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[GB]Book of Hagiographies - The Angels -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 17, 2021 3:22 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Hagiographies - The Angels - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Nov 17, 2021 5:12 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 17, 2021 4:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Angel AL Lopas: 

    Angel courir & servant of the saints, archangels and even of god, AL Lopas serves as intercessor messenger between the men and the inhabitants of the solar paradise. He is, of course, the patron of postal workers, messengers, bankers and all kind of clerks. Men can therefore pray AL Lopas to mediate with less accessible solar sanctities in exchange for a donation to worship. 


    AL Lopas was born in the chic southern suburb of Oanylone. He came from the improbable love affair of the wealthy crooked banker Krediet and simple naive mail carrier Dhlie. Very young, one day, AL Lopas thought while praying: "God can you help me become more quickwitted!...God, let me hear Your creations.". The resultat was that AL Lopas was very intelligent and could read, write and count from his childhood on. However, in spite of his intelligence, he often passed for a madman with his entourage, because of some more or less incomprehensible terms, such as „essemesse“ or „0899 191 662“ that he mumbled when he was meditating.

    One fine day when he had gone fishing with Alicebox, his sister (called the transparent because of her unhealthy temperament, maing her very pale skin) a strong gust of wind seized the waters. AL Lopas then saw his sister who was about to drown, he let out a „God can hel me save...Uh, actually no, I want to become rather super sturdy. Shortly thereafter, a great strength brought him in and he managed to save his sister from the fury of the waters. The next day, the whole neighborhood was aware of the feat accomplished by the young AL Lopas. He tried to convince the population that god had helped him in his great goodness and that he was not a real hero but the people of Oanylone did not listen to him.
    AL Lopas spent a good part of his childhood and adolescence working successively for his parents: the week in the big business bank of his father the hard Krediet and the weekend to help his mother the sweet Dhlie, to distribute mail and parcels.


    Although the Faith in the god of Love revealed by Oane was not yet widespread at that time and that his family was totally polytheistic, he was lucky enough to meet a blind old man who, conscious of the young man's vivacity of spirit and his spiritual predisposition, taught him the theological redments of the time. Quickly, he used his teachings to convert his family and friends. Only his father was refractory to his religious hype because much more attracted by the selfish preachings of greedy Beelzebub.

    In his neighborhood, however his first attempts to convert to the true faith were bitter failures, with heterodox idols still firmly rooted in tradition. Whitout losing hope and on the advice of the wise old man, he then went to downtown Oanylone to visit the tomb of Oane which served as a rallying point for a handful of righteous under the leadership of a certain Gabriel who's destiny now known. 

    Despite his young age, Gabriel warmly welcomed the newcomer and AL Lopas was able to share and learn from the contacts of this small group of faitful believers. Quickly he was able to make himself useful by serving a treasurer and also messenger for the religious community of the temple adjoining the tomb of Oane. Little by little, extrended his services to all the right micro-communities of the city. AL Lopas established indeed in a few years fruitful cntacts with the various future leaders of the camp of virtue : Galadrielle, Raphaëlle, Michel, Sylphaël, Georges, Miguaël and of course Gabriel known for a long time. 

    He was soon deeply convinced that god's plan had sent him to serve as a liaison between the future archangels and the Mist High himself. God appeared once in a prayer common to the seven virtuous leaders to confirm their intuition. AL Lopas put the acquired skills to the contacts of his parents in the bank and post office in the service of the just divine cause. AL Lopas therefore developed a solid network of messengers, couriers and treasurers under the leadership of the archangels to unify and organize the nascent community of the faithful.


    Once his spiritual training was deemed sufficient, AL Lopas returned regularly to his neighborhood to preach the only true faith. In recounting his actions in the service of virtue and of god, he spoke with such passion, such fervor, that his close entourage was captivated by his story and that is how their heart heard the voice of god, and that they were touched by the Faith. 

    However, even though his family and some of his friends followed his example, many people remained incredulous. So, after an evening when he had desperately tried unsuccessfully to pass on the purest values to peasants who did not take him seriously, he went to the temple of Oane, and then mumbled:" God can help me! ...please, please, I want to become super popular to be more credible. 

    The next day he received a letter from the local mayor proposing him to become a local spiritual advisor! But that was not enough yet, so AL Lopas prayed, thinking of Marie as her favorite actress:"God can help me develop my charism!...Lord, give me back as Mary, full of your graces, please“. During the following weeks, the young AL Lopas became more and more known, respected and influential in the neighborhood and his teachings were more taken seriously, the inhabitants of his neighborhood finally began to shyly attent the daily prayer. 

    The diffusion of the Faith 

    The group of worshipers following AL Lopas in the southern suburbs of Oanylone were growing as the days went by and they did not miss any prayer. They felt loved by god, because as they prayed, their work in the fields was better rewared: the corn farmer felt stronger when it came time to plow his field, and the sheep farmer more intelligent when he had to cut the wool, even the politician felt he had more charisma when making major decisions. All this only strengthened their Faith, and to thank god they were trying to become even more virtuos. AL Lopas pronounced at that time a sermon which remainded long in the memories.

    Are you weak? Are you ugly? Are you penniless? Is your purse empty?
    Jah can save you! 
    Were you never able to play Trivial Pursuit(c) and constantly ridiculed in Society?
    Jah can save you !
    Are you sick of corn and bread? Would you like a juicy piece of meat?
    Jah can save you ! ! 
    Are you the village idiot ?
    Jah can save you !
    Do you feel dumb ? Alas, it is highly probable.
    Jah can save you !  
    Tired of the endless lineups at the Town Market ?
    Jah can save you !  

    But god and his good works also need a boost from you. Help us and god will help you on your recommendation. Added AL Lopas before doing the quest for the den of worship to finance the establishment of a strong social program for the district. At the end of his sermon, AL Lopas prayed inwardly thinking: God can help me make this collection a success! ...Give me fortune, Lord“ The result was obviously at the turnout.

    One day when AL Lopas was heading for a new neighborhood, he saw a peasant, dressed in rags, his hands bruised with hard work. The latter was crying, sitting on the edge of the road. AL Lopas, touched by the sadness of this man, approached and asked him about the reason for his sadness. The peasant showed him his hands: "See my hands, and see my fields!“ With a gesture he showed AL Lopas an expanse of arid land. 
    "Whatever I do, whatever work I do, my crops are always bad! There is nothing to do, this land is not fertile! I can barely surviv, I'm not rewarded for my efforts..." With that, he started crying again. Then AL Lopas began talking to him about god, about Oane...He succeeded in converting the peasant...and together they began to pray. A few days later, in the village, AL Lopas was about to make his speech on the main square. In the middle of the crowd, he saw the silhouette of the peasant who approached him and threw himself at his feet, he thanked him. "Since your comming, there has been a miracle: there are shoots in my field, I will have a good harvest!". The people around had heard the conversation, when they knew the field was not fertile! Very quickly, people began to say that AL Lpoas was the origin of this miricle. His reputation spread like powder...and everywhere people came to see him to perform miricles. However with each of these requests, Saint AL Lopas answered that the miracles came only from the fervor of their Faith and the donations granted to the cult.


    However, among this stream of people were ignoble sinner who saw in this person only a hen with golden eggs, and while AL Lopas made fervor to humans, a mean man named Harpagon came to see him. He was a wealthy nobleman, but for the occasion, he had dressed in simple rags to pass for a poor needy era. He spoke to AL Lopas in these terms :"Hey, sir, good morning! Your renown is starting to tour neighborhoods and I learned that your were doing miracles!". 

    AL Lopas, somewhat embarrassed, replied : "Hum, miracles, the word is great, I'm just encouraging people to belive in god so that they will pray to him in their moments of difficulty." Harpagon replied: "Yes but, Yes! It's beautiful, well, here I am, I also need help, I just got my first field, and I admit that I do not know where to give the book...than, I said, ...well, you see, don't you?". AL Lopas: "Yes of course. But before, Do you believe in god as the engine of the world? And do you want to live in the purest divine virtue? Are you ready to financially support the constructions of the divine kingdome in this world?". 

    Harpagon was getting impatien and answered hypocritically "But yes! I believe in all that and I go as far as possible to the common prayer!. AL Lopas : "Well, then kneel down next to me, let's go together and pray to god for you to harvest goods that live up to your spiritual and material commitment." AL Lopas knelt down and begant to pray silently while listing a strange sequence of numbers. Harpagon watched him out of the corner of his eye without understanding, but excited at the idea of getting richer. When at last AL Lopas got up, Harpagon still knelt a few moments, pretending to pray out of pure hypocrisy, then rose in his turn and thanked the saint very briefly. The next day, when he awoke, he went for a walk in his land and nearly fainted when he discovered that a good part of his harvest had disappeared during the night.

    The redemption 

    Harpagon went away, very displeased to see the young AL Lopas. He accosted him violently: "Hey ho! Tell me a bit, is it not a tiny scam your prayer?" AL Lopas then approached him gently, he had no difficulty in understanding what happened, so in a calm and staidly voice, he replied:"Of course, I saw the state of your fields … but you, on your side, did you see how your thrist for earthly goods made you ugly? No, not ugly outside, are you proud to have lied, hoping to increased gains you didn't need? Have you been generous when collecting the den of worship? Look at the poor around you, they do not have much, but do not hesitate to share and be humble towards god... don't you admire their conviction?" Harpagon did not know what to answer, there was a long moment of silence, when finally, he knelt humbly and asked AL Lopas : "Tell me... how can I redeem my faults?" 

    The treason 

    Harpagon then became a disciple of St.AL Lopas. The fame and success of the AL Lopas sermons were far from pleasing his father, the great banker Krediet. Indee, the bourgoisie preferred now to finance the good works of the cult rather than to entrust to him his money. Excited by the dark and greedy Beelzebub, Krediet, frist to convince his son to enter the family banking way. AL Lopas refused successively to levy a high commision on the denier of the cult. To divert the fund, to subcontract the treasury operations of the community by his father and finally to share everything with him. After many stormy discussions between them, the hard Krediet decided to take action and hired Aubagne, a vile industrialist tired of seeing the lower people spend more and more time praying instead of working, who thought that it was now time to end the exploits of AL Lopas. 

    They developed an extremely simple plan to defeat AL Lopas: Krediet used some of his personal fortune to pay some mercenaries recruited by Aubagne who took charge without difficulty of settling his account to the holy man, under the sorry eyes of his disciple Harpagon. The fight did not last long, and he was stabbed in the stomach. When at last they left him for dead AL Lopas had the courage to pronounce a last sentence to Harpagon who was standing near him: "Do not forget to vote for the Renaissance Kingdoms ...once a day ...".AL Lopas would not really have died at that moment thanks to the protection of god and his angelic immunity but he was never appeared to a real man since then. From now on, he devoted himself exclusively to his role as messanger at the service of the Archangels, the Grand-Patron as well as privileged spiritual link beteen men and the sanctities of the solar paradise. 

    Quote : The impossible is a lack of Faith and proof of stinginess! To get something you have to have the courage to pay the price!

    Relic : a strange box made with wood from the forest of Draguignan with numbers written on it above... what good can it serve?

Translated by H.E.Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose

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