fiery hatred in her eyes was not yet extinct.

    What she had taken as an act of love at the beginning transformed with her anger into affront. Her soul wasn't ready to receive simple love, so it was impossible for her to receive the strongest love in existence. But, the absolute power of God and the knowledge that he had of his daughter began its work.

    - "How dare you call me by my name, You, God of the blessed thoughts and the evil hand?"
    - "Doesn't a father call his children by their first name?"
    - "Yes, but a father cares for his children, he cherishes and loves them."
    - "Isn't this what I do?"

    By saying these words, God showed the Earth.

    here is the layout of your life.
    These footprints mark your steps."

    - "If these footprints are my steps, whose footprints are alongside them?"
    - "Those are mine, Raphaella, I have walked at your side since you came into the world."
    - "And in the most difficult moments, there aren't two sets of footprints. Why weren't you there when I needed you the most?"
    - "I was there, and if you don't see two sets of prints it's because then I was carrying you, my child."

    Her heart of stone, so difficult to convince, became at that moment a heart of flesh. Raphaella understood then that she was in the presence of her father and, falling to her knees, she begged his forgiveness.

    "Hold your tears, Raphaella, this is a joyous time, you believed wrongly but at least you stayed faithful to your thoughts. Now that you see, your conviction will save you and show others the path that I have traced for them.

    - "Father,
    why didn't you show yourself, why didn't you ever tell me that you were there?"

    - "I did tell you, my child, but your ears wouldn't listen. I showed myself to you, but your eyes wouldn't see. I offered you my hand, but you wouldn't take it. And then I revealed myself to your heart, and you believed.

    I let you to choose because you are free. You didn't want to receive me, so I didn't assert myself.
    Your sought me, and I appeared.
    Many questions are still knocking around inside you, but be patient. I will answer them in your heart at the proper time.
    If you fall, I will lift you up."


    From this moment on, the light melted into the landscape. Even though it wasn't as intense, Raphaella could see it, and this light guided her through the night. It could have showed her the path, but Raphaella knew it already. It could have clarified the darkness, but Raphaella had no need for that. Instead, this light showed her the inner path to her soul and drove out all darkness.

    She had left Oanylone several days earlier, and the person she sought lived far away. He was one of the only to leave when the city was far from torments.

    While walking, she continued to think about her meeting with God. He had acted like a father in this respect, he had acted like her true father who had left the city of Oane, one never knew why, and he who had given her so much, who had loved her so, had disappeared completely. This was one of the most touching things. God loves each of us--it's so beautiful but also difficult to believe. Why is there misery and misfortune? And why do some die before finding him? If she knew him, the answer to this last question came to her as an indisputable truth: God leaves men on Earth in total freedom. They have a choice between following his path or walking away from it, going where the great path cannot even be seen. There God was absent, or rather one refused to see him, because God is everywhere. God, although omnipotent, leaves man to his free will.

    But then, if God leaves man to free-will in his own life, why does he play sometimes to the detriment of freedom or with the happiness of others? Why does the freedom of one encroach on the freedom of others?

    She continued to walk, she must arrive at the hut. She was tired, more and more, but such a thirst for God resided in her that stopping seemed a waste of time.

    She finished by finding the slum which surrounded the house for which she had been searching. She entered through what appeared to be a door and saw no one. There was nothing there but a parchment:

    "When you were born, you didn't choose your brother.
    Whoever he is, you must learn to live with, and live for, him.
    If your brother radiates the love of God, then this love can join you together.
    If, on the other hand, your brother turns away from this divine love, it falls to you to show it to him, as if your life depended on it.
    But, what good is it to give your life for someone who doesn't want to see?
    If you succeed, you give him a chance to join God and the angels after his death, and for this reason you will join them also.
    If you fail, it's you will join them.

    However, it is said also, don't linger on your brother if his eyes can't see, think and work for the greatest number because those for whom you have worked, they also can work for others.

    Therefore, is it better to give your life to try to save one of them who doesn't want to be saved, or to give your life to save a multitude who have a burning desire to see?"

    Raphaella read and understood everything. Each man is placed in a situation in which he can evolve, not only through God's desires or the evil inspired by the creature without name, but also according to the manner by which each brother and each sister use their free-will and liberty. The schemes of each, if not payed for on Earth, will be paid for when God comes to find them.

    The obvious truth of this divine love transformed Raphaella. She knelt tearfully and prayed that the Lord, God of the Universe would give her the strength to serve him humbly and lovingly everywhere forever.

    She prayed for an entire night and then rose in the morning filled with new assurance. She was confident, God was there in her, and she lived in Him.

    An aura of benefaction and love shone around her. Even if eyes were unable to see it, the soul could sense it because the soul was, after love, the most powerful gift that God had given to man.

    The First of Her Holy Acts

    Raphaella approached Oanylone and sensed already the veil of discord that weighed on the city. Indeed, the Creature Without Name had sown doubt in their hearts so that they would turn away from the truth and before that she set off dimly sensing God's reaction.

    More and more, the population was divided into two groups, those who remained faithful to God and those who, believing or not, were left penetrated by doubts.

    Because these men were weak, they need only hear that God doesn't exist to turn away from him. It was easier to say that God did not love them and that there was no hope, than it was for them to see that any sin could be prevented by good sense.

    Raphaella saw this weakness. She met with a handful of brothers and sisters to keep hopeful and maintain the firm conviction that God loves them. She prayed for each man to find the path to God, so that each one would see that he is not alone.

    The conviction and assurance she showed proved that it was possible for her to preach, and she could convince many people with her words.

    The Punishment

    At this time, the divine punishment fell. It started with lighting crashing at the highest point in the sky, and then it rained entire rivers. One by one, men lost their lives. Then came tongues of fire running over each man. The worst were tossed into the eternal flames of the night star, where they were promised a new existence of suffering and fear.

    Those who believed were also given a new life. They were elevated to the daytime star to be closer to the divine glory. Raphaella and six others were elevated to the rank of archangel in order to inspire the seven virtues for centuries and centuries.

    Her Dispatching

    One day on earth,
    A man was in pain.
    He loved God with all his heart, but he had never dared to proclaim to those around him the love that he carried within him.
    His followers cursed God and never ceased to blaspheme.
    The man didn't dare to respond. He was aware of his sin but couldn't act, constrained by his fear.
    He returned to his house, one evening, and fell on his straw mattress in tears.
    He confided in God the difficulties he had in assuming his faith in front of his friends. He said, crying even more beautifully, that he only dreamed of announcing his beliefs, but that he was afraid...
    How could he dare proclaim his faith?
    He couldn't stay like this, keeping God to himself, he must tell them... he must shout it to the whole world!
    And so God, listening to his child, dispatched Raphaella with these words:

    "Go Raphaella, that he will triumph!"

    With a presence that one feels but doesn't see, Raphaella descended and met with the man.
    The following day, when he went to see his friends, and they began to talk about God in negative terms, he failed saying nothing to them. Then, he sensed an invisible force near him, and, in a firm tone, he said that he didn't want for them to use the name of his God ill-advisedly. When he finished, no one said anything.
    God was his God, thus no one should blaspheme when he could hear them!
    At this moment, when his friends glanced at him with nasty expressions, when he failed to be paralyzed by fear, Raphaella breathed her breath into him and thus gave him a voice.

    He then continued calmly, but his words had the force of a cry. "God loves us, you don't have the right to say that about him!"
    However, the men surrounding him didn't understand and wouldn't leave him to think freely. They jumped on him and tore at his limbs.
    He surrendered his soul that day, suffering horribly, but was proud that he had finally honored his beliefs.
    Raphaella took the soul of this good man and presented it herself to the Almighty.

    The Prayer

    Raphaella filled the pure hearts of those who prayed to her with the strength to uphold their beliefs and behave accordingly, so that men are capable not only of wanting good, but also of doing good.
    But even if she inspired the conviction, it was God who spoke through her mouth.

    After the soul of the man inspired by Raphaella was returned to the sun, the assassins looked at one another. They had killed their own friend. Then, the corpse was engulfed with giant flames, which disappeared very quickly. The body remained intact, except that the torso was inscribed with the following, in gold letters:

    Oscermine's Prayer to God.
    Invocation of Saint Raphaella

    O God!
    You of whom I believe,
    You who guide my steps,
    Give me the strength to profess the majesty of Your Name
    As well as the love and adoration that I feel for you.
    Send me Your Archangel, Raphaella, so that she may walk at my side,
    That I would not face alone the enemy of my faith and my beliefs.
    That my action will obey my heart and that even my left hand will follow the commands of my right.
    That my heart fears You.
    And that I announce Your Holy Name.
    God, deign to lift Your hand that Raphaella will descend and come to my aid.

    Translated by Venerable Eraine, Venerable Arynna, and the members of the Ordre of Saint Jérôme and released unto the English speaking faithful, 20th of April 1458

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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 3:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Saint Sylphaël the Archangel

    The scroll of this manuscript was found beyond the great plain in one of the ancient caves in Dunhuang Mogao and brought to Rome by Brother William of Rubrouck approximately two hundred years ago in the year 1260.

    I, Nimrod Aggadoth witnessed the fall of Oanylone by the divine punishment of God and and I owe my salvation only to the fact that the Almighty gave me a mission to pass on to future generations this testimony, This story of all I have seen before my life passes......

    The Incredible Story of Sylphaël of Hédon

    In those final tumultuous times for the city of Oanylone there lived a young man named Sylphaël of Hédon. He was a pillar of light in society. He shone at all tasks he attempted. He was gifted with an extraordinary talent in all the arts he attempted, yet what he was most famous for was his ability to enjoy each and every moment of life. He found pleasure in the simplest of things, and was constantly happy.

    Sylphael often crossed paths with two accomplices in the tavern, Colomba the beautiful who was always happy and Lucifer the Moody, who would often become depressed. Lucifer would drink to excess, and Lucifer would become violent while Columba would often suffer from the outbursts of Lucifer. This gave rise to the saying "When Lucifer drinks its Columba who pays". Sylphaël, the king of night and entertainment in Oanylone savoured all wines, but did not drink to excess and would take his lyre and play for the gathering in the tavern. He would sing the tales of Oane, for there was much wisdom in the tales and all could benefit from them.
    The crowd would light their torches as he sang and played.

    Often the next day at dawn and after he had found new sources of delight in studying the stories of Oane with Colomba, it was not uncommon to see Sylphaël prepare a tea for Lucifer, whose features were ruined from fighting or drinking and he would be nauseous and pale.
    Sylphael would lecture Lucifer on moderation and state "you confuse enjoyment and happiness, my poor Luke!" as Lucifer would be spending the day in mortification, self regret and humiliation as his deeds from the night before came back to haunt him. Sylphael would continue and state "you move from extreme pleasure to extreme depression, from one extreme to the other, like a weather vane in a storm, so your body is ill from all these excesses and then withdrawals and deprivations".

    Some time later, the voluptous Colomba, succumbing to the charming Sylphaël married. However, despite their happiness, the young couple were worried about their friend, who like many other inhabitants of Oanylone, was sinking ever more severely into a bottomless pit, combining the practice of disturbing sexual customs by night, and making strange prayers during the day, lying prostrate and naked on top of a column under the watchful eye of the creature without name. The nameless one was working now everywhere in the city, emerging out of the darkness, and gathering prey from the weak among the ruins of the city. For the hour of retribution had begun, and the blows of God were raining down.

    Rebellion corrupt

    The Nameless Creature found helpers easily, they were the most debauched of the city and numbered the seventh and final of them was Lucifer. The seven would broadcast their evil thoughts with disconcerting ease, instilling in the misguided and afraid such crazy ideas such as
      "God created the rich to give to the poor in paradise"
      "humans will recover their possessions if they doubt the weakness of God "
      " Eternity is a long time, especially towards the end "

    They fueled so much anger that a massacre was triggered. One morning we found ourselves in the rubble and gutted and dead among many others, the body of Colomba was found. It was the first time I saw Sylphaël collapse in sadness, and it was at that exact moment the city finally collapsed fully.


    Two days later, while the surviving inhabitants of the ruined city fled, I saw Sylphaël running in all directions before finally settling in a ruined alley. His complexion was pale. He gave me this story: "Last night I woke up suddenly feeling the presence of a body under my sheets and pressed against my form: it seemed to weigh on my side and wrap around my legs until she strangled me completely. I was seized with great anxiety as I thought I recognized this as the body of Colomba, my late wife!
    As the terror was overcoming me, I was also partly filling with a wave of tenderness for her as I thought I knew what she must be feeling. Coming to my senses I realised I was experiencing an extraordinary spell. It took all my strength of will and mind not to give in to this abominable thing.

    Probably paralyzed by intense fear, I had the greatest difficulty in moving and I was imprisoned as though I was in a vice. After endless seconds I managed to reach out to the oil lamp (I had one thought that light would help me confront the spell and shed light on its origins) but the flame did not light.
    So, in a panic, as I struggled with despair because I thought I was going to die, I kept yelling "go away" in an unbroken litany, getting louder and louder as I feared becoming a victim of the evil force.

    My pulse was racing, my heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode, when the thing loosened her grip and I felt nothing anymore. I turned on the lamp and this time, strangely, the light worked.

    The rest of the night I meditated on this attempted possession by the Unspeakable Creature and the state of listlessness, which almost killed me when I was petrified with fear.

    I came to the conclusion we must accept God's wrath, and this city, it is we who have condemned it to destruction, and that I'll join the group of the righteous!

    "Forgive me my friend," I said, "but how do you hope you embody a virtue whose existence was entirely devoted to pleasure? "

    Sylphaël said, "but because it is under the same pleasure, God gave us senses to enjoy life and the love of life is Love" without pausing he went to pray to save the world in the company of the Other Righteous gathered at the Seventh Gate.

    Oanylone the city of built in the shape of a sphere had eight cardinal gates corresponding to subdivisions and the West Gate was the seventh.

    I watched Sylphaël long into the sunset. This was the last time I saw him. Infinitely more cowardly, I hastily left the city without arms or baggage, before the final chaos.

    There were seven of virtue against seven that were corrupted.

    Among the companions that had left the city and I met later, some had observed from afar the final cataclysm, the sinking of the city and their testimony as consistent on this point, seven silhouettes were seen, sucked into the fiery sun beams.

    This made me happy knowing that Sylphaël had been accepted into the solar paradise, as all his life he had been beaming with happiness.

    With the last breath of my life I began hastily writing and sketching so that I could transmit the memories and images of Oanylone the great city of the world to the survivors. May humanity always remember the example of the righteous and the punishment of the proud.

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