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Organigram of the Apostolic Chamber

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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6448
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 24, 2021 2:32 pm    Sujet du message: Organigram of the Apostolic Chamber Répondre en citant

S.Eminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:


    Apostolic Chamber

    Cardinal Camerlingue of Rome and Chancellor of the Congregation of the Apostolic Chamber : His Eminence Monseignor Tymothe-Lovian Meleagant de Nivellus de Montvidor [ Tymothe ]
    Secretary-General of the Congregation: Francesco_maria [Francesco_maria]
    Général Préfect: Mgr Arthur Euzen Sixte De Nivellus [Arthur_ii]
    Assistant Secretaries of the Congregation:

    Prefectures of the Apostolic Chamber

    • Prefect for the french-speaking:
      • vice-prefect region of France: Mgr Atharvan d'Angiras [ Atharvan ]

      • Vice prefect region of the French-speaking Holy Empire: Son Excellente la Très Illustre Idril de Dénéré-Penthièvre Sparte Aleïeva [ Idril_de_sparte ]

      • Vice-prefect region of Brittany: Monseigneur Talona [ Talona ]

    • Prefect for the english-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-Prefect of the Scottish Region: His Eminence Monsignor Rodrigomanzanarez[ Rodrigomanzanarez ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the Irish Region: Néant [ *** ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the England Region: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the italian-speaking: Néant [ *** ]
      • Vice-prefect region of Italy: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the german-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Germany: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the dutch-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Holland: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the portuguese-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Portugal: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the spanish-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Spain: Néant [ *** ]

    The Intendants/Stewards

    • Prefet of the General Stewardship Néant [Néant]
      • Master butcher: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Baker: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Blacksmith: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Meunier: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Carpenter: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Botanist: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Weaver Néant [ *** ]


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Cardinal-Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque Sine Cura d'Avignon | Vicomte d'Andenne
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6448
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 02, 2021 1:48 pm    Sujet du message: Re: Organigram of the Apostolic Chamber Répondre en citant

Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:
S.Eminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:


    Apostolic Chamber

    Cardinal Camerlingue of Rome and Chancellor of the Congregation of the Apostolic Chamber : His Eminence Monseignor Tymothe-Lovian Meleagant de Nivellus de Montvidor [ Tymothe ]
    Secretary-General of the Congregation: His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuelle d'Arborea [Vaaliant]
    Général Préfect: Mgr Arthur Euzen Sixte De Nivellus [Arthur_ii]
    Assistant Secretaries of the Congregation:

    Prefectures of the Apostolic Chamber

    • Prefect for the french-speaking: Son Excellente Mgr Arthur Euzen Sixte de Nivellus [Arthur_ii]
      • vice-prefect region of France: Mgr Atharvan d'Angiras [ Atharvan ]

      • Vice prefect region of the French-speaking Holy Empire: Son Excellente la Très Illustre Idril de Dénéré-Penthièvre Sparte Aleïeva [ Idril_de_sparte ]

      • Vice-prefect region of Brittany: Monseigneur Talona [ Talona ]

    • Prefect for the english-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-Prefect of the Scottish Region: His Eminence Monsignor Rodrigomanzanarez[ Rodrigomanzanarez ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the Irish Region: Néant [ *** ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the England Region: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the italian-speaking: Néant [ *** ]
      • Vice-prefect region of Italy: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the german-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Germany: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the dutch-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Holland: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the portuguese-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Portugal: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the spanish-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Spain: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect of the zones for the regions governed by the New Apostolate: His Excellency Monsignor Francesco_maria
      • Vice-prefect of the Hungarian region: Nádasdy Atlantisz [Atlantisz]

    The Intendants/Stewards

    • Prefet of the General Stewardship Son Excellence Mgr César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.alexandre]
      • Master butcher: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Baker: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Blacksmith: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Meunier: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Carpenter: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Botanist: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Weaver Néant [ *** ]


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Cardinal-Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque Sine Cura d'Avignon | Vicomte d'Andenne
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2011
Messages: 347

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 02, 2022 3:02 pm    Sujet du message: Re: Organigram of the Apostolic Chamber Répondre en citant



    Apostolic Chamber

    Cardinal Camerlingue of Rome and Chancellor of the Congregation of the Apostolic Chamber : His Eminence Monseignor Tymothe-Lovian Meleagant de Nivellus de Montvidor [ Tymothe ]
    Secretary-General of the Congregation: His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuele d'Arborea [Vaaliant]
    Général Préfect: Vacant
    Assistant Secretaries of the Congregation: Vacant

    Prefectures of the Apostolic Chamber

    • Prefect for the french-speaking: Vacant
      • vice-prefect region of France: Vacant

      • Vice prefect region of the French-speaking Holy Empire:: Vacant

      • Vice-prefect region of Brittany: Monseigneur Talona [ Talona ]

    • Prefect for the english-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-Prefect of the Scottish Region: His Eminence Monsignor Rodrigomanzanarez[ Rodrigomanzanarez ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the Irish Region: Néant [ *** ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the England Region: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the italian-speaking:His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuele d'Arborea
      • Vice-prefect region of Italy: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the german-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Germany: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the dutch-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Holland: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the portuguese-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Portugal: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the spanish-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Spain: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect of the zones for the regions governed by the New Apostolate: His Excellency Monsignor Francesco_maria
      • Vice-prefect of the Hungarian region: Nádasdy Atlantisz [Atlantisz]

    The Intendants/Stewards

    • Prefet of the General Stewardship Son Excellence Mgr César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.alexandre]
      • Master butcher: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Baker: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Blacksmith: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Meunier: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Carpenter: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Botanist: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Weaver Néant [ *** ]


+ Raoul Emanuele D'Arborea

Visconte di Tripolizza
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6448
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 12, 2022 9:51 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Apostolic Chamber

    Cardinal Camerlingue of Rome and Chancellor of the Congregation of the Apostolic Chamber : His Eminence Monseignor Tymothe-Lovian Meleagant de Nivellus de Montvidor [ Tymothe ]
    Secretary-General of the Congregation: His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuele d'Arborea [Vaaliant]
    Général Préfect: Vacant
    Assistant Secretaries of the Congregation: Vacant

    Prefectures of the Apostolic Chamber

    • Prefect for the french-speaking: Vacant
      • vice-prefect region of France: Vacant

      • Vice prefect region of the French-speaking Holy Empire:: Vacant

      • Vice-prefect region of Brittany: Monseigneur Talona [ Talona ]

    • Prefect for the english-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-Prefect of the Scottish Region: His Eminence Monsignor Rodrigomanzanarez[ Rodrigomanzanarez ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the Irish Region: Néant [ *** ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the England Region: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the italian-speaking: His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuele d'Arborea
      • Vice-prefect region of Italy: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the german-speaking: His Eminence Ulli von Bärenfels [ulli]
      • Vice-prefect region of Germany: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the dutch-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Holland: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the portuguese-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Portugal: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the spanish-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Spain: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect of the zones for the regions governed by the New Apostolate: His Excellency Monsignor Francesco_maria
      • Vice-prefect of the Hungarian region: Nádasdy Atlantisz [Atlantisz]

    The Intendants/Stewards

    • Prefet of the General Stewardship Son Excellence Mgr César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.alexandre]
      • Master butcher: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Baker: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Blacksmith: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Meunier: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Carpenter: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Botanist: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Weaver Néant [ *** ]


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Cardinal-Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque Sine Cura d'Avignon | Vicomte d'Andenne
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2011
Messages: 347

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 11, 2022 8:02 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Apostolic Chamber

    Cardinal Camerlingue of Rome and Chancellor of the Congregation of the Apostolic Chamber : His Eminence Monseignor Tymothe-Lovian Meleagant de Nivellus de Montvidor [Tymothe]
    Secretary-General of the Congregation: His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuele d'Arborea [Vaaliant]

    Prefectures of the Apostolic Chamber

    • Prefect for the french-speaking: Della d'i Cesarini [Della]
      • vice-prefect region of France: Son Excellence Monseigneur Constance Élyse Von Frayner Del Casalièr

      • Vice prefect region of the French-speaking Holy Empire:: Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.Alexandre]

      • Vice-prefect region of Brittany: Monseigneur Talona [ Talona ]

    • Prefect for the english-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-Prefect of the Scottish Region: His Eminence Monsignor Rodrigomanzanarez[ Rodrigomanzanarez ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the Irish Region: Néant [ *** ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the England Region: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the italian-speaking: His Excellency Monsignor Raoul Emanuele d'Arborea
      • Vice-prefect region of Italy: Loira [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the german-speaking: His Eminence Ulli von Bärenfels [ulli]
      • Vice-prefect region of Germany: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the dutch-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Holland: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the portuguese-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Portugal: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the spanish-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Spain: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect of the zones for the regions governed by the New Apostolate: His Excellency Monsignor Francesco_maria
      • Vice-prefect of the Hungarian region: Nádasdy Atlantisz [Atlantisz]

    • Liaison Agent between the Apostolic Chamber and the Holy Army: His Excellency Arthur_ii de Nivellus

    The Intendants/Stewards

    • Prefet of the General Stewardship Son Excellence Mgr César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.alexandre]
      • Master butcher: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Baker: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Blacksmith: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Meunier: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Carpenter: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Botanist: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Weaver Néant [ *** ]


+ Raoul Emanuele D'Arborea

Visconte di Tripolizza
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6448
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 03, 2024 9:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Apostolic Chamber

    Cardinal Camerlingue of Rome and Chancellor of the Congregation of the Apostolic Chamber : His Eminence Monseignor Tymothe-Lovian Meleagant de Nivellus de Montvidor [Tymothe]
    Prefect General: His Eminence Mgr Adelène de Kermabon [Adelene]

    Prefectures of the Apostolic Chamber

    • Prefect for the french-speaking: Soeur Melo [Melo]
      • vice-prefect region of France: Monseigneur Lorenzo cosini [Lorenzo_cosini]

      • Vice prefect region of the French-speaking Holy Empire:: *** [***]

      • Vice-prefect region of Brittany: [ ]

    • Prefect for the english-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-Prefect of the Scottish Region: His Eminence Monsignor Rodrigomanzanarez[ Rodrigomanzanarez ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the Irish Region: Néant [ *** ]

      • Vice-Prefect of the England Region: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the italian-speaking: His Excellency Monsignor marco_depolis
      • Vice-prefect region of Italy: néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the german-speaking: His Eminence Ulli von Bärenfels [ulli]
      • Vice-prefect region of Germany: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the dutch-speaking: vacant
      • Vice-prefect region of Holland: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the portuguese-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Portugal: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect for the spanish-speaking:
      • Vice-prefect region of Spain: Néant [ *** ]

    • Prefect of the zones for the regions governed by the New Apostolate: His Excellency Monsignor Francesco_maria
      • Vice-prefect of the Hungarian region: Nádasdy Atlantisz [Atlantisz]

    • Liaison Agent between the Apostolic Chamber and the Holy Army:

    The Intendants/Stewards

    • Prefet of the General Stewardship néant [***]
      • Master butcher: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Baker: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Blacksmith: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Meunier: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Carpenter: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Botanist: Néant [ *** ]

      • Master Weaver Néant [ *** ]


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Cardinal-Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque Sine Cura d'Avignon | Vicomte d'Andenne
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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