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[Info] -Holy Order of Christ’s Star- Order of the Jesuits

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MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 21, 2024 6:57 pm    Sujet du message: [Info] -Holy Order of Christ’s Star- Order of the Jesuits Répondre en citant

Kalixtus a écrit:


      -Holy Order of Christ’s Star-
      known as Order of the Jesuits

      We, Christ’s Brother, decide at Holy Chapter, under Aristotle’s cross, to honor the Saints legacy of our most ancient and true faith. So, we write, order and institute this Ius Ordinis, that will be Rule and Statutes of our Order:

      Chapter I – About the Order

        Article 1.- Our congregation’s name is “Holy Order of Christ’s Star”. Also known as Holy Order of the Jesuits. It’s in honor of our symbol: a star (the Sun) and our Prophet’s symbols, as divinity’s mirror.

        Art. 2.- Our Order, as the Church, is Universal, and we accept members from all over the world. Our seat is in the Eternal City of Rome, in the Abbey delle Tre Fontane.

        Art. 3.- Our Order wants to follow the life of the Apostles and the Martyrs, and has its mythic origins with Saint’s Titus disciples. We accept Saint Titus as our Saint Patron, and we serve his seat in Rome.

        Art. 4.- Our Order accepts both ordinated priests and laic faithful, with the ranks and the hierarchy we establish.

        Art. 5.- Our Order strictly respects the Dogma and the Canon Law. Our Ius Ordinis obeys them.

      Chapter II – Our Order’s Ideals

        Art. 1.-
        Our Order has Four Fundamental Pillars: Faith, Mysticism, Asceticism and Wisdom.

        Art. 2.- Faith is the heart of our Order Creed. Its preach and understanding, is considered a way to achieve the union with God, by the Prophets Word observance. This is our primal principle. We accept the Faith as the Truth, and we believe this Faith must expand to whoever wouldn't have accepted it: With that, Humanity will reach its perfection.

        Art. 3.- Wisdom , the understanding, the intellectual comprehension the reality as a pure and perfect Creation of God, is the key to discover the secrets of human nature. We think that if we use the reason and the knowledge, we can guide our souls to Salvation, by the progress through a better understanding of our physic world.

        Art. 4.- Asceticism , understood as a way to reach God, starts at choosing what is pure and what’s impure. We have to abstain of the impure pleasures; and strengthen God’s Light in our Hearts by Devotion. We need to exanimate our conscience, have a contemplative life, preparing our souls to reach Paradise.

        Art. 5.- Mysticism is a bridge between Humans and God. Mysticism gets us closer to Gods, as it was in the Beginning, when Oane lived, at the times of The Question. We want to get united with God in sacred communion of our souls in Him. We aim to share the secrets of his Revelation, we want to know more about the Solar Paradise, and the Divine Truths, following God’s Will.

      Chapter III – About Our Brothers Vows

        Art. 1.- The Order’s members take the Roman Swear and accept the Triple Obedience.

        Art. 2.- The Order’s Members accept the Templar’s motto (related with our wealth administration) that says: "Non nobis, non nobis, Domine. Sed nomini tuo da gloriam." . So, the administration of our abbeys, properties and fiefs, isn’t for the glory of our members, but for the glory of the almighty god, and they will be used to make God’s Will.

        Art. 3.- We also swear before the General Abbott to obey the Order’s own hierarchies and the Pope. We swear to defend the justice and fight for the souls’ salvation, the infidel’s conversion, and the theological confrontation against the heresy, using every way, spiritual or material, to achieve the Aristotelic supremacy in the world.

        Art. 4.- There will be two kind of Vows: The Higher Vows (the ones of the ordained brothers) and the Lesser Vows (from the non-ordained brothers)

      Chapter IV – About our hierarchies

        Art. 1.- We strictly establish the equality between our members: it doesn’t matter the charges held in the secular clergy, but inside the Order, everyone is equal. However, we have our own hierarchy to administrate the Order.

        Art. 2.- The Præpositus Generalis, also known as General Father o General Abbot, will be the Rector of the Order. He has Bishop’s rank, and he is guide, administrator and leader of the Order. He coordinates the Provincials under his leadership, he is the head of the General Chapter, he approves Edicts and Precepts, and he represents the martyrs and apostles legacy in the Order.

        He is elected by the General Chapter. He is elected for about six months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election.

        Art. 3.- The First Dean is the lieutenant of the Order. He replaces the Præpositus Generalis if he is absent, and he illuminates and guide the novices in their first steps as Order members. He also act as confessor of the spiritual faults and reports to the Præpositus Generalis the faults of our members. He can be a priest or a deacon.

        He is elected by the Præpositus Generalis with the High Council approval.

        Art. 4.- The Rector of the International University of the Jesuits is the head of the Jesuit catechesis and guardian and custodian of the knowledge and guideline measured by dogma and CIC. Its mission is to lead the University and to take care of the proper education of the members of the Order.
        He must ensure that the highest standards of the Order are maintained both for its members and students.

        The Rector is elected according to the Statute of the University and must always be a Jesuit.

        Art. 5.- The First Provincial (or Great Prior), is in charge of the distribution and activity of the different provinces, acting as a link between the different Provincials under his direct command. He plans the missions of the local Provincials, according the local culture. He considers the creation of new Provinces or their limits with the High Council approval, and which abbey report to each Province.

        He is elected by the Præpositus Generalis with the High Council approval. He must be a Professed Brother.

        Art. 6.- A Provincial is in charge of the Order in a religious province. An Order province could be exactly like the archbishops’ provinces, or have a few differences accord to the Order interests. The Provincial is the superior in charge of all abbeys, cloisters and missions of the Order in his territory, and he acts as an inspiration for the members in the Province. He is an illustrious priest recognized by his merits. He is a Professed Brother.

        They are elected by the Præpositus Generalis with the High Council approval.

        Art. 7.- The Abbots are in charge of an Abbey. They administrate with autonomy the monks and brothers in their abbey, following our Ius Ordinis as first rule. They act as a liege lord in their fief, and he chooses the farming fields, the distilleries, the roads and the population in his jurisdiction.
        They are elected by simple vote between the members of each Abbey. Its charge will be of about 4 months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election.

        Art. 8.- The Monks are Professed Brothers who also are priest of the Holy Church. They look for sanctity, following our Ius Ordinis. They preach the Truth and convert the infidels.
        Monks are ordained by the Abbot of each Abbey.

        Art. 9.-
        The Professed Brothers, or Conventuals, are faithfuls who take the High Vows of the Order, without being priests, but working for the aristotelic hegemony and the Order’s objectives.
        Professed Brothers are invested by the Abbot of each Abbey or the Provincial.

        Art. 10.- The Lesser Brothers , or Oblates, are faithfuls who take the Lesser Vows of the Order, without being priests, and they also work from their place for the aristotelic hegemony and the Order’s objectives.
        Lesser Brothers are invested by the Abbot of each Abbey or the Provincial.

        Art. 11.- The Novices are the youngest members of the Order, initiated in our mystic knowledge. Their time as novices ends when they take the Lesser or High Vows.
        They are accepted in the abbey by the Abbot or their Provincial.

      Chapter V – About the Order’s Institutions

        Art. 1.- The General Chapter includes every member of the Order, no matter their hierarchy. Here they decide about the important affairs that concerns the whole Order’s destiny and their future. They are at close doors, and with simple majority it’s enough to take any decision, including the modification of the Ius Ordinis.

        Art. 2.- The High Council is the elite of the Order created by the Præpositus Generalis, the First Dean, the Rector of the International University of the Jesuits, the Provincials and the Abbots. Their meetings are in secret, and the High Council has every competence the Ius Ordinis gives it, and it concentrates the ones that aren’t specified in it. It helps Præpositus Generalis rule, and being part of the High Council is an honor.
        Addendum: Every situation not included in the Ius Ordinis, will be solved by the High Council.

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