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On the acts perpetrated against Holy Mother Church

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Inscrit le: 03 Mai 2021
Messages: 1

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 03, 2021 9:36 pm    Sujet du message: On the acts perpetrated against Holy Mother Church Répondre en citant


    On the acts perpetrated against Holy Mother Aristotelian Roman Church

    We, His Royal Majesty, D. Apollo of Portugal, the first of his name, by the grace of the Most High and the acclamation of the Portuguese peoples, King of Portugal and the Algarves, Duke of Ribeira and Viscount of Avelar, ANNOUNCE:

    That the Kingdom of Portugal has followed, since the times of Our Predecessor, the abject ideas coming from the Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, about its criticism against the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church.

    Since Our Predecessor, the Kingdom of Portugal believed that the acts perpetrated against the Church and against the Aristotelian Faith were motivated by a passing annoyance, and we believed, even before Our ascension to the Portuguese Throne, that the Crown of the Roman Empire would recede from its intentions and return to the path of righteousness.

    However, it has come to our attention that the Imperial Crown has arrogated to itself the Power, which it believes it deserves, to take control of the Imperial Dioceses and organize a Council to appoint a new Pope.

    Since time immemorial, the Kingdom of Portugal has adopted the Aristotelian Faith as its Official Religion and as the Religion of its Crown. For this reason, the Magna Carta of the Kingdom of Portugal, its greatest Law and Foundation Stone states that: "The Kingdom of Portugal and its Monarch adopt the sacred religion of Aristotle as the Official Religion of the Kingdom of Portugal."

    We understand that our Crown and our Authority are legitimized by the will of God, the Most High Almighty, which is manifested through the popular will in the ballot box vote. By virtue of this, we follow the teachings of St. Thomas who says: "All power comes from God through the people. The temporal authority is autonomous only while keeping this principle in mind. Therefore, it can only govern according to the norm on which it is founded, and therefore with the consent of the Church. It must conform its actions to the opinions of the clergy and, in particular, to that of his Holiness the Pope, sovereign of all sovereigns."

    The Saint also teaches us that "The king also derives his power from God. And since people are only fulfilling God's will by placing you on your throne, your power is divine from above and below. The sword you wield is entrusted to you by God, certainly not directly, but God being the primary cause of all causes and effects, he is undoubtedly the cause of your authority too. Now, as the church is the depository of the divine word, you must obey it. So it is unless you bow down like a tyrant."

    For this reason, we condemn the actions perpetrated by the Crown of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire and reaffirm, on behalf of the Kingdom of Portugal, Our support for the Universal Aristotelian and Roman Church, so that Lusitania continues to recognize His Holiness Sixtus IV, as Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church.

    As a consequence, the Kingdom of Portugal does not recognize any legitimacy to the supposed Council of Bologna and Iaudas, which we recognize as the AntiPope.

    We pray to the Most High that reason and common sense will return to the Crown of the Holy Roman Empire and its Emperor, and we also pray that the Emperor and the Roman citizens who may have been captivated by these false ideas, may regain their conscience and seek forgiveness and absolution for their sins.

    No less important, in the name of the Treaty of Heraldry Recognition signed between the Kingdom of Portugal and the Roman Aristotelian Church, the Kingdom of Portugal continues to recognize His Holiness, Sixtus IV, as the legitimate Feudal Lord of all the pontifical territories, as well as recognizing as Nobles all those who have been recognized as such by the hands of the Sovereign Pontiff or the Sacred College of Cardinals.

    May God bless the Roman Empire and its People!

    Vis Unita Maior Nunc et Semper

    Written at Real Paço da Ribeira, on the 3rd of May of the year of the Grace of MCDLXVIX. I of Our Reign.

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
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MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 05, 2021 10:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    + Sacred College of Cardinals & Congregation of the Apostolic Nunciature +

    Gratitude to the Kingdom of Portugal

    The Holy Universal Roman Aristotelian Church thanks the Kingdom of Portugal in the person of His Majesty D. Apollo of Portugal, the first of his name,

    for having publicly and effectively expressed its condemnation of the actions carried out by the Emperor of the SRING against our Holy Mother Church, as well as of his patronage of the schismatic Council of Bologna, and for the heretical madness of Antipope Iaudas.
    True rulers recognise power as a loving gift from God, and exercise it according to Aristotelian Virtues and the teachings of the One True Church, that of Rome, and its Pope Sixtus IV.
    May this declaration of Faith and friendship be an appeal to the consciences of those who have lost their way and enlighten those who wander in darkness.

    +Fortes in Fide+

    Rome, V.V.MCDLXIX, Sixtus IV PP Anno III

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals
      His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
      Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

    For the Congregation of the Apostolic Nunciature
      Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia
      Cardinal Chancellor of the Nunciature

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