L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church
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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
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  Sujet: [RP] Coronation of King Kayn I of Aragon - August 1472

Réponses: 72
Vus: 3829

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Jeu Oct 03, 2024 1:29 pm   Sujet: [RP] Coronation of King Kayn I of Aragon - August 1472

La majestuosa ceremonia de coronación de Su Majestad, el Rey Kayn I, había llegado a su esplendoroso final. Julieta, Reina de Castilla, se encontraba profundamente conmovida, no solo por la sol ...
  Sujet: [RP] Desde la mágica Sevilla a la aeterna Roma

Réponses: 2
Vus: 277

MessageForum: Palazzetto di Sisto   Posté le: Sam Aoû 10, 2024 3:42 pm   Sujet: [RP] Desde la mágica Sevilla a la aeterna Roma
Julieta se encontraba frente al espejo, ajustando los últimos detalles de su vestido, cuando escuchó el golpeteo suave en la puerta. Apenas tuvo tiempo de volverse cuando Elisha irrumpió en la estanci ...
  Sujet: [RP] Desde la mágica Sevilla a la aeterna Roma

Réponses: 2
Vus: 277

MessageForum: Palazzetto di Sisto   Posté le: Jeu Aoû 08, 2024 6:05 pm   Sujet: [RP] Desde la mágica Sevilla a la aeterna Roma
Tras un largo y agotador viaje desde Sevilla, Julieta y su corte finalmente llegaron a Roma, exhaustos pero aliviados al ver el puerto de Ostia en el horizonte. Después de desembarcar y atravesar las ...
  Sujet: [RP] Coronation of King Kayn I of Aragon - August 1472

Réponses: 72
Vus: 3829

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Jeu Aoû 08, 2024 5:30 pm   Sujet: [RP] Coronation of King Kayn I of Aragon - August 1472

El viaje hacia Roma no podría describirse precisamente como de cuento de hadas; fue una travesía plagada de incomodidades y desafíos que pusieron a prueba la paciencia de la Reina y de su corte. J ...
  Sujet: Requerimiento de Herencia

Réponses: 8
Vus: 1761

MessageForum: Accueil des collèges héraldiques pontificaux – Welcome of Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry    Posté le: Jeu Jan 25, 2024 10:22 am   Sujet: Requerimiento de Herencia
Julieta asintió con una sonrisa al Cardenal Roderic.

- Eminencia, me halaga que recordéis aquel momento tan significativo de mi vida. Es un honor estar aquí hoy, reviviendo esos recuerdos, pero es ...
  Sujet: Requerimiento de Herencia

Réponses: 8
Vus: 1761

MessageForum: Accueil des collèges héraldiques pontificaux – Welcome of Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry    Posté le: Lun Jan 22, 2024 11:17 am   Sujet: Requerimiento de Herencia
En los majestuosos salones de los Colegios Heráldicos Pontificios, Julieta golpeó suavemente y abrió con delicadeza la puerta de una de las salas. Un rato antes, la infanta Aurora, embargada por la em ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1471

Réponses: 133
Vus: 44031

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Sam Sep 02, 2023 12:45 pm   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1471
With eyes full of devotion and palpable faith radiating from her being, the young woman spoke the words in a clear and firm tone. She made sure her loyal oath resonated within the sanctity of the spac ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1471

Réponses: 133
Vus: 44031

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Dim Juil 02, 2023 9:25 am   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1471
Clad in her pearlescent satin dress, embroidered with gold thread, the Marquise of Luna and Pontifical Countess of Brisighella carried an expression of serenity and conviction. With each step she took ...
  Sujet: [RP] Papal Mass | Feast of St. Titus 1471

Réponses: 35
Vus: 10149

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Dim Juil 02, 2023 9:18 am   Sujet: [RP] Papal Mass | Feast of St. Titus 1471
In the midst of the crowd gathered in Aristotle Square, the Marquise of Luna and Pontifical Countess of Brisighella could be found. She had traveled from Castile to be there precisely on this day. Her ...
  Sujet: [RP]Basilica di Sant'Adonia alle Terme

Réponses: 55
Vus: 33324

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Jeu Sep 22, 2022 5:07 pm   Sujet: [RP]Basilica di Sant'Adonia alle Terme
For the Princess of Asturias and, at the same time, ambassador for the Kingdom of Ireland, this royal wedding was a very special event. She had traveled to Rome together with Doña Rosandra, the Queen ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1470

Réponses: 108
Vus: 28981

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Mer Juil 06, 2022 2:47 pm   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1470
It seemed to Julieta that life was moving at lightning speed. Once again she had to travel to Rome to take her oath to the Holy Father and, despite the long and uncomfortable trip, joy enveloped her h ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1469

Réponses: 119
Vus: 46225

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 3:27 pm   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1469
When the time came, Juliet knelt in front of His Holiness and pronounced her oath.

I, Julieta Muntadas, Countess of Brisighella, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty an ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1469

Réponses: 119
Vus: 46225

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Jeu Juin 24, 2021 10:31 am   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1469
After a long journey from Castile, the land of her birth, the Countess of Brisighella finally arrived at the Basilica of San Titus in time to attend the ceremony of renewal of the oath to Pope Sixtus ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff

Réponses: 157
Vus: 74970

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Lun Aoû 03, 2020 8:12 pm   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff
When the time came, the Countess of Brisighella approached the place where the Vicar of Christos was waiting. She knelt in front of him, kissed his ring and with great solemnity swore her oath:

«I ...
  Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff

Réponses: 157
Vus: 74970

MessageForum: Basilique Saint Titus - St.Titus Basilica - Sankt-Titus-Basilika - La Basilica di San Tito   Posté le: Mer Juil 01, 2020 6:32 pm   Sujet: [RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff
When the invitation came to swear allegiance to Her Holiness, Countess Juliet was quick to leave her obligations in the hands of trusted persons.

With her luggage full of hope, she left her native ...
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