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Roderic_ Cardinal

Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020 Messages: 2145 Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne
Posté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2023 6:47 am Sujet du message: [RP] Mass for the Hungarian Monarch |
{ 29 November 1471 - Mass of Saint Nicholas V Pope in honour of the Kingdom of Hungary }
The flames of the candles in the chapel flickered in the slightest breeze that came through the cracks in the windows and the half-open door. White flowers were always my favourite, which adorned the altar in garlands and vases, giving a sweet and subtle fragrance. In the small sacristy, the cardinal-dean had said the introductory prayers in secret, kneeling on a kneeler, and then, with the help of the ministers, dressed himself in the vestments appropriate for a mass of the caliber to be celebrated: alb, cincture, stole and pluvial cloak, without a crozier, because it was not his diocese; all white, because it symbolised the purity of the catechumens.
It was a day of joy and celebration, a member of our clergy had been elevated to the rank of monarch. And as Dean of the College of Cardinals, I had offered to be the celebrant of the Mass, to be held in one of the main chapels of Rome. The sound of parishioners arriving was a warning that mass would soon begin. _________________
Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V . |
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Inscrit le: 14 Fév 2021 Messages: 319 Localisation: Rome - Esztergom
Posté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2023 11:19 am Sujet du message: |
Hubertusz's carriage is heading towards the chapel. He spent the evening in his house in Rome, resting up for the journey to the holy city. Getting out at the chapel, tiny snowflakes begin to fall. We might even end up on the ice of the Tevere, he thinks to himself. Walking into the beautifully decorated chapel, he takes a seat in the front row.
Hubertusz hintója a kápolna felé tart. Az estét a római házában töltötte, így kipihente a szent városba vezető utat. A kápolnánál kiszállva apró hópelyhek kezdenek el esni. Még a végén a Tevere jegére is kimegyünk, gondolja magában. Besétálva a szépen feldíszített kápolnába helyet foglal az első sorban. _________________
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Inscrit le: 27 Juil 2022 Messages: 3
Posté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2023 8:48 pm Sujet du message: |
Rajnald stops his horse in front of the Chapel of Saint Nicolas. A cold winter wind is already blowing in the Holy City, and he knows that it will be even colder inside the chapel, so he dresses warmly. He puts on his finest clothes to present himself at the royal mass.
In front of the chapel, a crowd gathers. Hungarian nobles, lords, and simple servants appear. Flags wave in the air, held high by squires and man-at-arms. However, not only Hungarians are present on that Roman square; Roman citizens are there as well. The citizens are curious about the Hungarian ruler who has arrived from the east. Some vaguely remember the last Hungarian king's coronation.
The sudden tolling of the bell startles Rajnald from his contemplation. He dismounts from his horse and hands it over to a stable boy, pressing a gold coin into his hand. He enters the chapel with slow steps. There, he stepped aside, lit a candle, and then began to pray.
Rajnald lova Szent Miklós kápolnája előtt áll meg. Hideg téli szél fújt ekkor már a Szent Városban, s tudta, hogy a kápolnában ennél méghidegebbre számíthat, ezért vastagon felöltözött. Felvette magára legékesebb ruháját, hogy így jelenjen meg a királyi szertmisén.
A kápolna előtt a nép is ugyanúgy gyülekezett. Magyar nemesek, urak és egyszerű szolgálók jelentek meg. Zászlók csokra lobogott a magasba, melyeket apródok és fegyvernökök tartottak rendületlenül. De nem csak magyarok voltak akkor ott azon a római téren jelen, hanem maga a római lakosok is egyaránt. A polgárok ugyanis kiváncsian érdeklődtek a keletről érkezett magyar uralkodó felől. Voltak akik még halványan emlékeztek a legutolsó magyar király koronázására is.
A harang hirtelen kondulása riasztotta fel Rajnaldot elmélkedéséből. Le is szállt lováról és odaadta egy lovász fiúnak, majd egy aranyforintot nyomott a kezébe. Lassú léptekkel belépett a kápolnába. Ott félrevonulva meggyújtott egy gyertyát majd imádkozni kezdett.
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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2023 Messages: 1938
Posté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2023 9:01 pm Sujet du message: |
Lorenzo was visiting some family members in the outskirts of Rome and was informed that a mass would happen in Vatican City. Apparently, it was related to the election of a member of the clergy to the Hungarian throne. Should he go? Well, Lorenzo wasn’t a huge fan of the politics of the higher clergy. He had learnt to become very cautious of the higher nobility and everything related to kings and queens. Nevertheless, he had to admit that it would be good to participate at a mass at the Vatican for the simply pleasure to see the famous chapel of Nicolas V and to refresh his spirit during a religious celebration that surely would be of the highest quality. Therefor, he joined the numerous believers entering the sumptuous chapel, ready to be part of this historic ceremony. |
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Inscrit le: 17 Déc 2021 Messages: 8
Posté le: Jeu Nov 30, 2023 9:33 pm Sujet du message: |
Rome is beautiful this time as well. As a member of the royal council, I visit this city many times on the case of the king of the Hungarians and Croats. This time I accompanied His Majesty King Hubertus. Keeping a fair distance, I escort him to his designated place, and then I take my rightful place. I look forward to the upcoming ceremony. _________________
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Francesco_maria Cardinal

Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013 Messages: 3620
Posté le: Ven Déc 01, 2023 11:20 am Sujet du message: |
Cardinal Sforza had already received the news of his dear friend's election as King of Hungary and Croatia. Hubertusz was a very dear friend, almost a son of his since it was he who ordained him as a priest and for a long time they had collaborated together in the Congregation for the New Apostolate.
He reached the chapel of Saint Nicolas V and, dressed in cardinal's purple, took his place in the seats reserved for the Cardinals and prayed while awaiting the start of the rite. _________________
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2021 Messages: 10
Posté le: Ven Déc 01, 2023 10:49 pm Sujet du message: |
Our carriage arrives at the chapel with His Majesty's procession. I am dressed in fancy court dress and the red cape of the Order for this glorious feast. When the carriage stops, I step out. I look over the beautiful city, which is also dressed in festive white for this wonderful day.
I offer my hand to my fiancée to help her out of the carriage. She is stunningly beautiful, as usual. I lend my arm to her and together we enter the decorated chapel. As we enter the chapel, I bend my knees towards the altar, then we go to our appointed place. I pray silently until the service begins.
A hintónk Őfelsége menetével együtt érkezik meg a kápolnához. Díszes udvari öltözéket és a Rend vörös köpenyét öltöttem magamra e fényes ünnepre. Mikor a hintó megáll, kiszállok. Gyönyörködve pillantok végig a gyönyörű városon, mely maga is ünnepi fehérbe öltözött erre a csodálatos napra.
Kezet nyújtok menyasszonyomnak, hogy kisegítsem a hintóból. Szokásához híven ő is csodaszép. Karom nyújtom felé, és együtt lépünk be a feldíszített kápolnába. Belépve térdet hajtok az oltár felé, aztán a kijelölt helyünkre megyünk. A szertarás kezdetéig csendesen imádkozom. _________________
Magnus Magister, Ordo Sancti Stephani |
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pamelita Cardinal

Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013 Messages: 3858 Localisation: Ducato di Milano
Posté le: Sam Déc 02, 2023 12:25 am Sujet du message: |
The cardinal walked briskly to the chapel where an important rite was to be held that day.
A brother had been elected Monarch of his kingdom, and he could not miss it.
She entered, genuflected, then sat in the seat assigned to the cardinals and waited for the ceremony to begin. _________________
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Ettore_Asburgo_D'Argovia Cardinal

Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018 Messages: 1472 Localisation: Udine
Posté le: Sam Déc 02, 2023 12:58 am Sujet du message: |
Cardinal Asburgo d'Argovia entered the mother of all Churches and, after genuflecting, reached his seat.
_________________ + Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V
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Sixtus Pape

Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014 Messages: 4088 Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre
Posté le: Lun Déc 04, 2023 9:24 pm Sujet du message: |
In the resplendent glow of dawn, Pope Sixtus IV, adorned in the sacred vestments of the Aristotelian Church, approached the Chapel Saint Nicholas V with an air of solemn purpose. The day bore significance, marked by the celebration of Saint Nicholas V, a pontiff whose legacy echoed through the annals of ecclesiastical history. Today's Mass held an added honour: it was dedicated to Monsignor Losonci Hubertusz, recently elected as the Monarch of Hungary and to the Kingdom of Hungary itself.
The Chapel, bathed in the ethereal hues of morning light, stood as a venerable sanctuary. The fragrance of burning incense wafted through the air, heralding the sacred ritual about to unfold. The faithful gathered in anticipation, their murmurs of reverence already echoing within the hallowed halls.
Pope Sixtus IV, flanked by a retinue of clergy and escorted by the Papal Guards, entered the chapel with measured steps to join Cardinal Dean Roderic for the celebration of the mass. _________________
Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik |
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Kalixtus Cardinal

Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013 Messages: 14398 Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj
Posté le: Mar Déc 05, 2023 1:53 am Sujet du message: |
Cardinal Kalixtus entered the Chapel of Saint Nicholas V in Rome with a respectful and majestic stride. The airy sounds of the organ music filled the sacred space, while the candlelight bathed the ancient walls in a warm glow. The Papal Mass for the coronation of the Hungarian King was a solemn occasion that filled the chapel with a sublime atmosphere.
The cardinal walked through the consecrated doors and made his way to the areas reserved for the cardinals in the chapel. Rows of wooden benches provided a comfortable seat for the dignitaries of the church. Kalixtus took his place, surrounded by the intricately adorned walls and the scent of incense in the air.
The colors of the magnificent stained glass windows cast a kaleidoscopic light on the marble floor as the Papal Mass began. The cardinal respectfully lowered his gaze, allowing himself to be absorbed in the solemn ceremony. Amidst the cardinals and ecclesiastical dignitaries, he participated in this significant moment where the Pope elevated and blessed the Hungarian King in a gesture of coronation.
The Chapel of Saint Nicholas V bore witness to this sublime moment, where the connection of faith and monarchy was united in ceremonial harmony.
A Kardinális Kalixtus tiszteletteli és méltóságteljes léptekkel lépett be Róma Szent Miklós V-i kápolnájába. Az orgonazene könnyed hangjai megtöltötték a szent teret, miközben a gyertyafény meleg fénybe borította az ősi falakat. A pápa mise a magyar király koronázására ünnepélyes alkalom volt, amely fennkölt atmoszférával töltötte be a kápolnát.
A bíboros átlépte a felszentelt ajtókat, és azokhoz a területekhez vezetett, amelyeket a kardinálisoknak tartottak fenn a kápolnában. Sorokban elhelyezett fa padok kényelmes ülést biztosítottak az egyház méltóságos vezetőinek. Kalixtus elfoglalta helyét, a bonyolultan díszített falak és a füstölő illatával körülvéve.
A pompás színes ólomüveg ablakok fényt vetítettek a márvány padlóra, amikor elkezdődött a pápa mise. A bíboros tiszteletteljesen lehajtotta a tekintetét, lehetővé téve, hogy magába szívja a méltóságteljes szertartást. A kardinálisok és az egyházi méltóságok között részt vett ebben a jelentős pillanatban, amikor a pápa felemelte és megáldotta a magyar királyt a koronázás egyik mozdulatával.
Szent Miklós V-i kápolna tanúja volt ennek a fennkölt pillanatnak, amikor a hit és a monarchia összekapcsolódott ünnepi harmóniában. _________________
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Inscrit le: 29 Déc 2014 Messages: 17
Posté le: Mar Déc 05, 2023 3:55 am Sujet du message: |
Roma, que ciudad tan fascinante. No esperaba que el deseo de un viaje con su esposo, aunque fuera por unos instantes y lejos de Cataluńa, serviría también para acompańar a un amigo y hermano como el Cardenal Roderic.
Presentes en las afueras de imponente edificio, los condes catalanes esperaron su turno para entrar y honrar en este día tan especial al nuevo monarca de Hungría. Esperaba, en su fuero interno, que el cardenal catalán pronto pudiera reunirse con ellos. Además de preocuparse siempre por su seguridad, deseaba poner al día algunos asuntos de estado. Pero aquello quedaría delegado para después, hoy, era un día de alegría.
Miró a Gonzalvo incómodo, como siempre, con sus elegante traje. Él, a su vez, miraba a los escoltas de la casa Bournes, en especial a los más revoltosos, indicándoles con el ceńo fruncido que habían de comportarse. Suspiró contenta y se aferró al brazo de su esposo – Nuestras galas hacen juego. Se que preferías que sean nuestras armaduras pero ˇQue guapos nos vemos! – besó su mejilla muy recatadamente mientras sonreía en medio del tumulto de curiosos, interesados e invitados a la ceremonia.
Roma, que ciutat tan fascinant. No esperava que el desig d'un viatge amb el seu espňs, encara que fora per uns instants i lluny de Catalunya, serviria també per a acompanyar a un amic i germŕ com el Cardenal Roderic.
Presents als afores d'imponent edifici, els comtes catalans van esperar el seu torn per a entrar i honrar en aquest dia tan especial al nou monarca d'Hongria. Esperava, en el seu fur intern, que el cardenal catalŕ rŕpid pogués reunir-se amb ells. A més de preocupar-se sempre per la seva seguretat, desitjava posar al dia alguns assumptes d'estat. Perň allň quedaria delegat per a després, avui, era un dia d'alegria.
Va mirar a Gonzalvo incňmode, com sempre, amb els seus elegant vestit. Ell, al seu torn, mirava als escortes de la casa Bournes, especialment als més revoltosos, indicant-los amb la mala cara que havien de comportar-se. Va sospirar contenta i es va aferrar al braç del seu espňs – Les nostres gales fan joc. Es que preferies que siguin les nostres armadures perň Que macos ens veiem! – va besar la seva galta molt púdicament mentre somreia enmig del tumult de curiosos, interessats i convidats a la cerimňnia.
Rome, what a fascinating city. She did not expect that the desire to travel with her husband, even for a few moments and far from Catalonia, would also serve to accompany a friend and brother like Cardinal Roderic.
Present outside the imposing building, the Catalan counts waited their turn to enter and honor the new monarch of Hungary on this special day. He hoped, in his heart, that the Catalan cardinal would soon be able to join them. In addition to always worrying about his safety, she wanted to update some matters of state. But that would be delegated for later, today, it was a day of joy.
She looked at Gonzalvo uncomfortable, as always, with his elegant suit. He, in turn, looked at the Bournes house escorts, especially the more unruly ones, indicating with a frown that they had to behave. She sighed contently and clung to her husband's arm - Our clothes match. I know you preferred it to be our armor but how handsome we look! She – she kissed her cheek very demurely while she smiled in the midst of the tumult of curious, interested, and guests at the ceremony. _________________
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Inscrit le: 12 Juil 2021 Messages: 10
Posté le: Mar Déc 05, 2023 7:40 pm Sujet du message: |
Gonzalvo de Córdoba removía el cuello inquieto dentro del engalanado y elegante jubón de algodón que no podía resultarle más incómodo al veterano soldado venido a noble. Echaba de menos la cota de malla. Había dos cosas que Gonzalvo llevaba siempre encima protegiéndole, su cota de malla de acero toledano forjado por el gran maestro castellano Zenwo, y la pequeńa y sencilla cruz que llevaba colgada en su pecho, y que besaba siempre que necesitaba el apoyo del Seńor. Al menos su cruz seguía protegiéndole debajo de las ricas telas con la que venían vestidos él y su esposa, la catalana Condesa de Almenara y Nules.
Los escoltas averroistas de la Casa de Bournes eran demasiado toscos e informales para las elegantes y respetuosas formas de la Capilla de San Nicolas V. Afortunadamente, los dos guardaespaldas chauníes de la familia Bournes se mostraban inesperadamente tranquilos, embelesados y sorprendidos por la enormidad de Roma. En la capilla, se mostraban como nińos admirando asombrados los frescos de techos y paredes, quietos y casi sobrecogidos ante la magnanimidad de la Iglesia.
Gonzalvo revisaba con ceńo fruncido la multitud de fieles que acudían al importante evento en honor al monarca húngaro. Manteniendo su actitud de preocupación por la seguridad del Decano del Colegio Cardenalicio a quien quería como un hermano mayor sobreprotector. Comprobó por tres veces la gente más cercana al altar donde se encontraba Su Eminencia Roderic, antes de mirar a su esposa y sonreirla acariciando sus manos.
Gonzalvo de Córdoba moved his neck restlessly inside the decorated and elegant cotton doublet that could not have been more uncomfortable for the veteran soldier who had become a nobleman. He missed his chain mail. There were two things that Gonzalvo always carried on him to protect him, his Toledo steel chain mail forged by the great castilian master Zenwo, and the small and simple cross that he wore hanging on his chest, and that he kissed whenever he needed the support of the Lord. At least his cross continued to protect him under the rich fabrics with which he and his wife, the Catalan Countess of Almenara y Nules, were dressed.
The averroist bodyguards of the House of Bournes were too crude and informal for the elegant and respectful forms of the Chapel of Saint Nicholas V. Fortunately, the two Chauni bodyguards of the Bournes family were unexpectedly calm, enthralled and surprised by the enormity of Rome. In the chapel, they appeared like children admiring the frescoes on the ceilings and walls in amazement, still and almost overwhelmed by the magnanimity of the Church.
Gonzalvo surveyed with a frown the crowd of faithful who attended the important event in honor of the Hungarian monarch. Maintaining his attitude of concern for the safety of the Dean of the College of Cardinals whom he loved like an overprotective older brother. He checked the people closest to the altar where His Eminence Roderic was standing three times, before looking at his wife and smiling at her, caressing her hands.
--------------------------- _________________
Marqués de Tortosa, Vizconde de Flix y Barón de Pollensa |
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Roderic_ Cardinal

Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020 Messages: 2145 Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne
Posté le: Mer Fév 14, 2024 2:49 am Sujet du message: |
Once it was ready, the bells of the sacristy rang to announce the beginning of the ceremony. The procession was made up of various priests and monks, as well as auxiliaries, and at the end of the procession was the Cardinal Dean.
When he arrived, the prelate knelt down and with the censer purified the altar to begin the rite with his back to the faithful - In nómine Altíssimi, et Aristótelis, et Christi. Amen (1) - was heard before the teenager turned to the faithful - Dearly beloved, for another day we gather in this sacred place to commune with the Most High and give thanks for the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. - with a very faint smile on his lips, he began the ceremony - now, brethren, let us pray to the Most High for all our sins. - in a clear voice I say - Our help is in the name of the Most High - Saying this, he brought his hand to his chest and continued.
I confess myself to Almighty God,
to blessed Aristotle ever luminous
to the blessed Jesus Christos
to the blessed saint Nicholas the Pontiff
to the holy apostles Titus and Paul
to our blessed father Saint Thomas Aquinas
to all the saints
and to You, Father,
I have sinned much in thought,
word, and deed: through my fault, through my fault, through my very great fault.
For this I pray to the blessed Aristotle, ever blessed,
Blessed Jesus Christos,
to the blessed saint Nicholas the Pontiff,
the holy apostles Titus and Paul,
our blessed father Saint Thomas Aquinas,
to all the saints, and to You, Father,
to pray for me to the Lord our God (2)
Saying this, he raised his hands and continued - May almighty God have mercy on you, and, your sins forgiven, lead you to eternal life. Amen. May the omnipotent and merciful Lord grant us indulgence, absolution and remission of our sins (3) - after the absolution, the prelate went to the Book of Virtues, before which he bowed and then placed a kiss on the book and walked to the pulpit to read and deliver the sermon for the day.
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Chapter X - Morals -
In which Aristotle speaks at length on the distinction between good and evil.
On a harsh winter day, a disciple, who had reached the end of his education, came to find Aristotle before leaving the school.
The disciple: "Dear teacher, now that I will be left to my own devices, there is one thing I would love to know."
Aristotle: "I'm listening, brilliant disciple."
The disciple: "You have trained me well in the art of logic and the metaphysical sciences, but you have said nothing to me about morals."
Aristotle: "You speak the truth, my friend. It is indeed a gap in my teaching. What would you like to know?"
The disciple: "It's important for a man, I believe, to know how to identify good and evil, in order to conform to the first and be able to avoid the second."
Aristotle: "Certainly."
The disciple: "This brings me to a simple question, teacher, what is good?"
Aristotle: "That problem is at the same time vast and simple, like a crystal. The good, in principle, is the natural perfection of an object, of its substance.
The disciple: "But why is it thus, dear teacher?"
Aristotle: "Because the ultimate good resides in the divine, without any doubt. Moreover, to identify the good, it is sufficient to examine the essence of the divine. The nature of the All Powerful is pure and perfect intelligence, the good can only be the perfection of the substance, and therefore the nature of a thing. Do you understand?"
The disciple: "Yes, dear teacher, I understand."
Aristotle: "I have taught you, dear disciple, that the nature of a thing lays in its destination, since the movement reveals the substance of the object. Therefore, you know what the nature of man is, don't you?"
The disciple: "Certainly, teacher, the nature of man is to live in a community, and this community is called a city."
Aristotle: "Exactly. The good of man, which is to say that which makes him achieve the perfection of his own nature, is thus a life dedicated to ensuring harmonious conditions within the city. Now, the good of the city is all that all contribute to its equilibrium, so that the nature of the community is perpetuated. Therefore, you could say that the good of man leads to the good of the city."
The disciple: "That's remarkable!"
Aristotle: "Indeed, that it is. You see, man does good only by being fully integrated into the city, by participating in the life of the city, and by doing all that is possible to maintain harmony."
The disciple: "Then, dear teacher, the good man is therefore a citizen?"
Aristotle: "I didn't say that, dear disciple. A slave can be a good man, if he is aware of his own human nature, and if he is satisfied with his condition because he works to maintain the equilibrium of the city. Participating in city life is more than just participation in assemblies."
The disciple: "Well, dear teacher, these answers satisfy me."
Aristotle: "I am happy, my friend."
And, with that, Aristotle never again saw his disciple who, according to the legends, lived an exemplary life, inspired by virtuous principles.
Once the reading was over, the young cardinal looked at the faithful gathered there and in a clear voice said - Morality, something that in recent times seems to depend on who is looking at it or under what purpose they want to see it - pauses very briefly before continuing - in the turbulent times that beset these lands and as in any war, morality is something that is often questioned a lot between one side and the other, but the truth, dear brothers, is that morality remains the same, no matter how much its breakdown may be disguised by formulating nice words or showing itself as the victim of the situation - I paused for a moment before continuing - morality is to think of the common good and leave aside particular interests, as Aristotle tells us, the nature of man is to live in collectivity, and this collectivity takes the name of city. But we must not confuse the term city with a walled settlement where people live. - Taking a breath, I continue - For Aristotle, the city refers to the whole community of the faithful, to all of us who share a bond thanks to the Most High and follow the teachings of his two prophets, that is why brothers, we must always seek a balance between all and stop thinking only about our desires, but how they affect our brothers who have nothing to do with our conflicts. - Saying this, the prelate closed the Book of Virtues, kissed it and descended from the pulpit towards the altar, where he placed the Book of Virtues on it, turning to the faithful in a ceremonious voice he continued - I ask you to please join me in one of the principal prayers of our Holy Church. - at the end of my words I raise my hands and begin to pray, with a strong accent, but in honour of the monarch present.
Jag tror pĺ Gud fader allsmäktig,
Han skapade himmeln, Han skapade jorden,
Han skapade helvetet, Han skapade paradiset,
Han är vĺra hjärtans domare fram till vĺr död.
Jag tror pĺ Aristotle, profeten,
Son till Nicomaque och Phaetis,
Sänd för att lära universums gudomliga lagar
Och visdom till de herrelösa människorna.
Jag tror ocksĺ pĺ Christos,
Son till Mary och Joseph.
Han ägnade sitt liv ĺt att visa oss vägen till paradiset.
Därför led han under Ponce,
Han dog som martyr för att rädda oss.
Han anslöt sig till solen där Aristotle väntade pĺ Faderns högra sida.
Jag tror pĺ gudomliga handlingar,
Den Heliga Aristoteliska Kyrkan,
Helgonens gemenskap,
Syndernas förlĺtelse,
Och evigt liv.
After the creed, the cardinal turned to the altar to take out a key to open the tabernacle, from which he took the ciborium and to begin the blessing of the bread in a low voice, following the Latin rite, to maintain the mysticism of the moment. Once the blessing was finished, I broke the bread that represents Aristotelian friendship, took one of the pieces and before putting it in his mouth I murmured - May the bread of friendship keep my soul for eternal life. Amen. - Once he had done so, he descended from the altar to the faithful to distribute pieces of bread to all those who came forward to share the communion of Aristotelian friendship. As the prelate handed out the bread, he said to each person - May the bread of friendship keep your soul for eternal life (5).
When the distribution of the bread was finished, the officiant went up the steps to leave the ciborium in the tabernacle, together with the fragments that had been left over, crossed himself and, after bowing deeply, turned to the files and said in a clear voice - Ite, missa est(6) - At the end I raise my hands to say a final prayer - Brothers and sisters, let us raise our prayers to the monarch who has been elected, that he may lead his people on the right path.
By the will of the Lord, you have been elected by the people, who voted for you. You have in your hands the power to rule the land of Hungary: do it in magnanimity, in justice and in Aristotelian faith.
I bless you before our people, before God and before your conscience. May the Most High guide you in the choice you will make.
In the name of God, both prophets and the holy Aristotelian Church, we bless your mandate that it may be prosperous, fruitful as the earth in springtime, just and sustained by the foresight of the Most High.
May your decisions be enlightened by the divine light as Christos was enlightened during the days he spent in the desert.
Put away iniquity from your life, put away despicable choice and follow Aristotelian morality, respect faith in God as imposed by baptism.
There is a moment when, amidst whispers, the prayers of all the parishioners are heard. Then the prelate said in a quiet voice - Eternal and almighty Logos, supreme mover who governs the whole body of the Church, attend to the prayers we send to you for all the orders of the faithful who compose it: May each of them, by the gift of thy grace, serve thee faithfully, by Christos and Aristotle our prophets. May Faith and Reason guide them, and may St. Arnvald the Righteous, protect them. - Finally, the Cardinal concludes with the blessing - Benedícant vos Omnípotens Deus, et Aristóteles, et Christus (7) - At the end of the service, all those present say amen, turning to look at the altar, the young man genuflects and finally walks calmly towards the sacristy.
Translations and Answers:
(1)-In the name of the Most High, of Aristotle and of Christos, Amen.
R/ Amen
(2)R/ Repeat the prayer
(3)R/ Amen
(4) The Creed
(5)R/ Amen
(6) Go, the mass is finished. R/ Amen
(7) May God Almighty, Aristotle and Christos bless you. R/ Amen _________________
Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V . |
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Inscrit le: 14 Fév 2021 Messages: 319 Localisation: Rome - Esztergom
Posté le: Mer Fév 21, 2024 10:44 pm Sujet du message: |
The smell of incense always makes Hubertusz feel as if the Most High is touching his soul the moment he breathes it in. Listening to the Cardinal's words, he bows his head and says.
Then he puts his hands gently clasped over his heart.
I confess myself to Almighty God,
to blessed Aristotle ever luminous
to the blessed Jesus Christos
to the blessed saint Nicholas the Pontiff
to the holy apostles Titus and Paul
to our blessed father Saint Thomas Aquinas
to all the saints
and to You, Father,
I have sinned much in thought,
word, and deed: through my fault, through my fault, through my very great fault.
For this I pray to the blessed Aristotle, ever blessed,
Blessed Jesus Christos,
to the blessed saint Nicholas the Pontiff,
the holy apostles Titus and Paul,
our blessed father Saint Thomas Aquinas,
to all the saints, and to You, Father,
to pray for me to the Lord our God
Even as a student, Hubertusz had read Aristotle's wisdom with wonder. During his university education, he most enjoyed reading the Book of Virtues. He could turn the pages of the huge book for hours, eagerly awaiting the sacred texts on the next page. Immersed in his thoughts and the words of the prelate, he would only be distracted by the strange language of the text.
Hiszek Istenben, a Mindenható Atyában,
Az Ég és a Föld,
A Pokol és a Mennyország teremtőjében,
Ki a lelkünk Bírája halálunk óráján.
És Arisztotelészben, a Prófétában
Nikomakhosz és Phaisztisz fiában.
Aki azért jött, hogy bölcsességet,
és az isteni törvényeket tanítsa a tévelygő embereknek.
Hiszek Chresztoszban,
Mária és József fiában,
Aki életével utat mutatott nekünk (a Mennyország felé),
Szenvedett Poncius Pilátus alatt,
És mártírként halt meg érettünk.
Egyesült a Nappal, s Arisztotelésszel,
S ott ülnek a Mindenható jobbján.
Hiszek az Isteni Tettben,
A Szent Római Arisztotelészi Egyházban,
A szentek közösségében,
A bűnök bocsánatában,
És az Örök Életben.
Hubertusz bows his head deeply after the Cardinal's words of blessing.
AMEN _________________
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