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Inscrit le: 04 Jan 2022
Messages: 4

MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 20, 2022 1:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Okay. I follow you.
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Inscrit le: 18 Jan 2022
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 20, 2022 11:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His voice must have been too shy, too inaudible. But it was nothing, she was going to repeat herself and enlighten the Italian bishop of the reason for her presence:

Hello Monsignor! Excuse my shyness! My name is Pheniciasa Hayes, I come from the Kingdom of Scotland and I settled in Bristol in the county of Devon. I have decided to follow the way of Jah, but for that I would like to be baptized and then follow the path of faith because I think that it is necessary to be so in order to be able to teach the good divine word as well as possible.

Could you tell me where I should go please! It seems to me that I should start with a pastoral, but the city of Bristol has a simple Deacon who is only there to allow us to have masses, which is already good in itself, I must confess to you because when I arrived in this city, the masses were discontinuous and completely random.
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3573

MessagePosté le: Ven Jan 21, 2022 4:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The bishop smiled at the Irish lady and said:

"I understand your intentions and I am very happy. The situation of faith in England is very complicated and I am happy that you have decided to follow the path of the True Holy Church. I suggest you do two things, the first is to write to Mgr. Blazingwill who is the Archbishop of Canterbury and a man of great faith and experience. Then you can start taking the courses by going to the Aristotelian University. "

So saying he gave the lady a sheet with directions to reach the University.

"When you sign up, introduce yourself by telling yourself that I will send you. Then for any other questions I am at your disposal".
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Inscrit le: 18 Jan 2022
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 22, 2022 10:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She listened attentively to the bishop.

Thank you Monsignor, I will write to him now! I will also present myself at the university.

I will not hesitate to come back to see you.

Bless me my father so that my feet lead me on the right path.
She smiled, tilting her head slightly.

Then she left him without forgetting to greet him very low. Happy and invaded by the aura of faith coming from the man of the church.
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Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2022
Messages: 9
Localisation: Alessandria (Ducato di Milano)

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 21, 2022 3:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Eusebius longed for the knowledge of God. He therefore set out on a long journey to great Rome. It's a really big city. Eusebius wandered the streets for many hours. He didn't know where to go. Eventually, he decided to enter one of the buildings and ask for directions.

Greetings, I am not sure to be in the right office. My name is Eusebius. I would love to serve God, but I am not yet baptized. I live in Alessandria in Ducato di Milano. I have tried to contact the local priest Costantina several times, but she still does not respond. I would like to be baptized. Who should I contact? He asked.
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3573

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 21, 2022 5:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il cardinale Sforza le mattina passava spesso per l'ingresso principale del Palazzo della Congregazione per lasciare qualche moneta in elemosina ai poveri che bussavano alla porta e per vedere se qualcuno aveva bisogno, sentì che un giovane, che sembrava essere italico, cercava aiuto gli si avvicinò e disse:

"Figliolo carissimo, sono il card. Sforza Segretario generale della Congregazione del il Nuovo Apostolato. Come posso aiutarti?"
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Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2022
Messages: 9
Localisation: Alessandria (Ducato di Milano)

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 21, 2022 5:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Eusebius waited a few minutes. No one answered.

When the Italian-speaking man spoke to him, he was a little startled.

God bless you, Your Eminence. I am not sure to be in the right office. My name is Eusebius. I would love to serve God, but I am not yet baptized. I live in Alessandria in Ducato di Milano. I have tried to contact the local priest Costantina several times, but she still does not respond. I would like to be baptized. Who should I contact? He repeated his question.


Eusebio aspettò qualche minuto. Nessuno ha risposto.

Quando l'uomo di lingua italiana gli parlò, fu un po' sorpreso.

Dio vi benedica, Vostra Eminenza. Non sono sicuro di essere nell'ufficio giusto. Mi chiamo Eusebio. Mi piacerebbe servire Dio, ma non sono ancora battezzato. Vivo ad Alessandria nel Ducato di Milano. Ho provato a contattare più volte il parroco locale Costantina, ma lei continua a non rispondere. Vorrei essere battezzato. Chi devo contattare? Ha ripetuto la sua domanda.
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3573

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 21, 2022 6:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"Figliolo non siete nell'ufficio giusto, questa Congregazione si occupa dei territori dove la Santa Chiesa è in difficoltà. Nella penisola italica, grazie all'Altissimo, la situazione è ancora buona. Per la Vostra richiesta vi consiglio di scrivere direttamente all'Arcivescovo di Milano madre Pamelita. Poi se l'Altissimo vi vorrà al suo servizio sono certo che ci incontreremo ancora."

e così facendo salutò il giovane e salì ai suoi uffici.
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1517
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 15, 2023 7:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Greetings secretary, please inform the Cardinal in charge that Monsignor William Blawing is here to meet him for an urgent matter. I would like to discuss with him certain decisions that are to be taken in England in a few day's time.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 17 Fév 2018
Messages: 969
Localisation: Twynholm, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 16, 2023 11:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The young Bishop heard his brother from England arrived here at the Congregation. He had been here for a while too, in a conversation with the Chancellor of the Congregation. But he was called away, a while ago. Better inform William about this as well.

Brother William, forgive me for the intervention. His Eminence Francesco Maria no longer works in this Congregation because he was accepted at another Congregation as a Prefect. In addition His Eminence Adonnis has been on a leave for a while. I was informed that the Curia is working on a solution, but for the time being it is just you and me here. I do hope that this changes soon again!

Chartulary of the British Islands, Bishop of Whithorn, Archivist for the Registers, Translator at Order of Saint Jerome, Theologian at the Holy Office 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1517
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 20, 2023 9:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It seems to me that this job is a hoax. Each time someone outside of the Isles was chosen, the person just disappeared. I hope this is not the case with the Cardinal. Thank you for informing me, I have sent a letter directly to his Holiness.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 17 Fév 2018
Messages: 969
Localisation: Twynholm, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Sep 21, 2023 9:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cinead nods at the words of the archbishop, he understand where this is coming from.

I am sorry that I couldn't assist you in any other way, Brother. But I am just here as a fellow brother like you. Nothing more, nothing less. His Eminence Franscisco Maria left the congregation in April of this year.

With these words Cinead and William depart ways, Cinead prays that the Cardinal is well and able to return soon. Because there is unfortunately not much to be done about the situation. As the saying goes, ""Patience is a Virtue".


Chartulary of the British Islands, Bishop of Whithorn, Archivist for the Registers, Translator at Order of Saint Jerome, Theologian at the Holy Office 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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Inscrit le: 04 Aoû 2024
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 02, 2024 2:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Al recibir misiva del Cardenal Sforza, el Canciller Real de Aragón acudió a las dependencias que le había descrito. Allí esperó a que le atendiesen e indicasen el camino donde tenia que dirigirse.
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3573

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 03, 2024 3:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Sforza was informed of the arrival of his important guest and personally went down to welcome him.

After climbing the stairs he went to meet him, bowed his head and then smilingly said:

"Your Excellency, dearest, what a pleasure to see you again in Rome. Your presence does honor to this palace. I hope that the journey was pleasant. But follow me, let's go to the room that I have prepared where you can have something to refresh yourself before starting our discussions."

Then, accompanied by some servants, Cardinal Sforza accompanied his noble guest to the meeting room.
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