L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church
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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: The Last Letter of a Bishop & Finnish Baptismal Records

Réponses: 0
Vus: 19277

MessageForum: L'Église de l'Union de Kalmar - Church of the Kalmar Union   Posté le: Sam Avr 16, 2022 12:13 am   Sujet: The Last Letter of a Bishop & Finnish Baptismal Records


Letter to Rome

We, Albrect Eriksson, Bishop of Turku,

Sensing our strength rapidly wane have commissioned this copy of the Baptismal Records of the Diocese ...
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Ven Aoû 20, 2021 10:57 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta --> Albrect
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Mai 23, 2021 11:28 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta -> Innocentius
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Lun Jan 11, 2021 10:21 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta -> Albrect
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Lun Sep 07, 2020 4:53 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta -> Albrect
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Lun Mai 25, 2020 12:42 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta: need to wait for the end of the mandate. Don't forget to publish again the request so I can do it.

You never cease to confuse me with "ends in 0 days" lasting for multi ...
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 1:21 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta -> Albrect
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Jan 19, 2020 11:02 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta --> Albrect
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Sep 15, 2019 9:16 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta

If Innocentius can resign he can be replaced with Albrect

All done except for:

- Turun hiippakunta (albrecht is not in the list, a bihsop must be in the diocese to be eligib ...
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Sep 08, 2019 6:37 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta

If Innocentius can resign he can be replaced with Albrect
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mer Juin 05, 2019 5:16 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta (Diocese of Turku)

There is ticket regarding the candidates. #GZF-871-50578

In the meanwhile it would be best to give the see to the Pope.
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Fév 03, 2019 10:08 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Now that the investiture is once again in the hands of the Pope:

Turun hiippakunta (Diocese of Turku): Albrect
  Sujet: News about the clergy

Réponses: 78
Vus: 53542

MessageForum: L'Église de l'Union de Kalmar - Church of the Kalmar Union   Posté le: Mer Mai 16, 2018 10:14 pm   Sujet: News about the clergy
Your Eminence, the list of the Finnish clergy is up to date, except for the Abbey. As the thins are still somewhat up in the air after the passing of the abbot, I shall refrain from updating that befo ...
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3428
Vus: 920973

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Sam Avr 14, 2018 12:24 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Turun hiippakunta (Diocese of Turku) --> Albrect
  Sujet: News about the clergy

Réponses: 78
Vus: 53542

MessageForum: L'Église de l'Union de Kalmar - Church of the Kalmar Union   Posté le: Lun Avr 09, 2018 8:27 pm   Sujet: News about the clergy
To His Eminence
Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Plenipotentiary Prelate
To bishops Plyspeter of Roskilde and Unni of Uppsala
To all whom it may concern


We, Albrect E ...
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