L'Eglise Aristotelicienne Romaine The Roman and Aristotelic Church Forum RP de l'Eglise Aristotelicienne du jeu en ligne RR Forum RP for the Aristotelic Church of the RK online game 
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018 Messages: 3052
Posté le: Mer Mar 06, 2019 9:43 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats
We, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet,:
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Adonnis Ferreira Queiroz de Silva e Sagres [Adonnis ] as new portuguese Translator. He will work inside the portuguese Office of Translations.
May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On VI of March, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches |
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018 Messages: 3052
Posté le: Dim Avr 07, 2019 3:40 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats
We, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoche [Krasoljub ] as new Croatian Vice-Prefect. He will organize the Croatian Office of Translations. He will be the official inside this prefecture and responsible for the croatian geodogmatic zone. Now he can order the croatian translators into working groups and guide the translation teams within their work processes.
May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On IV of April, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches |
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018 Messages: 3052
Posté le: Mar Juil 16, 2019 5:25 pm Sujet du message: |
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Work efficiancy of the Villa of St.Loyat
We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
decided in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats that currently the term [ALL] is defined with the following languages:
English, French, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, Spanish and Portuguese as those are the currently active linguistic teams within the villa.
The term gets redefined as soon as a language is added to the roaster or a language team falls inactive to our dislike.
All texts within the Artrium get efficiantly as soon as possible translated in said languages. If texts are translated into all those aforementioned languages, the request gets archived and a bookmark gets created as a reminder for possible added new languages in future.
May our path be blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On X of July, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
Code: | [quote][img]https://redcdn.net/hpimg11/pics/405005CDFentete.png[/img]
[list][color=darkred][size=18][b]Work efficiancy of the Villa of St.Loyat[/b][/size][/color]
[b]We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, : [/b]
[list][i]decided in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats that currently the term [ALL] is defined with the following languages:
English, French, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, Spanish and Portuguese as those are the currently active linguistic teams within the villa.
The term gets redefined as soon as a language is added to the roaster or a language team falls inactive to our dislike.
All texts within the Artrium get efficiantly as soon as possible translated in said languages. If texts are translated into all those aforementioned languages, the request gets archived and a bookmark gets created as a reminder for possible added new languages in future.
May our path be blessed by the Most High
[b]Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On X of July, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV [/b]
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
[img]https://i.imgur.com/ozMF6Bd.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote] |
Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches |
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Kalixtus Cardinal

Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013 Messages: 14398 Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj
Posté le: Ven Fév 21, 2020 11:59 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment as Prefect of the Office of Translators (Villa San Loyats)
Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Vice-Dean of the Holy Curia, Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the Papal University, Theologian, Inquisitor etc. etc. under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets
With immediate effect, We order the appointment of Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala [Yuri00] as new Prefect of the Office of Translators (Villa San Loyats):
In this responsibility he has been granted the power of leadership according to the CIC on the recognition and administration of the Office of Translators (Villa San Loyats).
The CDF welcomes him in his new role of leadership and looks forward to working together with him on the effective pillars of our Holy Mother Church.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Given in Roma, ante diem IX Kalendis Martii anno Domini MCDLXVIII
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Alessandro Della Scala
Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015 Messages: 1679 Localisation: Rome and Modena
Posté le: Dim Mar 01, 2020 10:02 pm Sujet du message: |
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Congregation of the People's Evangelization
As Prefect of Villa St. Loyats, We, Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala, announce the opening of the applications to become translator of the Villa St. Loyats.
All interested can send a letter directly (private message) to me specifying the known languages, the Villa is looking for translators for each language.
For the glory of the Holy Roman Church,
The General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala

Signed and sealed on the I day of the III month of the year MCDLXVIII |
------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena | |
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Alessandro Della Scala
Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015 Messages: 1679 Localisation: Rome and Modena
Posté le: Mer Mai 20, 2020 11:18 am Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Varron at the charge of Translator for the Villa St. Loyats
We, Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala, Roman Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats,
With immediate effect, We announce that Varron has been appointment at the charge of Translator in the Prefecture of Villa St. Loyats.
We wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future into this glorious Congregation.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Given in Roma, XIII Kalendas Majus anno Domini MCDLXVIII
------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena | |
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Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia Cardinal

Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018 Messages: 1472 Localisation: Udine
Posté le: Sam Mai 21, 2022 10:58 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats
We, Ettore Asburgo d'Argovia, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop of Udine, Primate of the Venices in front of the Most High and under the sight the Prophets:
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Marco Ibleto Polo d'Oria Borbone [marco_depolis] as new Italian Vice-Prefect. He will organize the Italian Office of Translations. He will be the official inside this prefecture and responsible for the italian geodogmatic zone. Now he can order the italian translators into working groups and guide the translation teams within their work processes.
May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On XXII of May, year of grace MCDLXX, under the reign of H.H. Sixtus IV
_________________ + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V
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Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia Cardinal

Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018 Messages: 1472 Localisation: Udine
Posté le: Lun Juin 06, 2022 6:50 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Sciabola at the charge of Translator for the Villa St. Loyats
We, Ettore Asburgo d'Argovia, Roman Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats,
With immediate effect, We announce that Sciabola has been appointment at the charge of Translator in the Prefecture of Villa St. Loyats.
We wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future into this glorious Congregation.
Omnia mea mecum porto.
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On VI of June, year of grace MCDLXX, under the reign of H.H. Sixtus IV
_________________ + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V
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Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia Cardinal

Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018 Messages: 1472 Localisation: Udine
Posté le: Jeu Juin 01, 2023 11:36 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Cinead at the charge of Translator for the Villa St. Loyats
We, Ettore Asburgo d'Argovia, Roman Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats,
With immediate effect, We announce that Cinead has been appointment at the charge of Translator in the Prefecture of Villa St. Loyats.
We wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future into this glorious Congregation.
Omnia mea mecum porto.
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On I of June, year of grace MCDLXXI, under the reign of H.H. Sixtus IV
_________________ + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V
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Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia Cardinal

Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018 Messages: 1472 Localisation: Udine
Posté le: Lun Juil 03, 2023 11:41 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Ifunanya at the charge of Translator for the Villa St. Loyats
We, Ettore Asburgo d'Argovia, Roman Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats,
With immediate effect, We announce that Ifunanya has been appointment at the charge of Translator in the Prefecture of Villa St. Loyats.
We wish her all the best and God's blessing for his future into this glorious Congregation.
Omnia mea mecum porto.
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On III of July, year of grace MCDLXXI, under the reign of H.H. Sixtus IV
_________________ + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V
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Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia Cardinal

Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018 Messages: 1472 Localisation: Udine
Posté le: Lun Oct 02, 2023 11:35 am Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Mucky at the charge of Translator for the Villa St. Loyats
We, Ettore Asburgo d'Argovia, Roman Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats,
With immediate effect, We announce that Mucky has been appointment at the charge of Translator in the Prefecture of Villa St. Loyats.
We wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future into this glorious Congregation.
Omnia mea mecum porto.
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On II of October, year of grace MCDLXXI, under the reign of H.H. Sixtus IV
_________________ + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V
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