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[RP] Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 24, 2022 10:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus smiled and reached for the pitcher of water and let it flow into the baptismal font:

      "Certainly we are caught in matter, subject to its rules, but our goal is to turn to YOU, ETERNAL PERFECT SPIRIT. According to my feeling YOU have therefore given the sense of the love to the life." Thereupon GOD said: "Man, because you are the only one who understands that it is about the love, I make your kind to MY children. And now you know that the talent of your kind is his ability to love ME and the his. The other species can only love themselves."

    With that, he blessed the water and he asked Karsten to come directly to him at the baptismal font and he held out both hands to him.

      Let us recite the Creed:

      I believe in God, the Almighty Most High,
      Creator of heaven and earth,
      the hells and the paradise,
      Judge of our soul at the hour of death.

      And in Aristotle, his prophet,
      son of Nicomachus and Phaetis,
      sent to teach the misguided people
      the wisdom and the divine laws of the universe.

      I also believe in Christos,
      born of Maria and Giosep.
      He dedicated his life to us, showed the way to paradise.
      So it happened that after suffering Ponce,
      died in martyrdom to save us.
      He returned to the sun, where Aristotle was waiting for him at the right hand of the Almighty.

      I believe in the action of God;
      in the One and Indivisible Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
      in the communion of saints;
      in the forgiveness of sins;
      in eternal life.


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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2022
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 30, 2022 4:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He kept a close eye on Kalixtus who reached for the water and let it flow into the baptismal dond. He said some words and Karsten listened carefully, mainly trying to catch the cue when he was supposed to do anything. When he was asked to come to him at the baptismal fond he stepped up and held out his hands as well. Together they said the creed.

Let us recite the Creed:

I believe in God, the Almighty Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth,
the hells and the paradise,
Judge of our soul at the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, his prophet,
son of Nicomachus and Phaetis,
sent to teach the misguided people
the wisdom and the divine laws of the universe.

I also believe in Christos,
born of Maria and Giosep.
He dedicated his life to us, showed the way to paradise.
So it happened that after suffering Ponce,
died in martyrdom to save us.
He returned to the sun, where Aristotle was waiting for him at the right hand of the Almighty.

I believe in the action of God;
in the One and Indivisible Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
in the communion of saints;
in the forgiveness of sins;
in eternal life.


After which he again waited for Kalixtus in order to introduce him to the next step.

"Seas wash away tracks you make, but you've made something great when those tracks remain" KdM

Graaf van Egmond, Noord-Kennemerland & Ehrenbreitstein, Burggraaf van Groningen, Heer van Amstelland
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Sep 01, 2022 11:20 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus smiled pleasantly pleased and then dipped his hand into the water to pour it over Karsten's head. As he did so, he spoke:

      " I baptise you in the name of the Aristotelian Church and in the name of the Almighty for friendship with all the saints and for the love of the Father of mankind".

    He kept his hand on the man's head and continued:

      Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo et
      mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem

      Miserere mei, Deus,
      secundum magnam misericordiam tuam

      Sprinkle on me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall be clean.
      I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall become
      whiter than the snow.

      Have mercy of me, O God,
      according to Your great mercy

    He let him go and the acolytes brought dry linen cloths and on a silver tray the medal of Aristotle in cyan. This he placed around Karsten's neck with the following words:

    This is the medal of Aristotle in Cyan, it is a visible sign of your membership in the community of the Aristots. A community that welcomes you into its midst.

    Then he took the candle from the silver tray. This is your baptismal candle, and he lit it on the year candle. It represents the flame of enlightenment that rises in you through the wisdom of God, like the seed itself. May it grow within you and fuel others.

    He handed it to Karsten then stepped to an acolyte with the documents he signed.

    This is your baptismal certificate. It officially declares you as part of the Church and part of the community before God and Rome and the whole world. Keep it safe, dear Karsten.

    And now go in peace and with the blessing of the Lord for now and always, God willing. Amen.

    He made the sign of the cross and dismissed everyone with a sacred smile.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 1:44 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    As he sat in his Basilica San Giovanni dei Martiri in Rome, Cardinal Kalixtus was a man of deep piety and scholarship. The shadows of the past could be seen in his eyes as he began to philosophize about death.

    But his thoughts were not purely academic, but were driven by a deep personal sorrow and melancholy. His friend Arduino Della Scala, the Star of Rome and his counterpart, had passed away and left a hole in his heart.

    Cardinal Kalixtus was depressed and full of grief. He couldn't come to terms with Arduino's departure and wondered why life was so unfair. Why did beloved ones have to die and leave us?

    His thoughts were influenced by the philosophy of the ancient sages who had contemplated death for millennia. For Cardinal Kalixtus, death was the final enemy that had to be defeated before one could enter into eternal bliss. But despite all his faith and knowledge, he couldn't avoid the pain he felt.

    "I miss Arduino so much," he whispered to himself. "He was a friend, a brother, an adviser. Without him, I feel lost and lonely."

    But Cardinal Kalixtus knew he had to remain strong. As a high-ranking member of the church, he couldn't afford to show weakness. He had to maintain his faith and convictions and transform the pain in his heart into strength.

    "Death is only a station on the way to eternal life," he said to himself. "Arduino isn't really gone, he's just somewhere else. He's with God and he'll wait for us when we join him."

    But despite all his knowledge and convictions, Cardinal Kalixtus couldn't deny the pain he felt. His thoughts revolved around the questions that all humans ask themselves when confronted with death.

    "Where do we come from and where do we go? What's the meaning of life and death? Why do we have to die and what awaits us afterwards?"

    These questions remained unanswered, but Cardinal Kalixtus knew he could find comfort in his faith and convictions. He prayed and meditated to find peace and process his grief.

    "Santu Patri, lu vostru sìgliu sia benedettu. A lu nostru caru mortu, a quantu ci manca, e’ quantu luntanu. La vostra volunta sia fatta supra a terra, come supra a celu. Da'gghia, Signuri, lu riposu eternu, e fa' ca l'eterna luce lu riluca. Riposu eternu, Signuri, dona li, e' luce pi lu cchiù riuti, e' riposu pi lu cchiù afflitu, e' lu riposu eternu pi li cu sta mortu. Amen."

    "Arduino, I'll always love you, and you'll always have a place in my heart," he whispered softly. "You're not really gone, you're just somewhere else. And I'll see you again one day when I take my place with God."

    Cardinal Kalixtus left the basilica with a heavy heart but also with the assurance that he had upheld his faith and convictions. Death was an inevitable part of human life, but it couldn't destroy the love and memories one carried in their heart.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 09, 2023 11:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Missa Paschalis

      IX. Aprilis MCDLXXI
      ritus Romanus

    Choral during the procession as intriotus: Resurrexi

      "Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum, alleluia.
      Posuisti super me manum tuam, alleluia.
      Mirabilis facta est scientia tua, alleluia, alleluia."

    Fuit unus ex illis diebus mirabilibus, et per totum continentem campanae sonabant, etiam in Basilica Sancti Ioannis Martyrum. Kalixtus amabat hanc basilicam; non erat ingens, sed nec occultata. Stabat iuxta Tiberim, et ante officium divinum poterat considerare flumen lente fluens. Cogitationes eius non erant liberae a sollicitudine et responsione. Cardinalis semper onera tenuit et consuevit.

    Hodie Missam Paschalem celebraret, et ut semper anniversario faceret, eam in lingua Latina celebraret, memoria magnorum ducum Ecclesiae, qui hanc linguam locuti sunt, et etiam ut aeternitatem Romae exprimeret, nam Roma aeterna erat, et ita erat eius lingua.

    Die Paschae, in palatio cardinalis animus erat festivus. Praeparationes ad traditionalem Missam Paschalem instabant, et cardinalis, dignitas alti gradus in Ecclesia Aristotelica, diligentissime ab servis suis vestiebatur paramentis Paschalibus.

    Cardinalis intravit cubiculum, secutus a comitatu servorum qui parabant pallium, mozzettam et tiaram. Pallium erat ex serico optimo et colore rubro vivo, quod dignitatem et auctoritatem cardinalis accentuabat. Servi cum cura pallium super umeros eius draperent, dum cardinalis immobilis stabat, considerans diligentem operam servorum.

    Mozzetta, amictus humeralis ex velluto nobili, leniter super pallium appositus est. Servi curaverunt ut ornatus ex praeciosis fasciis et borduretis perfecte ordinaretur, magnificentem cardinalis speciem augens. Cardinalis in speculo se intuens caput annuit contentus spectans pulchrum stamen mozzettae.

    Nunc tempus erat pro tiara, quae erat culmen paramentorum Paschalium cardinalis. Mitra, alta tiara conica, cum studio super caput eius collocata est. Ornata erat gemmis scintillantibus, margaritis fulgentibus et plumis artificiose consutis, quae lucem luminarium in camera reflectebant, cardinali faciem radiantem praebentes. Cardinalis sentiebat pondus mitrae in capite suo et significatum quod tenebat in auctoritate spiritali.

    Ultimo gradu, annulus episcopalis cardinali super digitum positus est. Annulus eximiae pulchritudinis erat, gemma praeciosa in centro habens, quae eius potentiam et prestigium spiritalis ostendebat. Cardinalis annulum suum cum gaudio contemplabatur, dum ad Missam Paschalem pergebat.

    Basilicae Sancti Ioannis Martyris atmosphaera solemni repleta est, cum processio Paschalis motum coepit. Processionem primam pontificem maximem, cardinalis clarissimi ordinis ducebat. Indutus vestibus sacris, quae constabant ex "Cappa Magna," longa tunica praeclaris ornata infulis, et "Mitra Pileata," cassis conica alta, cum summa dignitate procedebat.

    Post cardinalem, membra cleri secundum suas diversas functiones et officia sequebantur. Diaconi vestibus sacris induti, inter quos "Dalmatica," tunicam manu laevigatam, et "Tunica Talaris," longam tunicam candidam usque ad talos pertingentem gerebant. Iis erat commissum crucem et turibula ferre ac processionem ducere.

    Acolythi quoque processioni aderant, cereis gestantibus, quae lucem Christi et Aristoteli significabant. Albi induti, tunicis candidis cum manibus longis, sollemni gradu praeibant, cereos elevantes.

    Clero, dignitatibus ecclesiasticis ornati, qui cardinalem comitabantur, processio sequebatur. Vestes sacras, ut "Stola," stolam longam et auratam, et "Pluviale," capam instar, gerebant, quae eorum statum clericalis efferebant.

    Dum processio per navis basilicae pergit, tintinnabula sonant, resonantes per sacratum spatium. Chorus hymnos in lingua Latina cantat, et odor thuris aerem impregnat, dum fideles participentur in Missa Paschali, a cardinale celebrata.

    Cardinalis Kalixtus, in hoc momento memorabili, gaudio et sollemnitate plenum, suo munere quam familiariter fungi, Missam Paschalem Latinis verbis incolit, et magnos Ecclesiae duces honorat, qui hac lingua locuti sunt, et aeternam Romam, etiam aeternam suam linguam exprimit.

    Dum dies Paschalis aperitur, cardinalis, insignibus vestibus ornatus, officia sua cum reverentia et devotione exsequitur, populum in preces et adorationem ducens. Basilicae magnificentia, processionis fastus, et Missae Paschalis sollemnitas confluunt, ut momentum mirabilem splendorem in urbe Roma efficiant.

    It was one of those wonderful days, and all over the continent, the bells would ring, including in the Basilica of San Giovanni dei Martiri. Kalixtus loved this basilica; it was not gigantic, but it was also not hidden. It stood by the Tiber, and one could take a glance at the slow-flowing river before the service. His thoughts were not free from worry and responsibility. The cardinal had always held responsibilities and was accustomed to it.

    Today, he would hold the Easter Mass, and like every year, he would conduct it in Latin, in memory of the great leaders of the Church who had spoken this language, and also to express the eternity of Rome, for Rome was eternal, and so was its language.

    On Easter Sunday, there was a busy atmosphere in the cardinal's palace. The preparations for the traditional Easter Mass were in full swing, and the cardinal, a high-ranking dignitary of the Aristotelian Church, was being meticulously dressed in his Easter vestments by his servants.

    The cardinal entered the room, followed by a retinue of servants who were busy preparing the robe, the mozzetta, and the headdress. The robe was made of the finest silk and was a deep red color that emphasized the dignity and authority of the cardinal. The servants carefully draped the robe over his shoulders as the cardinal stood motionless, observing the meticulous work of his servants.

    The mozzetta, a shoulder cape made of noble velvet, was gently placed over the robe. The servants made sure that the embellishments of precious trims and embroideries were perfectly aligned, enhancing the magnificent appearance of the cardinal. The cardinal looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction as he admired the fine fabric of the mozzetta.

    Now it was time for the headdress, which was the highlight of the cardinal's Easter vestments. The mitre, a tall conical headpiece, was carefully placed on his head. It was adorned with sparkling jewels, shimmering pearls, and intricate embroideries that reflected the light of the candles in the room, making the cardinal appear like a radiant figure. He felt the weight of the mitre on his head and the significance it held for his spiritual authority.

    As the final step, the cardinal's episcopal ring was placed on his finger. A ring of unparalleled beauty, with a precious gemstone in the center that emphasized his spiritual power and prestige. The cardinal looked at his ring with pride as he made his way to the Easter Mass.

    The Basilica of San Giovanni dei Martiri was filled with a solemn atmosphere as the Easter procession set in motion. The procession was led by a high-ranking cardinal who assumed the role of "Pontifex Maximus." Dressed in his magnificent liturgical vestments, consisting of the "Cappa Magna," a long robe adorned with precious embellishments, and the "Mitra Pileata," a tall conical headdress, he proceeded with sublime dignity.

    Behind the cardinal marched the members of the clergy in their various roles and positions. The "Diaconi" (Deacons) wore their liturgical vestments, including the "Dalmatica," a sleeveless tunic with decorative trims, and the "Tunica Talaris," a long white tunic that reached down to the ankles. They were entrusted with the task of carrying the cross and the censers and leading the procession.

    The "Acolythi" (Acolytes) were also part of the procession, carrying candles that served as a symbol of the light of Christ and Aristotle. They were dressed in "Alben," white robes with long sleeves, and walked solemnly ahead, holding up the candles.

    The "Clero" (clerics) are the ecclesiastical dignitaries who accompany the cardinal during the procession. They wear their liturgical vestments, such as the "Stola," a long embroidered stole, and the "Pluviale," a cape-like garment, which emphasize their clerical status.

    As the procession makes its way through the aisles of the basilica, the bells ring, echoing throughout the sacred space. The choir sings hymns in Latin, and the scent of incense fills the air as the faithful participate in the Easter mass led by the cardinal.

    For Cardinal Kalixtus, this is a momentous occasion, filled with both joy and solemnity. Holding the responsibility of his role with familiarity, he delivers the Easter mass in Latin, honoring the great leaders of the Church who have spoken this language and expressing the eternal nature of Rome, for Rome was eternal, and so was its language.

    As the Easter Sunday unfolds, the cardinal, resplendent in his ornate vestments, carries out his duties with reverence and devotion, leading the congregation in prayer and worship. The grandeur of the basilica, the pageantry of the procession, and the solemnity of the Easter mass all come together to create a moment of awe-inspiring splendor in the heart of Rome.

    Es war einer dieser wundervollen Tage und überall auf dem Kontinent würden die Glocken läuten so auch in der Basilika von San Giovanni dei Martiri. Kalixtus liebte diese Basilika, sie war nicht gigantisch, sie war aber auch nicht versteckt. Sie stand am Tiber und man konnte vor dem Gottesdienst noch einen Blick in den träge dahinfließenden Fluss werfen. Die Gedanken waren nicht frei von Sorge und nicht frei von Verantwortung. Der Kardinal hatte seit jeher Verantwortung innegehabt und war daher daran gewöhnt.

    Heute würde er die Ostermesse halten und wie jedes Jahr würde er sie auf Latein halten in Andenken an die großen Führer der Kirche, die diese Sprache gesprochen haben und auch um die Ewigkeit Roms zum Ausdruck zu bringen, den Rom war ewig und so auch seine Sprache.

    Am Ostersonntag herrscht eine geschäftige Atmosphäre im Palast des Kardinals. Die Vorbereitungen für die traditionelle Ostermesse sind in vollem Gange, und der Kardinal, ein hochrangiger Würdenträger der aristotelischen Kirche, wird von seinen Dienern aufwändig in seine Ostergewandung gekleidet.

    Der Kardinal betritt das Gemach, gefolgt von einem Gefolge von Dienern, die eifrig damit beschäftigt sind, die Robe, die Mozetta und den Kopfschmuck vorzubereiten. Die Robe ist aus feinster Seide gefertigt und in einem tiefen Rot gehalten, das die Würde und die Autorität des Kardinals betont. Die Diener legen die Robe sorgfältig um seine Schultern, während der Kardinal regungslos steht und die gewissenhafte Arbeit seiner Diener beobachtet.

    Die Mozetta, ein Schultercape aus edlem Samt, wird dem Kardinal behutsam über die Robe gelegt. Die Diener achten darauf, dass die Verzierungen aus kostbaren Borten und Stickereien perfekt sitzen und die Mozetta die prachtvolle Erscheinung des Kardinals unterstreicht. Der Kardinal richtet seinen Blick auf den Spiegel und nickt zufrieden, während er den feinen Stoff der Mozetta bewundert.

    Nun ist es Zeit für den Kopfschmuck, der das Highlight der Ostergewandung des Kardinals ist. Die Mitra, eine hohe, konische Kopfbedeckung, wird ihm behutsam aufgesetzt. Sie ist mit funkelnden Juwelen, glänzenden Perlen und kunstvollen Stickereien verziert, die das Licht der Kerzen im Raum reflektieren und den Kardinal wie eine strahlende Erscheinung wirken lassen. Er spürt das Gewicht der Mitra auf seinem Haupt und die Bedeutung, die sie für seine geistliche Autorität hat.

    Als letzter Schritt wird dem Kardinal der Bischofsring angesteckt. Ein Ring von unvergleichlicher Schönheit, mit einem kostbaren Edelstein in der Mitte, der seine spirituelle Macht und sein Ansehen betont. Der Kardinal betrachtet seinen Ring mit Stolz, während er sich auf den Weg zur Ostermesse macht.

    die Basilika San Giovanni dei Martiri erfüllt von einer feierlichen Stimmung, als die Osterprozession sich in Bewegung setzt. Angeführt wird die Prozession von einem hochrangigen Kardinal, der die Rolle des "Pontifex Maximus" einnimmt. Gekleidet in seine prächtige liturgische Gewandung, bestehend aus der "Cappa Magna", einer langen, mit kostbaren Verzierungen versehenen Robe, und der "Mitra Pileata", einer hohen, konischen Kopfbedeckung, schreitet er mit erhabener Würde voran.

    Hinter dem Kardinal marschieren die Mitglieder des Klerus in ihren verschiedenen Funktionen und Positionen. Die "Diaconi" (Diakone) tragen ihre liturgischen Gewänder, darunter die "Dalmatica", eine ärmellose Tunika mit dekorativen Borten, und die "Tunica Talaris", eine lange, weiße Tunika, die bis zu den Knöcheln reicht. Sie sind mit der Aufgabe betraut, das Kreuz und die Weihrauchfässer zu tragen und die Prozession anzuführen.

    Die "Acolythi" (Akolythen) sind ebenfalls Teil der Prozession und tragen Kerzen, die als Symbol des Lichts Christos und Aristoteles dienen. Sie sind in "Alben", weißen Gewändern mit langen Ärmeln, gekleidet und gehen in feierlichem Schritt voran, während sie die Kerzen hochhalten.

    Die "Clero" (Kleriker) sind die geistlichen Würdenträger, die den Kardinal während der Prozession begleiten. Sie tragen ihre liturgischen Gewänder, darunter die "Tunica Alba", ein langes, weißes Gewand, und die "Pluviale", ein Schultercape aus kostbarem Stoff. Sie sind in Reihen angeordnet und halten in den Händen ihre liturgischen Bücher und Insignien.

    Gefolgt werden die Kleriker von den "Cappellani" (Kaplänen), die den Kardinal in seiner liturgischen Funktion unterstützen. Sie tragen ihre "Mantelletta", eine kurze Schultercape mit Kapuze, und halten liturgische Utensilien wie Kelche und Monstranzen.

    Die "Chierici" (Kleriker) sind die Sänger und Chormitglieder, die die Prozession mit ihren Gesängen begleiten. Sie tragen ihre "Tunica Choiralis", eine weiße, ärmellose Tunika mit besonderen Verzierungen, und halten ihre Notenblätter in den Händen.

    Zu guter Letzt folgen die Gläubigen, die in Andacht und Hingabe an der Prozession teilnehmen. Sie tragen ihre gewöhnliche Kirchengewandung und halten Kerzen als Zeichen ihres Glaubens.

    Während Kalixtus den Altar erreicht und die Messe beginnt, erfüllt den Kardinal ein Gefühl von Ehrfurcht und Dankbarkeit. Seine Ostergewandung ist nicht nur ein Symbol für seine geistliche Autorität, sondern auch eine Hommage an die reiche Tradition und die Bedeutung des Osterfestes in der aristotelischen Welt.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 10, 2023 12:58 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

During this phase the chorale sings the Asperges Me

    V: Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor; lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
    A: Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam, et exsultabunt ossa humiliata.

    In basilica maiestosa Kalixtus, reverendus cardinalis, locum suum in solio splendidissimo capit. Oculos suos vertit in sacerdotes, qui in venerabili absidi congregati erant, dum expectantes fideles ad eum suspiciebant. Acolythus cum aspergillo adstitit et Kalixtus, cum dignitate festiva, surrexit, ut aquam benedictam in directionem fidelium, altaris et sacerdotum aspergeret.

    "Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro, alleluia", clamavit Kalixtus voce profunda, aspergillum agitans, et communitas solemniter respondit, "Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista salvi facti sunt, et dicent: alleluia, alleluia", verba ex Sancta Liturgia resonabant in locis sacratis.

    Kalixtus levavit manus suas, dum aspergillum redderet acolytho competenti, et devote dixit: "Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam", dum oculos plenos expectatione ad caelum levavit. Communitas et chorus ferventer responderunt: "Et salutare tuum da nobis", et cardinalis rursus locum suum in solio suum accepit, dum melodiae musicae liturgicae lentissime evanescerent.

    Fuit momentum conmovere et laudis, quando Kalixtus, fide profunda impletus, fideles aspergebat aqua benedicta et Liturgia solemniter processit. Splendor basilicae, sublimitas rituum liturgicorum, et devotio adsistentium coniuncti sunt in imaginem expressivam fidei et venerationis in liturgia paschali missae latinae.

    In the majestic basilica, Kalixtus, the venerable cardinal, took his place on the magnificent throne. His gaze wandered over the clergy gathered in the venerable apse, while the expectant faithful looked up to him. The acolyte with the aspergillum stepped forward, and Kalixtus rose with solemn dignity to sprinkle the holy water towards the faithful, the altar, and the clergy.

    "Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro, alleluia," proclaimed Kalixtus in a deep voice as he swung the aspergillum, and the congregation responded with a solemn "Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista salvi facti sunt, et dicent: alleluia, alleluia," the words from the Holy Liturgy echoing in the consecrated space.

    Kalixtus raised his hands as he returned the aspergillum to the acolyte, and spoke with devotion: "Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam," as he lifted his gaze expectantly towards heaven. The congregation and the choir fervently replied, "Et salutare tuum da nobis," and the cardinal took his seat again on his throne as the melodious sounds of the liturgical music faded slowly.

    It was a poignant moment of blessing and praise as Kalixtus, filled with deep faith, blessed the faithful with the holy water, and the liturgy proceeded in its solemn course. The splendor of the basilica, the sublimity of the liturgical rites, and the devotion of the attendees came together to form an impressive tableau of faith and reverence during the Easter liturgy in the Latin Mass.

    In der majestätischen Basilika nahm Kalixtus, der ehrwürdige Kardinal, seinen Platz auf dem prächtigen Thron ein. Sein Blick wanderte über die Geistlichen, die sich in der ehrwürdigen Apsis versammelten, während die erwartungsvollen Gläubigen zu ihm aufblickten. Der Akolyth mit dem Aspergill trat vor und Kalixtus erhob sich mit feierlicher Würde, um das Weihwasser in Richtung der Gläubigen, des Altars und der Geistlichen zu verspritzen.

    "Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro, alleluia", verkündete Kalixtus mit tiefer Stimme, während er das Aspergill schwang, und die Gemeinde antwortete mit einem feierlichen "Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista salvi facti sunt, et dicent: alleluia, alleluia", die Worte aus der Heiligen Liturgie klangen in den geweihten Räumen wider.

    Kalixtus hob seine Hände, als er das Aspergill dem zuständigen Akolythen zurückgab, und sprach mit Andacht: "Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam", während er den Blick voller Erwartung zum Himmel erhob. Die Gemeinde und der Chor antworteten mit Inbrunst: "Et salutare tuum da nobis", und der Kardinal nahm wieder Platz auf seinem Thron, während die melodischen Klänge der liturgischen Musik langsam verklangen.

    Es war ein ergreifender Moment der Segnung und des Lobpreises, als Kalixtus, von tiefem Glauben erfüllt, die Gläubigen mit dem Weihwasser segnete und die Liturgie ihren feierlichen Verlauf nahm. Die Pracht der Basilika, die Erhabenheit der liturgischen Riten und die Andacht der Anwesenden vereinten sich zu einem eindrucksvollen Bild des Glaubens und der Verehrung während der Osterliturgie in der lateinischen Messe.

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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 14, 2023 2:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Like one of the many faithful of Rome, Felipe entered the basilica of San Giovanni dei Martiri, genuflected facing the altar and made his way to one of the pews in the main nave. Dressed as fashionably as any young Roman of his age, only the pectoral cross and the scarlet solideum on his head led one to suspect that this blond boy with the Hispanic accent was a man consecrated by God. He wished to participate in this important day of the liturgical year with the simplicity and fervour proper to the faithful, and not from the altar where he usually consecrated the feasts, vigils and other Aristotelian liturgical ceremonies.

The choir began the singing of the "Asperges me", and when Cardinal Kalixtus blessed the faithful with the hyssop, Felipe bowed his head and crossed himself. He also said:
-Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista salvi facti sunt, et dicent: alleluia, alleluia-.

At the second address to the faithful by the German cardinal, they all said: -Et salutare tuum da nobis-.

With his eyes closed devoutly, the young man felt the powerful call of faith, intact in him since the day of his consecration as a priest. The flame of God was always burning in his heart like a candle that would not burn out, and every time he uttered the Latin words of the missal, that ardour redoubled as a permanent testimony that the choice he had made in his life was the right one. He could have been at that moment in the Pantheon, his new basilica, presiding at the Mass of Renewal, as was done in all Roman parishes, but his choice had led him to be there, with his head bowed and with a contrite and grateful spirit among the ordinary people of the city. God's ways were inscrutable.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 19, 2023 11:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

During this phase the chorale sings the Kyrie Eleison

    K: Kyrie eleison
    A: Kyrie eleison

    K:Christe eleison
    A: Christe eleison

    K:Kyrie eleison.
    A: Kyrie eleison

During this phase the chorale sings the Gloria

    K: Gloria in excelsis Deo
    et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.

    A:Laudamus te,
    benedicimus te,
    adoramus te,
    glorificamus te,
    gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam,

    K: Domine Deus, Rex caelestis,
    Deus Pater omnipotens.

    A: qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis;
    qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram.
    Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.

    K:Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,
    tu solus Dominus,
    tu solus Altissimus,
    In gloria Dei Patris.

    A: Amen.

    Cum oculos ad congregatos fideles circumspiceret, verba sequentia magis senserat. Ipsius erat confessio peccatorum dicere, quae communem hanc tempus paenitentiae et renovandi comitaretur. "Frater, agnoscamus peccata nostra, ut apti simus ad sacra mysteria celebranda."

    Cum sollemnitate confessionis verba diceret: "Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et vobis, fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, opere et omissione: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa."

    Kalixtus verborum suorum semper certus erat, nihil aliud proferens, nisi quod perfecte sentiret. Haec erant essentiales cardinalis partes, ut digitos in vulnera incideret, non ad memoria renovandam, sed ad sanandum.

    Orationem conclusit his verbis: "Ideo precor omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum, Deum nostrum."

    Kalixtus intellegebat verba non solum sibi, sed etiam universae communitati adesse vim. Tempus erat contemplandi et sperandi novam opportunitatem ad meliorem Deum et proximum sequendi. Sonoras voces salutis ornaverunt: "Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam." Quibus universi "Amen" responderunt.

    Kardinal Kalixtus, maiestaticae basilicae altari adstans, sequentis phasei incipit, profundo suspiro spiritum trahens. Expectans multitudo, verbis Kardinalis attenta, cum manus ad preces iungeret.

    "In nomine Patris et Prophetae Christos et Aristoteles. Amen" solemniter coepit Kalixtus, hinc sacros versus addens. Tunc Kyrie cecinit, laudis precibus implorans.

    "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison" cantabat Kalixtus voce clara ac profunda, dum coetus respondebat "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison". Chantus basilicam spiritali significatione implevit, atque adstantes cum devotione orabant.

    Nachquam Kyrie finitum est, Cardinalis coepit cum Gloria, hymno laudis. "Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis", cantavit Kalixtus cum fervore, et populus solemniter respondit "Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam."

    Fuit momentus impressivus, quando hymnus laudis Basilicam implevit. Magnificencia ecclesiae, pietas praesentium, et verba sublimia liturgiae cohaeserunt ad pulchram imaginem venerationis et fidei.

    Kalixtus hymnum laudis in Deum continuavit, dum populus ferventer cum cecinit. Cardinalis duxit populum in orationem devotionis et laudis, et praesentes spiritualem pacem profunde senserunt.

    Fuit momentus specialis communionis et elevationis spiritualis, dum Cardinalis Kalixtus Missam celebravit et populus in oratione et cantu cohaesit.

    [i]As he looked out over the assembled faithful, he felt the weight of the following words even more strongly. It was up to him to speak the words of the confession, which would accompany the congregation during this holy time of penance and renewal. "Frater, agnoscamus peccata nostra, ut apti simus ad sacra mysteria celebranda."

    With solemn dignity, he spoke the words of confession: "Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et vobis, fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, opere et omissione: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa."

    Kalixtus was always sure of his words and never spoke anything he did not mean perfectly. It was one of the cardinal's essential aspects to lay his finger on the wounds, not to remember them, but to heal them.

    He concluded the confession with the words: "Ideo precor omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum, Deum nostrum."

    Kalixtus knew that these words were not only significant for himself but for the entire congregation. It was a moment of pause and reflection, but also a moment of hope for a new chance to improve oneself towards God and one's neighbor. With a powerful voice, the anointing words followed: "Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam", to which everyone responded with "Amen".

    Cardinal Kalixtus now stood before the altar in the majestic basilica and began the next phase with a deep breath. The assembled congregation awaited the words of the cardinal with eager attention, while he folded his hands in prayer.

    "In nomine Patris et Prophetae Christos et Aristoteles. Amen", began Kalixtus solemnly, thus uttering further sacred words. Then he began with the Kyrie, the chant of the plea for mercy.

    "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison", sang Kalixtus with a clear and deep voice, while the congregation responded, "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison." The chant filled the basilica with a deep spiritual significance, and the attendees prayed with devotion.

    When the Kyrie was finished, the cardinal began with the Gloria, the chant of praise. "Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis", sang Kalixtus with full fervor, and the congregation responded with a solemn "Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam."

    It was an impressive moment as the chant of praise filled the basilica. The splendor of the church, the devotion of the attendees, and the sublime words of the liturgy united to form a beautiful image of worship and faith.

    Kalixtus continued with the praise of God, while the congregation sang fervently. The cardinal led the congregation in a prayer of devotion and praise, and the attendees felt filled with a deep spiritual peace.

    It was a special moment of community and spiritual elevation as Cardinal Kalixtus celebrated the mass and the congregation united in prayer and song.

    Als er den Blick über die versammelten Gläubigen schweifen ließ, spürte er die Bedeutung der folgenden Worte noch stärker. Es war an ihm, die Worte des Schuldbekenntnisses auszusprechen, die die Gemeinde in dieser heiligen Zeit der Buße und des Neubeginns begleiten würden. "Frater, agnoscamus peccata nostra, ut apti simus ad sacra mysteria celebranda."

    Mit feierlicher Würde sprach er die Worte des Bekenntnisses aus: "Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et vobis, fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, opere et omissione: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa."

    Kalixtus war sich seiner Worte stets sicher und sprach nie etwas aus was er nicht mit Vollkommenheit so meinte. Es war eines der wesentlichen Aspekte des Kardinals die Finger in die Wunden zu legen, nicht um sich ihrer zu erinnern, sondern um sie zu heilen.

    Er schloss das Schuldbekenntnis mit den Worten: "Ideo precor omnes Angelos et Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum, Deum nostrum."

    Kalixtus wusste, dass diese Worte nicht nur für ihn selbst, sondern für die gesamte Gemeinde von Bedeutung waren. Es war ein Moment des Innehaltens und der Besinnung, aber auch ein Moment der Hoffnung auf eine neue Chance, um sich Gott und seinen Nächsten gegenüber zu verbessern. Mit machvoller Stimme folgten die salbungsvollen Worte "Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam" woraufhin alle mit "Amen" antworteten.

    Kardinal Kalixtus stand nun vor dem Altar in der majestätischen Basilika und begann die nächste Phase mit einem tiefen Atemzug. Die versammelte Gemeinde erwartete mit gespannter Aufmerksamkeit die Worte des Kardinals, während er seine Hände zum Gebet faltete.

    "In nomine Patris et Prophetae Christos et Aristoteles. Amen", begann Kalixtus feierlich und sprach somit weitere heilige Worte. Dann begann er mit dem Kyrie, dem Gesang der Bitte um Barmherzigkeit.

    "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison", sang Kalixtus mit klarer und tiefer Stimme, während die Gemeinde antwortete: "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison." Der Gesang erfüllte die Basilika mit einer tiefen spirituellen Bedeutung, und die Anwesenden beteten mit Andacht.

    Als das Kyrie beendet war, begann der Kardinal mit dem Gloria, dem Gesang des Lobpreises. "Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis", sang Kalixtus mit voller Inbrunst, und die Gemeinde antwortete mit einem feierlichen "Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam."

    Es war ein eindrucksvoller Moment, als der Gesang des Lobpreises die Basilika erfüllte. Die Pracht der Kirche, die Andacht der Anwesenden und die erhabenen Worte der Liturgie vereinten sich zu einem wunderschönen Bild der Verehrung und des Glaubens.

    Kalixtus setzte fort mit dem Lobpreis auf Gott, während die Gemeinde mit Inbrunst mitsang. Der Kardinal führte die Gemeinde in einem Gebet der Hingabe und des Lobes, und die Anwesenden fühlten sich von einem tiefen spirituellen Frieden erfüllt.

    Es war ein besonderer Moment der Gemeinschaft und der spirituellen Erhebung, während Kardinal Kalixtus die Messe zelebrierte und die Gemeinde sich in Gebet und Gesang vereinte.

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Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2023
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 19, 2023 7:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The sun bathed the sky above Rome in a warm, golden light as the majestic ship slowly glided into the harbor. People had gathered along the harbor wall ready in the early hours of the morning, eager for the extraordinary event that would unfold that day. The whispers and murmurs of the crowd mingled with the gentle breeze as they waited expectantly for the arrival of the special ship that had caught the eye along the coast of Italy and on the Tiber.
    Rome, the Eternal City, breathed history and mystery. Its streets were crisscrossed with the traces of past civilizations, and its walls had heard the stories of countless kings, emperors, and rulers. And now another impressive figure would enter the fascinating chronicle of this city.
    On the deck of the ship, amidst an entourage of loyal followers and companions, Ifunanya, one of the most powerful rulers of southern Africa, eagerly awaited the moment when she would step onto the ancient streets of Rome. Excitement pulsed through her veins as she gazed with a mix of pride and humility at her impending encounter with a strange and fascinating world.
    Ifunanya, a majestic woman with white hair, was a queen of extraordinary beauty and grace. Her hair, once as dark as the African night, had lost the luster of youth over time and was now streaked with a shimmering silver. It was a sign of her wisdom, the years she had experienced, and the countless battles she had fought to protect her people.
    The robes she wore were a true masterpiece of craftsmanship. They were intricately woven and adorned with vibrant colors that embodied the rich heritage and cultural traditions of her homeland. Every stitch, every seam told a story of generations and conveyed the connection to their homeland and their royalty. The fabrics shimmered in the sunlight as if they caught and reflected the light itself.
    On her head, Ifunanya wore a magnificent Zulu hat adorned with elaborate patterns and glowing feathers. Golden bracelets wrapped around her arms, while sparkling jewelry adorned her hands and fingers. Each piece told a story of wealth, trade, and cultural exchange between nations.
    The moment had come. With regal grace, Ifunanya stepped off the ship and stepped onto solid ground. The crowd that had gathered along the streets could not take their eyes off her. Those present held their breath as they witnessed a truly regal apparition. The light of the sun played around her face and accentuated her radiant eyes, which reflected the fire and wisdom of past generations.
    A murmur went through the crowd as Ifunanya entered the streets of Rome. The Romans, who had rarely seen such a fascinating and exotic ruler, were spellbound by her grace and charisma. The streets were filled with a sea of eyes gazing at her admiringly as she gracefully passed.
    Ifunanya's arrival was more than a symbolic act of strength and cultural exchange. It was a living bridge between worlds, promoting understanding and appreciation of the rich diversity of African cultures. Time seemed to stand still in the streets of Rome as Ifunanya and her entourage strode majestically through the magnificent squares and narrow streets.
    The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of excitement, curiosity, and awe. The clinking of coins, the whispering of prayers, and the murmur of conversations blended into a unique tapestry of sound that provided the backdrop for this historic encounter.
    Its presence was like a breath of exoticism and elegance that inspired people's senses. The message of peace, culture and international understanding that she brought spread like an invisible spell that changed the hearts of the Romans forever. The streets of Rome were lined with people who came from all walks of life to catch a glimpse of this extraordinary woman. Children were lifted on shoulders to get a better look and adults crowded close together to catch a fleeting moment of eye contact.

    With the grace of a queen, Ifunanya enters the majestic Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri. Each of her steps exudes royal elegance as she enters the imposing interior. The sight of the church interior makes her hold her breath, as it seems as if she is entering another world - a world full of spiritual beauty and devotion.
    Ifunanya's first impression of the basilica is the soft light streaming through the artfully designed stained glass windows. It fills the room with a shimmering glow and makes the walls shine with an enchanting play of colors. The vivid tones, from delicate blues to warm reds, create a harmonious interplay that creates an atmosphere of calm and security.
    Her eyes wander to the elaborate frescoes that adorn the walls of the basilica. The narrative paintings transport them into dogmatic stories and glorify the saints in a truly masterful portrayal. The details in the paintings are so finely crafted that you can see the rays of the sun on a saint's face or feel the waves of the sea flowing through the painting. Ifunanya is deeply impressed by the artistry and the deep spiritual meaning of the frescoes and feels touched by them.
    As she slowly walks through the nave, she takes in the tranquil and awe-inspiring atmosphere. The basilica radiates an aura of contemplation and peace that quiets her thoughts. Amidst the silence and sublime beauty of the basilica, Ifunanya finds a place of inner contemplation and peace where she can connect with her faith and spirituality.
    The regal elegance with which she moves eventually leads her gaze to the main altar. This altar is the heart of the basilica and radiates a regal presence. Candle flames dance in the soft light and the scent of incense fills the air as Ifunanya feels a moment of humility before the divine. She recognizes the deep spiritual power emanating from this altar and feels drawn to it.
    The regal elegance of Ifunanya and her humility before faith can be felt in every step she takes and every glance she casts. She is deeply impressed by the splendor and beauty of the basilica and feels invited to find a moment of peace, contemplation, and faith in this spiritual oasis.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 20, 2023 7:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Basilica Romana Sancti Ioannis, quae etiam Basilica Iohannis appellatur, est una ex antiquissimis et importantissimis basilicis Romae. Lumen quod in ea incidit partem magnam habet in creanda atmosphera mystica. Basilica per altas fenestras et amplum atrium bene illuminatur. Lux per vitra colorata penetrat et lucem confusam in interiori loco efficit. Praesertim in die, cum sol per fenestras splendet, mosaici, picturae et structurae architectonicae calida lumine illustrantur, quod quandam sublimitatem conferat.

    Mystica experientia fidei et exercitationum in San Giovanni a luce amplificatur. Fideles basilicam intrant et a magnificentia architecturae ac elegantibus ornamentis imprimuntur. Lux et umbra mysteriosum praebent sensum, qui ad divinum et transcendens propius accedendum auxiliatur. Lux etiam praesentiam Dei, illuminationem eius et revelationem veritatis eius significat.

    Exercitationes, quae in San Giovanni celebrantur, sunt exercitia religiosa vel spiritualia, in quibus participes tempus in oratione, meditatione et reflexione impendunt. Lux, quae in basilica incidit, spatium idoneum praestat his praxibus spiritualibus. Lux calida et mollis tranquillam et pacificam atmosphaeram creavit, quae fidelibus permittit ab exteriori mundo secedere et in viam spiritualis progressus intentos esse. Lux etiam potest symbolum esse illuminationis mentis, dum fideles ad Deum suam relationem confirment et interiorem perceptionem acquirent.

    Etiam musica in Basilica Sancti Ioannis partes importantes agit. Sonus cantus choralis, organorum aut aliorum instrumentorum liturgicorum spatium implet et ad mysticam experientiam contribuit. Musica potest animos fidelium afficere, eos in statum meditativum inducere et eos profundius in fidem immergere. Colluvies luminis, architecturae et musicae creant experientiam integram et immersivam, quae fidelibus adiuvat, ut cum divino coniungantur et spiritualem transformationem experiantur.

    In summa, lumen quod in Basilica Romana Sancti Ioannis incidit atmosphaeram mysticam offert, quae fideles in fide et in exercitationibus spiritualibus adiuvat. Lux calida, coniuncta magnificentia architecturae et adiutorio musicae, spatium transcendendi et incrementum spiritualis offert.

    Kalixtus exercentias suas in sua basilica habere maluit, et ita ecclesiam cum sacerdotibus ad horam campanae et ad musicam ingressus est. Ad altare se inclinavit et dixit: "E nomine Deus et duae prophetae Christos et Aristoteles. Amen." Deinde oculos suos ad caelum direxit: "Deus, cum amore, te invoco et imploro, mihi miserere, et da mihi gratiam tuam." God, with love, I invoke and implore you, have mercy on me, and grant me your grace.

    Aspiciens ad praesentes dixit: "Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus. Amen." May the almighty God bless you. Amen. Dum haec dicebat, oculus eius in praesentia extraordinaria demisso, quale solum principes habent, fixus est. Kalixtus, ipse princeps, qui multos novit, coronavit et amicos habuit, et etiam eos sepelivit, id primo intuitu agnovit. Aristotelicam crucem supra eam designavit, deinde in thronum ante altare consedit, unde in mundum intueri videbatur. Acolythi thuribula agitabant et chorus canebat, dum verba Kalixti melodiis repletis navem ecclesiae circumdabant. Exercitationes erant mysteriosa conloquia cum metaphysica propria.

    O Deus bonus et misericors,
    adsto coram te ut conscientiam meam scrutarer.
    Te rogo, elucida intellectum et cor meum,
    ut cogitationes meas, verba et actus meos
    sincere et recte considerare possim.

    Ostende mihi, Domine, ubi voluntatem tuam impleverim,
    ubi alios dilexi et misericordiam praestiti,
    ubi viam veritatis et iustitiae secutus sum.
    Robora et conforta me in bonis decisionibus,
    quas feci.

    Sed etiam, Domine, revela mihi errores et omissa mea.
    Monstra mihi momenta, in quibus a te discessi,
    ubi in peccatum incidit, ubi alios afflixi.
    Da mihi gratiam paenitentiae et conversionis,
    ut veniam consequar et in tua gratia crescam.

    Domine, rogo te pro dono discretionis spiritualis,
    ut vocem tuam a hostis discernere possim.
    Adiuva me eligere bonum et malum respuere,
    ut in via tua progrediar.

    Conscientiam meam et vitam meam in manus tuas amantes trado,
    Domine. Suscipe me, sana me, conforma me voluntati tuae.
    Tibi gratias ago pro tua gratia et amore.
    In nomine Christi oro.


    The Roman Basilica of San Giovanni, also known as the Basilica of St. John, is one of the oldest and most important basilicas in Rome. Its illumination plays a significant role in creating a mystical atmosphere. The basilica is well lit with tall windows and a large atrium. The light penetrates through the colorful stained glass windows, creating a diffuse glow in the interior. Especially during the day, when the sun shines through the windows, the mosaics, paintings, and architectural details are illuminated with a warm light that conveys a sense of grandeur.

    The mystical experience of faith and the exercises in San Giovanni are enhanced by the play of light. The faithful enter the basilica and are impressed by its magnificent architecture and artistic decorations. The interplay of light and shadow creates a mysterious mood that helps people feel closer to the divine and the transcendent. The light also symbolizes the presence of God, His enlightenment, and the revelation of His truth.

    The exercises held in San Giovanni are religious practices or spiritual retreats in which participants spend time in prayer, meditation, and reflection. The illumination in the basilica provides an ideal space for these spiritual practices. The warm, gentle light creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere that allows the faithful to withdraw from the external world and focus on their spiritual journey. The light can also serve as a symbol of the enlightenment of the mind as believers deepen their relationship with God and gain inner insight.

    Music also plays an important role in the Basilica of San Giovanni. The sound of choir chants, organ music, or other liturgical instruments fills the space and contributes to the mystical experience. The music can resonate with the emotions of the faithful, put them in a meditative state, and immerse them deeper into their faith. The interplay of light, architecture, and music creates a holistic and immersive experience that helps the faithful connect with the divine and undergo a spiritual transformation.

    Overall, the illumination in the Roman Basilica of San Giovanni creates a mystical atmosphere that deepens the faith and spiritual practices of the faithful. The warm light, combined with the magnificent architecture and musical accompaniment, creates a space for transcendence and spiritual growth.

    Kalixtus preferred to hold his exercises in his basilica, and thus he entered his church with the clergy at the hour of the bell and to the music. He bowed before the altar and spoke: "E nomine Deus et duae prophetae Christos et Aristoteles. Amen." Then he raised his gaze towards heaven: "Deus, cum amore, te invoco et imploro, mihi miserere, et da mihi gratiam tuam." God, with love, I invoke and implore you, have mercy on me, and grant me your grace.

    Looking at those present, he said: "Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus. Amen" May the almighty God bless you. Amen. As he spoke these words, his gaze fell on an extraordinary presence, such as only rulers possess. Kalixtus, being a ruler himself, who knew, crowned, and befriended many, and also laid them to rest, recognized this at first sight. He drew the Aristotelian cross over it, then took his seat on the throne in front of the altar, from where he seemed to gaze upon the world. The acolytes swung the censers and the choir sang, while Kalixtus' words, filled with melody, enveloped the nave of the church. The exercises were a mystical engagement with one's own metaphysics.

    Good and merciful God,
    I come before you to examine my conscience.
    I ask you to enlighten my mind and my heart,
    so that I may honestly and sincerely examine my thoughts,
    words, and actions.

    Show me, Lord, where I have fulfilled your will,
    where I have shown love and mercy to others,
    where I have followed the path of truth and justice.
    Strengthen and encourage me in the good decisions
    I have made.

    But also, Lord, reveal to me my mistakes and omissions.
    Show me the moments when I have distanced myself from you,
    when I have fallen into sin, when I have caused harm to others.
    Grant me the grace of repentance and conversion,
    so that I may experience forgiveness and grow in your grace.

    Lord, I ask you for the gift of spiritual discernment,
    so that I may distinguish your voice from that of the enemy.
    Help me to choose the good and reject the evil,
    so that I may progress on your path.

    I entrust my conscience and my life into your loving hands,
    Lord. Accept me, heal me, shape me according to your will.
    I thank you for your grace and love.
    In the name of Christ, I pray.


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Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2023
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 24, 2023 1:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Ifunanya stood quietly in the Basilica of San Giovanni, attentively watching the cardinal's arrival. Her eyes followed his every move as he strode down the aisle with dignified steps. There was a hint of awe in the air as the cardinal approached. Ifunanya's gaze was fixed on him, and she could feel the dignity emanating from his presence. His posture radiated authority and spirituality as he walked with a quiet yet determined gait. His presence alone seemed to fill the room with a special energy that touched the hearts of the faithful. Ifunanya watched as the cardinal stopped in front of the altar and paused for a moment. His eyes lifted to heaven as he said a prayer in Latin. His connection to the divine was palpable, and Ifunanya could not help but be impressed by his spiritual commitment and deep devotion.
    Then, as the Cardinal gave his blessing to the faithful, Ifunanya felt a surge of joy and gratitude rise within her. She knew that this moment was special, an opportunity to receive the Cardinal's grace and blessing. The powerful sovereign stepped towards the cardinal with regal grace. Her steps were light and yet accompanied by an impressive dignity. Her suave figure radiated an aura of authority and grace as she approached the cardinal. As she stood before the cardinal, she bowed with an impressive elegance. Her movements were fluid and graceful as if she seemed to float through the air. Her head lowered gently as she placed her right hand lightly on her chest as a sign of respect and recognition of his spiritual authority. It was a moment of encounter between temporal power and spiritual leadership, a moment when the boundaries between kingdom and faith blurred.
    Those present witnessed this harmonious union between two powerful forces meeting in this sacred space. The ruler and the cardinal each embodied a form of might in their own way, and yet in that very moment, they expressed their humility and their faith.
    After Ifunanya greeted the cardinal, the ruler rose from her bow with sublime grace. A smile of recognition and appreciation adorned her face as she looked at the Cardinal. This graceful bowing of the Sovereign to the Cardinal symbolised not only respect for his spiritual authority, but also the deep humility and devotion she felt in her faith in the Divine. It was an expression of her willingness to bow to something greater and submit to the Cardinal's guidance and wisdom. That brief moment of encounter left a lasting impression of grace and reverence. It was a moment that captured the beauty and complexity of the relationship between worldly power and spiritual guidance, bringing them together in a harmonious symbiosis.
    The spiritual exercises began and Ifunanya took her place in the nave. She let the sound of the choir chants and organ music wash over her and felt the music permeate her soul. It was as if the melodies bridged the earthly and the divine, taking her to a deeper level of contemplation. As she sat in a pew, Ifunanya closed her eyes and let her mind wander to the spiritual teachings and wisdom she had learned throughout her life. She reflected on the challenges she had faced and how her faith had helped her overcome them. She reflected on the deep connection she felt with God and how this faith had strengthened her in difficult times. The Basilica Spiritual Exercises allowed her to dive deep into herself and explore her spiritual questions. She imagined how her faith could continue to grow and make her a better person. She reflected on how she could deepen her relationship with God and put her faith into practice to serve others and bring love and compassion to the world. During her reflection, Ifunanya felt an inner peace and clarity. She realised that the retreat at San Giovanni had helped her to connect more deeply with her faith and to create a space of silence and contemplation in her life. This space would strengthen her and help her deal with the challenges of everyday life and maintain an inner peace amidst the hustle and bustle of the world.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 03, 2023 4:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Baptism of Kobus

    Today, the Cardinal listened, surrounded by rising clouds of precious incense, to the voices of a new ensemble of mystics who enriched this almighty house of God with art and talent for His pleasure, thus uplifting the presence of God.

    Kalixtus sat in his liturgical vestments on the throne behind the altar. He listened to the music and awaited the arrival of Kobus, his godmother, and the guests he had with him.

    He appeared truly impressive, with an aura of otherworldly power surrounding the Cardinal continually. Acolytes brought the water for the baptismal font, which was set up in front of the altar, a work of art made of marble and gold. Candles were lit. The scent of incense and flowers, mingled with candle wax, filled the Cardinal's grand church.

    Everything was ready.

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Inscrit le: 21 Sep 2023
Messages: 24

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 05, 2023 4:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Kobus quietly entered the Basilica of San Giovanni dei Martiri. He opened his mouth wide, seeing the beautiful interior of the basilica, he could not comprehend how a human hand had accomplished such a work.
Tentatively and slowly, he walked down the middle of the temple toward the altar. He smelled the familiar scent of incense and his ears could hear the mystical chant of conversion and transformation.
As he got closer, he saw young men in white robes carrying water.
At the very end, he saw a cardinal who, with his eyes closed, was listening to the choruses.
Standing not far from the altar, he knelt down and gave himself up to prayers, in anticipation of the ceremony.
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Inscrit le: 04 Oct 2023
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 05, 2023 11:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Granius entered the Basilica, taking one of the benches closer to the altar, intended for the family, after all, she would be Kobus' godmother. She knelt down, folding her hands. She rested her head on them, immersed in prayer. For the happiness that came to her thanks to the grace of the Most High, who gave her the opportunity to strengthen Kobus in this promise and, in case of moments of doubt, to offer advice and help. She sighed, slowly raising her eyelids. Green irises rested trustingly on the carved altar. She was happy and calm. She looked around.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 07, 2023 8:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Baptism of Kobus

      The cardinal's ice-blue eyes focused on the young man who approached the altar of God, almost timidly. The bells of his basilica underscored the sublime scene like a painting. Today marks a new chapter, a new reality of life. For all past sins are washed away and fade; today, a new life begins, and Kalixtus had the honor of ushering in this life, much like his bell.

      The smile he gave Kobus was sacred and filled with the deep spirituality that flowed through him, for here at the altar, he acted in the name of God himself, and His energy coursed through him like warm, gold-infused water. All he felt was love and mercy. His eyes shone with the certainty of being a tool of the Lord. His grace flowed through him, enveloped him, and lifted him. He beckoned him closer while gently swinging the thurible, much like the pendulum of an old clock. Time was meaningless in his world. The joy he felt he bestowed upon Kobus, who could use it as internal catharsis to overcome his nervousness. Today, he met only friends and love.

      When he saw Granius arrive, he also beckoned her forward. The cardinal rose from his throne and reached for his episcopal staff. He circled the altar, followed by the Baculifer.

      Welcome. Kalixtus' warm voice pervaded the church like a wave washing over a distant shore, enveloping it and reflecting. Like hundreds of waves converging into a symphony, echoing gently off the high walls and the vaulted ceiling. Welcome, dear Kobus, dear Granius, to the holy sacrament of baptism. Baptism that leads us into the community of Aristotles and allows us to partake in the community of the Saints, thus connecting the earthly with the divine into unity. Kalixtus handed the episcopal staff to the Baculifer, emphasizing his words with both hands, welcoming with open arms and embracing their hands to symbolize the unity of communities.

      In our religion, it is always about unity. Unity of faith, unity with the dogma, the church, with ourselves, but above all, unity with the truth of our decisions. For God expects honest and freely made choices from us. This applies, and especially so, to baptism. It is the symbol and the act of inner and outer connection with God, who created us in all our individuality during the act of creation but only takes our hand in the act of baptism, the hand we reach out, and the hand we take. Here and today, we bear witness to this connection that will be indelibly forged for a lifetime and beyond. No mortal being, no earthly law can break this bond that is being forged today between God and you, dear Kobus.

      In this sense, you're having a truly challenging day today. But do not worry - God's first commandment is love. In love, there is no sadness, no fear, no doubt. In pure, true, divine love, all virtues are united. It is the personification of God Himself.

      So, I welcome you here to the Basilica of Saint John the Martyr, who had his own love story with God and the prophet Christos. A unique mission. We all fulfill ours in our own way, but as children of God, our hearts unite and stand equally before God.

      Let us pray:

        Almighty Father,
        bless Kobus and bless this day of new beginnings. Smile upon Kobus and embrace him, Lord, with your wisdom and love. Teach Kobus to follow his own path through life and help him fulfill the mission of his soul. Teach him to live life with a peaceful heart, to show compassion to the needy, to be a true friend, and to show gratitude in the way of living love, faith, hope, and charity.


      Kalixtus' prayer enveloped the basilica, and afterward, the voices of the choir and Kalixtus rose to the Litaniae Sanctorum - the Litany of the Saints. Like all sacraments, Kalixtus invoked the presence of the Saints and the Blessed. He connected the earthly with the divine, the community of the Aristotles with the community of the Saints. Kalixtus felt their presence, and a smile graced the face of the clergyman.

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