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[GB]Book of Hagiographies - The Blessed -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 17, 2021 3:34 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Hagiographies - The Blessed - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Ven Mai 31, 2024 2:02 am; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13354
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Abbot Tise of Cambrai (circa 1330-1393)


    While I was Archbishop of Cambrai, when I decided to visit the diocesan archives, I was attracted by a testimony of an old lady: Sister Mechtilde, dated 1427. It was her memoirs. She announced her imminent death, weak from the ravages of old age, but with joy and happiness from having dedicated her life to Jah. This love of spiritual things which had led her to renounce the fortune of her birth to become the humble nun that she was, was inspired by a man who, in her descriptions seemed magnificent: The Abbot Tise.

    Interested in this parish priest of Cambrai, I decided to spend some time researching who he really was. This research led me to question the oldest inhabitants of the region whose parents had known him, and to search the archives of the parish of which he was the priest. That's where I found a treasure: his notebook in which he detailed all the events of his life and his parish, which was his life.

    I now present to you the results of my research in the hope that reading this text will help your conversion, like his writing helped mine.

    A difficult childhood in the sight of Jah

    Jean Tise was born somewhere in the north of Artois. We do not really know where or when, but we know from what he tells us himself that his childhood was not the most cheerful . His mother had in fact committed the error of being seduced by a farmhand who was motivated only by the pleasure he could derive from her. The latter, seeing his pregnant mistress, forsook her, took his wages and went to work in a more distant village. Left alone, an outcast, her only choice was to leave in turn, the little Jean on her breast.

    She went to Cambrai where to survive and feed her son she had to beg, not having a penny to open a shop, and she ended up selling her greater good: her virtue. Beaten by one of her lovers one night, she died on the pavement.

    Little Jean became one of those children without families, the thieves and fighters familiar in all our cities, but Providence watched over him. Educated to respect of Jah, the boy went several times a day to the cathedral to pray, forgetting that he had not eaten. And when he got bread, he was always found sharing it with his young friends of the street. One day, while he was dragging his feet in church, the priest came to him to ask him what he was doing there. The boy replied that he had to confess to Jah all the anger, all the unhappiness, all the hatred that life gave him. Then the priest replied that one day, it will be his love, happiness and gentleness that he would offer to the Most High for This One loved him and would save him. From that day, the priest lodged him and fed him at the presbytery. It was in 1345, Jean Tise was 12 years old.

    The priest of the poor

    The priest fed and lodged the young Jean Tise, who did not forget to give some of his daily bowl of soup to his friends, but he also gave him an education. He taught him Latin, arithmetic, grammar and all that a young man needed to know. It was therefore natural that when in 1354 the priest died, the archbishop ordained and chose him as successor.

    Very quickly, his parishioners called him the "priest of the poor", indeed he gave them his life. The poor in money, the poor in love, the poor in spirit, all found support in him. Some anecdotes show this, although the abbot Tise was not very talkative about his good deeds and one has to read between the lines to notice them.

    Thus we know he never forgot where he came from and that very often he only took one meal a day and offered meals to the poor of the city. He even created afterwards a charity raising money to prepare daily meals for the many destitute in those years of famine and pestilence. An old artesian, now deceased, told me one day that his father had arrived at Cambrai in 1388 without a penny and all the doors closed on him except one: that of the priest who was about to sit at his table. The latter invited him in and offered him his plate while only satisfying his own stomach with an apple, but with a smile and the happiness of having a guest.

    The priest would visit every week street children and bring them a little bread. After nourishing them in body, he taught them and told them that Jah loved them and we must, in times of despair turn our gaze to him who smiles upon us and in moments of joy, know to thank him for the happiness he gives us.

    It is further known that Father Tise of Cambrai repeatedly defended his bell ringer whom people called the "village idiot". He often said that being simple-minded was not a punishment from Jah or anything shameful but rather something to be proud of, because Jah loved all of us so and needed us as well. He, poor simpleton, served Jah in his simplicity sounding the hours and punctuating the liturgy, while most people who insulted him only served their own interests and their magnificent brains only served to study vain and frivolous projects.

    The testimony of Sister Mechtilde tells again an anecdote which I claim to tell you because it directly affects one of our most eminent cardinals ... In 1379, a man who came from Normandy, Eloi Nagan, went to Cambrai to study a rare work of Aristotle at the Chapter Library of Cambrai. In this city, he met a lovely girl from the best nobility named Iseulte. Their mutual love was immediate and a few months later, when Eloi was soon to leave, he went to ask for the hand of the beautiful Iseulte from her father. This he flatly refused saying that Nagan’s wealth was not large enough for him to accept a Norman into the family.

    Desperate, Eloi walked through the city in search of solution and this was given to him by Father Tise’s voice, who he met at the cathedral: "Love is Jah's gift for love is Jah; if you are sure of your love and have been chaste, I would marry you tonight, then you will leave together." The Father could then see if the lovers were willing to risk everything and leave everything for each other and test the strength of their love. In the evening, with the help of Mechtilde, Iseulte's sister, who had planned the escape, the wedding was celebrated in private and the couple went to Normandy. From their union were born Catherine, and Philip who had a son Aaron. Of course, the priest had some trouble and Mechtilde had to leave her family, but with Jah nothing is impossible and the parents finally acknowledged the power of love. Love as reflected constantly by Abbot Tise and which called Mechtilde to spend her remaining time in the religious life.

    The pious death of Jean Tise

    The month of December 1392 announced a very harsh winter, and indeed, January saw temperatures so low that the layer of ice on the river Escault was over two feet. Street children died one after the other, and the poor old priest did not know what to do. It was on returning home after having attempted to rescue such a child and given the last rites to a dying old man that the priest fell ill. His agony lasted only two days and he died at his desk, after writing the words: "Pity, my Jah, in Your love, remember me at the moment of death." I held these last words in my hand and I cried overwhelmed with emotion ... I saw the letters become increasingly shaky and the last line stopping at the ‘e’ of "moment" and I understood that this man’s faith, his confidence, his love had been the forces of his life up to the moment of his death.

    It was 10th February 1393.

By Monsignor Lodovicus.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:18 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13354
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of blessed "Saint" Asaph


    Asaph was born in the welsh countryside of Holywell in the year of 542. When he was a young boy, he frequently visited the nearby hermitage in Tenegel where he first heard and learned the Word of Jah and the wisdom of Aristotle. He eventually entered the said hermitage at the age of twelve with the Abbot Kentigern as his mentor. At an early age, he already showed great wisdom and love for Jah. He helped the monks that preached by that area and assisted the venerable Kentigern during his years as a novice.

    When he was at his late twenties, the Venerable Kentigern left the hermitage when he was called to hold the Scottish bishopric of Glasgow in the year 573, he left the hermitage in charge of Asaph. Asaph was then consecrated as an abbot and granted the mitre and crozier of the abbotcy. During his tenure, he helped the nearby villages when a drought and series of famine struck the land. Many of animals and crops withered and died. The people were loosing their faith, and so was Asaph.

    Temptation of Asap

    With a crisis of faith, Asaph left the hermitage and fled to the hills near the coast of Flintshire where he prayed endlessly and fasted. During his days of solitude and silent prayer, the Creature Without Name came to the cave where Asaph was staying. The Creature tempted him with earthly and material things and various vanities and he even spout heresies that kept Asaph awake and never let him sleep. But Asaph, remembering the teachings of his mentor Kentigern, kept his eyes closed and mind and heart upward in deep prayer. Then an angel of the Lord came down and shone upon the heathen Creature and drove him away. The angel then gave Asaph a stick and said that if the stick touches a body of water, it will be cleansed and be filled with blessedness and will heal any ailment. The angle also assured Asaph that the Almighty heard his endless prayers and his weeks of fasting in the wilderness will be rewarded.

    Asaph returned to the hermitage with a blessed heart that can compel any sin. When he went to the village, he threw the stick that was given to him into a nearby stream, the sky lightened and a gust of cool breeze whirled into the villages. The famine and drought quickly vanished, the crops grew and rain befell the lands. From then on, Asaph strengthened the ministry left to him that many of the people went back into the faith.

    Church Acts

    Asaph was known for his sermons. It was said that the Divine Action shined upon him during his public preaching that even the deaf were able to hear his words. His charity and virtuous acts were then made known throughout the lands that people came all over Wales and even Northumbria in England to hear him preach. It was then that his fame reached the ears of Rome.

    The higher Church officials then ordered the Church of Normandy to establish an episcopal see in Northern Wales. Asaph was again consecrated as a bishop of the newly established Bishopric of Llanelwy. He was then installed as its first bishop. He was consecrated by then the Archbishop of Glasgow and his old mentor, Kentigern.

    Later years and death

    Later years and death

    During his later years, Asaph was one of the most respected and beloved bishop on the British Isles. His wisdom and knowledge was sought by academians and thinker alike, but he remained the old humble and cheerful bishop to his people.

    It was then that the Celtic pagans arrived in the shores of Northern Wales. Their heretical preachings reached the town of Holywell where Asaph's cathedral is. At one event, Asaph stumbled upon one of these pagans in the marketplace preaching about their gods. The two ensued in a theological debate. Using his wisdom and deep faith, Asaph successfully defeated the pagan. The heathen then rebuffed him with curses.

    It was a blessed victory for Asaph and the Aristotelian Church but it also triggered the embitterment of the pagans. One night, while Asaph was celebrating the Holy Mass a group of pagans attacked the church. They closed down all doors and windows from the outside and burned the building with all the parishioners and Asaph inside. Asaph prayed for safety and it was heard almost instantaneously. Heavy winds and a thunderstorm developed above the church and quenched the fire, the pagans were also stuck by lightning.

    The doors opened and the community rejoiced and held a mass of thanksgiving. However, it seemed that Asaph had done the will of the Almighty that after the mass he broke down to the floor and remained ill until his earthly departure. His funeral was a day of mourning and sadness for the whole Church of Llanelwy. He was buried in the tombs of the Cathedral of Llanelwy on the first of May, 635 at the faithful age of 93. The diocese was later then named after him.


    The Red Book of Asaph, said to have been originally compiled early in the fourteenth century, refers to "the charm of his conversations, the symmetry, vigor and grace of his body, the holiness and virtue of his heart, and the witness of his miracles".

    The second recorded bishop of the diocese of St. Asaph was Geoffrey of Monmouth, in whose History of the Kings of Britain there is a mention of his predecessor as being "wise but humble, stern but kind, and whose faith hast nay been crooked nor withered."

    Relics: his remains are interned in the lowermost crypt of the Cathedral of Llanelwy (St. Asaph); his miraculous stick was incorporated inside the episcopal crozier of the bishops of Llanelwy (St. Asaph), gilded with gold and is still in possession and use today.

    Feast: May 1st

    Patronage: Patron of Wales

Accepted into the Dogma on 26 November 1460 by the ESPC.
Thankyou to the hard working team at the Scriptorium, Especially Prof.Sloth.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:18 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13354
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Atri of Egremont

    We all know that religion and politics do not mix well, and it is quite difficult to associate one from the other. A certain woman though proved that serving the public is not an obstacle for serving Jah. Lady Atri, Viscountess of Egremont, fervently worked towards the betterment of her town and of its people without wandering outside the plan that Jah gave to her. A path of selfless love to the community, of unaccounted service to its populace, that lead her to a faithful life that still today, is marked on the hearts of those who knew her.

    • Beginnings

      Little was known about the early life of Atri. She was born on the spring of 1438 in an unknown village somewhere in southern England. Abandoned in infancy, she was taken to a hermit monk who taught her the life and works of Aristotle and Christos until his demise.

      From her childhood until the age of sixteen, she was taken care of a woodsman, a former veteran of the Holy Crusades, who taught her the ways of life. From him she knew stories of great heroism and valor, of mighty kings and their knights who fought in the holy lands.

      When she was to reach the age of seventeen, the man who took care of her died of a bandit attack when they were traveling. She fought and managed to save her life.

      After the terrible night, she woke up in rags near the gates of the coastal town of Chard where she met Mistress Parslie who guided her and help her establish her new life in Chard.

      Documents form Atri's diary

      First Account : the early years

      My Mother, Jah rest her soul, died in the birthing when she begot me in the spring of 1438.

      My Father, his mind unhinged with grief over her loss, abandoned his infant daughter to the care of a monk who lived a secluded life as a hermit in a tiny cottage hidden away in the wooded hills of Somerset.

      The monk was a kindly soul, if somewhat eccentric. He taught me to read and write at an early age, and introduced me to the writings of Christos and Aristotle and other great thinkers. I learned from him many things, amongst them compassion and kindness toward my fellow man. Sadly, advancing years overcame him and his frail body gave up its spirit while I was yet a small child.

      Being yet too young to fend for myself, I was taken in by an old woodsman who frequented the abode of the monk oft times to trade fresh killed game for ale or arrowheads. My new "Uncle" was a former soldier who had served first in the Crusades and later as a mercenary in the armies of various European kings. When the rigors of a soldier"s life began to ache his battle scarred body and his heart began to yearn for the hills of his homeland, he returned to England to take up life as a woodsman and hunter.

      This man also taught me much. Each night around the crackling fire he regaled me with tales of epic battles and of tragic loss, of vast armies, and the heart pounding rush of eye to eye combat with a single foe, of heroism and of fear. He taught me to read the sign of the forest and its creatures, to know their habits and interpret their tracks, to move like a deer, to see as the falcon, and to think as the fox.

      In May of 55, a few days beyond my 17th birthday, I found myself dressed in rags and on my own in the town of Chard. It was here that I would meet Parslie, a woman who would prove to have a profound influence on my life.

      Mistress Parslie was a beautiful, dark haired matron who exuded both confidence and intelligence. Sometimes stern, sometimes tender, and always loving.

      After starting a new life in Chard, she got herself immersed in the world of politics and civil service. Here she started her works to help the common man, invested her time and efforts in order to make the lives of her neighbors better and progressive. Through the guidance of the Divine Action, she paved a path of good governance to being a faithful servant.

      Second Account : Coming into my own

      When fate led Mistress Parslie to faraway Greece, I was once again on my own. My heart was heavy with sadness, but she had taught me to be strong, to be self reliant, to press on.

      I now had become a skilled butcher in my own right, and also raised both crops and livestock.

      I became involved in my town, serving on the town council in a variety of roles under two fine mayors. I took over as editor of the local newspaper. I even served briefly on the county council, filling out the term of a departed councilor. In my short tenure as judge I rendered verdicts in five cases. As a woman, as a citizen, as a businesswoman, I grew up.

      In her early life and beginnings, she already incorporated the teachings of Aristotle and Christos with her decisions and judgement, and in her ways and actions. Atri proved that with the help of Jah, any man can overcome obstacles and with deep faith, these obstacles can be strongholds that strengthens and fortifies life. She devoted her self to help the people of Jah by civil offices.

    • Life in Egremont

      Atri a écrit:
      In the late fall of 1455, the colony of Egremont was chartered by the King. As much as I loved Chard, the adventure of new opportunity called to me. In what was undoubtedly the most difficult decision of my life, I left behind all that I had come to love and moved to the rugged northwest coast of England.

      A new beginning.

      Atri did not set out to do something big for Jah. She saw in Egremont the need of faithful public service there and threw herself into serving the town. Thus, her compassion occasioned the creation of an active community that benefited many. And ultimately it resulted in her being a servant of Jah.

      A Public Servant : A social instrument of Jah

      She served the town as a town councilor, mentor, and town mayor. Through the days of her works, she herself walked in the way of faith. She did not exalt herself, but saw herself as a servant to her folks. She was not full of herself, nor was her head swollen with big plans. She just did what needed to be done--- an excellent model of service for us all.

      She taught a "social" Aristotelianism, building on her conviction that selfless service is the essence of the church. And she lived it. As mayor, she made sure of the stability of the town. A complicated matter, for the people of Egremont, then a budding colony in the northern part of England

      She annexed that faith into a political perspective, through the town hall as her office, showcasing a simple life and through it, a religious governance prevailed in this hidden secret of England, Egremont.

    • Her death and legacy

      One cool night, under the shafts of moonlight filtering through the dark clouds that hid the stars, I walked unseen to the rugged shores. I hugged my cloak about me against the chill night wind coming off the sea, and I listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the rocky beach.

      After that event, no one saw Atri ever again. It was said that an angel of the Lord appeared to her took and her soul to the Solar Paradise. Jah must have seen that her duty was fulfilled and it was time for her to be with Him in eternal peace, as reward for her extraordinary work she did during her lifetime.

      Atrian language: an undying culture

      What is considered by some to be the official language of Egremont, Atrian, was named after this mayor who had a tendency to make pronunciation mistakes (OOC: she would often switch letters around or skip letters and such, when such mistakes were made people began to say "we understand, we speak Atrian", rather than having her correct herself all the time). It became considered as the official language and remained such until long after her death.

      Supposed miracles after life*

      The first testimony concerning Atri was provided by Quannanhade and is as follows:

      Quann a écrit:
      During Late-summer of 1458, a great surge of viscous and bloodthirsty plants came from the hills around Egremont. Tonnes of dried vegetable matter, rolling across the grassy knolls and parching everything they came across. Such an unnatural scourge could only be the work of Witchcraft, or the fetid and maculated hand of the Creature Without Name. These 'Tumbleweeds' had successfully evaded the armies of Cumberland, and were heavily armed. They began setting up for a raid on Egremont, a raid which a few townsfolk stepped up to stop. QuannanHade, his General (the Village Idiot) and a rag-tag band of militia went out to meet the threat. QuannanHade asked the spirit of Atri to, with Jah's permission, guide him and the town to victory over the amassed force. As soon as QuannanHade stepped out of the city walls, it was discovered that the Tumbleweed camps were empty, and the vile things had left no trace. Thus, it is to be concluded that Atri performed the miracle of genocide that day; expelling the unholy flora from our fair lands."

      It was during the summer of 1458. A humid weather prevailed throughout the day. A group of cattle herders sighted rolls of tumbleweeds sloping down the hills of Keswick. It was by then that a sudden storm engulfed the land from Hadrian's Walls down to the castle of York. A great multitude of unearthly creatures, in the resemblance of plant species, emerged from the ground and neared various towns. People panicked, it was by then that militias were formed to suppress the creatures.

      It was sometime before, that a band of pagan witches were seen dancing in the fields of Cumbria, chanting unholy hymns and cursing the earth, casting seeds while advocating for the power of the Creature Without name.

      Twas by then that the local clergy seek the divine protection of Jah. While the militia are battling the unearthly beings, an opening from heaven appeared. A shine, more like a beam of light, came down from the sky. There manifested a woman, gleaming like the morning sun. She spoke but nobody understood her. The plant-like creatures were dried crisp from the beam, when suddenly the earth shook. A crack opened from the ground and swallowed the creatures back to Lunar Hell. The people cheered for there were saved. The woman disappeared and the storm ceased.

      It was concluded that it's Atri, a maiden from Egremont. The language and the way she spoke was identical to that of the woman. From then on, farmers seek the intercession of Atri to get rid of pesky weeds ruining crops and fields.

      The second is a testimony about the apparition of Atri by Hikenai Walace and is as follows:

      Regarding the sainthood of the late Atri, and formerly a resident of Egremont, I wish to provide evidence of a miracle, performed by Atri, at the request of myself. The situation began when I was concerned over a friend, Saskia, having gone into retreat. I was mostly speaking tongue in cheek, but it seemed I greatly angered our priest, Father Sloth, by jokingly making a suggestion we take Saskia, forceably from retreat. The good Father Sloth, having overheard how I had tempted Osbert Wallace and the mayor, Jken, to join me in this venture, and hearing their reaction to the proposition, the good Father said : "thou shall not enter those walled cloisters! its a place of recollection with the Almighty Jah! tho shall not intervene ! Let Lady Saskia find peace at this time and reflect on her relationship with Jah".
      Father Sloth's reaction to my suggestion, caused others, such as Quannanhade, to enter into the discussion, as well, making light of the good Father's vehement objections to what I had so lightly suggested we do. This seemed to increase Father's anger all the more. As Father became increasingly angry, he seemed to turn maniacal, and suddenly, to everyone's surprise he levitated, hovering around the ceiling! At this point, seeing such a thing, all in attendance were aghast! I clasped my hands together, bowed my head in prayer to Jah, to the Christos, and also did bear in mind Atri, as I earnestly sought Father Prof's deliverance! As I called Atri to mind, he immediately fell to the floor, passed into a deep slumber, and afterward, awakened with no recollection of the mysterious, and frightening events that had occurred.
      It is my belief, that Jah released him from whatever dark power seized him that day, However, I believe it was, especially, Atri's intervention, which resulted in so speedy, and miraculous, a recovery of Father Sloth from the force of evil that assailed him. I do believe with my whole heart that it was Atri's aid which resulted in Father Sloth quickly being restored to his usual personality and good health. Those in attendance to observe the walking on walls, and levitation, were Osbert Wallace, Jken, Quannanhade, and possibly Aefernum, who was standing nearby in a grove of trees.
      I do swear the above account of Father Sloth's levitation to be true, and to be verifiable by the witnesses I have listed. I also confirm, it is my belief, that Atri's intervention, upon my having petitioned her while praying to Jah, played a significant role in the recovery of Father Sloth from some dark force. I also believe Atri's intervention played a significant role in his restoration to good spiritual health, mental health and physical normalcy!

      This I swear to, and sign, on Jan. 31, 1459.

      Hikenai de Peche Wallace
      Deaconess of Egremont

      It was by mysterious incidence that happened on a council meeting in the town of Egremont. The discussion of the group swayed to a topic that had angered their parish priest. It is so that the cleric lost senses and is believed that the demon of wrath overpowered him that day. He started to act differently and levitated to the ceiling. In great surprise and fear, the deaconess prayed to Jah for help.

      The winds blew and crashed the windows open. Mist entered the chamber and collected in a portrait hung in the wall. There apparated the woman in the portrait.

      It was Atri. As a former mayor and councilor of the town she has a portrait hung in the walls of the town council chamber. The apparition was said to chase the demon away, through the Divine Action. After all had calmed down, the apparition disappeared and the wind ceased. The group, dumbfounded, thanked the Lord for all was well.

      The third is a legend passed around the town about a miracle and is commonly known as the legend of the skull of Atri. here is as is follows:

      A fisherman went fishing by the sea late at night. A strange wave and heavy winds turned his boat upside-down, nearly drowning him. Then he prayed for Jah for help. then a shiny light rose from the sea and saved the fisherman. The day after, the fisherman woke in his boat a found a very large cod, then out of the fish' mouth, a skull came out... the fisherman was horrified, then he felt a cool spring breeze. A lady suddenly appeared and seems to be walking in the water... like a mist or fog, but warm. The lady spoke to the fisherman...but the man cannot understand what the lady is talking about, it sounds like English, maybe welsh, but a little bit of mongolian-chinese. Nevertheless, the lady pointed to the skull.. she smiled. The man was confused, so he got the skull and when he is about to give it to the lady, the lady disappeared. the fisherman got ashore and gave the skull to the parish priest. the end!

      Testimonies, quotations, etc.

      Atri a écrit:
      Egremont is a fine town.

      "Happy I could help in some small way, ma'am."

      "Egremont truly has a lot of folks who know how to share in life's little joys!"
      "I love this town., i'm very happy"

      Beemo a écrit:
      Atri was the heart of Egremont. She ran for mayor not for power but out of a sense of duty. It took much convincing to get her to take that step but she was natural. She earned the title of Viscountess of Egremont bestowed upon her by LadyCruzinCat. Atri never left Egremont. She was to go with me once, but died before we had the chance. We spent many hours together in the P&F talking about everything and til this day I still miss her.

      Robert a écrit:
      she was a good person and most definitely deserved a sainthood.

      Patronage : civil servants ; linguists

      Relics: Diary and the skull is currently kept safe in the Parish of Egremont

      Celebration: Town of Egremont

      Associated date: April 1st

    * The miracles which are told in this hagiography had not been validate with serious investigation. Aristotelician Church cannot tell if they aretrue or not at this point.

Accepted into the Dogma on 26 November 1460 by the ESPC.
thanks to the hard working team at the English Scriptorium. Lead by Prof.Sloth


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:19 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13354
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Blessed Boniface
    the first great reformer of the Holy Italian Church.


    Boniface, born March 25, 1425 from a poor and wretched Modenese family that fell into ruin due to an unsuccessful commercial venture.
    The poor child was just born then and had been nursed by his mother, but later was abandoned at the steps of a small village church and from that moment his mother and his father disappeared and cannot be found, it is said that because of financial failure they were murdered by those who had invested in their failed business.

    The child did not have a name yet, the priest of the church, looking into his eyes looked like he had never seen in a kid, called him "Boniface", He wishing he would grow well under the auspices of goodness and serenity.

    The small Boniface was extremely well educated in the teachings of the old parish priest, who was knowledgeable in both Latin and Greek and is a scholar of high standards, had made wonderful works but lost during a fire a few years later. In addition to the mastery of Latin and Greek, he is well-learned in French and English, which will be used by him in the future as weapons for the rebirth of the Italian Church.

    The youth and the vocation

    The young Boniface, after completing his studies, wanted to grow even more. So he went to the University of Modena, where he obtained a degree in law and diplomacy. His training was wonderful, he realized that his knowledge of books and life should be applied throughout the world known by the pen and speech.

    Even though he was in constant contact with the religious, he never had the desire to take this path, when one day, in the hollow of a long sleepless night, Pope Nicolas V appeared in a dream. That was before he became a saint, he called Boniface by name and greeted him with open arms. He showed a boat that was at his side, ready to sail toward the horizon, but the ship had no captain to take the helm.

    This vague dream left Boniface bloodless, but the shock convinced him to lit the path and so he thought to himself:

    "A ship can not sail without a captain at the helm, and if the Almighty wills, I will be captain."

    At that time, the events in the Italian lands were not the best. Episcopal prelates, yielding to temptation, were being murdered. In the courtyard of the bishop, the lust of the mistress dominated. Clerics frequented brothels. The church should be rebuilt on a good foundation. Rome became more and more distant from the Italian Church and it was time for a reunion.

    The work of Boniface

    Boniface was ordained a priest in Modena June 13, 1443 by the first patriarch of the Italian church, Bucella Borromeo de la Riva.
    He began attending to the Italian prelate and priests, all would later become great Doctors of the Church.
    Boniface was chosen by the patriarch to become his closest ally in this great work of reorganization of the church, then corrupted and destroyed. Bucella armed Boniface with the spirit of the Italian.

    Internal regulations were reviewed and applied, some are still valid today. The ecclesiastical hierarchy was put in place to restore its jurisdiction and staff of the Italian Church was restricted. However, there was still something for the integration and communication with Rome.

    The trip to Rome and his work

    Before leaving for Rome in 1454 he was appointed as Bishop of Modena by the Patriarch Bucello, who was old and tried several times to propose the sale of the office to Boniface, but he never accepted.

    So after a long journey, he arrived in Rome, a place he had never seen but only heard of, came to the palace where he was met by the curial cardinal Plenipotentiary Maisse Arsouye, a charismatic religious and known throughout all the churches of the kingdoms.

    He maintained a great friendship with Boniface. Both worked together to promote this new Italian Church, not confining the boundaries within the Italians, but making it to grow internationally. Boniface understood what the dream meant by Nicholas V, he had done it. The ship had sailed across the oceans, with a him as captain, and had landed in Rome, for the best of the Italian Church.

    In Rome, he had the opportunity to exploit his qualities as a jurist and diplomat. Indeed, he signed the Statute of the Italian Bishops' first meeting, in fact, he signed the Statute of the first Assembly of the Empire of the Italian bishops of the Holy Roman Empire. This event was incredibly important to the Holy Church in Italy and a large part of the credit goes to Boniface, who wrote much of the Canon Law of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church. In addition, he created the coterie of bishops and theologians of the college for the Italians. He also translated the dogma and all the Aristotelian doctrine.

    All this is an amazing job for a mere mortal. Despite hard work and immeasurable, Boniface disappeared suddenly at the age of thirty-one in 1456.

    The Disappearance of Boniface

    The Church had thus reached a surprising result with Boniface. A result was his appointment as cardinal. But the foundation of the Church was still fragile and sensitive to the evil that had crept into his heart for so long and had precipitated his downfall.

    For years, the Church had to face an excommunicated priest called "Papercoop." The man had devoted his soul to the precepts of the nameless creature, had married men and animals, had worked in an unacceptable way for the Universal Church. Despite all the efforts of the Italian clerics to stop him, despite his death sentence, Papercoop continued its aberrations. On the night of the fifteenth day of June in the year 1456, Bonniface went missing, body and soul, and no one heard from him again. The mystery around his disappearance some attribute to Papercoop, but has no evidence.

    Little Reflection

    Without the work of Saint Boniface, the Italian Church would never come out of this period of difficulty and disorder.
    His words still resound in the Italian Church as lessons almost prophetic. He made a reorganization of the work of Aristotle, and was the first to reform the Church and to make known the sacred texts in Italian lands. He is the first real father of the Italian Church.

Document transcribed by Cardinal Alessandro III de Montemayor said "Giarru landless"


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:19 am; édité 1 fois
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 5:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Gauvin of Berry known as "le maestro"

    Maestro di cappella, benefactor of the Church of Bourges, Berry castrato.

    • And suddenly there was light

      During the year 1333, Jean II le Bon, King of France, gave birth to a bastard during one of his military campaigns. So was born Gauvin. He will never see his father who did not recognize him. His mother, bad mother, was living in luxury and royal games of power for a king who only wants more power. She delegated the education of his child to nurses and tutors. Gauvin was breastfed. Between feedings, until the age of seven, he was read the sacred books. Even if he was not able to understand, unconsciously, he turned his soul to the Allmighty, never to leave the faith.

      He spent his youth between opulent breasts, servants and women of flesh and luxury. Gauvin was a boy who love women, already at an early age, he behaved like a scoundrel with the servants of the house where he lived. When he entered adolescence, surrounded by so many women amazed by its beauty and natural class, Gauvin became an inveterate womanizer. The young man contained with difficulty his growing impulsions. His tutor has to whip him if he wanted him to learn not to run after grils between two lessons. It was not uncommon to discover him naked at the turn of a corridor, in full swing with a wench more embarrassed than him to be so disclosed. His lack of restraint and inelegant way to indulge the flesh with any woman in his entourage were public knowledge and Gauvin was the shame of his mother. Her reputation was badly known and her position in the court of the king imposed a decision : Gauvin, known as "the beaste", has to be placed far away from the female. He was sent to a monastery.

    • From light comes harmony

      The young Gauvin, barely sixteen years old, found himself locked in a small cold and damp cell, without being able to satisfy his appetite for the female. The place was only frequented by men. The first few weeks were the hardest of his life, and his penchant for pleasure led him to discover new things with handsome young monks. The rector of the monastic order decided to strike a blow. Gauvin was said possesed by the nameless beast and the decision was made to deprive the instrument of his vice. The young bastard was presented to doctors of the order and he was castrated. Gauvin wept during nights and finally managed to get to sleep in the scriptures. Touched in the depths of his soul by the Aristotelian speech, he felt faith through brilliantly illustrated texts. The magnificent illuminations gave him a considerable attraction for art that did not leave him until his last breath.

      So far to this point, his life had hardly been pious, but he now attended every office and listened to the wise words taught by monks. He learned the vita and the logos of Christos. He spent five long years almost in prison, but for him it was like freedom. He left the monastery transcended and transformed. Those who had experienced lewd Gauvin didn't believe what they saw. He returned to Bourges with a novitiate in his pocket and offered to help the priest of the parish of Bourges, an old alcoholic man, taking barely standing and giving a disastrous image of the Church to believers. The priest, glad to delegate his work to a young man, decides to name Gauvin as a deacon. Gauvin's superior, named father Frigoulet, let him manage the parish. The father was too busy ogling the booze. The more they rubbed, the more Gauvin understood that Frigoulet was the kind of religious who take down the image of the Church. It was a great opportunity for the heterodox to spit in the face of the Roman church. After five long years dedicated to the city, he decided to reveal every details to the Bishop of Bourges. The bishop, learning the unspeakable conduct of the priest withdrew him the charge of Bourges.

      Gauvin was 26 years old when he entered the service of the ducal palace. His past was far away in his mind. He would like to erase all the parties and wild nights. Gauvin was noted for his exceptional voice by the Duke of Berry. He asked him to join him to sing during his great receptions. He soon gave Gauvin the nickname "castrato". His magnificent songs gave joy to prestigious guests. He was inspired from old hymns, and his voice brought a surprising fervor. So, after a year of acclaimed performances and weekly homilies, he decided to make a choice. Gauvin would choose a religious career for the greatness of the Almighty. He stopped searching for meaning in his life and decided that his life would be devoted to the priesthood. The next day he went to see the Bishop of Bourges and accepted ordination.

    • From harmony to enlightenment

      Gauvin became the Father Gauvin, the youngest priest to be in the parish of Bourges. His work was impressive. Not only was he a cleric of talent, but in addition, he was priest with a class and elegance like no other. He was the son of a king but was never recognized. He never received the love of a father or a mother, so he gave his love to everyone. His masses echoed across the capital of Berry because of his extraordinary voice. Rich and powerful aristocrats came to see him. His reputation crossed the borders of Berry and, from all around the neighborhood people came. The church of Bourges has never been so full. On feast days, the faithful waited on the square to hear the mass. Gauvin was a religious icon, he was a man of character. He led the church of Bourges on a road full of greatness. The bishop recognized his talent and invited him to officiate with him to consecrate the dukes and marrying the powerful of Berry. Gauvin was a real phenomenon, his representations to the court of Berry brought him great money, the nobles paid him to come and sing in their strongholds, so Gauvin amassed a small fortune.

      When he was mid-thirties, still attracted to religious art, he decided to paint large murals to decorate and illuminate the church of Bourges. He didn't like to have money, but didn't know how to spent it, so he donated his fortune and his land and to the diocese of Bourges to provide the needs of the people of Berry. He proposed to repair the old cathedral.The work was Pharaonic and the front of the cathedral became as magnificent as the the greatness of God. Gauvin was recognize has a great virtuous man and a hard worker. Therefore, Gauvin became fascinated by the arts of illumination and ordered still more work to monastic orders. The ducal palace of Berry and many castles were decorated by him. He was entrusted for the renovation of buildings to restore. At the age of 45, Gauvin was certainly one of the most known man in Berry, even in the royal domain. He was invited to sing at the royal court and sang to his half-brother, Charles, the legitimate son of Jean le Bon. Gauvin never knew who his father was and his relationship with he was no in relation with his mother.

      Gauvin baptized, confessed, married and officiated and take no rest. He was one of the most active clerics of the kingdom and he was asked from very far to hear his unique voice. The bishop and the archbishop had to refused requests for him so he did not hold two ceremonies in one day. The reputation of Gauvin came to Rome and his work was told to the pope. He was invited to sing during the ceremony of the star of Aristotle, in front of the highest officials of the Church, the cardinals, archbishops and leaders of the kingdoms of France, Italy and many more. Gauvin had the privilege to speak alone with the Pope. The pope noticed the smoothness of the castrato and was grateful for what he had done. His Holiness offered him the title of maestro di cappella, which gave him the right to teach and form religious singers. Gauvin returned to Bourges and then opened the Schola Cantorum.

    • From enlightenment to plainchant

      Gauvin was fifty. He leaved the charge of Father of Bourges because he was too busy with the direction of the school choir. He was the initiator of neumatic style, which contrasted sharply with the usual chants based on the use of a single note. He became a great composer. He made a lot of ornemantations for prayers and hymns, it has great effects. His students came from all over the kingdom to learn to chant and sing. Maestro loved teaching to his students. He always said to his fervent religious students :

      "Singing is praying twice"

      Gauvin taught plainchant with mastery. He was entrusted to compose many scores of sacred music. He create the first singing creed. This prayer was the kind of things he composed.

      From the road that traces my journey,
      I focus the sun shining on my destiny,
      I feel the warmth of the love of God,
      My soul as my heart by faith are girded
      Oh God welcomes me in your garden.

      The rest of his life was devoted to art and sacred music. Combining the work of recognized illuminators to his talent for composition, he donated his work to the churches of Berry. He designed a huge fresco to decorate one of the chapels of the cathedral of Bourges. It was a request of the Archbishop and it was representing a sung prayer to Christos. His musical works were included in numerous parishes in the ecclesiastical province from Limousin to Rouergue ad passing through the Bourbonnais. Gauvin was called "the maestro" and so he is named today. To those who asked him why he now devoted himself to music, he retorted :

      "If the Almighty has given us such a voice, it is certainly not to bark like dogs shepherds. The shepherd gathers his flock of his voice, and the priest sings for the salvation of your souls."

      Gauvin died in March of the year 1403 at the age of 70 years. His busy life left him no regrets. From his deathbed, killed by disease and affliction, he still wrote musical works. There were many people coming to pay their last tribute to him, laying on his last bed. Nobles of Berry and powerful people of the Church of France were coming to see him. His Holiness was too old to visit, but he send him a carved jeweled and feather gold bottle of ink as reward for his work. During his last breath, when he left the living world, some could hear a perfect C.

    • Patronage : singers, illuminators, Berrichons.

    • Relics : His body, rests in the crypt of the cathedral of Bourges. The vial of ink and gold pen offered by the Pope are kept in the library of the Cathedral of Bourges. The first and intact partition of the singing creed is kept in a showcase of St Titus apse of the cathedral of Bourges.

Accepted into the Dogma by the ESPC on 1 December 1460Anonymous text, found, corrected and edited by Bishop Bender.B.Rodriguez


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:20 am; édité 1 fois
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 5:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of the Blessed Plato


    At the time of the birth of Plato, the city of Athens was dominated by a few large powerful families. They were the hub of the social life of the city and the business fabric as well. Among them was the family of Ariston who was descended from King Codrus, the last legendary king of Athens. This genealogy gave the family a lot of respect, but the family also performed functions that were important to the whole city, and exerted financial influence over the life of the city.

    One stormy night, the young Perictione, herself the daughter of an influential family, sought shelter from the heavy rain at the temple of Hermes. Ariston noticed her there, she was cold, wet and hungry and he gave her food and shelter in his nearby home. Despite only having spent the one day together, he decided to marry her.

    The union of these two lovers, although permitted, aroused debate and caused anxiety among the families. It was against tradition to marry so quickly, particularly to families that were not well known to each other. The storm they met in was also seen by those who believed in ancient superstitions as a bad omen.

    Despite this, they were married and the union of Ariston and Perictione produced four children: the sons Adeimantus, Glaucon, Aristocles, and the beautiful daughter Potone.

    Of the four children, the birth of their third child Aristocles was unusual and not without problems:

    Ariston had gone to war and was not their to see the birth of his child.
    Perictione herself had been travelling, and the child was born on the road, at night, some leagues from Athens, and it was only by a miracle that both the child and the mother survived.

    She decided to call the baby Aristocles, after Ariston's father who had recently died. This was part of the tradition of the day.


    It was 5 years before Ariston returned from war. His three sons had grown, especially Aristocles who he had never met and was now 5 years old. The first words Ariston spoke when he saw his child became the basis for the nickname the child retained until his death.

    "I expected to see a little baby cooing and making small noises, yet I come home and find you have both a large dialect and large body!"

    The word "large" in Greek is called "Plato", and so he was since nicknamed "Plato, the large", by all who met him.

    From a young age, Plato seemed to have very high intellectual capacity, and for this reason, his parents insisted on training in music, mathematics, sports, painting and grammar. Thus, at age 16, he wrote his first poems and his first tragedies.

    At age 19, rumours came to his ears: that the great philosopher called Socrates, who defied the conventional wisdom, was in town.
    For Plato, this brought a revelation: that thought could be challenged, and there was a man who rejected what he had been taught in order to understand for themselves the truth he perceived.

    Plato decided to meet this Socrates. But his parents, fearing that this "bad" company and would not suit the future political life reserved and expected of Plato, forbade him to go and see Socrates.


    Without informing his parents, Plato went to a favourite gym of Socrates to listen to a dialogue between Socrates and one of his followers. Anxious so as not to be denounced by his family, he had attempted to conceal his identity.

    Seeing a young man that he had never seen before, Socrates interrupted his discussion and pointed with his finger sternly saying:

    Socrates "who are you who come here to listen to my words?"

    PLATO "I am Plato, humble son of two farmers. I can not pay to listen to your lessons, oh esteemed teacher, but I wish to remain discreet. "

    Socrates "here is not the place for discretion, nor to lie, Plato. If you are here, you have to come in front of everyone, and argue without error. I am not a Sophist who will only teach to those that will pay. To have such conviction is as false as your alleged peasant condition, which is betrayed by your fancy attire. "

    Impressed by Socrates, who had managed to easily unmask him, Plato agreed to talk with him and soon after this swore to follow him unswervingly.

    For years, Socrates and Plato travelled the streets searching for people to believe their ideas and reject opinions and beliefs that had no foundation. Socrates demonstrated his freedom of thought on all matters, and started to question publicly in his dialogues the dogmas of the polytheism of the time.

    He thought the attitudes attributed to the Greek gods to be unworthy of real gods and on contemplation of this it lead to the conclusion that there could be one deity only.

    But one day when Plato was ill, soldiers came and stopped Socrates in the middle of one of his dialogues. They accused him of disturbing the public order, of impiety towards the gods and the corruption of youth. He was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death by taking hemlock.

    Inconsolable, Plato returned to Athens and decided to put in writing the dialogues of his master while they were still fresh in memory.

    However, he lacked the courage to resume the dialogue of his master about the gods, nor continue the refinement and contemplation that there may be only one God. The fear of death stopped Plato.

    Once this long work of writing the dialogues was done, he could not bare for the work of Socrates to end there, so he founded the academy for young men and women of Athens where you could get an education worthy of the memory of his master.


    Over the years, the Academy of Plato became the most famous place for the cultural enrichment and intellectual training of young people. There was not a family that did not encourage their children to follow the teachings of the Academy. So popular had it become that an admissions test was set up, one where you required to pass 3 tests : a moral, a physical and an intellectual.

    These tests were:

      The shrews : nasty old women who were hired to deter and discourage the less motivated of the disciples.

      The labyrinth: the actual premises of the academy, despite its sumptuous exterior, was a real maze so that the disciples understood that the path of knowledge is never right nor simple.

      The syllogism: for every new disciple, Plato used to propose a fallacy, that is, a perverse syllogism, in order to prove his responsiveness and alertness of intellect.

    One day a student for whom Plato had not been warned about entered the Amphitheatre in which he gave his lessons. It was Aristotle. As he had obviously passed the test of the shrews and the labyrinth, Plato made him prove that a cat could have eight tails.

    Impressed by the rigour with which Aristotle replied, he was accepted among his followers. Between them a strong bond of loyalty and complicity were formed, which he had never known with Socrates, when he was himself a disciple. Whenever he elaborated a theory, Aristotle was there to justify it, and both agreed on all matters of life.

    Thus passed many years until Aristotle decides to leave Athens, finally unable to agree with Plato on the nature of ideas and things. At first, Plato regretted his departure, which he considered unworthy of spirit. He believed that Aristotle was upset to find himself in disagreement with his master and had left on a whim.

    However, a few years later, he heard again about this disciple that he was never able to replace. Indeed, one of his students told him he was leaving his courses for Axos, because the master Aristotle taught something more innovative than at Plato's Academy.

    So pleased he was to have formed a belief deep enough in his students that it would lead to more thoughts and studies, he decided to end his academic work.


    Taking the road to the coast of Troas, Plato felt his strength decline, and when people recognized him, he found himself increasingly not able to talk to them for fatigue.

    He Arrived at the Academy of Aristotle, disguised to avoid being observed, and observed his former disciple explain the unity of God.

    Conscious of having been largely overcome in wisdom and reasoning; and finding that what Aristotle had described was in fact some of his old teacher Socrates thoughts which he had not written down, he was shaken in his confidence and returned to his inn without going to greet his old friend.

    It is in this inn in Axos, where he really became aware of the truth of the views of Aristotle. Finally finding the courage he had missed in his youth, he said, before the customers and owners who looked on in amazement : "Aristotle was right: There is only one God, and I bet that it was God that led Aristotle to me to help find His truth. Glory be to Aristotle, I can die in peace."

    In fact, it was that night that Aristocles-Plato passed away in a bedroom of the Inn of Axos.

Translated in August 1461 by the team at Villa San Loyats.


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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 5:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Blessed Seneca and his "On Providence"


    Seneca lived in the first century after Christos and was born into a Roman family who had grown up in Spain.

    During the years of his youth, he was schooled by the philosopher Sotion, a Pythagorean heir of Aristotle, who was strongly versed in the study of science through observation and reasoning, and also Attalus the Stoic philosopher who was the one who pushed more than any for Seneca to adhere to religion, and the one that inspired above all his reflection on the omnipotence of God, that all individual destinies must bow before the fate of the divine destiny.

    Without the teaching of these two men, Seneca himself would have struggled to find some of the discoveries that made him famous: it was thus that the first principle of Seneca which was based on observation and reasoning, is enunciated as:

    "Every body immersed in water comes out wet."

    In addition, thanks to him, with the use of reason, we have come to discover other principles equally wonderful, like that of his disciple Tarzan who uttered stoicly and fatalisticly with the simple use of his reason, the following fact:

    "Whoever does not swim is destined to sink "!

    Therefore Seneca is rightly believed to be the father of philosophy constative-constativa. (edit: making a statement that can be said to be true or false; merely describing the event).

    His talent eventually opened the door to a political career but this was hampered for some time by his exile to Corsica, where he had been sent in disgrace by the emperor Claudius.

    However, the science of Seneca was such that he managed to distill a potion of his own invention which was secretly given to the emperor, so that he found himself transformed into a pumpkin!

    He returned with the good graces of the new Powers after the demise of Claudius, and became the tutor of Nero, attempting to teach him the virtue of balance.

    Alas, soon Seneca made the mistake of confusing reason with the reason of state and ensured, on behalf of the middle masses of the population, the murder of Agrippina, mother of the emperor Nero, without being aware of the slippery slope on which he was now descending.

    Indeed, soon it was his turn to fall from grace again, and he was ordered to commit suicide, which he was to do in most stoic fashion - bowing to the will of fate, he organized a dinner with friends, at the end of which he cut open his own veins .

    It was during this final period of his life as he sank again into disgrace that he wrote "On Providence".


    On Providence is a work in which Seneca shows that nothing really bad can happen to the human who is good.
    What looks like adversity is really just a means by which the Almighty is testing the virtues of every man.
    As such, the man who suffers under the ordeal emerges stronger than before.
    It is the wise man who submits himself to the will of God, without limitation, he accepts the fate that is due to him and attempts to distance himself from all the corrupt actions (crime, desire for money , desire for fame) that will transform him into an evil man and thus subject to divine punishment.
    For the rest, as he himself says in his conclusion, "If you die for taking a tile on the head, then this is your providential destiny, because the divine in his omnipotence has no doubt dropped the tile in order to get you to follow another path! "
    "Everything is for the best in the best of worlds, just as the celestial spheres that move to give the world its hierarchy and order, as Aristotle taught us. What happens to us part of the divine plan."

translated and written by brother Jerem, and into English by Teagan and the Villa San Loyats in September 1461


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:21 am; édité 1 fois
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 5:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography de San Tanys Steward, Fray Tanys de Urgel

    "To meet Tanys, lead me to get closer to the Church, and his death, made me took the quill to write this lines, and it isn't enough yet to thank the work of the protagonist of this story. Because he was a saint man. That's what the witness who heard and saw him declare.

    For the better knowledge of the welsh's story, this texts not only talks about my own experience: we also included his own writings and the voices of others that met him in life, to give form and colour in a better way to his steps between us. This humble writer swears in front of the Book of Virtues, to be loyal to the story as much as possible, so the mist of time doesn't fade away the facts to remember"
    -Andreu Colmenar i Bathory, known as Kolme

    "It's our duty to honor and tribute with silent veneration a man who, with his aura of holiness, served the Hispanic Church with the exemplarity and loyalty of a saint. Tanys' life, has enlightened generations of Bishops, and under the shadow of a great man like him, the Church has grown and lived his golden era. That's why I write, so many years after his death, trying to recover his life and work, so it may never die, and as his soul in the Solar paradise, may it be forever a eternal testomony"- Nicolás Borja, Cardinal of the Aristotelian Chruch.

    I. The Origins - His Life and First home

    About Tanys's youth, we could only rescue the few words he related in his biography, before he was ordained as Priest by Aparicio. His father was a welsh soldier who fled from his country after a fraticide war, and his mother was the pious daugther of a catalan miller who recieved his fled father. Tanys was born raised by these married couple, taught in the aristotelic faith as an ideal. But given the time, bandits took away the lives of his parents. Alone in the world, hurt and thinking that the mankind was the reason of his disgrace, Tanys past the following seven years of his life living as an hermit away from society, neither with a job nor a home.

    However, when he still was young, he had a dream when he was sleeping under an olive tree, that made him realize about his pride. These revelations showed him the truth, that Aristotle's had taught Tebas' hermit: a man is only complete when he can live in virtue among the other men, as the wise one should contribute to the live of the city. This is a clear symbol of Aristotle's words, that say:

      "A true friendship is only possible between equals. But ypu are live an olive tree: planted and immobile. You live away from the humanity instead of city, participating like the other human beings. Then I will let you take roots, goodbye!"

    Tanys didn't doubt to follow Aristotle's teaching, and inspired, he decided to return to the society, and start looking for the just middle. And that wouldn't be his only revelation.

    II. His life in community - His time in the mundane

    So, he settled down in Urgel, a place that he always considered his home. There, he discovered his vocation to serve the Almigthy, and he decided to took the vows, for his neighbours' joy. Juan Valdés, the Bishop, saw the faith and desire to serve of the urgelin, and he ordinated him, appointing him as Vicar in the catedralician church of Urgel, the 20th of December, year 1455 of our Lord.

    His first masses and baptisms, become famous with the arrival of His Eminence the Cardinal Ubaldo, who admired the preachings of Fray Tanys for "his simplicity and closeness to the people". And if his devotion was big for the Church, he also had a great devotion for the people, as he was elected three times as Mayor of Urgel. It was a prosper and exemplar mandate, and the travelers sayings about Urgel's hospitality have their origins in those days.

    But soon he discovered the need to center himself in his religious taks, and when he was appointed as Priest of Urgel, he left his political life away, to just be at the service of the religion.

    III. His travel to France - The knowledge and erudiction

    Since the first moment he was an illuminated. Those days, the Church of the hispanic kingdoms was nothing more than a young sapling of the strong tree it would become in the following months and years.

    Fray Tanys, aware of that, organized the catalan clergy in the study of different disciplines, and decided to travel to France together with the deaconess Sorkunde (who would become Queen of Aragon later), to deepen into the knowledge of the faith. There, he became an erudite, learning from the most distingished theologians of his time.

    In that journey, he met the Cistercien Order, studying in the french lands about the work and doctrine of their saints, learning their rules and following their principles with fervour, creating an indissoluble bond with many of the high dignataries of theat religious regular Order.

    When he returned to the iberian paeninsula, he was appointed as Bishop of Llerida by His Excellency Don Svarogih, the 18th June of the year 1456. His life and magistery followed the path of the saints of the Cister, guided by the example of Saint Illinda, Sant Benoit and Saint Bynarr. His unwavering faith, his humility and his clothes without any kind of luxury, as long as his serene way to look, were the easier attributes to see in him.

    His pastoral work was inmense and inspired many Bishops that would follow his example, no other than Christo's and the Apostle's example.

    With his new responsability, he worked in the modernization of the baptisms registries together with Ubaldo, and the clarification of the parroquial registries. He also traveled around his diocese giving impulse to the new vocations and appointing new priests, organizing masses and sacraments, and preaching through the streets.

    His preachings were so convincing, inspired by the Almigthy, that the population still remember his massive baptisms of many young catalans and aragonese believers in the river Ebro or their affluents, since the churches weren't big enough for so many people who wanted to become a faithful...

    IV. El Císter - An Abbey in Urgel

    When he returned to the iberian peninsula, together with a numerous group of brothers, he requested the Chapter of the Cistercien Order, to establish an Abbey in the iberian paeninsula, that in those times, hasn't any Order of the regular clergy, neither with the option to follow the contemplative way of life in a monastic community, to practice the aristotelian virtues in a society guided strictly by the Dogma and the Faith's principles.

    After he got the approval paptent of the Cister, and the authorization to become himself the Abbot, he recieved a generous donation from the Count of Urgel, Don Juhan I de Volpilhat, who granted to the church in a definitive and perpetual way, part of his own fief lands, together with Vallbona's Abbey, that in those times was abandoned, and was part of the benedictin Order in the past.

    With his renovator influx, the Abbey came back to life again, and it became an intellectual centre of great importance: the monks worked day after day in the scriptorium, copying and translating the Dogma, the Canon Law and the life of the Saints, perfecting the moral and creating the first hispanic seminar, were the novices and secular priests were both instructed in the misteries of the faith.

    Between the fields of hop and barley, the faith was also growing, and an historical monastery was founded, that would strenghen the importance of the Aristotelic Church.

    V. War and religion - His Ascent to the Primacy

    Then, a great civil war between the Crown of Aragon started: the Regency Council leaded by Jehan de Urgel collapsed, the King Reginhart long time dissapearence, the Principately of Catalonia's wished to break his bonds with the Crown, and the generalized instability, leaded to the trial and judgement of the Tercios in Catalunya, and to different sublevations of Aragon against the same Tercios, the Crown's army.

    The war expanded, tinting of red the fields, and the clash of armies, left away the Faith, that faced dark ages. However, the figure of Tanys emerged, and as Light in the Darkness, he was essential in the resolution of that bloody conflict, negociating between the different factions, in the name of the Church and the aristotelic friendship.

    After that, the prelates of the Episcopal Assambly, elected him as Primate the 23th October of our Lord's Year 1456.

    Even when he tried with insistence to make the faithfuls hear the need of peace, the Nameless Creature won this battle. To Diciember of 1456, Catalunya had become independand, and each Kingdom of the Crown started a solitary way in a different road. Tanys, as Primate of the Church, closed that mournful chapter of the history, when he announced the destitution of Reginhart as King of the Crown of Aragon, with the words: "Rex eris si recte facies, si non facias, non eris" (You will be King if you act with rectitude, if you don't, you won't), demonstrating that the Virtue is above the power, and that the power is sustained in virtue: those were the words of Isidorus of Seville, in time of the visigoth, that would be heard again, but this time in his lips.

    After that moment, his labour was only for the Church and its reestructuration: the Hispanic Consistory was created, the Statutes of the AEH were re-written, every city recieved a visit and incesant preachings, more baptism along the rivers, appointments of bishops of the vacant seats, fluid dialogues with each Kingdom's institutions, an increase of the vocations inspired by the great intellectual activity of the Church, the creation of the bases for the Episcopal war and the military Orders of the hispanic kingdoms, the expansion of the Císter and a negociation of a new Concordate with Catalonia, that didn't get away from the Church with the end of the old Crown's Concordate, but it saw their bonds renovated.

    Fray Tanys opened the doors to the Hispanic Church in both ways: from the faithfuls to the Church, and from the Church to the faithfuls. He showed us that there was a long list of charges were our faithfuls and clerics could work for the Church, not only at the diocese's level, but also in the roman Congregations. Or even little tasks - but also important - like the church chorus or taking a bunch of flowers to the altar.

    So all his labour had a culmination in the celebration of the "1st Hispanic Concile of the Aristotelic Church", an event that started a new era for the Church in our lands, where the new Hispanic Church would be strong and united by the Prophet's Message and God's Will, with an exclusively spiritual mission.

    So, his work fructified and became a strong ans robust tree, that even until the threatens of those against the faith, could never be cut down. His humility achieved the goals that power and ostentation failed to accomplish: the secular princes respected him, but not because of his charges and honors, but because of his sanctity.

    It looked like the peace started to get extended again in the territories of the ancient Crown, with a new age of prosperity where the faith became more and more important, even if the Kingdoms started their only road as independient states, and Catalonia crowned their own Princes.

    VI. The dawn - The retire and the end of his life...

    Due to his incesant activity, his material body's health worsened. Even his visions became every time more difficult to tolerate. And, as the most brilliant starts has their end, he has his one: wise and guided by the Faith and the Reason, he resigned from every charge by the grace of Aristotle's and Christos. However, he was appointed Vice-Primate and National Elector Cardinal, according his importance and influence. In his beloved Urgel, between the walls of his house, he spent his last days, until his last breath, discreet as always.

    And his light, stopped shining in this world to shine now as a star in the Solar Paradise.

    Even more, the legend tell us that between the ruins of his home, an olive tree grows right now, and in Vallbona's abbey, his opus magnus to bring the Cister to the iberian paeninsula, his preachings can still be heard in the warm catalan summer nights.

    VII. ...but not the end of his opus- nor of his miracles

    Many things have been said about Fray Tanys' aparitions after his death. The myth are numerous, and usually contradictory, but there are two central and autentical miracles, with an important number of witness and demonstrated truth.

    The First Miracle, gives him the attribute of ubicuity: He has been seen simultaneously in the Abbey of Vallbona des Monges, in the night mass, in Pedralbe's Palace in the Catalan Courts to discuss the Concordate, and baptizing in the Ebro river, all at the same time. It was documented his aparition in many places at the same hour in his golden times: The Almigthy gave him that gift because He knew that his life wouldn't be long enough to totally restore the Hispanic Church if he wasn't able to be in many places at the same time, as the Church had to be present in many fronts.

    The Second Miracle, was a day of a Sun Eclipse. It is said that during one of his preachings in the small towns of Andorra and the Pirineos, his body became ethereal, inmaterial, and showed the image of a man with beard and messianic aspect, crowned with a halo, dressed in light, transfigurating, like in an ascent to the Sun. Theologians say that those symbols choosen by God represent the "Ascent of Christos", to make that difficult theological concept, simple to the eyes of the peasents that attended to his preachings.

    VIII. His legacy on Earth - Fray Tanys' relics

    Between his material possesions left behind after his death, we can count:

    A collar with a wooden cross, made with olive tree wood, according the tradition, from a branch of the one where he had his vision. It is in possesion of the Berasategui family, in Valencia, due to the vinculation of Tanys with Sorkunde.

    A pilgrim stick with a water gourd, lost somewhere in Urgel.

    A piece of his ragged mantle, of the Cister's habits, lost in Vallbona.

    A wooden bowl, where he drank his last sip of water before he died, , lost in Catalonia.

    A cardinal Aristotle's medal, dissapeared in Rome, during his travels to the Curia.

    A manuscript with his memories and prophecies, locked under seven keys by the hispanic inquisition, in a secret vault.

    It is believed that in the wolrd there are more of his possesions, still unidentified.

    And now, dear reader, it is my wish and the one of every aristotelic person, that you continue to honor the memory of Fray Tanys Steward, and when you are gone, your children and the children of your children, do it. May your pray join the ones of all the brothers and sisters that met the Virtous Varon he was, so God sets a privileged place for him in the Sun.

Hagiography written and recompilated by Kolme and Nicolás Borja, originally in an spanish manuscript, for the Holy Office


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:21 am; édité 1 fois
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 5:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of Tristan Vanqueour de Guillotine

    Born in Evreux on the 3th of may in an unknown year as son of Baron Baron Betrant-Vanqueour de Quitago des O'range and Marie-Bep de Schoone of Majo where he learn in his early years how to use the sword and the paint brush. Tristan Vanqueour was dragged on a young age up north where his French father, as mercenary had deployed his private army against the Teutonic knights in the “Thirteen year War”. It was time Tristan should learn something about fighting. Tristan learned that red and blueberry juice make a beautiful color purple. Tristan’s father kicked the bucket in the battle over Chojnice and thus it was time to return to France and his art loving mother, however Tristan was captured by the Teutonic knights. A remnant of Baron Betrant’s army freed Tristan and together they traveled via duchy of Finland and kingdom of Sweden, to Holland.

    Guardsmen of the Baron, fleeing from Evreux found Tristan a few miles from Rotterdam with news: mother is dead, the lands were raided, the strongbox cracked. The mercenaries took Tristan’s clothes, weapons and money and went on their way to Denmark and the War there. Here Tristan found his home: Uncle Dirk-Jan “Dishredir” de Guillotine, deacon of Rotterdam taught Tristan the wonders of Jah and how to grow Millet. Also Tristan was baptized on the 31th of August 1455 in the Dom church in Utrecht by Bishop DrogathAr.

    Serving the community

    Under guidance of Tristan the Millet Guild grew to be a powerful organization in young Holland. One tenth of the population was part of the Millet Guild, now with credo: “Millium Dei Gratia”. Tristan was trader for the city Rotterdam and led a dissolute life. He founded the Theater of Holland, as well as an art gallery. It was during this period that Tristan, unknowlingly, became father of a twin: Daphne and Incovient. Duke Julius and Duke Jean-Jacob granted Tristan lands for his hard work. In the guild less fortunate were aided with cheap food and goods.

    Then came the moment of clarity. The bonds with his father and le Pact Le Loups were unraveld and Tristan turned his back to the past, swore never to follow his father’s footsteps, and promised Jah, while burning his old family crest on the market of Rotterdam, never to take a life other then the murderer of his mother: Jeaqueau Jean de Langue de Ver III. Tristan himself wrote this about it: “Hollow and lonely is he who wants more power, who has never enough money or is not famour enough.

    Tristan joined the Teutonic Order, were he was welcomed with open arms by Saint Sjnoel de Gilraen and breezed through his training to become Ordernskaplan. It was during the Ordeal that Marie Madeleine first revealed herself to Tristan and thus came the transformation. Tristan wrote: “That what I was is not that what I can be.” And thus he laid his life in the hands of Jah.

    While Tristan was Grosshospittler he gave lessons about the life of Christos, took seat in the Council of Holland to serve the people, and build the Chapel of Our Lady in Heusden, which was maintained by the Brothership of our Lady, founded by Tristan. Tristan held sermons and baptisms here. The Brothership also donated food and clothing to the poor in Heusden.

    Later Tristan became Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order and served the community by means of diplomacy. One example is when free passage over land was obtained for the Teutonic Knights over Artois and Champagne, in the aftermath of the Cambrai War, to supply Holland of necessary goods, before the opening of the rivers.

    Thou for which all words fall away

    It was during this period in the Westertoren in Krimpen that Tristan started in secrecy his analysis of the community and his inhabitants. He was also seeking Jah, or more specifically, the voice of Jah in his meditations.

    During the Reflection in the Crypte before his appointment as Ritter in the Teutonic Order that Tristan was visited for the second time by Marie Madeleine, where he learn: “to strip of my ego, mental pain and bodily pain en to transform boredom into being. Thus followed wanting to be and being able to be”. After which may meditations followed in the Crypt under the Saint Nikolas Church. According to the written words of Tristan he learn there to separate his inner voices form others. He spoke not only with Marie Madeleine, but also with former Hochmeisters, the Prince on Earth and Saint Deaglán.

    However, Tristan was looking for the truth: “Jah exists, the rediscovery of this truth is the goal”. In his book: “Cognitio Materia Fides”, Tristan indirectly states he has found the proof and decides directly after hearing the words: “Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito”, to conduct one last baptism and give away all his possessions to his son and the Teutonic Order. The events are described of chapter III titled: “Arriving there only One voice remained” were the motive for the prayer: “Thou for which all words fall away”.

    Thou for which all words fall away
    Give me the voice with which I can serve Thou,
    So that in my journeys I can state
    That nor this, nor that is Jah, so Jah remains.

    Give me the voice to find Thee in prayer,
    So that in prayers I can state,
    That the Light shines even without subjects.

    Give me the voice to tell about Thou,
    So I can preach about Thou glory
    In order for the Light to enter our hearts

    Give me the voice to answer Thee
    So I do not fall mute in Thou awesomeness
    Thou for which all words fall away.


    The written work and Tristan’s death

    After his death Tristan left four written works, his Homilies, the history of the Teutonic Knights, a book of prayer and the “Cognitio Materia Fides”. The originals are found in the library in Krimpen, however clerk Josephus of Sint Agatha, by order of Emperor Raboude I has collected the notes of the incomplete “Cognitio Materia Fides”, and bound it to book form.

    Cognitio Materia Fides consists of three parts: ‘the insights’, which is comprised of the analysis of the community and its inhabitants. The book starts with the fourth lesson of Christos: “Faith brings us the truth. However, to understand the truth, it is necessary for us to understand reason.” Tristan’s argument is that we then also must understand people who are reasoning.
    The second part is a collection of conversations Tristan had during his meditations, including an extensive introduction which give insight in the life of Tristan in reflection to the satisfaction of the soul in general.
    The third part is titled: ‘the truths’, however this last part of the book is incomplete and has been complemented by clerk Josephus. Here we find guidelines on how to be a true Friend of Aristotle within the community described in part one.

    It was shortly after hearing one Voice that Tristan performed his last public service to the community in the cathedral of Den Hague, the baptism of Christelle Linda and Laila Catherine de Bouvignes – Tailleur. Directly after the service Tristan was attacked by a group of men dressed as wolves. In this group was the man who killed his mother. Tristan slammed his arm, led by the divine justice, on him, ending his life abruptly. Tristan’s killer, Jaqueau de Langue de Ver, was killed by Tristan who died on 1th of April 1458 on the steps of the cathedral. To this day a dark red stain is visible where he fell, despite numerous attempts to clean it.

    Tristan funeral service in the cathedral was marked by two events: during carrying the coffin out of the cathedral two black eagles appeared and Cognitio Matria Fides fell from the sky, as if carried by one of the birds. Secondly, the body of Tristan was intended to be interred in the Saint Nikolas in Krimpen, however the body never arrived in Krimpen.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:21 am; édité 1 fois
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 5:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiograhy of Žaltvyksle

    The life and work of Žaltvyksle

    The sun had set in the lower course of the Memel. Except for a few billows of smoke nothing moved. Some will-o'-the-wisp danced over the moor which began behind the moor.

    If it had been a little brighter, a far less idyllic picture would have presented itself to the viewer. The smoke belonged to some smouldering sources of fire. Here and there a human body lay on the ground - dead.
    Broken pitchforks and flails lay around. Battered by the relentless metal of sharp swords.
    Quiet whimpering sounded from one of the huts that had not fallen victim of the flames.

    An aged woman cried over the body of her fallen son. Her daughter was still alive, however, had been kidnapped together with all the other young women by the winners. What had happened? Orderly knights had advanced to pagan area.

    Half a day's trip to the west the troop that had attacked the village took a rest and camped out. Seven distraught looking young women lay in the middle of the camp.

    A young knight approached them.
    He spoke with a reassuring voice and brought them something to eat. One of the girls attracted his attention. Later he would ask his commander to leave this woman to him...

    Eleven months after that, at the beginning of May 1400; a small lad caught the light of the world. His mother, the Lithuanian woman, lay heavily breathing on a hard bed at the soldier's camp. The hard life in the camp completely consumed her forces. Now she was only a shade of herself. The father of the boy entered the tent and carried the woman out into the night. She had never been seen again.
    The newborn child was delivered to an Aristotelian cloister.

    The monk in the main entrance was the old wise father Lucius. When he saw the boy, he felt that it was his mission to care for this small person. So old Lucius took over care of the newborn.
    At the age of eight months the child began to walk, three months later it spoke in whole sentences. At the age of four the old monk started to instruct the boy in writing and reading as well as in calculation. Seven years later he already read books written by Greek, Latin and German authors. He was very eager to learn and soon ventured near theophilosophoontological writings.
    During the readings the boy felt an indefinable mystic strength which seemed to flow into his innermost as often as he dealt with these writings.
    Thus he often caught the eyes of the farmers of the region.

    At some times he was encircled by a strange light and announced the messages he took from the writings.
    Quite often he marked the mistakes of the people with a sonorous voice. He talked with such a penetration that nobody dared to lay hand on him.

    Since fen fire surrounded the young man at twilight he was furthermore called Žaltvyksle. [Lithuanian for will-o'-the-wisp or fen fire].
    Indeed, a mounting pile of complaints by the people reached the abbot of the cloister.
    Since the knights of the Teutonic Order noticeably lost influence in this part of the country, cloisters were no more firmly seated in such a way that they could risk an uprising.
    Thus it came that Žaltvyksle chose to leave the cloister.
    To the abbot he said, he wanted to travel „somehow to the west“. And he got on the way.
    His way led him through many small villages and through wide forest landscapes. Often he found accommodation in small cloisters, remained there for some time and acquired new knowledge.
    He started to write a work: "De Summa Theologica" - The summary of the apprenticeship of God. Some manuscripts of these recordings are preserved into these days.
    33 years later and some hundred miles farther to the west, Žaltvyksle, a little bit aged already, standing up on a hill espied a small village: Reutlingen. He felt an uncontrollable strength which drew him to the place, nearly tugged. He felt that it was his destination to serve God, the HIGHEST, in this place.

    So in August, 1454 he entered the small town and asked immediately for the way to the Aristotelian cloister.
    Soon after his admission in the Order Saint Hildegard his ordination as priest followed and he got installed as priest of Reutlingen.
    Žaltvyksle spent the bigger part of his time studying the books of the Order.
    It did not last long, that it came to his ears, that there still were many documents which had not been translated at all into German.
    Thus he asked to be allowed to take over this duty. He began to read the original documents with uncontrollable zeal and translated them.
    Some time he lived almost sustained in the scriptorium, the brothers even had to bring him meals, so that he fed himself properly. The days passed, and the translation work jerked at his nerves.

    One evening, while translating a text about the ferryman, he fell asleep at torches light. As usual a candle burnt on his table. So the parchment caught fire, and the on hurrying monks were just able to extinguish the fire and rescued Zaltvyksle by a narrow margin.

    After a few days sleep, which was owed to his exhaustion, he told the Infirmarius his experience.

    "Brother, I have survived this fire only with the help of the angel Saint Lopas. As you certainly know, he is the angel who fetches the dead people and leads them into paradise. I have to tell you this story, so that it will never be forgotten. Listen well!

    I stood on a river. Nothing could be seen anywhere except a barque on the edge of the horizon. It came up to me. As I did not know what would happen, I fell on my knees and prayed to God.

    Strengthened by the prayer I awaited the things to come.
    When the barque got closer, I noticed a bright figure. It began to speak to me.

    "Have no fear Žaltvyksle. The LORD protects his servant on all his ways. I am Saint Lopas, the ferryman, and shall deliver the following to you."

    Saint Lopas stretched his hands and passed texts in a foreign language to me. I looked at them, not knowing what has to be done.

    "The archangel Michael assigned me to hand these texts to you. - You cannot read them? Listen to your heart. It knows the right meaning."

    I looked at him asking myself what would happen to me now, however, he further spoke.

    "Now Žaltvyksle, return back to the earth and go to work. Your time on earth will run out shortly, and the LORD will fetch you to his table in paradise soon."

    And thus I felt like taken into a swirl and woke, finally, here again.

    Brother tell me how much time have I lost? When can I start translating? Could the texts be saved?"

    With these questions on his lips Žaltvyksle fell asleep again and only awoke a few days later.
    As soon as he regained strength, he hurried immediately to the scriptorium. Luckily the important texts had been saved by the brothers of the cloister; amongst these were some that seemed not to be from this world.
    Thus his purpose in life existed from now on in transferring these holy texts up to the day that the prediction of the ferryman entered.

    Žaltvyksle returned home to the Almighty God father in April, 1456.

    The miracle of the crying statue

    It happened after the passing of Žaltvyksle...

    … Henry Poing returned after a not all to long stay in church to the world and back to work. Melancholically, submerged in thoughts, he stepped in the chapel to pray. It was cold.
    While opening the porch of the chapel a proper wind whistled around his ears. It might become a frosty winter.

    Many worries troubled young Henry.

    Of course there were the worldly worries, about his existence, his daily bread; but, nevertheless blessed Aristotle and all the holy men came to his mind again and again. Some people even stated that only by faith in HIM one was able to be, to exist.

    Ergo non sum? Henry, not a heretic, but also not baptised, was deeply inflicted in an internal conflict. Do I exist? Oh, God! Am I? Send me a message; show me that I am just as human as all baptised men!

    Ensnared in such thoughts, almost frozen, damp trembling, he stood before the finely built, sky-high facade.

    Face to face he looked at the statues of all the saints on the church wall. One after another. Old people, venerable men, for sure.

    But there! What happened to him? Warmth grew up to small Henrys heart, a magic wind flowed through his body, his veins were on fire, no cold could make him shake anymore! Žaltvyksle! A glitter lay in his eyes, on his cheeks tears could be seen, bitter happy tears!

    It had not rained, the ground was dusty, how could this happen? Henry Poing felt quiet warm. The decision was made, the small shepherd wanted to join church, with one name on his lips: Žaltvyksle! You led me to the light!

    All of a sudden it lightened up, clouds yielded, the sun pierced through ...

    Translated by Father Blazingfast and the theologians of the Holy Office and released unto the English speaking faithful, 20th of March 1458

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MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 31, 2024 2:01 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hagiography of The Blessed Theodore of Liguria
    (57 BC - 40)


    Born in Halicarnassus 57 years before the birth of Christos, Theodore is the only son of a miller couple named Venantios and Alibut. Being an only child, he grew up in an affluent family, surrounded by luxury and joy, spending his childhood in a large house next to the paternal mill.

    Due to his humble and sociable nature, he was surrounded by friends from every social class, from the sons of urban bourgeoisie to slaves. He was always ready to calm disputes that arose among his playmates. With his gentle, calm, and diplomatic character, he always managed to find a mediation among the parties involved, and when that didn't happen, he acted in a way that convinced the other children by themselves, using his innate capacity for dialectics and the validity of his assertions. Spoiled by his parents and the two slaves who worked in his house, he was always respectful to everyone. However, since his early childhood, he experienced bizarre and inexplicable events.

    At the age of eight, one morning, his parents found a boat on his bed and their son underneath, asking for help. Theodore explained that he had a restless night and when he opened his eyes, everything was black. A little worried, he tried to get up and realized that he had slept with a boat on his head. "A boat? Am I going crazy", dreaming that boats appear overnight on people's heads? He eventually concluded, "The only explanation is that somewhere else, an anti-boat must have materialized on someone else's head to keep the total quantity of boats constant throughout the night."

    At the age of 10, he was struck by a stomach illness that made him dangerously weak. While he was on his deathbed, he found a small white dish on his pillow made of flexible material and covered with a thin film of transparent paper. A piece of diced flesh was placed in the dish, and the transparent paper had the label: "30% more fat - Origin: France - consume before: see packaging." No one had answers to this mystery, but once the flesh was cooked, they tried to feed it to him, and miraculously, Theodore regained his strength in a very short time and recovered completely from the illness.

    Adolescence en Conversion

    As Theodore entered his fifteenth year, it happened that his father, an honest and kind-hearted person, encountered a foreign beggar and provided him shelter for some time. This sheltered individual turned out to be educated and intelligent, as he served as a tutor for the local children and became the tutor for the son of the household.

    He taught the principles of the Aristotelian Faith in this household: the unity and love of God for all creatures and humans, the equality of all men before the Creator, and the importance of collaboration in work and social life. He spoke so convincingly that, in the end, the family converted to this new religion. Venantios freed his own slaves and began discussing his newfound faith with fellow citizens.

    However, at that time, Aristotelian principles and values were seen by society as subversive and dangerous. As a result, Theodore's family first faced marginalization and then became the target of increasingly evident attacks, which eventually escalated into physical assaults from those citizens who viewed the emancipation of slaves as a threat to their interests.

    Suffering and Exile

    One night, a group of armed men assaulted the family while they were sleeping: they killed the emancipated slaves who, out of respect and affection, had remained to work in the mill as free men. They separated Venantios and Teodoro's mother from them, taking her away. Eventually, the attackers set fire to both the mill and the house.

    After being assaulted and humiliated by their assailants, they were sold to a slave trader who took them aboard a ship bound for the Iberian Peninsula. They knew nothing more about their mother, and Venantios, overcome with great despair, fell ill and died shortly after their departure, leaving Theodore alone in the world.

    However, the child managed to retain his sanity and found solace in the faith his father had embraced. Despite the harsh living conditions on the ship, he always maintained a polite and positive demeanor, seizing every opportunity to demonstrate the truth of Aristotelian principles to his fellow captives. Through his persuasive speaking skills, he succeeded in converting many slaves to the monotheistic religion.

    The Miraculous event

    One night, during a raging storm, the boat on which Theodore was traveling was directed toward the coast in search of a bay protected from the strong and immense waves. With each wave crashing, the entire structure trembled, and terrified by the fury of the sea, the occupants of the boat, despite having been initiated into the Aristotelian faith by Theodore, began invoking numerous spirits and pagan gods. Teodoro's voice, on the other hand, remained steadfast and fearless. The boy continued to exhort them all to convert, shouting amidst the turmoil, "The Lord is one, and Aristotle and Christos are His prophets! Let go of your false beliefs and entrust your prayers to Him, for only the one true God can save us!"

    However, they did not heed his words. The boat, tossed by the waves and fierce winds, had become uncontrollable, and as it struck the protruding reefs, it sank. The slaves, bound with ties to the wooden structure of the boat, went down with it, and the panicked crew disappeared into the depths.

    Miraculously, the portion of wood to which Theodore was chained broke loose during the accident and floated to the surface, and the young man clung to it with all his strength. The next morning, the sea had calmed, and a beautiful sun shone upon the Ligurian coast. The fishermen from the region saw Teodoro, the sole survivor, on the shore, unconscious. Facing them were the sea and the Isle of Gallinara, whose reefs had caused the boat to wreck. The kind-hearted fishermen assisted Theodore and welcomed him into their homes, where he recounted the events, leaving them all in awe. Everyone felt the power of his story, focusing on the miraculous event: Theodore was blessed by the gods.

    The Evangelization of Albenga and Liguria

    With his intelligence and jovial character, Teodoro quickly learned the local language and, struck by the hospitality of these simple people, he decided to stay with them and learn fishing, as well as the crafting of nets and traps. Over time, he converted his new fellow citizens, known as "ingauni," and became their spiritual guide.

    Teodoro lived many more years in the region overlooking the Ligurian Sea, spreading the Aristotelian creed as much as he could. He never married nor had any heirs, and he peacefully passed away of old age on November 21, in the year of our Lord 40, surrounded by the comfort and love of his fellow citizens. His mortal remains are currently laid to rest in the crypt beneath the Parish of San Teodoro in Albenga.

    A part of the wooden boat to which Teodoro had been chained during the shipwreck is now preserved in an urn in the Parish of Albenga. The iron fragments were offered by the City to the Bishop of Geneva and are still located in the episcopal palace to this day.

    Every year on November 21st, all the faithful who own a boat gather along the coast at sunset. They then sail around the Isle of Gallinara with lit lamps on their vessels, bearing statues of the saint on the prow that have been blessed by local priests. Meanwhile, others wait on the shore with fires lit.

    Auteur : Licio_da_correggio
    Translated into English by Cinead of Twynholm, Villa San Loyats, July 8th 1471

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