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Certificate Templates

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2020
Messages: 855
Localisation: La Trémouille

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 19, 2024 1:11 pm    Sujet du message: Certificate Templates Répondre en citant

    Certificate Templates

    Baptism a écrit:
    [Header of choice]

    Duplicate Baptism Certificate

    We, [IG Name of the officiant], commonly known as [RP Name of the officiant if different from IG name],

    Announce the Baptism of [IG Name of the faithful], commonly known as [RP Name of the faithful if different from IG name], on [date of ceremony] at [city / noble parish of the sacrament]. They have been welcomed into the great Aristotelian family according to the consecrated rites of our Holy Aristotelian Roman Church in our role as [Church role authorizing baptism], under the benevolent gaze of [IG Name of godmother/godfather], also known as [RP Name of godmother/godfather].

    We certify [RP Name of the faithful]’s membership in the Holy Aristotelian Church as a faithful member so they may enjoy all privileges offered by the Community of the Faithful.

    Written and sealed by our hand at [city],
    On [date of certificate issuance].

    [GREEN Seal or stamp + signature]

    [Only on the duplicate:]
    IG NAME of the baptized (possible RP name), certified by IG NAME of the officiant, on DATE at LOCATION; godmother & godfather:

    [b]IG NAME of the baptized[/b] ([i]possible RP name[/i]), certified by [b][i]IG NAME of the officiant[/i][/b], on DATE at [b][u]LOCATION[/u][/b];[size=9] [i]godmother & godfather: [/i][/size]

    Marriage a écrit:
    [Header of choice]

    Duplicate Marriage Certificate

    We, [RP Name of the officiant], commonly known as [IG Name of the officiant],

    Announce the union of [possible noble title + RP Name of the faithful], commonly known as [IG Name of the faithful], and [possible noble title + RP Name of the spouse], commonly known as [IG Name of the spouse], by the sacred bonds of marriage.

    They together pronounced their marriage vows according to the Aristotelian rite at the [church/abbey/chapel/cathedral/basilica...] [building name] of [Parish name] before [possible noble title + RP Name of witness], commonly known as [IG Name of the witness] and [possible noble title + RP Name of witness], commonly known as [IG Name of the witness], as their witnesses.

    Written and sealed by our hand at [city],
    On [date of certificate issuance].

    [GREEN Seal or stamp + officiant's signature]

    [GREEN Seal / Witness signatures]

    [Only on the duplicate:]
    IG NAME of spouse 1 (possible RP name) and IG NAME of spouse 2 (possible RP name), by IG NAME of the officiant, on [DATE] at LOCATION; Witnesses: IG NAME 1 & IG NAME 2
    IG NAME of spouse 2 (possible RP name) and IG NAME of spouse 1 (possible RP name), by IG NAME of the officiant, on [DATE] at LOCATION; Witnesses: IG NAME 1 & IG NAME 2

    [b]IG NAME of spouse 1[/b] [i](possible RP name)[/i] and [b]IG NAME of spouse 2[/b] [i](possible RP name)[/i], by [b][i]IG NAME of the officiant[/i][/b], on [DATE] at [b][u]LOCATION[/u][/b];[size=9] [i]Witnesses: IG NAME 1 & IG NAME 2[/i][/size]

    [b]IG NAME of spouse 2[/b] [i](possible RP name)[/i] and [b]IG NAME of spouse 1[/b] [i](possible RP name)[/i], by [b][i]IG NAME of the officiant[/i][/b], on [DATE] at [b][u]LOCATION[/u][/b];[size=9] [i]Witnesses: IG NAME 1 & IG NAME 2[/i][/size]

    Priestly or Minor Ordination a écrit:
    [Header of choice]

    Duplicate Priestly/Minor Ordination Certificate

    We, [RP Name of the officiant], Bishop of [diocese], commonly known as [IG Name of the officiant],

    Announce the priestly / minor ordination of [RP Name of the ordained], commonly known as [IG Name of the ordained], on [date of ceremony] at [church/abbey/chapel/cathedral] [building name] of [Parish name].

    They were welcomed as a priest of the Church according to the consecrated rites of our Holy Aristotelian Church by the Bishop of [diocese name] as well as by [Church role] [RP Name of second officiant], commonly known as [IG Name of the second officiant], on [date of ceremony].

    We certify [RP Name of the ordained]'s membership in the Holy Aristotelian Church as a [priest / permanent deacon] so they may enjoy all privileges offered by their new status.

    Written and sealed by our hand at [city],
    On [date of certificate issuance].

    [GREEN Seal or stamp + signature]

    [GREEN Seal or stamp of second officiant]

    Only on the duplicate:
    IG NAME of the ordained (possible RP name), certified by IG NAME of the priest, on [DATE] at LOCATION

    [b]IG NAME of the ordained[/b] ([i]possible RP name[/i]), certified by [i][b]IG NAME of the priest[/b][/i], on [DATE] at [u][b]LOCATION[/b][/u]

    Funeral a écrit:
    [Header of choice]

    Duplicate Death Certificate

    We, [RP Name of the officiant], commonly known as [IG Name of the officiant],

    Announce the verification of the separation of body and spirit of [RP Name of the faithful], commonly known as [IG Name of the faithful].

    We confirm that we have observed the body’s coldness to such a degree that the soul can no longer revive it without suffering deep consequences, and thus declare the earthly body extinguished. After recognition, we have confirmed that the faithful no longer exists in the temporal realm.

    We confirm that the faithful’s funeral rites were conducted according to the Aristotelian rite.

    Written and sealed by our hand at [city],
    On [date of certificate issuance].

    [GREEN Seal or stamp + signature]

    [GREEN Seal or stamp of second officiant]

    Only on the duplicate:
    IG NAME of the deceased (possible RP name), certified by IG NAME of the officiant, on [DATE] at LOCATION, funeral rites conducted by Name of officiating priest, on [DATE] at LOCATION

    [b]IG NAME of the deceased[/b] ([i]possible RP name[/i]), certified by [i][b]IG NAME of the officiant[/b][/i], on [DATE] at [u][b]LOCATION[/b][/u], funeral rites conducted by [i][b]Name of officiating priest[/b][/i], on [DATE] at [u][b]LOCATION[/b][/u]

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