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Gropius Cardinal

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015 Messages: 5433 Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala
Posté le: Jeu Mar 16, 2023 2:37 pm Sujet du message: [RP] Bonomico, my soul hurts... |
Quanto era bella Roma la prima volta che la vidi: immersa in una luce meravigliosa, baciata dalla Grazia dell'Altissimo, brulicante di gente delle più disparate nazionalità e operosa. Com'era bello il Tevere e i grandi viali e le antiche vestigia di passate glorie. Non avevo ancora preso i voti, ero solo un ambasciatore apostolico presso Modena, mentre la mia vita si svolgeva nella Cancelleria di Strasburgo. Ah, l'Impero! Quanto l'ho amato! Avrei dato la mia vita per Esso allora. Ma poi la voce dell'Altissimo è esplosa nel mio cuore come una deflagrazione che ha spazzato via quello che ero per lasciare quello che sono adesso: un soldato in armi della Chiesa e di Dio!
Com'è il tempo, fuori? Francesco, apri le tende, per favore, che io possa vedere il sole ancora una volta.
Francesco, caro caro, caro amico mio! Cosa avrei mai potuto fare senza di te, così attento e presente e così fedele. Ah, la fedeltà, quanto è preziosa e rara la fedeltà.
Dorianus, sempre nel cono d'ombra della mia esistenza. Eppure tu sei stato il primo in assoluto ad esistere per me, prima di me, dietro me. Quante rinunce hai dovuto fare per continuare a starmi accanto, lo so e me ne rammarico.
Eliogabalo, faccia da schiaffi, dai capelli di fuoco e dal sorriso da guitto. Ti ho recuperato dalla morte per concederti un'altra occasione; non sprecarla, mi raccomando, nelle feste e nei gozzovigli. Godi dei piaceri della vita, certo, ma non scordarti mai della tua anima così bella e tanto fragile.
Mastro Bonomico, vecchio più di tutti. Ne avete viste di cose e quanto dolore siete stato costretto ad affrontare. Fate in modo che tutte le persone che ho amato possano ricevere tutto ciò di cui necessitano.
Così parlava Arduino Della Scala, Cardinale Decano del Sacro Collegio e molte altre cose prima e dopo. Era disteso sul proprio letto, il corpo snello e agile non aveva perso nulla della grazia che lo contraddistingueva, il volto diafano era disteso e luminoso, incorniciato dai biondi ricci che ricadevano fin sopra le clavicole nude. Eppure dai suoi occhi cerulei era scomparsa la fiamma della lotta, l'obliquità dello sguardo capace di ferire, la determinazione per la Gloria di Dio e della Chiesa.
Bonomico, ti prego, trascrivi le mie parole.
Mastro Bonomico Gualducci prese l'occorrente per scrivere e delle pergamene intonse e con gli occhi carichi di lacrime si apprestò a scrivere.
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Con la presente noi Sua Eminenza Reverendissima il Cardinale Arduino Della Scala, Decano del Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali, Grande Audienziere della Santa Sede, Cardinale-vescovo della Basilica di San Silfaele Fuori le Mura, Arcivescovo di Strasburgo e Vescovo di Viterbo, Principe di Viterbo e Marchese di Santa Marinella, Barone Palatino di San Giovanni in Laterano, Stella d'Oro dell'Ordine della Stella di Aristotele
annunciamo la nostra morte. La nostra anima non può più attraversare questo misero mondo e brama di sottoporsi al Giudizio dell'Altissimo nella speranza di ricongiungersi con Lui e di godere in eterno della beatitudine del Paradiso Solare.
Rivolgiamo il nostro commosso commiato a tutti i nostri figli e le nostre figlie, ai nostri fratelli e alle nostre sorelle nella Fede e a loro rinnovo le mie più vibranti esortazioni a combattere senza sosta per la Fede e per la Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Romana e Universale e per il Sommo Pontefice, nostra guida nell'oscurità di questo presente afflitto dalla malevolenza, dall'egoismo e dall'eresia.
Ho dedicato l'interezza della mia vita alla Chiesa e alla Fede rischiando di apparire inviso a molti. Di questo non mi cruccio affatto. A nulla valgono gli onori e gli allori, i falsi sorrisi e le accondiscendenti menzogne se l'anima si corrompe e la persona diventa serva della propria cupidigia e dell'amore verso di sé. Titoli nobiliari, cariche prestigiose, palazzi e castelli sono polvere nel vento della storia. Ciò che resta imperitura è la nostra anima e l'esempio che abbiamo dato mentre percorrevamo questo breve tratto che è la vita mortale.
Guardatevi dalle tentazioni della vanità che portano al tradimento dei principi della Fede.
Vi benedica l'Altissimo e siate Forti nella Fede, sempre! Pregate per la mia anima.
Palazzo Della Scala, Roma XVI.III.MCDLXXI Sixti IV PP anno V

Il Cardinale si levò quel tanto che bastava per apporre il proprio sigillo e la propria firma, un'ultima volta. Sorrise ai presenti, una piccola folla di collaboratori e servi, perfino Agnese, la cuoca e la figlia di lei Lucia, la quale ancora ricordava del loro primo incontro quando lui era ancora Signore di Bagnolo in Piano.
Dettò, poi, ancora alcune lettere da inviare ai pochissimi che albergavano nel suo cuore. Dopo, cadde sul morbido cuscino e cercò ancora una volta il sole coi begli occhi da ragazzo.
Bonomico, mi fa male l'anima...
E si spense.
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How beautiful Rome was the first time I saw it: bathed in marvellous light, kissed by the Grace of the Most High, teeming with people of the most diverse nationalities and industrious. How beautiful was the Tiber and the grand boulevards and the ancient vestiges of past glories. I had not yet taken my vows, I was only an apostolic ambassador to Modena, while my life was spent in the Chancellery in Strasbourg. Ah, the Empire! How I loved it! I would have given my life for It then. But then the voice of the Most High exploded in my heart like a deflagration that swept away what I was to leave what I am now: a soldier in arms of the Church and of God!
How is the weather outside? Francesco, open the curtains, please, that I may see the sun once more.
Francesco, my dear, dear friend! What could I ever have done without you, so attentive and present and so faithful. Ah, faithfulness, how precious and rare is faithfulness.
Dorianus, always in the shadow of my existence. Yet you were the first ever to exist for me, before me, behind me. How many sacrifices you had to make to continue to stand by me, I know and regret it.
Eliogabalo, you slap-faced, fiery-haired, guitars' smile. I have rescued you from death to give you another chance; don't waste it, mind you, on parties and merrymaking. Enjoy the pleasures of life, of course, but never forget your soul, so beautiful and so fragile.
Mastro Bonomico, old man most of all. You have seen a lot and how much pain you have been forced to face. Make sure that all the people I have loved can receive everything they need.
Thus spoke Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, and many other things before and since. He was lying on his bed, his slender and agile body had lost none of the grace that distinguished him, his diaphanous face was relaxed and luminous, framed by the blond curls that fell down to his bare collarbones. Yet from his cerulean eyes had disappeared the flame of struggle, the obliquity of a gaze capable of wounding, the determination for the glory of God and the Church.
Bonomico, please transcribe my words.
Mastro Bonomico Gualducci took his writing utensils and unopened parchments, and with tear-filled eyes prepared to write.
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We, His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Grand Audiencier of the Holy See, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Silphael Extra Muros, Archbishop of Strasbourg and Bishop of Viterbo, Prince of Viterbo and Marquis of Santa Marinella, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle
we announce our death. Our soul can no longer pass through this miserable world and yearns to submit to the Judgement of the Most High in the hope of being reunited with Him and to enjoy eternally the bliss of the Solar Paradise.
We bid farewell to all our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters in the Faith, and to them I renew my most vibrant exhortation to fight ceaselessly for the Faith and for the Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church and the Supreme Pontiff, our guide in the darkness of this present afflicted by malevolence, selfishness and heresy.
I have dedicated the entirety of my life to the Church and the Faith at the risk of appearing hated by many. Of this I have no regrets. Honours and laurels, false smiles and condescending lies are of no use if the soul is corrupted and the person becomes the servant of his own greed and self-love. Noble titles, prestigious offices, palaces and castles are dust in the wind of history. What remains imperishable is our soul and the example we set as we travelled this short stretch that is mortal life.
Beware of the temptations of vanity that lead to the betrayal of the principles of the Faith.
May the Most High bless you and be Strong in the Faith, always! Pray for my soul.
Palazzo Della Scala, Rome XVI.III.MCDLXXI Sixti IV PP year V

The Cardinal rose just enough to affix his seal and signature, one last time. He smiled at those present, a small crowd of collaborators and servants, even Agnes, the cook and her daughter Lucia, who still remembered their first meeting when he was still Lord of Bagnolo in Piano.
He then dictated a few more letters to be sent to the very few who lingered in his heart. Afterwards, he fell onto the soft pillow and looked once more into the sun with his beautiful boyish eyes.
Bonomico, my soul hurts...
And faded away.
Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗ |
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Felipe... Cardinal

Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020 Messages: 1598 Localisation: Villa Borghese
Posté le: Ven Mar 17, 2023 7:28 pm Sujet du message: |
The footsteps of the Hispanic cardinal hurried to the palace Della Scala as soon as he heard the tragic news: Arduino was very weak, he was dying. To die, him? such an energetic and still young man, seemed impossible to him. He hurried through the gardens of the palace whose flowers were no longer fragrant, and ran through the corridors that now seemed dark and almost frightening in the hope of holding the hand of his friend and colleague one last time, to comfort and console him. When he entered the cardinal's chambers, he knew he had arrived too late: the servants and some of the Italian cardinal's friends were with his faces twisted with anguish and tears in their eyes, some standing next to the windows, others kneeling around the bed that was already a deathbed.
The cardinal's skin was as white as pure beeswax, and his hair still seemed to retain a life that had already escaped. His face, serene, looked like that of a person asleep in a sleep so deep that he could no longer wake from it. Felipe approached with hesitant steps and took his friend's cold hand with the affection and respect of one who had been his mentor, who had taught him with a firm hand but a silk glove. Felipe recalled all those moments when both of them, still strangers, had worked for the restructuring of the Hispanic Church: it was almost a miracle. No one could say that the Della Escala had not been a true lion, confronting those who wanted to attack the Church, but also offering compassion and friendship.
The Alvarez knelt by the bedside and looking up at the sun streaming through the large bedroom windows, seeking the compassion and love of the Eternal God, he raised a plea for his friend: - Eternal rest grant, O Lord, to your most loyal servant, and may perpetual light shine upon him for ever and ever-. Felipe hid his eyes with his right hand and wept bitterly. When he was calmer, he called Bonomico: the body had to be prepared, the doctors had to be called for embalming and preparations for the funeral had to begin. Arduino deserved the most careful and solemn farewell that Rome could offer him. And he would have it. _________________
_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
Dernière édition par Felipe... le Sam Mar 18, 2023 12:13 am; édité 1 fois |
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pamelita Cardinal

Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013 Messages: 3858 Localisation: Ducato di Milano
Posté le: Sam Mar 18, 2023 12:02 am Sujet du message: |
Roma era una grande città, ma le notizie volavano veloci e quella notizia Alexandra non avrebbe mai voluto sentirla.
Arrivò a palazzo Della Scala e senza farsi annunciare arrivò nella stanza dove trovò fratello Felipe inginocchiato accanto al letto...
Non poteva essere vero, Arduino stava solo dormendo e presto avrebbe aperto gli occhi e riso di lei...
Si avvicinò e nonostante il pallore Arduino sembrava dormire, il suo volto era sereno e rilassato.
Gli accarezzò il viso e gli sollevò dalla fronte un ricciolo scomposto..
Le lacrime iniziarono a scendere copiose mentre si inginocchiava accanto a Felipe senza riuscire a proferire una sola parola,.. il dolore era troppo forte..
Rome was a big city, but news flew fast and that news Alexandra never wanted to hear.
She arrived at palazzo Della Scala and without being announced arrived in the room where she found brother Felipe kneeling beside the bed....
It couldn't be true, Arduino was only sleeping and soon he would open his eyes and laugh at her....
He approached and despite his pallor Arduino seemed to be sleeping, his face was serene and relaxed.
She stroked his face and lifted a dishevelled curl from his forehead..
Tears began to fall copiously as he knelt down beside Felipe without being able to utter a single word,.. the pain was too much.. _________________
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Alessandro Della Scala
Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015 Messages: 1672 Localisation: Rome and Modena
Posté le: Mar Mar 21, 2023 10:10 am Sujet du message: |
Alcuni giorni dopo la morte del Cardinale Arduino Della Scala suo cugino, Alessandro, stava giungendo a Roma per dare un ultimo saluto a quella persona che tanto aveva significato per lui.
Nella strada da Modena verso Roma Alessandro aveva continuato a tormentarsi l'anima di domande, dubbi, tristezze e ricordi, possibile che Arduino avesse davvero lasciato questo mondo? Come era stato possibile? Eppure l'ultima volta che si erano visti Arduino era energico, pieno di vita, nel suo cuore ardeva la fiamma dell'Aristotelismo che lo aveva portato a dedicare la sua vita alla Chiesa e alla Fede.
Ma il messaggero che poco tempo prima era giunto a Modena era stato chiaro...
"Eccellenza Della Scala, il vostro beneamato cugino, il Decano del Sacro Collegio, è venuto a mancare..."
La carrozza dell'arcivescovo colpì un ciottolo leggermente rialzato rispetto al manto stradale e il colpo risvegliò Alessandro. Non stava dormendo, era quasi piombato in uno stato catatonico.
Non gli era possibile pensare ad altro all'infuori del suo primo incontro con Gropius, a Piacenza. Alessandro era un semplice parroco, Arduino il Vicario Generale dell'Arcidiocesi di Modena.
Più avanti, fu proprio Arduino che riconobbe in Alessandro la parentela che li legava. "Io ero cugino di Arduino", continuava a ripetersi dentro di sè Alessandro.
La carrozza si ferma, Alessandro scende davanti al Palazzo dove albergano, tutt'ora, le spoglie mortali di Arduino.
Attraversa l'ingresso con celerità, lasciandosi alle spalle un gruppo di armigeri che assicurava la sicurezza di quei luoghi e che permetteva a pochi pellegrini alla volta di baciare l'anello episcopale del cugino defunto. Arduino per il suo carattere suscitava amore e odio nelle masse, alcuni abitanti dei suoi feudi avevano deciso di compiere dei pellegrinaggi a Roma per dare un ultimo, estremo saluto al loro signore.
Alessandro attraversa i lunghi corridoi di quel palazzo, sale le rampe di scale che lo separavano dalla camera ardente allestita, il suo cuore batteva a mille e dalla passeggiata veloce il suo moto passa ad essere quello di una vera e propria corsa, che quasi mal si addiceva ad un uomo di Chiesa. Alessandro giunge finalmente all'ingresso della camera.
Una falsa illusione che alberga nel suo cuore...ma che lascia rapidamente spazio alla tristezza.
Alessandro si inginocchia di fianco a suo cugino, gli tributa il rispetto dovuto ad un Principe della Chiesa, baciandogli l'anello episcopale, voleva dirgli così tante cose, ringraziarlo per quanto aveva fatto per lui...ma ormai era tardi.
Alessandro si raccoglie in preghiera, per compiangere l'anima di Arduino, sperando che la sua gratitudine potesse giungere a lui, fino al Paradiso Solare.
A few days after the death of Cardinal Arduino Della Scala his cousin, Alessandro, was arriving in Rome to say a last farewell to that person who had meant so much to him.
On the road from Modena to Rome Alessandro had continued to torment his soul with questions, doubts, sadness and memories, is it possible that Arduino had really left this world? How had that been possible? Yet the last time they had seen Arduino he was energetic, full of life, the flame of Aristotelianism was burning in his heart which had led him to dedicate his life to the Church and to the Faith.
But the messenger who had arrived in Modena a short time before had been clear...
"Excellency Della Scala, your beloved cousin, the Dean of the Sacred College, has passed away..."
The archbishop's carriage struck a cobblestone slightly raised above the road surface and the blow woke Alexander. He wasn't sleeping, he was nearly catatonic.
It was not possible for him to think of anything other than his first meeting with Gropius, in Piacenza. Alessandro was a simple parish priest, Arduino the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Modena.
Later, it was precisely Arduino who recognized in Alessandro the kinship that bound them. "I was Arduino's cousin", Alessandro kept repeating to himself.
The carriage stops, Alessandro gets out in front of the Palace where Arduino's mortal remains still dwell.
He quickly crossed the entrance, leaving behind a group of armigers who ensured the safety of those places and who allowed a few pilgrims at a time to kiss the episcopal ring of their deceased cousin. Arduino due to his character aroused love and hatred in the masses, some inhabitants of his fiefdoms had decided to make pilgrimages to Rome to give a last, last farewell to their lord.
Alessandro crosses the long corridors of that building, climbs the flights of stairs that separated him from the funeral home, his heart was pounding and from the fast walk his motion becomes that of a real race, which almost hurts befitting a man of the Church. Alessandro finally reaches the entrance to the room.
A false illusion that dwells in his heart...but quickly gives way to sadness.
Alessandro kneels next to his cousin, pays him the respect due to a Prince of the Church, kissing his episcopal ring, he wanted to tell him so many things, to thank him for what he had done for him...but it was too late.
Alessandro gathers himself in prayer, to pity Arduino's soul, hoping that his gratitude could reach him, up to the Solar Paradise. _________________
------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena | |
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Inscrit le: 06 Mar 2015 Messages: 2610
Posté le: Mar Mar 21, 2023 4:48 pm Sujet du message: |
La notizia le era arrivata tardi e aveva stentato a crederci.
Fino a pochissimi giorni prima aveva parlato con Sua Eminenza Gropius a proposito di alcuni problemi sorti e lui, come sempre, l'aveva rassicurata dicendole che tutto si sarebbe sistemato entro poco tempo e ora, trafelata, giunse a Roma per rendergli l'omaggio doveroso che sgorga dal proprio cuore nei confronti di una persona buona, saggia e sempre disponibile al dialogo.
Roma, la città eterna, l'accolse con un tiepido sole primaverile ma nel cuore di Madre Almalibre c'era il gelo per il dolore e le ciglia non riuscivano più a contenere la diga di lacrime che le offuscavano la vista.
Come Dio volle raggiunse il palazzo Della Scala, non attese di essere annunciata, aveva solo fretta di vederlo per l'ultima volta e pregare per la sua anima candida, pura, interamente votata al Signore.
Sembrava addormentato, i lunghi riccioli biondi erano la più perfetta delle cornici intorno al suo volto bianco, gli occhi chiusi facevano pensare ad un sonno profondo, ma da quel sonno purtroppo non si sarebbe risvegliato mai più e mai più avrebbe esortato i fedeli ad amare il Signore come Lui stesso amava l'umanità intera.
Lentamente le lacrime riuscirono a varcare la diga delle ciglia e scesero irrefrenabili a rigarle le guance, Alma s'inginocchiò pregando l'Altissimo di cullare il sonno eterno di Sua Eminenza Cardinale Arduino Della Scala.
Until a very few days before, she had spoken with His Eminence Gropius about some problems that had arisen and he, as always, had reassured her by telling her that everything would be settled within a short time and now, transfixed, she arrived in Rome to pay him the dutiful homage that flows from one's heart towards a good, wise person who was always open to dialogue, whom the Lord had wanted to call next to Himself forever.
Rome, the eternal city, welcomed her with a warm spring sunshine but in Mother Almalibre's heart there was frost from grief and her eyelashes could no longer contain the dam of tears that blurred her vision.
As God willed she reached the Della Scala building, she did not wait to be announced, she was only in a hurry to see him for the last time and pray for his candid, pure soul, entirely devoted to God.
He seemed to be asleep, his long blond curls were the most perfect of frames around his white face, his closed eyes made one believe it was a deep sleep, but from that sleep he would unfortunately never awaken again, and never again would he exhort the faithful to love the Lord as He Himself loved all humanity.
Slowly the tears managed to cross the dam of her eyelashes and flowed unstoppably down to line her cheeks.
Alma knelt praying to the Most High to cradle the eternal sleep of His Eminence Cardinal Arduino Della Scala. |
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Fenice Cardinal

Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010 Messages: 12223
Posté le: Mar Mar 21, 2023 7:05 pm Sujet du message: |
Demetrios, il fidatissimo segretario, aveva appoggiato un mezzo foglio di pergamena sulla scrivania nello studiolo privato del Cardinale, senza dire parole.
La notizia era scritta in mezza riga, senza commenti: Sua Eminenza Arduino è morto.
Fenice rimase ferma al suo posto, con una mano appoggiata sulla pergamena e lo sguardo perso fuori dalla finestra, sullo spettacolo di Roma.
Il tempo, le difficoltà, l'erosione del primato indiscusso della Chiesa le portavano via ogni giorno compagni con cui aveva condiviso il cammino, le discussioni teologiche, le dispute su progetti e opportunità.
Il tramonto di un'era... forse del suo stesso tempo.
Il buio scendeva nella stanza e rendeva indistinguibili i mobili, gli oggetti, i libri. Ella rimaneva seduta immobile, in silenzio.
Demetrios, the trusted secretary, had placed a half sheet of parchment on the desk in the Cardinal's private study, without a word.
The news was written in half a line, without comment: His Eminence Arduino is dead.
Fenice remained still in her seat, with one hand resting on the parchment and her gaze lost outside the window, on the spectacle of Rome.
Time, difficulties, the erosion of the Church's undisputed primacy took away from her every day companions with whom she had shared the journey, theological discussions, disputes over projects and opportunities.
The twilight of an era... perhaps of her own time.
Darkness descended into the room and made the furniture, the objects, the books indistinguishable.
She sat motionless, in silence. _________________
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Adonnis Cardinal

Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018 Messages: 4877 Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma
Posté le: Dim Mar 26, 2023 9:51 pm Sujet du message: |
Adonnis was at rest in the Palazzo Taverna, when a messenger arrived saying he had urgent news for the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.
A feeling of sorrow flooded the Cardinal's heart. Why, in the middle of the afternoon, would someone dare to interrupt his rest, claiming to have an urgent message?
When he met the messenger, the messenger handed him a letter with Cardinal Felipe's seal. When he read the letter, Sagres felt as if every muscle in his body had petrified.
In a coach, with a small escort, the Cardinal headed for the Palazzo Della Scala alla Lungara. "It's not possible, that couldn't be true. Not again, not him,", Adonnis thought.
When he arrived at the Palazzo, Adonnis headed straight for the Cardinal's chambers. He had the feeling that someone had tried to speak something to him, but he was not even able to hear or distinguish who. To those who saw him, Adonnis sounded like a thunder, in broad, steady, unrelenting strides. He could not see to the sides. He could only see a single path: Arduino's chambers.
When he got there, his eyes peered at the bed, where Arduino Della Scala lay. Adonnis remained mute. He saw that Felipe, Pamelita and Fenice were there, as well as Bishops Alessandro and Alma, who had worked with Gropius for a long time.
But he remained silent, his gaze was fixed. There were no tears, no show of feeling. It was not yet the time and the moment.
He approached Gropius' bed, looked around first, and then stared at his friend: his blond hair still held the same shade of life that, together with the serenity on his face, gave the idea that Gropius was only sleeping. A fact Adonnis knew was not true.
Beside it, Adonnis saw a desk with a quill, ink, parchments, and yellow wax. He sat down, began to write the announcement, on behalf of the Sacred College, to the entire Aristotelian Community. Taking his seal from the pouch he carried with him, Adonnis sealed the document and, for the first time, said something to one of the secretaries who was with him: "To Aristotle's Square. Arrange for publication, immediately."
After doing so, Adonnis approached those present and returned to silence. A deep weight rested on his mind and shoulders. The moment to cry would come, but for him, it was not yet time. _________________
.....Cardinal Presbyter of St. Anthony of the Portuguese / Grand Audiencier of the Holy See / General Inquisitor of Portugal
..............Primate of Portugal / Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga / Bishop of Lamego / Duke of Monte Real |
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