L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church
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Forum RP for the Aristotelic Church of the RK online game
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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920923

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Lun Juil 31, 2023 3:59 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Whithorn - Cinead

  Sujet: Announcements of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

Réponses: 68
Vus: 28034

MessageForum: Congregation for the New Apostolate - Congrégation pour le Nouvel Apostolat   Posté le: Mar Juil 25, 2023 2:16 am   Sujet: Announcements of the Congregation for the New Apostolate


Appointment of the Diocesan Administrator of Glasgow

Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ ...
  Sujet: [Annonces] Congregation for the New Apostolate

Réponses: 111
Vus: 74891

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Mar Juil 25, 2023 2:15 am   Sujet: [Annonces] Congregation for the New Apostolate


Appointment of the Diocesan Administrator of Glasgow

Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ ...
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920923

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Jeu Juil 20, 2023 12:43 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Guarda - Albano
Glasgow - Flaminia

  Sujet: Announcements of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

Réponses: 68
Vus: 28034

MessageForum: Congregation for the New Apostolate - Congrégation pour le Nouvel Apostolat   Posté le: Dim Juil 16, 2023 8:56 pm   Sujet: Announcements of the Congregation for the New Apostolate


Congratulations to His Majesty Tricksterloke on his election as King of Ireland

Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, De ...
  Sujet: [Annonces] Congregation for the New Apostolate

Réponses: 111
Vus: 74891

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Dim Juil 16, 2023 8:55 pm   Sujet: [Annonces] Congregation for the New Apostolate


Congratulations to His Majesty Tricksterloke on his election as King of Ireland

Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, De ...
  Sujet: Inscrição de estudantes lusófonos

Réponses: 100
Vus: 26090

MessageForum: Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum   Posté le: Ven Juil 07, 2023 8:08 pm   Sujet: Inscrição de estudantes lusófonos
Olá meu jovem. Que grande prazer vê-lo aqui. Será uma honra conduzir você nos estudos para o batismo. Por favor, siga-me até sua

Fibonaccipt apresenta-se timidamente e pede:

- Agradecia que con ...
  Sujet: [RP] Papal Mass | Feast of St. Titus 1471

Réponses: 35
Vus: 9181

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Jeu Juin 29, 2023 7:52 pm   Sujet: [RP] Papal Mass | Feast of St. Titus 1471

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Sancti Titi Apostoli et Prim ...
  Sujet: Dépôts pour Office de l'Index/Deposits for Office of Index

Réponses: 61
Vus: 44544

MessageForum: Chancellerie Pontificale – Pontificia Cancellariae – Papal Chancellery   Posté le: Ven Juin 23, 2023 2:13 am   Sujet: Dépôts pour Office de l'Index/Deposits for Office of Index


Inter Certum et Facile

We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints an ...
  Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church

Réponses: 1272
Vus: 623682

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Ven Juin 23, 2023 2:12 am   Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church


Inter Certum et Facile

We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints an ...
  Sujet: Inscrição de estudantes lusófonos

Réponses: 100
Vus: 26090

MessageForum: Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum   Posté le: Lun Juin 19, 2023 2:07 am   Sujet: Inscrição de estudantes lusófonos
Olá meu jovem. Que grande prazer vê-lo aqui. Será uma honra conduzir você nos estudos para o batismo. Por favor, siga-me até sua

Fibonaccipt apresenta-se timidamente e pede:

- Agradecia que con ...
  Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church

Réponses: 1272
Vus: 623682

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Dim Juin 18, 2023 8:50 pm   Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church


Elevation of Roderic_ to Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for the Holy Truth

We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint ...
  Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church

Réponses: 1272
Vus: 623682

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Dim Juin 18, 2023 8:49 pm   Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church


Elevation of Pamelita to Chancellor of the Congregation for the Holy Truth

We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Vale ...
  Sujet: Request

Réponses: 11
Vus: 2476

MessageForum: Demandes aux Admin Forum. Ask the Administrators of the Forum   Posté le: Dim Juin 11, 2023 8:19 pm   Sujet: Request

I need a few favors.

1. The subforum Salon Gropius

2. The description of this subforum should be: This is the Private Office of the Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals. In hono ...
  Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church

Réponses: 1272
Vus: 623682

MessageForum: La place d'Aristote - Aristote's Square - Platz des Aristoteles - La Piazza di Aristotele    Posté le: Dim Juin 11, 2023 8:00 pm   Sujet: [Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church


Honor et Recognitio

We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of the Victories, High Apostolic Commissioner and ...
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