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[Annonces] Collèges Héraldiques Pontificaux / Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4004
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 18, 2023 6:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Acri Iudicio Perpens
    Abolition de la Constitutio Lausonii

    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Considérant avec gravité que la « Constitutio Lausonii », régissant le fief de Lausanne et le statut particulier qui lui a été accordé, est devenue superflue et dépourvue de sens à la suite de la destitution par dérogeance de la première titulaire du fief de Lausanne et du retrait de la reconnaissance par la Sainte Eglise du dénommé ordre lausannois en raison de graves manquements à ses devoirs, principaux bénéficiaires des dispositions particulières contenues dans ladite Constitution, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons l'abolition de la « Constitutio Lausonii » sur Lausanne et sa structure féodale. Par conséquent, le fief de Lausanne est désormais régi entièrement et uniquement par les dispositions héraldiques ordinaires contenues dans les « Constitutiones Sancti Olcovidii » sur les États de l’Église et la Noblesse Pontificale.

    Donné à Rome, sur la tombe vénérée de Saint Titus Prince des Apôtres, le vingtième jour du mois de février, le vendredi, de l'an de grâce MCDLXXI, le cinquième de Notre Pontificat, troisième de l'Ère de la Restauration de la Foi.

[color=transparent]........ [/color][img]https://i.postimg.cc/sxy8CFHQ/Coa4-bl.png[/img]
[list][color=#FFCC33][size=24][b]Acri Iudicio Perpens[/b][/size]
[i]Abolition de la Constitutio Lausonii[/i][/color]

[b][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Considérant avec gravité que la [i]« Constitutio Lausonii »[/i], régissant le fief de Lausanne et le statut particulier qui lui a été accordé, est devenue superflue et dépourvue de sens à la suite de la destitution par dérogeance de la première titulaire du fief de Lausanne et du retrait de la reconnaissance par la Sainte Eglise du dénommé ordre lausannois en raison de graves manquements à ses devoirs, principaux bénéficiaires des dispositions particulières contenues dans ladite Constitution, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons l'abolition de la [i]« Constitutio Lausonii »[/i] sur Lausanne et sa structure féodale. Par conséquent, le fief de Lausanne est désormais régi entièrement et uniquement par les dispositions héraldiques ordinaires contenues dans les [i]« Constitutiones Sancti Olcovidii »[/i] sur les États de l’Église et la Noblesse Pontificale.

[i]Donné à Rome, sur la tombe vénérée de Saint Titus Prince des Apôtres, le vingtième jour du mois de février, le vendredi, de l'an de grâce MCDLXXI, le cinquième de Notre Pontificat, troisième de l'Ère de la Restauration de la Foi.



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 06, 2023 4:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    On the death of certain nobles in the Equestrian Order

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop sine cura of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop sine cura of Urgell, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    After confirming the death of two nobles of the Equestrian Order, and considering that canon 33 of the Ordinance of St. Thanos the Apostle prescribes the opening of the succession procedure in case of death or disappearance for more than four months of the papal noble,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order the opening of the procedure for the succession of Arduino Della Scala [ Gropius ] Marquis of Santa Marinella (Patrimony of San Tito); Della de la Mirandole [ Della ] Baronne de Lagosanto (Ferrare);

    Whereas, according to canon 34 of the Ordinance of St. Thanos the Apostle, the succession procedure can only be initiated in the presence of a family tree or a will registered in the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges which makes it possible to determine the line of inheritance, according to canon 35 of the said Ordinance,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the succession procedure not be initiated and that the corresponding titles be returned to the full availability of the Sovereign Pontiff for Arduino Della Scala [ Gropius ] Marqués de Santa Marinella (Patrimonio de San Tito); Della de la Mirandole [ Della ] Baronne de Lagosanto (Ferrare);

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, this sixth day of October in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]On the death of certain nobles in the Equestrian Order[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Urgell, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

After confirming the death of two nobles of the Equestrian Order, and considering that canon 33 of the Ordinance of St. Thanos the Apostle prescribes the opening of the succession procedure in case of death or disappearance for more than four months of the papal noble,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order the opening of the procedure for the succession of Arduino Della Scala [size=9][b][ Gropius ][/b][/size] Marquis of Santa Marinella (Patrimony of San Tito); Della de la Mirandole [size=9][b][ Della ][/b][/size] Baronne de Lagosanto (Ferrare);

Whereas, according to canon 34 of the Ordinance of St. Thanos the Apostle, the succession procedure can only be initiated in the presence of a family tree or a will registered in the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges which makes it possible to determine the line of inheritance, according to canon 35 of the said Ordinance,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the succession procedure not be initiated and that the corresponding titles be returned to the full availability of the Sovereign Pontiff for Arduino Della Scala [size=9][b][ Gropius ][/b][/size] Marqués de Santa Marinella (Patrimonio de San Tito); Della de la Mirandole [size=9][b][ Della ][/b][/size] Baronne de Lagosanto (Ferrare);

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, this sixth day of October in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 10, 2023 3:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    Accreditation of apprentice in heraldry

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the accreditation of :

    • Liliana Alcaraz de Entenza [ Lide. ] as apprentice in heraldry ;

    These accreditations comes with the right to sit in the Heraldic College of the Clergy, in the Palazzo San Benedetto.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, this tenth day of October in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]Accreditation of apprentice in heraldry[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the accreditation of :
[*][b]Liliana Alcaraz de Entenza [size=9][ Lide. ][/size][/b] as apprentice in heraldry ;[/list]

These accreditations comes with the right to sit in the Heraldic College of the Clergy, in the Palazzo San Benedetto.

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, this tenth day of October in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 24, 2023 3:46 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    Accreditation of apprentice in heraldry

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the accreditation of :

    • Anna Carolina Barceló Bourdieu [ Anna.Barcelo ] as apprentice in heraldry ;

    These accreditations comes with the right to sit in the Heraldic College of the Clergy, in the Palazzo San Benedetto.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, this twenty-fourth day of October in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]Accreditation of apprentice in heraldry[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the accreditation of :
[*][b]Anna Carolina Barceló Bourdieu [size=9][ Anna.Barcelo ][/size][/b] as apprentice in heraldry ;[/list]

These accreditations comes with the right to sit in the Heraldic College of the Clergy, in the Palazzo San Benedetto.

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, this twenty-fourth day of October in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2024 8:28 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    On the resignation of two nobles from the Senatorial Order

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop sine cura of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop sine cura of Urgell, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    We hereby announce to all the Princes, Marquises, Dukes, Counts, Viscounts, Viscounts, Barons and Lords of the Equestrian and Senatorial Orders of the Papal States; to Prelates, Clerics and Ecclesiastics; to Cities, Villages and Communities; and to all others, both subjects and vassals of His Holiness, as well as to all the faithful of all nations; whatever their dignity, quality and condition.

    In view of the public renunciation that took place during the oath renewal ceremony on the feast of Saint Titus in the year 1471 of our Lord, performed by two nobles of the Senatorial Order. We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order, the separation of the senatorial order of Alix du Vivie [ Alix_du_vivier ] Ecuyère Palatine de Saint-Jean de Latran; and Orée [ Oree ] Baronne Palatine de Saint-Jean de Latran;

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, this sixth day of January in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]On the resignation of two nobles from the Senatorial Order[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Urgell, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

We hereby announce to all the Princes, Marquises, Dukes, Counts, Viscounts, Viscounts, Barons and Lords of the Equestrian and Senatorial Orders of the Papal States; to Prelates, Clerics and Ecclesiastics; to Cities, Villages and Communities; and to all others, both subjects and vassals of His Holiness, as well as to all the faithful of all nations; whatever their dignity, quality and condition.

In view of the public renunciation that took place during the oath renewal ceremony on the feast of Saint Titus in the year 1471 of our Lord, performed by two nobles of the Senatorial Order.  We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order, the separation of the senatorial order of Alix du Vivie [size=9][b][ Alix_du_vivier ][/b][/size] Ecuyère Palatine de Saint-Jean de Latran; and Orée [size=9][b][ Oree ][/b][/size] Baronne Palatine de Saint-Jean de Latran;

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, this sixth day of January in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2024 9:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    On certain nobles who have disappeared from the Senate Order

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop sine cura of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop sine cura of Urgell, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    After a long and meticulous inspection and appropriate checks of the internal registers of the Colleges, we found that some nobles from the Senatorial Order have been absent for a long time and no information on their current status could be obtained.

    Considering that Canon 33 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos Apostle sets at four months the period of disappearance for the opening of the succession, and therefore for the transfer of the title, and that, in accordance with Article III-36 of the Constitutiones Sancti Olcovidii, the titles of Senatorial Order are granted on a personal and life-long basis and are therefore not transferable by inheritance,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, we declare, rule and order the disqualification of the title of Countess Palatine of St John Lateran granted to Onael d'Appérault [ Onael_ ]; the title of Baron Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Acar de Ventoux [ Acar ]; the title of squire Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Aravis Almara Zelenko Viana [ Aravis ]; the title of Count Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Arthur Euzen Sixte De Nivellus [ Arthur_II ]; the title of Squire Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Pawcio [ Pawcio ]; the title of Squire Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Zwentibold [ Zwentibold ]

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, this seventh day of January in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]On certain nobles who have disappeared from the Senate Order[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Urgell, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

After a long and meticulous inspection and appropriate checks of the internal registers of the Colleges, we found that some nobles from the Senatorial Order have been absent for a long time and no information on their current status could be obtained.

Considering that Canon 33 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos Apostle sets at four months the period of disappearance for the opening of the succession, and therefore for the transfer of the title, and that, in accordance with Article III-36 of the Constitutiones Sancti Olcovidii, the titles of Senatorial Order are granted on a personal and life-long basis and are therefore not transferable by inheritance,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, we declare, rule and order the disqualification of the title of Countess Palatine of St John Lateran granted to Onael d'Appérault [size=9][b][ Onael_ ][/b][/size];  the title of Baron Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Acar de Ventoux [size=9][b][ Acar ][/b][/size];  the title of squire Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Aravis Almara Zelenko Viana [size=9][b][ Aravis ][/b][/size];  the title of Count Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Arthur Euzen Sixte De Nivellus [size=9][b][ Arthur_II ][/b][/size];  the title of Squire Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Pawcio [size=9][b][ Pawcio ][/b][/size];  the title of Squire Palatine of Saint John Lateran granted to Zwentibold [size=9][b][ Zwentibold ][/b][/size]

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, this seventh day of January in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2024 10:03 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    On certain nobles who have disappeared from the Equestrian Order

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop sine cura of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop sine cura of Urgell, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    After a long and careful inspection and appropriate checks of the internal registers of the Colleges, we found that some nobles from the Equestrian Order had been absent for a long time and no information on their current status could be obtained.

    Whereas canon 33 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos Apostle prescribes the opening of the succession procedure in the event of the death or disappearance for more than four months of the pontifical noble,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order the opening of succession proceedings for Aaron de Nagan [ Aaron ] prince of Sarsina (Urbino); Adélaïde Béatrice Vivianne di Cyrille d'Arborea [ Alelaide ] marquise de Albano Laziale (Latium); Beatrix Algrave Nunes Marques Henriques [ Beatrix_algrave ] , Baronne de Torriana (Romagne); Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [ Charles_Antoine ] , comte de Montegridolfo (Urbino); Christian Dondi de Falconieri [ Spartaelcid ] , Baron de Contigliano (Sabine); Ginevra Nerissa Lannister Aleramica del Vasto [ Nephti ] , comtesse d'Aprilia (Latium); Melissandre de Malemort [ melissandre_malemort ] , vicomtesse de Vicovaro (Latium),

    Considering that, in accordance with canon 34 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos the Apostle, the succession procedure can only be initiated in the presence of a family tree or a will registered with the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges which makes it possible to determine the line of succession, in accordance with canon 35 of the said Ordinance,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the succession procedure not be initiated and that the corresponding titles be returned to the full availability of the Sovereign Pontiff for Aaron de Nagan [ Aaron ] prince of Sarsina (Urbino); Adélaïde Béatrice Vivianne di Cyrille d'Arborea [ Alelaide ] marquise de Albano Laziale (Latium); Beatrix Algrave Nunes Marques Henriques [ Beatrix_algrave ] , Baronne de Torriana (Romagne); Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [ Charles_Antoine ] , comte de Montegridolfo (Urbino); Christian Dondi de Falconieri [ Spartaelcid ] , Baron de Contigliano (Sabine); Ginevra Nerissa Lannister Aleramica del Vasto [ Nephti ] , comtesse d'Aprilia (Latium); Melissandre de Malemort [ melissandre_malemort ] , vicomtesse de Vicovaro (Latium),

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, this seventh day of January in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]On certain nobles who have disappeared from the Equestrian Order[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Urgell, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

After a long and careful inspection and appropriate checks of the internal registers of the Colleges, we found that some nobles from the Equestrian Order had been absent for a long time and no information on their current status could be obtained.

Whereas canon 33 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos Apostle prescribes the opening of the succession procedure in the event of the death or disappearance for more than four months of the pontifical noble,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order the opening of succession proceedings for Aaron de Nagan [size=9][b][ Aaron ][/b][/size] prince of Sarsina (Urbino); Adélaïde Béatrice Vivianne di Cyrille d'Arborea [size=9][b][ Alelaide ][/b][/size] marquise de Albano Laziale (Latium); Beatrix Algrave Nunes Marques Henriques [size=9][b][ Beatrix_algrave ] [/b][/size], Baronne de Torriana (Romagne); Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [size=9][b][ Charles_Antoine ] [/b][/size], comte de Montegridolfo (Urbino); Christian Dondi de Falconieri [size=9][b][ Spartaelcid ] [/b][/size], Baron de Contigliano (Sabine); Ginevra Nerissa Lannister Aleramica del Vasto [size=9][b][ Nephti ] [/b][/size], comtesse d'Aprilia (Latium); Melissandre de Malemort [size=9][b][ melissandre_malemort ] [/b][/size], vicomtesse de Vicovaro (Latium),

Considering that, in accordance with canon 34 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos the Apostle, the succession procedure can only be initiated in the presence of a family tree or a will registered with the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges which makes it possible to determine the line of succession, in accordance with canon 35 of the said Ordinance,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the succession procedure not be initiated and that the corresponding titles be returned to the full availability of the Sovereign Pontiff for Aaron de Nagan [size=9][b][ Aaron ][/b][/size] prince of Sarsina (Urbino); Adélaïde Béatrice Vivianne di Cyrille d'Arborea [size=9][b][ Alelaide ][/b][/size] marquise de Albano Laziale (Latium); Beatrix Algrave Nunes Marques Henriques [size=9][b][ Beatrix_algrave ] [/b][/size], Baronne de Torriana (Romagne); Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [size=9][b][ Charles_Antoine ] [/b][/size], comte de Montegridolfo (Urbino); Christian Dondi de Falconieri [size=9][b][ Spartaelcid ] [/b][/size], Baron de Contigliano (Sabine); Ginevra Nerissa Lannister Aleramica del Vasto [size=9][b][ Nephti ] [/b][/size], comtesse d'Aprilia (Latium); Melissandre de Malemort [size=9][b][ melissandre_malemort ] [/b][/size], vicomtesse de Vicovaro (Latium),

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, this seventh day of January in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 18, 2024 4:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    Sur certains nobles disparus de l'Ordre équestre

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux, Cardinal Évêque des Quatre Saints Couronnés, Cardinal Vicaire Grand Inquisiteur, Prélat d'honneur de Sa Sainteté, Archevêque sine cura de Sàssari et Urbino, évêque sine cura d'Urgell, comte de Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, gouverneur d'Urbino, chancelier de l'ordre de Saint-Nicolas V, à la lumière du Très-Haut et sous le regard de ses deux saints prophètes, Aristote et Christo :
    En notre qualité de Préfet et d'Officier héraldique des Collèges héraldiques pontificaux, par la volonté et l'ordre de Sa Sainteté le Pape Sixte IV:

    Après avoir reçu la nouvelle de la mort de Sa Majesté Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues, baron de Monterado (Pesaro), et assisté à ses funérailles. Considérant que le canon 33 de l'Ordonnance de Saint Thanos Apôtre prescrit l'ouverture de la procédure de succession en cas de décès ou de disparition pour plus de quatre mois du noble pontifical,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'ouverture de la procédure de succession pour Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [ Enriique ] baron de Monterado (Pesaro);

    Considérant que, conformément au canon 34 de l'Ordonnance de Saint Thanos Apôtre, ne peut être initiée qu'en présence d'un arbre généalogique ou d'un testament enregistré auprès des Collèges héraldiques pontificaux qui permet de déterminer la ligne de succession, en vertu du canon 35 de ladite Ordonnance,

    Ayant examiné le testament, présenté et enregistré auprès des Collèges Héraldiques Pontificaux, et ayant jugé que la ligne de succession qui y est représentée est conforme aux normes en vigueur en matière de succession,

    Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la convocation de son Altesse Aurora Legrat Wetminster [ Aurora ], héritier testamentaire de Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [ Enriique ] baron de Monterado (Pesaro), et toutes autres personnes ayant intérêt, à l'ouverture et à la lecture dudit testament. Nous rappelons qu'en cas de contestation de ce testament, conformément au canon 40 de l'Ordonnance de Saint Thanos Apôtre, tout prétendant au titre peut demander la suspension de la procédure de succession aufin d'assurer les contrôles nécessaires sur la ligne de succession.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Donné à Rome, le XVIIIe jour du Ie mois de l'année de grâce MCDLXXII de Notre Seigneur



    Colegios Heraldicos Pontificios
    Sobre ciertos nobles desaparecidos de la Orden Ecuestre

    Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Decano del Sagrado Colegio Cardenalicio, Cardenal Obispo de los Santos Cuatro Coronados, Cardenal Vicario Gran Inquisidor, Prelado de Honor de Su Santidad, Arzobispo sine cura de Sàssari y Urbino, obispo sine cura de Urgell, Conde del Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Gobernador de Urbino, Canciller de la Orden de San Nicolás V, a la luz del Altísimo y bajo la mirada de sus dos santos profetas, Aristóteles y Cristo:
    En nuestra calidad de Prefecto y Oficial Heráldico de los Colegios Pontificios Heráldicos, por voluntad y orden de Su Santidad el Papa Sixto IV.

    Tras recibir la noticia del fallecimiento de Su Majestad Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues, Barón de Monterado (Pesaro), y asistir a su funeral. Considerando que el canon 33 de la Ordenanza de San Thanos Apóstol prescribe la apertura del procedimiento sucesorio en caso de muerte o desaparición durante más de cuatro meses del noble papal,

    Hemos dictaminado y ordenado, y por nuestro presente edicto perpetuo y definitivo, dictaminamos y ordenamos la apertura del procedimiento sucesorio de Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [ Enriique ] Barón de Monterado (Pesaro);

    Considerando que, de acuerdo con el canon 34 de la Ordenanza de San Thanos Apóstol, sólo puede iniciarse en presencia de un árbol genealógico o de un testamento registrado en los Colegios Pontificios Heráldicos que permita determinar la línea de sucesión, en el canon 35 de dicha Ordenanza,

    Habiendo examinado el testamento, presentado y registrado en los Colegios Pontificios Heráldicos, y habiendo juzgado que la línea sucesoria en él representada se ajusta a las normas vigentes en materia de sucesión,

    Hemos gobernado y ordenado, y por nuestro presente edicto perpetuo y definitivo, digamos, gobernamos y ordenamos la convocatoria de Su Alteza Aurora Legrat Wetminster [ Aurora ], heredero testamentario de Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [ Enriique ] Barón de Monterado (Pesaro), y todas las demás personas que tengan interés en la apertura y lectura del citado testamento. Le recordamos que en caso de impugnación de este testamento, de acuerdo con el canon 40 de la Ordenanza de San Thanos Apóstol, cualquier reclamante del título podrá solicitar la suspensión del procedimiento sucesorio para garantizar los controles necesarios en la línea. de sucesión. .

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Dado en Roma, a los 18 días del primer mes del año de gracia MCDLXXII de Nuestro Señor


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]Sur certains nobles disparus de l'Ordre équestre[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux, Cardinal Évêque des Quatre Saints Couronnés, Cardinal Vicaire Grand Inquisiteur, Prélat d'honneur de Sa Sainteté, Archevêque [i]sine cura[/i] de Sàssari et Urbino, évêque [i]sine cura[/i] d'Urgell, comte de Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, gouverneur d'Urbino, chancelier de l'ordre de Saint-Nicolas V, à la lumière du Très-Haut et sous le regard de ses deux saints prophètes, Aristote et Christo :
En notre qualité de Préfet et d'Officier héraldique des Collèges héraldiques pontificaux, par la volonté et l'ordre de Sa Sainteté le Pape Sixte IV:[/b]

Après avoir reçu la nouvelle de la mort de Sa Majesté Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues, baron de Monterado (Pesaro), et assisté à ses funérailles. Considérant que le canon 33 de l'Ordonnance de Saint Thanos Apôtre prescrit l'ouverture de la procédure de succession en cas de décès ou de disparition pour plus de quatre mois du noble pontifical,

Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'ouverture de la procédure de succession pour Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [size=9][b][ Enriique ][/b][/size] baron de Monterado (Pesaro);

Considérant que, conformément au canon 34 de l'Ordonnance de Saint Thanos Apôtre, ne peut être initiée qu'en présence d'un arbre généalogique ou d'un testament enregistré auprès des Collèges héraldiques pontificaux qui permet de déterminer la ligne de succession, en vertu du canon 35 de ladite Ordonnance,

Ayant examiné le testament, présenté et enregistré auprès des Collèges Héraldiques Pontificaux, et ayant jugé que la ligne de succession qui y est représentée est conforme aux normes en vigueur en matière de succession,

Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la convocation de son Altesse Aurora Legrat Wetminster [size=9][b][ Aurora ][/b][/size], héritier testamentaire de Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [size=9][b][ Enriique ][/b][/size] baron de Monterado (Pesaro), et toutes autres personnes ayant intérêt, à l'ouverture et à la lecture dudit testament. Nous rappelons qu'en cas de contestation de ce testament, conformément au canon 40 de l'Ordonnance de Saint Thanos Apôtre, tout prétendant au titre peut demander la suspension de la procédure de succession aufin d'assurer les contrôles nécessaires sur la ligne de succession.

[b][i]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Donné à Rome, le XVIIIe jour du Ie mois de l'année de grâce MCDLXXII de Notre Seigneur [/b]



[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]C[/color]olegios [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldicos [color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontificios[/b][/size]
[size=16]Sobre ciertos nobles desaparecidos de la Orden Ecuestre[/size][/i]

[b]Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
Decano del Sagrado Colegio Cardenalicio, Cardenal Obispo de los Santos Cuatro Coronados, Cardenal Vicario Gran Inquisidor, Prelado de Honor de Su Santidad, Arzobispo [i]sine cura[/i] de Sàssari y Urbino, obispo [i]sine cura[/i] de Urgell, Conde del Pallars de Jussa, Baró d'Abella, Gobernador de Urbino, Canciller de la Orden de San Nicolás V, a la luz del Altísimo y bajo la mirada de sus dos santos profetas, Aristóteles y Cristo:
En nuestra calidad de Prefecto y Oficial Heráldico de los Colegios Pontificios Heráldicos, por voluntad y orden de Su Santidad el Papa Sixto IV.[/b]

Tras recibir la noticia del fallecimiento de Su Majestad Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues, Barón de Monterado (Pesaro), y asistir a su funeral. Considerando que el canon 33 de la Ordenanza de San Thanos Apóstol prescribe la apertura del procedimiento sucesorio en caso de muerte o desaparición durante más de cuatro meses del noble papal,

Hemos dictaminado y ordenado, y por nuestro presente edicto perpetuo y definitivo, dictaminamos y ordenamos la apertura del procedimiento sucesorio de Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [size=9][b][ Enriique ][/b][/size] Barón de Monterado (Pesaro);

Considerando que, de acuerdo con el canon 34 de la Ordenanza de San Thanos Apóstol, sólo puede iniciarse en presencia de un árbol genealógico o de un testamento registrado en los Colegios Pontificios Heráldicos que permita determinar la línea de sucesión, en el canon 35 de dicha Ordenanza,

Habiendo examinado el testamento, presentado y registrado en los Colegios Pontificios Heráldicos, y habiendo juzgado que la línea sucesoria en él representada se ajusta a las normas vigentes en materia de sucesión,

Hemos gobernado y ordenado, y por nuestro presente edicto perpetuo y definitivo, digamos, gobernamos y ordenamos la convocatoria de Su Alteza Aurora Legrat Wetminster [size=9][b][ Aurora ][/b][/size], heredero testamentario de Enrique Villanueva Legrat Rodrígues [size=9][b][ Enriique ][/b][/size] Barón de Monterado (Pesaro), y todas las demás personas que tengan interés en la apertura y lectura del citado testamento. Le recordamos que en caso de impugnación de este testamento, de acuerdo con el canon 40 de la Ordenanza de San Thanos Apóstol, cualquier reclamante del título podrá solicitar la suspensión del procedimiento sucesorio para garantizar los controles necesarios en la línea. de sucesión. .

[b][i]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Dado en Roma, a los 18 días del primer mes del año de gracia MCDLXXII de Nuestro Señor [/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 04, 2024 5:51 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    Acceptation de la dérogation

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem D´Aleixar Batista,
    Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux, Cardinal Évêque des Quatre Saints Couronnés, Cardinal Vicaire Grand Inquisiteur, Prélat d'honneur de Sa Sainteté, Archevêque sine cura de Sàssari et Urbino, évêque sine cura d'Urgell, Prince de Toscane, Comte de Pallars de Jussa, Vicomte de Mondavio, Baró d'Abella, Gouverneur d'Urbino, Chancelier de l'ordre de Saint-Nicolas V, à la lumière du Très-Haut et sous le regard de ses deux saints prophètes, Aristote et Christo :
    En notre qualité de Préfet et d'Officier héraldique des Collèges héraldiques pontificaux, par la volonté et l'ordre de Sa Sainteté le Pape Sixte IV:

    Nous sommes profondément attristés par la démission de Son Altesse Royale Inès de Toledo Troy-Orsenac, Princesse d'Ischia di Castro, Sang de Castille, Duchesse de Billy et de Souvigny, Comtesse de Tafalla et de Thorigné-en-Charnie, Vicomtesse de La Tour d'Auvergne, Baronne de Creil et de Dienne, Baronne Palatine de Saint-Jean-de-Latran, à ses fonctions d'Officier Héliée et Héraut de Sa Sainteté. Nous le remercions pour son travail et lui souhaitons bonne chance, ainsi qu'un repos bien mérité de ses fonctions pour les Collèges d'Héraldique.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Donné à Rome, le quatrième jour du deuxième mois de l'an de grâce MCDLXXII de Notre Seigneur


Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2073
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 21, 2024 8:03 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Heraldic Colleges
    On certain nobles who have disappeared from the Equestrian Order

    We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem De Floridablanca i Aleixar-Batista,
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop sine cura of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop sine cura of Urgell, Prince of the Blood of Catalonia, Prince of Tuscania, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Viscount of Mondavio, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
    In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.

    After a long and careful inspection and appropriate checks of the internal registers of the Colleges, we found that some nobles from the Equestrian Order had been absent for a long time and no information on their current status could be obtained.

    Whereas canon 33 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos Apostle prescribes the opening of the succession procedure in the event of the death or disappearance for more than four months of the pontifical noble,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order the opening of succession proceedings for Alexandre Maximilien Von Ostenmark-Sparte [ Alexandre.de.sparte ] duc de Palestrina (Latium);

    Considering that, in accordance with canon 34 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos the Apostle, the succession procedure can only be initiated in the presence of a family tree or a will registered with the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges which makes it possible to determine the line of succession, in accordance with canon 35 of the said Ordinance,

    We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the succession procedure not be initiated and that the corresponding titles be returned to the full availability of the Sovereign Pontiff for Alexandre Maximilien Von Ostenmark-Sparte [ Alexandre.de.sparte ] duc de Palestrina (Latium);

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome, the twenty-first day of April in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.


[i][size=20][b][color=#CC0000]P[/color]ontifical [color=#CC0000]H[/color]eraldic [color=#CC0000]C[/color]olleges[/b][/size]
[size=16]On certain nobles who have disappeared from the Equestrian Order[/size][/i]

[b]We, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Roderic, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem De Floridablanca i Aleixar-Batista,
Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal Bishop of the Holy Four Crowned, Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor, Prelate of Honour to His Holiness, Archbishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Sàssari and Urbino, Bishop [i]sine cura[/i] of Urgell, Prince of the Blood of Catalonia, Prince of Tuscania, Count of Pallars de Jussa, Viscount of Mondavio, Baró d'Abella, Governor of Urbino, Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicholas V, in the light of the Most High and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christo:
In our capacity as Prefect and Heraldic Officer of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, by the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV.[/b]

After a long and careful inspection and appropriate checks of the internal registers of the Colleges, we found that some nobles from the Equestrian Order had been absent for a long time and no information on their current status could be obtained.

Whereas canon 33 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos Apostle prescribes the opening of the succession procedure in the event of the death or disappearance for more than four months of the pontifical noble,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order the opening of succession proceedings for Alexandre Maximilien Von Ostenmark-Sparte [size=9][b][ Alexandre.de.sparte ][/b][/size] duc de Palestrina (Latium);

Considering that, in accordance with canon 34 of the Ordinance of Saint Thanos the Apostle, the succession procedure can only be initiated in the presence of a family tree or a will registered with the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges which makes it possible to determine the line of succession, in accordance with canon 35 of the said Ordinance,

We have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, say, rule and order that the succession procedure not be initiated and that the corresponding titles be returned to the full availability of the Sovereign Pontiff for Alexandre Maximilien Von Ostenmark-Sparte [size=9][b][ Alexandre.de.sparte ][/b][/size] duc de Palestrina (Latium);

[b][i]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/i]

Done at Rome, the twenty-first day of April in the Year of Grace MCDLXXII. V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.[/b]




Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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