L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church
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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
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  Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA

Réponses: 7
Vus: 4593

MessageForum: Accueil des collèges héraldiques pontificaux – Welcome of Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry    Posté le: Mar Jan 23, 2018 8:13 am   Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA
All right. If my wife likes it, I will like it too.
  Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA

Réponses: 7
Vus: 4593

MessageForum: Accueil des collèges héraldiques pontificaux – Welcome of Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry    Posté le: Lun Jan 22, 2018 10:22 pm   Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA
Leonardo, with a calm tone of voice, replied to His Eminence:

I am sure of my knowledge of Latin, but it is not my intention to put myself against the decisions of the Church and above all I do not ...
  Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA

Réponses: 7
Vus: 4593

MessageForum: Accueil des collèges héraldiques pontificaux – Welcome of Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry    Posté le: Lun Jan 22, 2018 8:13 am   Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA
Leonardo, who was also an Episcopal Guard, greeted the Cardinal with a respectful bow and then said in kind tones.

Good evening Your Eminence. As you know, my wife Alienor.catherine became Contessa ...
  Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA

Réponses: 7
Vus: 4593

MessageForum: Accueil des collèges héraldiques pontificaux – Welcome of Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry    Posté le: Dim Jan 21, 2018 9:40 pm   Sujet: [RP]Request for a clarification about a CoA
Buonasera, posso gentilmente parlare con un Araldo? Sebbene io non sia un Nobile pontificio, devo chiarire una questione sul mio blasone matrimoniale, dato che mia moglie Alienor.catherine è una Conte ...
  Sujet: [RP] Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran

Réponses: 33
Vus: 23168

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 5:11 pm   Sujet: [RP] Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran
Leonardo entered the Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran together with his beloved wife. It was a beautiful Basilica. He was very happy to be in that place so majestic and sacred.
  Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere

Réponses: 25
Vus: 12424

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Lun Jan 01, 2018 12:06 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere
The next day, Leonardo welcomed the Cardinal Fenice saying:

Your Eminence, thank you for the gift you have brought to our son. You are too kind.
  Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere

Réponses: 25
Vus: 12424

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Jeu Déc 28, 2017 10:27 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere
Yes my dear: his name will be Mercuzio Claude. It is a great name.

Leonardo was very happy and emotional.
  Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere

Réponses: 25
Vus: 12424

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Jeu Déc 28, 2017 9:08 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere
The time of their son's birth had come. Leonardo had a mix of feelings: emotion and fear. Despite everything, he tried to reassure his beloved:

My love will be all right, you'll see.

Afterwards ...
  Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere

Réponses: 25
Vus: 12424

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Mer Déc 27, 2017 12:33 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere
Leonardo welcomed the Cardinal Fenice.

Welcome Your Eminence. It is a pleasure to see you here. Thank you for these gifts.

Then, after hearing Alienor's words, he said:

Yes my dear, it is bet ...
  Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere

Réponses: 25
Vus: 12424

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 8:44 pm   Sujet: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere
Leonardo happily replied:

Of course Honey, we must invite Cardinal Fenice, but first accept this gift from me for your ennoblement ... it's a cameo with your portrait.
It is made with ivory.

ht ...
  Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina

Réponses: 371
Vus: 120752

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Jeu Déc 14, 2017 10:25 pm   Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina
Leonardo carefully followed the whole ceremony, but he was at the same time worried about the conditions of his wife ...
  Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina

Réponses: 371
Vus: 120752

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 3:39 pm   Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina
Leonardo said the Credo as well.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et Paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam, ...
  Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina

Réponses: 371
Vus: 120752

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Mer Nov 29, 2017 7:04 pm   Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina
29 novembre 1465

Il grande giorno era finalmente arrivato. Leonardo indossò un vestito sobrio, ma allo stesso tempo elegante, senza troppi sfarzi e senza gioielli, seguendo l'esempio della sua cons ...
  Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina

Réponses: 371
Vus: 120752

MessageForum: Les faubourgs de Rome - The suburbs of Rome - Die Vororte von Rom - I Sobborghi di Roma   Posté le: Mar Nov 28, 2017 6:54 pm   Sujet: [RP] Sant'Elena inter duos pontes - Isola Tiberina
Era una forte emozione andare a Roma.
Roma, la caput mundi!
Leonardo ammirava incuriosito dal vetro della carrozza i meravigliosi palazzi che profumavano di antichità.
Quando Alienor si appoggiò a ...
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