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Sixtus Pape

Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014 Messages: 4088 Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre
Posté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 8:28 pm Sujet du message: [EN] Book 5.1 - The Congregation of the Holy Office |
Citation: |
De Sanctae Sedis summa administratione
Apostolic Constitution « On the supreme government of the Holy See ».
- Sequel -
Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam
Book 5.1 : The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints
The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints is the Roman dicastery in charge of the conservation of the Dogma of the Holy Aristotelian Church. It collects, studies, analyses and validates dogmatic texts to develop and enrich the collection of sacred texts for the whole Church; it examines and recognizes which deceased faithful can be considered Blessed or Saints because of their exemplary life and organizes their beatification or canonization; it promotes the research of and recognizes the sacred relics; it writes and approves the liturgical texts and practices of the Holy Aristotelian Church. The theologians of the Congregation may also be called upon to give an opinion on all or part of the Dogma.
Part I : The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints
I - On the structure and functions of the Congregation
Article 1: The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints is composed of four Offices :
- The Cenacle of the Theologians ;
- The Office for the Saints ;
- The Office for Liturgies ;
- The Office of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus.
Article 2: The Office for the Saints is located in the Scriptorium and is responsible for drafting and discussing important texts concerning the general Church and the lives of the saints.
Article 3: The Office for the Liturgies is responsible for the drafting of the liturgical texts and in particular for the liturgical ceremonies of the Supreme Pontiff and the Cardinals.
Article 4: The Office of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus is responsible for the research and recognition of the sacred relics; it is also entrusted with the Golden Pickle, the sacred relic of Saint Theodulus.
Article 5: The Cenacle of Theologians evaluates the validity, quality and coherence of the documents drawn up by the Scriptorium following a debate.
Article 5.1 : The debate shall last for a minimum of seven days, which may be extended, followed by a vote of five days.
II - On the hierarchy and the Superior Council of the Congregation
Article 6 : The Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor guarantee the good functioning of the Congregation, coordinating and assigning tasks among its members.
Article 7 : Each Office of the Congregation is directed by a Prefect. The Prefects are appointed by the Chancellors after having discussed the candidates in the Superior Council.
Article 8 : To be appointed Prefects it is necessary to be a baptized faithful and at least to possess a recognized license in theology.
Article 8.1 : To be appointed Prefect of the Cenacle of Theologians it is also necessary to have distinguished oneself for the deep knowledge of the Dogma of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church.
Article 9 : The Prefects cooperate with the Chancellors and their subordinates according to the directives of the former to ensure the proper functioning of the Congregation and their respective Offices.
Article 10 : The Prefects decide on the priority of the documents to be discussed in their Office.
Article 11 : The Superior Council of the Congregation is made up of the Chancellors and Prefects of the Congregation and gathers in the « Sainte Wilgeforte » Hall, the official meeting place, in order to coordinate the good management of the Congregation and its Offices.
III - On the Cenacle of the Theologians
Article 12 : The Cenacle is composed of the theologians of the Congregation, the Prefects and the Chancellors of the Congregation.
Article 13 : The theologians of the Congregation are selected by the members of the Cenacle, on the proposal of the Chancellors or another theologian of the Congregation, by the majority of the opinions expressed. The Chancellors have a right of veto over every appointment.
Article 14 : To become a theologian of the Congregation it is necessary to be a baptized faithful, to possess at least a recognized license in Theology and to have distinguished oneself by a thorough knowledge of the Dogma of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church.
Article 14.1 : The Chancellors who are not theologians of the Congregation at the time of their appointment become so ex officio and remain so even if they cease to hold office.
Article 15 : The theologians of the Congregation undertake to maintain intact the integrity of the texts they have in custody at the risk of their own lives and undertake to keep secret the deliberations of the Cenacle which have not been made public.
Article 16 : The theologians of the Congregation have a duty to clarify any doubt of any faithful about the Dogma of the Aristotelian Church. The theologian's opinion has an official status and is considered the position of the Church on the matter until a higher intervention.
Article 16.1 : The Cenacle of Theologians may issue a clarification on the Dogma to replace one previously issued by a theologian, if this is considered erroneous, incomplete or inconsistent with the integrity of the Dogma.
Article 16.2 : The Chancellors may issue a clarification on the Dogma to replace one previously issued by a theologian or the Cenacle of Theologians, if this is considered erroneous, incomplete or inconsistent with the integrity of the Dogma.
Article 16.3 : The Holy See and, by delegation of the Supreme Pontiff, the Sacred College of Cardinals may issue a clarification on the Dogma to replace a previously issued one if it is considered erroneous, incomplete or inconsistent with the entirety of the Dogma.
Article 17 : The Cenacle of Theologians, at the proposal of one of its members or at the request of a faithful, may examine writings, compilations, books and works of the mind suspected of being blasphemous or heretical or of openly damaging the Truth by promoting error. In the event of an unfavorable opinion, the text is sent to the Roman Curia to ask for its inclusion in the Index librorum prohibitorum.
n.b. : in vernacular Index of prohibited books, for completeness see the Canon Law on the Office of the Index.
IV - On the Office for the Saints
Article 18 : Writers have the task of drafting hagiographical or doctrinal texts which, once completed, are submitted to the Cenacle for approval.
Article 19 : Writers are appointed by the Chancellors following a spontaneous candidacy in the Antechamber of the Holy Office and its discussion in the Superior Council.
Article 20 : To become a writer it is necessary to be a baptized faithful. Writers are encouraged to obtain a recognized license in theology to refine their knowledge of the Dogma.
V - On the Office for the Liturgies
Article 21 : The liturgists draw up the liturgical texts and have the duty to keep them up to date.
Article 22 : The liturgists are selected by the members of the Office, on the proposal of the Chancellors or of another liturgist, by a majority of the opinions expressed. The Chancellors have a right of veto over every appointment.
Article 23: To be appointed liturgists it is necessary to be a baptized faithful and to possess at least a recognized license in theology.
Article 23.1 : Once the Liturgy courses are launched, it will also be necessary to hold a recognized license in Liturgy.
VI - On the Office of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus
Article 24 : The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus vow to preserve and protect the sacred relic of Saint Theodulus even with the sacrifice of their own lives.
Article 25 : The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus look for the sacred relics and examine their validity and truthfulness, taking into account the life of the Saint or Blessed to whom they might belong, after a debate.
Article 25.1 : The debate shall last for a minimum of seven days, which may be extended, followed by a vote of five days.
Article 26 : The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus are selected by the members of the Office, on the proposal of the Chancellors or of another member of the Office, by majority of the opinions expressed. The Chancellors have a right of veto over every appointment.
Article 27 : To become custodian of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus it is necessary to be a baptized faithful and to possess at least a recognized license in theology.
Article 28 : The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus are charged with preserving the integrity of the recognized relics, unless they are entrusted to others by the Chancellors or by the Holy See.
Article 29 : Every faithful, whether lay or or ordained, can submit a presumed relic to the Office by applying for recognition in the Antechamber of the Holy Office.
VII - On the duty of secrecy
Article 30 : All discussions in the « Sainte Wilgeforte » Salon are subject to the right to confidentiality and the duty of discretion.
Article 31 : Members of the Congregation may not disclose sensitive information relating to their function.
Article 32 : The obligation of confidentiality is applied to all persons having access to the reserved rooms, unless otherwise provided by the Roman Curia.
Part II : The process of Canonization and Beatification
Article 33 : Saints and Blessed differ only according to the time in which they lived. If they lived before the Renewal of the Faith, they are called "ancient"; if they lived later, they are called "modern".
I - On ancient Saints and Blessed
Article 34 : The status of ancient Blessed is granted to the deceased faithful who have led an exemplary life and accomplished a work of faith ( Can. 0-I-B-17 ).
Article 34.1 : The status of ancient Blessed is granted by the Cenacle of the Theologians after verifying that the proposed hagiography is compatible with Dogma and Canon Law and that the candidate for beatification has actually led an exemplary life as a faithful Aristotelian.
Article 34.2 : The act of beatification and the hagiography are published by decree of the Chancellors and the second is added to the Dogma.
Article 35 : An ancient Saint is an ancient blessed who has had a great impact on the development of faith during his life or after his death ( Can. 0-I-B-18 ).
Article 35.1 : The status of ancient Saint is granted by the Roman Curia after verification of the hagiography by the Cenacle of Theologians.
Article 35.2 : The act of canonization and hagiography are published by decree of the Chancellors or dogmatic constitution and the second is added to the Dogma. The new Saint is, immediately after his canonization, enrolled in the Universal Calendar of the Church.
II - On modern Saints and Blessed
Article 36 : Every faithful, whether lay or or ordained, may propose the beatification of a deceased faithful or the canonization of a blessed who lived after the Renewal of the Faith, if at least three faithful can testify under oath the death of that person.
Article 37 : The opening of the process of beatification or canonization is subject to strict formalism. Applications are sent to the Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints and must necessarily be accompanied by an hagiography and by one or more relics or miraculous acts, elements that seek to justify the beatification or canonization of the person concerned.
Article 38 : The hagiography must include:
- the spiritual life of the candidate for beatification or canonization, in a narrative style, and based on evidence to characterize the status of the future Blessed or Saint ;
- a summary of the candidate's thoughts, illustrated by direct quotations ;
- a collection of comments made by the faithful or members of the clergy, and which highlight the exceptional character of the candidate's personality ;
- a collection of edifying maxims pronounced by the candidate when he was alive ;
- the catalogue of relics associated with the candidate (in particular the location of his mortal remains) ;
- a collection of writings or artwork related to the candidate.
Article 39 : The hagiography is subjected to a meticulous examination by the Cenacle of Theologians, both in form and in content. In case of approval, the dossier is transmitted to the Roman Curia.
Article 40 : In the event of a favorable opinion of the Roman Curia, the process of beatification or canonization is declared open by decree of the Chancellors.
Article 40.1 : The opening of the process of canonization of a modern Blessed requires the prior recognition of at least one miraculous event ( Can. 0-I-D ).
Article 41 : Once the process of beatification or canonization has been opened, the hagiography is presented to the universality of the faithful in Aristotle's Square so that they can freely consult and comment on it.
Article 42 : Seven days after the presentation of the hagiography, it is submitted for approval to the universality of the faithful by acclamation.
Article 43 : After a further seven days, if the hagiography collects 70% of favorable opinions, the candidate is proclaimed Blessed or Saint of the Universal Church.
Article 44 : The act of beatification or canonization and hagiography are published by decree of the Chancellors or dogmatic constitution and the second is added to the Dogma. The new Saint is, immediately after his canonization, enrolled in the Universal Calendar of the Church.
Apostolic Constitution on « The supreme government of the Holy See »,
Given in Rome, on the most venerated tomb of Saint Titus Prince of the Apostles, on the ninth day of the month of October, Saturday, the day of Saint Nikolos the Apostle, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first of Our Pontificate.
Code: | [quote][list]
[color=#FFCC33][size=24][i][b]De Sanctae Sedis summa administratione[/b][/i][/size]
[i]Apostolic Constitution « On the supreme government of the Holy See ».
- Sequel -[/i][/color]
[b][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]
[size=18]Book 5.1 : The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints[/size]
[b]Preamble [/b]
[i]The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints is the Roman dicastery in charge of the conservation of the Dogma of the Holy Aristotelian Church. It collects, studies, analyses and validates dogmatic texts to develop and enrich the collection of sacred texts for the whole Church; it examines and recognizes which deceased faithful can be considered Blessed or Saints because of their exemplary life and organizes their beatification or canonization; it promotes the research of and recognizes the sacred relics; it writes and approves the liturgical texts and practices of the Holy Aristotelian Church. The theologians of the Congregation may also be called upon to give an opinion on all or part of the Dogma.[/i]
[b][size=14]Part I : The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints [/size][/b]
[b]I - On the structure and functions of the Congregation[/b]
[b]Article 1:[/b] The Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints is composed of four Offices :
[list][*]The Cenacle of the Theologians ;
[*]The Office for the Saints ;
[*]The Office for Liturgies ;
[*]The Office of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus.[/list]
[b]Article 2:[/b] The Office for the Saints is located in the Scriptorium and is responsible for drafting and discussing important texts concerning the general Church and the lives of the saints.
[b]Article 3:[/b] The Office for the Liturgies is responsible for the drafting of the liturgical texts and in particular for the liturgical ceremonies of the Supreme Pontiff and the Cardinals.
[b]Article 4:[/b] The Office of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus is responsible for the research and recognition of the sacred relics; it is also entrusted with the Golden Pickle, the sacred relic of Saint Theodulus.
[b]Article 5:[/b] The Cenacle of Theologians evaluates the validity, quality and coherence of the documents drawn up by the Scriptorium following a debate.
[list][b]Article 5.1 :[/b] The debate shall last for a minimum of seven days, which may be extended, followed by a vote of five days.[/list]
[b]II - On the hierarchy and the Superior Council of the Congregation[/b]
[b]Article 6 :[/b] The Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor guarantee the good functioning of the Congregation, coordinating and assigning tasks among its members.
[b]Article 7 :[/b] Each Office of the Congregation is directed by a Prefect. The Prefects are appointed by the Chancellors after having discussed the candidates in the Superior Council.
[b]Article 8 :[/b] To be appointed Prefects it is necessary to be a baptized faithful and at least to possess a recognized license in theology.
[list][b]Article 8.1 :[/b] To be appointed Prefect of the Cenacle of Theologians it is also necessary to have distinguished oneself for the deep knowledge of the Dogma of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church.[/list]
[b]Article 9 :[/b] The Prefects cooperate with the Chancellors and their subordinates according to the directives of the former to ensure the proper functioning of the Congregation and their respective Offices.
[b]Article 10 :[/b] The Prefects decide on the priority of the documents to be discussed in their Office.
[b]Article 11 :[/b] The Superior Council of the Congregation is made up of the Chancellors and Prefects of the Congregation and gathers in the « Sainte Wilgeforte » Hall, the official meeting place, in order to coordinate the good management of the Congregation and its Offices.
[b]III - On the Cenacle of the Theologians[/b]
[b]Article 12 :[/b] The Cenacle is composed of the theologians of the Congregation, the Prefects and the Chancellors of the Congregation.
[b]Article 13 :[/b] The theologians of the Congregation are selected by the members of the Cenacle, on the proposal of the Chancellors or another theologian of the Congregation, by the majority of the opinions expressed. The Chancellors have a right of veto over every appointment.
[b]Article 14 :[/b] To become a theologian of the Congregation it is necessary to be a baptized faithful, to possess at least a recognized license in Theology and to have distinguished oneself by a thorough knowledge of the Dogma of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church.
[list][b]Article 14.1 :[/b] The Chancellors who are not theologians of the Congregation at the time of their appointment become so [i]ex officio[/i] and remain so even if they cease to hold office.[/list]
[b]Article 15 :[/b] The theologians of the Congregation undertake to maintain intact the integrity of the texts they have in custody at the risk of their own lives and undertake to keep secret the deliberations of the Cenacle which have not been made public.
[b]Article 16 :[/b] The theologians of the Congregation have a duty to clarify any doubt of any faithful about the Dogma of the Aristotelian Church. The theologian's opinion has an official status and is considered the position of the Church on the matter until a higher intervention.
[list][b]Article 16.1 :[/b] The Cenacle of Theologians may issue a clarification on the Dogma to replace one previously issued by a theologian, if this is considered erroneous, incomplete or inconsistent with the integrity of the Dogma.
[b]Article 16.2 :[/b] The Chancellors may issue a clarification on the Dogma to replace one previously issued by a theologian or the Cenacle of Theologians, if this is considered erroneous, incomplete or inconsistent with the integrity of the Dogma.
[b]Article 16.3 :[/b] The Holy See and, by delegation of the Supreme Pontiff, the Sacred College of Cardinals may issue a clarification on the Dogma to replace a previously issued one if it is considered erroneous, incomplete or inconsistent with the entirety of the Dogma.[/list]
[b]Article 17 :[/b] The Cenacle of Theologians, at the proposal of one of its members or at the request of a faithful, may examine writings, compilations, books and works of the mind suspected of being blasphemous or heretical or of openly damaging the Truth by promoting error. In the event of an unfavorable opinion, the text is sent to the Roman Curia to ask for its inclusion in the [i]Index librorum prohibitorum[/i].
[size=10][i]n.b. : in vernacular Index of prohibited books, for completeness see the Canon Law on the Office of the Index.[/i][/size]
[b]IV - On the Office for the Saints[/b]
[b]Article 18 :[/b] Writers have the task of drafting hagiographical or doctrinal texts which, once completed, are submitted to the Cenacle for approval.
[b]Article 19 :[/b] Writers are appointed by the Chancellors following a spontaneous candidacy in the Antechamber of the Holy Office and its discussion in the Superior Council.
[b]Article 20 :[/b] To become a writer it is necessary to be a baptized faithful. Writers are encouraged to obtain a recognized license in theology to refine their knowledge of the Dogma.
[b]V - On the Office for the Liturgies[/b]
[b]Article 21 :[/b] The liturgists draw up the liturgical texts and have the duty to keep them up to date.
[b]Article 22 :[/b] The liturgists are selected by the members of the Office, on the proposal of the Chancellors or of another liturgist, by a majority of the opinions expressed. The Chancellors have a right of veto over every appointment.
[b]Article 23:[/b] To be appointed liturgists it is necessary to be a baptized faithful and to possess at least a recognized license in theology.
[list][b]Article 23.1 :[/b] Once the Liturgy courses are launched, it will also be necessary to hold a recognized license in Liturgy.[/list]
[b]VI - On the Office of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus[/b]
[b]Article 24 :[/b] The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus vow to preserve and protect the sacred relic of Saint Theodulus even with the sacrifice of their own lives.
[b]Article 25 :[/b] The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus look for the sacred relics and examine their validity and truthfulness, taking into account the life of the Saint or Blessed to whom they might belong, after a debate.
[list][b]Article 25.1 :[/b] The debate shall last for a minimum of seven days, which may be extended, followed by a vote of five days.[/list]
[b]Article 26 :[/b] The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus are selected by the members of the Office, on the proposal of the Chancellors or of another member of the Office, by majority of the opinions expressed. The Chancellors have a right of veto over every appointment.
[b]Article 27 :[/b] To become custodian of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus it is necessary to be a baptized faithful and to possess at least a recognized license in theology.
[b]Article 28 :[/b] The custodians of the Pickle of Saint Theodulus are charged with preserving the integrity of the recognized relics, unless they are entrusted to others by the Chancellors or by the Holy See.
[b]Article 29 :[/b] Every faithful, whether lay or or ordained, can submit a presumed relic to the Office by applying for recognition in the Antechamber of the Holy Office.
[b]VII - On the duty of secrecy[/b]
[b]Article 30 :[/b] All discussions in the « Sainte Wilgeforte » Salon are subject to the right to confidentiality and the duty of discretion.
[b]Article 31 :[/b] Members of the Congregation may not disclose sensitive information relating to their function.
[b]Article 32 :[/b] The obligation of confidentiality is applied to all persons having access to the reserved rooms, unless otherwise provided by the Roman Curia.
[b][size=14]Part II : The process of Canonization and Beatification [/size][/b]
[b]Article 33 :[/b] Saints and Blessed differ only according to the time in which they lived. If they lived before the Renewal of the Faith, they are called "ancient"; if they lived later, they are called "modern".
[b]I - On ancient Saints and Blessed[/b]
[b]Article 34 :[/b] The status of ancient Blessed is granted to the deceased faithful who have led an exemplary life and accomplished a work of faith ( Can. 0-I-B-17 ).
[list][b]Article 34.1 :[/b] The status of ancient Blessed is granted by the Cenacle of the Theologians after verifying that the proposed hagiography is compatible with Dogma and Canon Law and that the candidate for beatification has actually led an exemplary life as a faithful Aristotelian.
[b]Article 34.2 :[/b] The act of beatification and the hagiography are published by decree of the Chancellors and the second is added to the Dogma.[/list]
[b]Article 35 :[/b] An ancient Saint is an ancient blessed who has had a great impact on the development of faith during his life or after his death ( Can. 0-I-B-18 ).
[list][b]Article 35.1 :[/b] The status of ancient Saint is granted by the Roman Curia after verification of the hagiography by the Cenacle of Theologians.
[b]Article 35.2 :[/b] The act of canonization and hagiography are published by decree of the Chancellors or dogmatic constitution and the second is added to the Dogma. The new Saint is, immediately after his canonization, enrolled in the Universal Calendar of the Church.[/list]
[b]II - On modern Saints and Blessed[/b]
[b]Article 36 :[/b] Every faithful, whether lay or or ordained, may propose the beatification of a deceased faithful or the canonization of a blessed who lived after the Renewal of the Faith, if at least three faithful can testify under oath the death of that person.
[b]Article 37 :[/b] The opening of the process of beatification or canonization is subject to strict formalism. Applications are sent to the Congregation of the Holy Office and for the Causes of Saints and must necessarily be accompanied by an hagiography and by one or more relics or miraculous acts, elements that seek to justify the beatification or canonization of the person concerned.
[b]Article 38 :[/b] The hagiography must include:
[list][*]the spiritual life of the candidate for beatification or canonization, in a narrative style, and based on evidence to characterize the status of the future Blessed or Saint ;
[*]a summary of the candidate's thoughts, illustrated by direct quotations ;
[*]a collection of comments made by the faithful or members of the clergy, and which highlight the exceptional character of the candidate's personality ;
[*]a collection of edifying maxims pronounced by the candidate when he was alive ;
[*]the catalogue of relics associated with the candidate (in particular the location of his mortal remains) ;
[*]a collection of writings or artwork related to the candidate.[/list]
[b]Article 39 :[/b] The hagiography is subjected to a meticulous examination by the Cenacle of Theologians, both in form and in content. In case of approval, the dossier is transmitted to the Roman Curia.
[b]Article 40 :[/b] In the event of a favorable opinion of the Roman Curia, the process of beatification or canonization is declared open by decree of the Chancellors.
[list][b]Article 40.1 :[/b] The opening of the process of canonization of a modern Blessed requires the prior recognition of at least one miraculous event ( Can. 0-I-D ).[/list]
[b]Article 41 :[/b] Once the process of beatification or canonization has been opened, the hagiography is presented to the universality of the faithful in Aristotle's Square so that they can freely consult and comment on it.
[b]Article 42 :[/b] Seven days after the presentation of the hagiography, it is submitted for approval to the universality of the faithful by acclamation.
[b]Article 43 :[/b] After a further seven days, if the hagiography collects 70% of favorable opinions, the candidate is proclaimed Blessed or Saint of the Universal Church.
[b]Article 44 :[/b] The act of beatification or canonization and hagiography are published by decree of the Chancellors or dogmatic constitution and the second is added to the Dogma. The new Saint is, immediately after his canonization, enrolled in the Universal Calendar of the Church.
[i]Apostolic Constitution on « The supreme government of the Holy See »,
Given in Rome, on the most venerated tomb of Saint Titus Prince of the Apostles, on the ninth day of the month of October, Saturday, the day of Saint Nikolos the Apostle, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first of Our Pontificate.[/i]
[/quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/PIMp5uo.png[/img] |
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