L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church
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L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Ven Jan 10, 2025 6:53 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello !
In my capacity as Patriarch of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, I'm making the following nomination for
Вishop of Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Jeu Mai 23, 2024 9:38 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you in advance!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Déc 17, 2023 3:06 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you in advance!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Jeu Aoû 10, 2023 6:00 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Veliko Turnovo - Zedra
Thank you in advance!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mer Mai 10, 2023 10:14 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you in advance!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Lun Avr 03, 2023 4:52 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Veliko Turnovo - Reykjavik
Thank you in advance!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mer Jan 04, 2023 6:38 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello !
In my capacity as Patriarch of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, I'm making the following nomination for
Вishop of Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Jeu Sep 29, 2022 6:37 am   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Veliko Turnovo - Reykjavik
Thank you in advance!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Lun Sep 19, 2022 5:18 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Sofia - Momchil
Thank you in advance!
Have a nice evening!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mer Aoû 24, 2022 2:09 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello !
In my capacity as Patriarch of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, I'm making the following nomination for
Вishop of Diocese of Vidin - Sibin
Thank you!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Dim Mai 22, 2022 8:50 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Archidiocese of Veliko Turnovo-Maglina
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mar Mai 03, 2022 7:01 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Diocese of Sofia - Momchil
Thank you in advance!
Have a nice evening!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Mar Mar 15, 2022 7:10 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello !
In my capacity as Patriarch of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, I'm making the following nomination for
Вishop of Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Jeu Déc 30, 2021 7:53 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello ,
I'm making the following nomination for
Archidiocese of Veliko Turnovo-Silrona
Diocese of Sofia - Momchil
Thank you in advance!
Have a nice evening!
  Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY

Réponses: 3535
Vus: 970887

MessageForum: Concile HRP - OOC Lounge   Posté le: Jeu Nov 11, 2021 10:24 pm   Sujet: [HRP only] Bishops' IG appointments by Admin => FRIDAY
Hello !
In my capacity as Patriarch of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, I'm making the following nomination for
Вishop of Diocese of Vidin - Evilbynature
Thank you!
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