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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
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  Sujet: Request for divorce

Réponses: 2
Vus: 27485

MessageForum: Hall of Hearing   Posté le: Ven Oct 28, 2016 2:44 pm   Sujet: Request for divorce
An update on this,

According to Prince Chris, there's no record of this marriage due to an earthquake that desvastated many halls of records some time ago, but he's indicating that the marriage to ...
  Sujet: Request for divorce

Réponses: 2
Vus: 27485

MessageForum: Hall of Hearing   Posté le: Ven Oct 28, 2016 1:40 am   Sujet: Request for divorce

I've received a sad request from Lady Kylonaa and Prince Chris Braveheart. Unfortunatelly, they consider their marriage broken and wish to dissolve their bonds.

Here you are the rele ...
  Sujet: Problem with an user

Réponses: 1
Vus: 1497

MessageForum: Archives - Requests to Admins forum   Posté le: Mer Mai 11, 2016 2:16 pm   Sujet: Problem with an user

User 'Eridil' has registered himself in the forum but he's unable to log in as it seems his account is inactive.

He gets this message:

Désolé, mais votre mot de passe ne peut pas être r ...
  Sujet: Order of Talon

Réponses: 23
Vus: 18651

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Lun Mai 02, 2016 11:30 am   Sujet: Order of Talon
Thank you very much. I'll keep you updated about this matter. Cardinal Koolike, i've found your suggestion quite interesting and appropiate!
  Sujet: Register of baptisms for England, Scotland, and Ireland

Réponses: 591
Vus: 198430

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Mer Avr 27, 2016 7:41 am   Sujet: Register of baptisms for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Sir Acylone Reinhardt, IG: Acylone, was baptised by Mother Beatriz de Winter-Dorchester in the Chapel of the Order of Talon, 20 April 1464.
  Sujet: Order of Talon

Réponses: 23
Vus: 18651

MessageForum: The Church in England, Scotland and Ireland - L'Église d'Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande   Posté le: Jeu Avr 21, 2016 8:40 pm   Sujet: Order of Talon

As the new chaplain of the Order of Talon, I've been required to organise a ceremony of Knighthood through the Discipline of the Cross, for some of their recruits.

The Roman Cross - th ...
  Sujet: Inscripciones: Curso de Diplomacia Romana

Réponses: 97
Vus: 53972

MessageForum: Seminario Hispánico Fray Tanys   Posté le: Mer Avr 20, 2016 2:23 pm   Sujet: Inscripciones: Curso de Diplomacia Romana
Pascoal ya podéis pasar al

Gracias! Prometo ser una alumna difícil, con la ayuda del Altísimo. Tengo muchas preguntas que hacer. Hala, ya metí la pata con esto de la humildad (qué mal llevo eso).
  Sujet: Inscripciones: Curso de Diplomacia Romana

Réponses: 97
Vus: 53972

MessageForum: Seminario Hispánico Fray Tanys   Posté le: Mar Avr 19, 2016 11:25 am   Sujet: Inscripciones: Curso de Diplomacia Romana

- Nombre RePresentativo (RP): Beatriz de Winter-Dorchester
- Nombre In Gratebus (IG): Beatriz
- Lugar de residencia: Holywell - Fecha de bautismo: 4 de Enero de 1463
- Condición soc ...
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