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[GB]Book of Virtues - The End of Time -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:16 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - The End of Time - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Nov 16, 2021 6:08 pm; édité 3 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:17 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the end of time
    Chapter I - « The Dream »

    1 I, Ysupso of Alexandria, Egypt, will describe to you the revelation that was made to me in a dream. It might appear strange to regard a dream as a veritable premonition, but the reading of my revelations will show you that this was no ordinary dream. I thank the Most High for having entrusted to me the divine mission of transmitting His will to the world.

    2 My dream started with a soft white light. I had the urge to awake myself and, as in the early morning, I emerged gradually from my state of lethargy. The light brought, progressively with my imaginary alarm clock, its batch of nuances. I then saw a group of beings, human with the large wings of birds, surmounted by a luminous ring. They sparkled with love and gentleness. Their glances were full of kindness and tenderness.

    3 I saw there with me all the human ones that, by their holy virtuous life, had reached the statute of angels. Seven of them exceeded their companions by the feeling of goodness that they emanated. I recognized without difficulty seven blessed archangels of God: George, owner of the friendship, Uriel, owner of generosity, Raphael, owner of conviction, Gabriel, owner of temperance, Michael, owner of justice, Selaphiel, owner of the pleasure, and Galadrielle, owner of conservation.

    4 Behind them, I saw vast idyllic landscapes. Everything sparkled with great beauty and I wanted nothing more than to remain there for eternity. But it seemed quite empty. I could admire the innumerable elect, populating Paradise. On their faces was an expression of great bliss. Seeing such a happiness fill those that had lived in the virtue, I was delighted for them and hoped to be able to join them.

    5 Then, I heard a hard yet serene voice to say to me: “Those which you see here are those which knew to gain the Paradise, according to the word which I entrusted to Aristotle and Christos. But know that the future will not be so radiant for all.” I understood that it was God Himself that addressed this divine message to me. Then, the angels left me in communion with the Most High. “Look into the pool of water at your feet,” He said to me.

    6 I saw a beautiful country there. The soft heat of the sun cherished the trees of the orchards, nourished the ears of corn, which were drawn up, proud, toward the sky, and gave all its love to the vegetables, which thrived. Further, I could see the cows feeding placidly, accompanied by sheep kept safe by their shepherd. The pleasant breeze lent its force to the work of the miller while making the wings of the mill to turn.

    7 The sea provided the fishermen with many fish, in order to nourish them and exhaled its rustic but so pleasant scents to those that could appreciate them. In the middle of this peaceful life, a city, girded about with walls, swarmed with activity. The craftsmen worked in order to provide to the population all that it needed and the tradesmen spoke in praise of their goods to the customers coming to market.

    8 The children played, laughing and running along the animated streets. Taverns shook with the laughter and the noises of liquids that were poured into the tankards. A small group crowded around the mayor, who listened to their interrogations and answered. The bells were reflected to sound and great numbers of the inhabitants left their houses to go to the mass.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:17 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the end of time
    Chapter II - « The Castle »

    1 And at this point in time the horror started.

    2 The sky darkened, surmounted with dark clouds. The thunder roared, resounding in all the thatched cottages. And the rain started to fall. A flood as nobody had ever seen before rushed into the land! The gusts of wind whirled and the sea surged so mightily that I saw several fishermen disappear under the waters. Everyone thought then to take shelter, but the rain did not cease falling.

    3 Three days and three nights, rain worked to reduce to nothing all the efforts of the farmers, who, impotent, saw their harvests die. The streets were transformed into torrents. All the land became gorged with water. And the sea struck with all its ire against the city, destroying the landing stages, ruining even the largest boats, and coming to fall against the coast.

    4 Then, the sky darkened yet further, choking the rays of the sun completely, and lit only by the flashes whose thunder resonated in all the houses where the people massed, frightened. The rain became increasingly cold, changing into snow. Freezing completed the destruction of the harvests and the icy wind whipped the houses, where people, terrified, suffered from hunger and thirst without daring to say a word.

    5 Then, snow changed into hail. This storm was made up of enormous hail large around as a bowl and hard as stone. They struck with all of their force into the solid walls and the stone buildings. The roofs seemed to suffer from this treatment, but endeavoured to resist. This was not always enough, because many houses broke down on their unfortunate inhabitants, their cries for assistance lost in the noise of the cataclysm.

    6 But the martyrdom seemed to end when the hail decreased, then stopped. Gradually, people left their modest shelters and a number of them, haggard, moved toward the castle, in order to find answers to their questions. The priest and the duke addressed then the crowd. But the speech of the duke was stopped by the collapse of the tower, which crushed him without mercy or hope of appeal.

    7 Indeed, the ground had started to tremble. And the unhappy official had been standing in the path of the enormous monument. People thought then to run to re-enter their shelters. But the weakened houses broke down, one after another. The streets collapsed, opened into a multitude of cracks, devouring into the ground the unfortunate ones that had fallen into their terrible trap. The walls, already shaken by hail, broke down, bringing also their own batch of deaths.

    8 The entire city collapsed thus little by little, leaving many people to rush about in panic. Only the church had survived the attacks of the unleashed elements; the saintly building seeming spared from the disaster. The ground stopped trembling and calmed. Without a word, the survivors thus arranged themselves in the house of God. The priest was there. He preached on repentance from sin. His liveliness was of gold, but one felt in his voice the anguish that his prayers were not enough to help them. But all listened to the sermon of the priest as they had never listened before.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:18 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the end of time
    Chapter III - « The Church »

    1 The wind beat on the sides of the church, making its structure quiver. The sky, dark and icy, was filled with threatening clouds of Herculean proportions. All around the church, the lightning tore the air, followed soon by its accomplice, the thunder, which resounded in the terrified hearts of the flocks.

    2 The priest encouraged the flock with his prayers. He never stopped reminding them that they did not have anything to fear if they kept in their spirit the divine words revealed by the Prophet, Aristotle, and the Messiah, Christos. The purity of his faith pushed him to encourage his listeners to make penitence for their sins. And he repeated unceasingly that it was time for those whose souls were choked with sin to make their confessions. But nobody listened to him any more, terror trampling on their reason, and all looked out now through the stained glass windows of the church.

    3 At this point in time the third calamity fell down on them. The wind redoubled intensity, changing the wind into gusts and the gusts into storms. The cataclysm reached its climax when a terrible tornado assaulted the church building. This one broke the stained glass of the church, coming to fill up the building with its icy breath. The pieces of coloured glass fell down in a rain of sharpened blades on the unfortunate ones which were below.

    4 The tornado propelled the pews against the walls, breaking them into pieces. It reversed the flock, who, struck out one against the others. It broke down the statues from the tops of their pedestals, shattering them in thousands of pieces. The imposing doors of the church were several centuries old. They had known the pangs of time without ever giving signs of the least weakness. But the tornado made them fly away like wisps of straw.

    5 The noise of the storm covered the exhortations and the prayers of the priest. He stopped then when he saw a young child fallen to the ground. An enormous beam threatened to fall down and crush the child. The priest threw himself on him and pushed the child out of the path of the falling timber. This sacrifice proved unfortunately useless, because the entire building broke down on its inhabitants, from which only some few survivors managed to escape.

    6 These were not the luckiest, because they had finally the misfortune to witness the last of the calamities. The city was no more, one field of ruins on the cracked ground. The sea was unchained under a sky of ink split by the flashes, the fields, the pastures and the orchards were drowned and only a very few trees held still more or less upright.

    7 The survivors saw then the latter burst out into flames. They cried out with all the energy that remained to them. The wind, hitherto icy, blazed up instantly to painful heat under the open sky. The clouds reddened, reflecting the flames that bathed the country. Fire devoured all that had survived in a gigantic blazing inferno. The unfortunate people who had survived the three other calamities howled in pain when the blazing inferno destroyed their flesh, leaving nothing whatsoever of their bodies.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:18 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the end of time
    Chapter IV - « Divine Judgement »

    1 I raised my eyes from the pool where all these horrible images had been just offered to my eyes. I trembled, the cries of suffering from the poor victims of these four calamities resonating still in my heart. Hot tears flowed openly down my face, so horrible was the fate of these unhappy poor.

    2 Then, God, in a voice soft and alleviating, said to me: “See how horrible will be the end of the world which you like so much. It will be destroyed by water, earth, wind, and fire. But do not fear, because, if you are virtuous, you will be able to avoid these useless sufferings. And those which live in the virtue need not worry, because never do I forget those who love Me. ” I saw the clouds indeed go away, the winds become calm, and the flames to die. But the ground trembled further, revealing a beautiful sight.

    3 The men and the women who had lived through the atrocities I had seen in the puddle pool left the world, flying. They were innumerable, each one crowded by necessity next to the other, a veritable sea of humanity. In spite of an indefinable time that they had waited under the ground, they seemed to find a new youth. They flew away in a splendid cloud of beings coming to join their Creator.

    4 Behind them, I saw the world, a gigantic ball of matter. All the humans had left it behind. Its surface cracked, the titanic flames emerging from the cracks thus formed. Then, the entire world blazed up. It illuminated the other stars in a powerful red light. Lastly, in an incommensurable explosion, it completed the mission that God had entrusted to it.

    5 The human ones were installed along the stars, on what one calls the Milky Way. They were organized then in a file that seemed endless. Some seemed happy to await the Divine Judgement, others poured heated tears, regretting not having known to listen to the divine words transmitted by the Prophet Aristotle and Christos, the Messiah. The angels patiently awaited the human ones on the sun. And, on the moon, the demons spat their hatred with the face of a doomed future.

    6 And God spoke to me: “See. These men and these women are now in waiting for the judgement of their hearts. I made you to aspire to the virtue and I did this in such a way that if one among you so practised, it would be communicated to the others.” There I recognized the teaching of Aristotle and the words of Christos! “There has always been this goal,” He added, “to serve, honour and to love Me, but also to love each other. I am the invisible hand which guides your steps, but a number among you were diverted from My Word.”

    7 “You are judged one by one when you die, but that will not always be the case. Indeed, I left the creature that I did not name to prove his statement that the strong should dominate the weak. If, once again, you are diverted to Sin in great numbers, that which you saw in the pool of water will come to pass. If you forget again the love that I have for you and, through this, cease to love Me, it will all happen as you have seen. If My Word, revealed by Aristotle and Christos is not heeded any more, I will destroy the world and its life, because the love will not be any more. So, take guard not to let My Word lose itself in the pits of the lapse of your memory.”

    8 For this reason I have revealed all this to you. The virtue must guide each one of your steps. Everyone must transmit the virtue to their descendants. Such is the Word of God. You do not escape from the wise way of His hand, or the day will come when the world will disappear.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the end of time
    Chapter V - « Questions »

    1 But many questions had not yet been answered. I asked God if He would enlighten me further, and, in His great mercy, He accepted.

    2 I asked Him: “When will we be judged? What will be the sorrows and the rewards which we will have?” He answered me: “I decided, when I made the humans My children, to make them the most beautiful of gifts: I have made of all your spirits eternal souls, allowing you to gain Paradise if you follow the lessons of Aristotle and Christos, but punishing you in Hell if you are diverted from the ways which they traced. You are in My court of judgement throughout your lives. Each thought, each word and each action influences My final decision. When each one of you dies, I decide your eternal destination. According to whether you were virtuous or a sinner, you join the rows of the elect or of the damned.”

    3 I asked Him then: “But what will the human ones resemble, those who reach the sun or the moon? Will we be only of pure spirits? What will become of our bodies? What are these angels and these demons?” It answered me: “The body cannot live without the spirit and the spirit without the body, because I made life the union of these two states. When a human reaches Paradise or Hell, the body that it had on the world is abandoned to nourish the life on Earth and a new body is given to him in exchange. This one is commensurate with the image of the spirit of the human it is given to: it represents either the beauty of it or the ugliness. The angels are those that, by their holiness, obtained a body so perfect that they may assist me in the sun. The demons are those which lived so much in the sin that their bodies are only horror and beastliness.”

    4 I still asked Him: “The baptism is the sacrament which devotes the entry of a human into the community of believers. Without this, there is no access to the possible Paradise. But what becomes of the poor children whose life is completed before they have the chance to be baptised?” And He answered me: “I made you of the elect with your birth, because you tend naturally toward Me. It is your sins which divert you from My divine perfection.”

    5 “The baptism makes it possible for the virtue to repurchase the sin; makes it possible for the love to overcome the apathy. The virtuous one who is not baptised will not be erasing his faults, because I did not bless his entry into the community of My faithful. But do not believe that the fact of being baptised authorises you to sin without shame. This sacrament is only the means of living in the virtue. But all those which were not baptised, whether they are children or adult, if they absolutely never sinned, will be able in the same way to reach the Paradise.”

    6 I asked Him finally: “Will the End of time take place inevitably?” He answered me: “No, I will decide to destroy the world if the human ones are given up as much in the sin as they ended up before, giving reason to the creature to which I did not give a name. Know that the future of the world depends only on your virtue. You must respect the Word which I transmitted to Aristotle and Christos, because, if you behave like the inhabitants of Oanylone, your vice will bind the fate of the world which you like so much.”

    7 Then, God said to me that the time had come that I return home, that my dream was finished, and that I should awake. Relieved to have learned so much from God Himself, I thus returned to my soft bed, where I awoke. Still disturbed by these revelations, I wrote this message from God in the words that He had given me to do so.


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