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Appointment calendar QII/III 1472

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14308
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 28, 2024 2:35 am    Sujet du message: Appointment calendar QII/III 1472 Répondre en citant

    Appointment calendar


        1st of Maius:
          Coronation of the Empress of SRING
            Attendance of the private secretary claimed
            Attendance of the security claimed

        2nd of Maius:
          Celebration of the Feast of St. Loyats in San Giovanni dei Martiri (Rome)

        3rd of Maius:
        4th of Maius:
        5th of Maius:
        6th of Maius:
        7th of Maius:
        8th of Maius:
        9th of Maius:
        10th of Maius:
        11th of Maius:
        12th of Maius:
          Celebration of the Feast of Maius in Bavaria with clerical Blessings by Kalixtus

        13th of Maius:
        14th of Maius:
          Celebration of the Feast of St. Dominique in Salzburg Cathedral

        15th of Maius:
        16th of Maius:
        17th of Maius:
        18th of Maius:
        19th of Maius:
        20th of Maius:
        21st of Maius:
          Celebration of the Coronation of her Majesty Hersende de Brothel of the Provence
            Attendance of the private secretary claimed
            Attendance of the security claimed

        22nd of Maius:
        23rd of Maius:
        24th of Maius:
        25th of Maius:
        26th of Maius:
        27th of Maius:
        28th of Maius:
          Conference meeting with Garsande
            Attendance of the private secretary claimed

        29th of Maius:
        30th of Maius:
        31st of Maius:


        1st of Junius:
        2nd of Junius:
        3rd of Junius:
        4th of Junius:
        5th of Junius:
        6th of Junius:
        7th of Junius:
        8th of Junius:
          Celebration of the Festival of Friendship in San Giovanni dei Martiri (Rome)

        9th of Junius:
          Start of Nomination for the 1. Estate in the German Diet and for the Leadership
          Conference with the Alkebulan Trading Company

        10th of Junius:
        11th of Junius:
        12th of Junius:
        13th of Junius:
          Celebration of Ascension of Christos in Strasbourg Cathedral

        14th of Junius:
        15th of Junius:
        16th of Junius:
          Start of Election for the 1. Estate in the German Diet and for the Leadership

        17th of Junius:
        18th of Junius:
        19th of Junius:
        20th of Junius:
        21st of Junius:
          Marriage of Empress Lysiane and Wolon in Strasbourg Cathedral
            Attendance of the private secretary claimed
            Attendance of the security claimed

        22nd of Junius:
        23rd of Junius:
        24th of Junius:
        25th of Junius:
        26th of Junius:
        27th of Junius:
          Conference meeting with Lyonnis
            Attendance of the private secretary claimed

        28th of Junius:
        29th of Junius:
          Attendance at the Feast of St. Titus in St. Titus Cathedral (Rome)
          Marriage of Ayella.scarlett and Halderann in Chapelle Saint-François

        30th of Junius:


        1st of Julius:
          Holy Mass in Aachen Cathedral

        2nd of Julius:
        3rd of Julius:
        4th of Julius:
        5th of Julius:
        6th of Julius:
        7th of Julius:
        8th of Julius:
        9th of Julius:
        10th of Julius:
        11th of Julius:
        12th of Julius:
        13th of Julius:
        14th of Julius:
          Celebration of the Candlemas Feast in Aachen Cathedral

        15th of Julius:
        16th of Julius:
        17th of Julius:
        18th of Julius:
        19th of Julius:
        20th of Julius:
        21st of Julius:
          Celebration of the Feast of Aristotle's Death in San Giovanni dei Martiri (Rome)

        22nd of Julius:
        23rd of Julius:
        24th of Julius:
        25th of Julius:
        26th of Julius:
        27th of Julius:
        28th of Julius:
        29th of Julius:
          Celebration of the Feast of St. Kyrene in Salzburg Cathedral

        30th of Julius:
        31th of Julius:

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