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[RP] Besoin d'un exorciste - Possession troyenne

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 15, 2024 8:52 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Besoin d'un exorciste - Possession troyenne Répondre en citant

-----Comment un lieu de réputation aussi sinistre pouvait-il présenter des locaux aussi étincelants, se dit Laodin en avançant dans l'entrée ? Vouée à guérir les âmes tourmentées de leurs visiteurs indésirables, la Confrérie des Exorcistes avait toujours paradoxalement inspiré la peur, victime de son rôle de premier plan face aux démons de toutes sortes. Là où tant de serviteurs de la foi n'aspiraient qu'à éveiller la lumière, les membres de la confrérie se chargeaient quant à eux de dissiper les ténèbres, tout aussi intimidantes fussent-elles. C'était un travail qui demandait plus que tout autre un sang-froid exceptionnel, car il s'agissait non pas de se battre contre des hommes mais contre des forces surnaturelles, capables de tout et surtout du plus imprévisible. Voilà d'où venait cette peur innée lorsqu'on parlait des exorcistes : leur présence rimait avec un monde dont on préférait se tenir le plus éloigné possible, bien loin des grâces divines et de la prière apaisée.

-----Bien que Laodin n'eût pour sa part jamais rencontré d'exorciste, du moins le pensait-il, il savait que faire la connaissance d'un d'entre eux le rassurerait au contraire beaucoup, car il était seul et confronté à une situation nouvelle pour lui. Ses quelques connaissances sur le sujet vaudraient toujours beaucoup moins que l'expérience, et il désirait prendre le moins de risques possible pour éliminer le danger de son diocèse. Il espérait que la confrérie était toujours en état de fonctionnement, et qu'on serait en mesure de l'aider ; sinon, il devrait trouver une autre solution, car il ne pouvait se permettre dans son rôle de laisser les choses se faire sans agir. Aussi, arrivé à la lumineuse réception, il se présenta et commença à expliquer sa requête :

------ Bonjour... Je suis Monseigneur Laodin, évêque de Montélimar. Je suis actuellement sur un cas sérieux de possession dans mon diocèse, et j'aurais besoin des services d'un exorciste pour aider une pauvre femme à vivre enfin en paix. Elle est en grande souffrance, et je crains qu'elle ne puisse bientôt plus retenir le démon qui la hante...

-----Puis il attendit, restant impassible malgré l'inquiétude qui le rongeait. D'ordinaire très patient, les choses ne le concernaient cependant pas seulement lui, et c'est pourquoi il guetterait l'arrivée d'un précieux allié avec une intensité certaine...
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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 01, 2024 4:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----L'attente avait été longue, probablement assez pour permettre à une araignée de tisser sa toile avant l'arrivée d'un domestique, réduisant les espoirs de Laodin minute après minute. Devrait-il donc se faire exorciste, à défaut de pouvoir en trouver un ? La victime ne pourrait pas tenir éternellement dans sa situation, aussi une intervention serait-elle nécessaire. Alors qu'il lui semblait que ses craintes se confirmaient, il tenta un dernier appel :

------ Y a-t-il quelqu'un ? Is someone there? fit-il en désespoir de cause.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14398
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 01, 2024 5:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Laodin. Pourquoi appelles-tu les exorcistes ? La confrérie et ses rites sont inévitablement à l’épreuve de l’histoire. L'administration repose entre les mains de la Chancellerie du CDF.

    Le cardinal sortit des ombres des colonnes pour entrer dans la lumière et regarda l'évêque avec gravité.

    Les secrets des exorcistes reposent. Bien que je sois l'un des rares encore vivants qui les connaisse. L'ancien savoir caché, obscur, autour de la créature que tant de gens craignent et du pouvoir qui réside en elle.

    Cependant, tu devrais prêter attention aux affiches qui, bien que couvertes de poussière, existent encore ici.

    Kalixtus conduisit l'évêque vers le puits asséché dans la cour intérieure et actionna un mécanisme secret, qui fit glisser le puits de côté, révélant l'entrée d'un escalier en colimaçon qui menait dans les profondeurs obscures.

    Suis-moi, si tu l’oses.

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 01, 2024 9:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----Soudain, une silhouette émergea de la pénombre, l'appelant par son nom. Cela aurait pu être un fantôme, le reste d'une âme tourmentée errant indéfiniment dans ces espaces oubliés, et Laodin sursauta naturellement à cette apparition, venue alors qu'il s'y attendait le moins. Son cœur ralentit toutefois assez vite en reconnaissant l'homme devant lui : le vénérable cardinal Kalixtus, pierre angulaire de l'Église, avait entendu son appel et nul doute qu'il serait en sécurité avec lui. Cela devait être la seconde fois seulement qu'il l'apercevait en personne, la première ayant été à une fête ordinaire du séminaire Saint-Benoît ; pour le reste et s'il avait déjà entendu le son de sa voix, il n'avait pas souvenir d'avoir vu ses yeux le regarder aussi directement, infinités grises de puissance et de sagesse. Cela avait quelque chose de perturbant, surtout sans les présentations usuelles, et il demeura un instant sans mot dire, saisi par toute la gravité dont il fut enveloppé.

-----Bien sûr, cette rencontre n'était pas une complète surprise, car Laodin savait qu'il aurait des chances d'y assister en se rendant dans ces bureaux. La Confrérie des Exorcistes ayant manifestement vu de meilleurs jours et la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foi dirigeant la Confrérie des Exorcistes, il avait presque été inévitable pour lui d'attirer l'attention de Kalixtus, ou bien d'être oublié. Cet homme avait décidément bien du poids sur ses épaules et on ne mesurait que peu ce que représentait sa charge, devant intervenir de lui-même pour des cas comme celui-ci. Laodin s'en voulait presque de l'avoir dérangé ainsi, mais il n'avait pas vraiment eu d'autre choix sachant que guérir d'une possession allait au-delà des compétences d'un simple évêque.

-----Kalixtus était donc l'une des rares personnes encore vivantes à connaître les secrets des exorcistes, quelque chose qui montrait bien l'avenir incertain auquel cette profession semblait destinée. Était-il lui-même un exorciste ? Cela restait à découvrir. Laodin, s'inclinant finalement, répondit :

------ Votre Éminence... Je devrais dire que c'est un honneur de vous rencontrer, et cela l'est, mais à l'instant présent je me sens surtout grandement soulagé. Je craignais tant de devoir régler mon problème par moi-même... (Se rappelant soudainement ce qu'avait fait Melo la dernière fois qu'elle l'avait vu, il se pencha pour embrasser la bague cardinalice.) En réalité, je suis confronté à un cas de possession dans mon diocèse, et n'ayant jamais reçu la moindre formation à ce sujet, il m'a semblé naturel de faire appel aux services d'un exorciste qualifié. Êtes-vous aussi exorciste, Votre Éminence ?

-----Toutefois, le cardinal semblait avoir une idée précise en tête, et lui fit signe de le suivre vers une cour à l'arrière de la réception. Un puits en constituait le principal ornement, bien que visiblement dépourvu de toute eau ; ce détail étonna Laodin, même s'il fallait comprendre aussi qu'on ne devait plus en avoir grande utilité, des années après la dernière annonce provenant de la Confrérie des Exorcistes. La passion soudaine du cardinal pour celui-ci l'étonna aussi, et il le regarda se pencher contre les pierres moussues avec circonspection. L'homme avait-il été pris sans crier gare de nostalgie, se rappelant les heures passées de la confrérie ? Tout à coup, le bruit d'un mécanisme se fit entendre, et le puits parut s'animer de lui-même, bougeant sur le côté. Laodin ne sut s'il aurait dû qualifier cette vision de magie ou de sorcellerie, mais il en fut grandement surpris, et observa ce qui ressemblait à un escalier se dessiner lentement dans une ouverture.

-----C'est seulement lorsque Kalixtus reprit la parole qu'il comprit l'importance de ce à quoi il venait d'assister, et du secret qui venait de lui être révélé. En dessous, dans les profondeurs sombres, devaient reposer des dizaines d'ouvrages et parchemins d'une valeur inestimable ; savoir ceci aurait poussé n'importe quel voleur à s'en emparer pour revendre tout ce savoir conservé sur le marché noir. Cela voulait donc dire que Kalixtus lui accordait sa confiance, alors même que Laodin n'avait pas encore eu le temps d'expliquer plus en détail sa requête. Le privilège dépassait tout ce qu'il aurait été en droit d'espérer, lui coupant le souffle.

-----« Suis-moi, si tu l'oses. » Ces paroles, sinistres, auraient sans doute fait fuir le prêtre débutant qu'il avait été, mais il avait tant appris dans l'Église qu'il savait maintenant l'obscurité inoffensive en présence de la plus impérieuse des lumières. Il n'y avait pas de quoi avoir peur, accompagné d'une telle figure, aussi cet escalier lugubre lui semblait-il plutôt monter jusqu'au ciel que s'enfoncer dans la terre. Même si Kalixtus lui avait parlé de revenants guettant au fond de ce trou, il serait descendu l'esprit serein, car certain de ne pas faillir. L'être humain était beaucoup plus effrayant, quand il commettait le mal en toute connaissance de cause... S'il y en avait qu'on ne pouvait guérir de leur obéissance au Sans-Nom, d'autres plus confus ne demandaient qu'à être soignés, et c'était justement ce que devrait lui apporter cet entretien pour l'une de ses semblables.

-----Après un instant d'hésitation, il mit un pied sur la première marche, et prit la suite de Kalixtus. Il ignorait tout de ce qui l'attendait en bas, mais il n'en éprouvait pas la moindre crainte. La seule chose qui le préoccupait était de savoir s'il était digne d'aller plus loin, et s'il ne devrait pas insister auprès du cardinal pour poursuivre dans un endroit moins précieux pour la confrérie. Que voulait-il lui montrer ? Sa requête en valait-elle la peine ? Devant tant de gravité, il n'osait guère contrarier l'homme aussi sage qu'une bibliothèque papale, et sa fascination était grande, le poussant à ne pas refuser cette occasion inespérée d'étendre son savoir.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14398
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 05, 2024 3:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Kalixtus descendit l'escalier en colimaçon, une bougie à la main, éclairant faiblement les marches finement taillées, accompagné du jeune évêque et savant. Les murs étaient nus et grossièrement taillés. Ils descendaient profondément dans les catacombes, qui, dans le réseau labyrinthique du sous-sol secret de Rome, reliaient toutes les parties de l'ancienne cité. De la nécropole près de la basilique Saint-Tite jusqu'aux innombrables passages se terminant dans de vieux palais et villas ou dans le néant. Il était extrêmement dangereux de se trouver ici, car il n'y avait que quelques accès directs, tous discrets et équipés de mécanismes secrets.

    Le monde qu’ils pénétraient était rempli de pensées dangereuses, de savoirs périlleux, qui devaient absolument être protégés du monde des mortels.

    La Fraternité des Exorcistes existe depuis de nombreux siècles, voire des millénaires, Laodin. En vérité, le premier cercle fut fondé après la chute d’Oanylone. Elle se consacre à la guerre contre les forces d'une créature ombreuse, sans nom.

    Cette entité que Dieu a laissée sur terre pour mettre l’humanité à l’épreuve.

    Nous avons tous deux suffisamment de connaissance de la nature des États et de la politique du continent pour comprendre que cette créature mène son œuvre magistralement aux plus hauts échelons de la société.

    L’obscurité s’étend sur notre continent. La Fraternité des Exorcistes est presque éteinte. Son savoir n’est plus connu que de quelques agents secrets.

    Ils atteignirent la dernière marche, et Kalixtus le guida à travers un long couloir obscur, dont les murs anciens, bâtis par les ancêtres, étaient tachés par des racines et l’humidité.

    Beaucoup croient que les catacombes et la nécropole de Rome ont été oubliées, mais elles ne l’ont jamais été. La Fraternité possédait de tels lieux partout dans le monde : sous les ruines de l’ancien Lycée à Athènes, sous les cachots du palais de Salomon à Jérusalem, dans les ruines du complexe de temples de Karnak, et bien d’autres encore. Nous étions partout.

    Aujourd’hui, nous avons presque disparu. Rayés par les puissances que nous combattons. Traqués, tués, oubliés.

    Kalixtus se tourna vers Laodin. Les archi-exorcistes pratiquaient ici à Rome. Moi-même, j’ai été formé par le grand archi-exorciste Edoardo Borromeo Galli. La poussière et les ombres sont tout ce qu’il reste.

    Ils atteignirent une salle d’où partaient de nombreux autres couloirs et chambres. Kalixtus choisit avec assurance l’un des passages de droite et conduisit l’évêque plus profondément dans le labyrinthe jusqu’à une sorte de salle de lecture, où le cardinal alluma des bougies. Celles-ci diffusèrent leur lumière sur des volumes précieux et anciens, des instruments complexes et sans doute mortels, ainsi que divers autres objets, fétiches et équipements. Mais les livres dominaient la pièce.

    Bienvenue dans mon cabinet secret d’études. C’était autrefois une salle de réunion pour de jeunes exorcistes qui venaient y étudier les textes et rapports secrets des exorcistes à travers les siècles.

    La plupart de ces livres sont des comptes rendus d’exorcismes et d’événements paranormaux en Europe centrale au cours du dernier millénaire.

    Les autres bibliothèques sont détruites, ou leurs accès sont inaccessibles pour nous, car nous n’avons plus de gardiens des clés pour nous montrer le chemin. Des siècles de connaissances utiles sont ainsi perdus. Mais c’est ainsi dans le monde des mortels.

    Il invita Laodin à s’asseoir sur l’une des chaises poussiéreuses.

    ((tu peux décider ce qui est le mieux pour toi - anglais ou français))

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 06, 2024 2:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----Light was fading around them as Laodin and Kalixtus descended the staircase, now only emitted by the candle. By more than one respect, this descent reminded Laodin his own and terrible past, when he was plunging deeper and deeper into darkness. The dress Kalixtus was wearing did not resemble the ones he saw in his worst days however, and inspired him trust more than reassurance. In truth, they seemed not to conform themselves to the dark by investigating this place, but bringing a bit of a sun to what was a forgotten piece of history. For what purpose exactly, that remained to be explained...

-----Still ignorant of what Kalixtus wanted to do with him, Laodin listened to his voice while concentrating on the steps. It seemed to be as he feared: the Brotherhood of Exorcists was dying, barely surviving thanks to a few secret agents. It was a pity, considering how it expanded in the world for whole millenias, and the reason froze him. The exorcists had been for the majority chased and killed by their enemies; how was that possible? They were curing people from their possession by demons, so they had to be respected in a certain way. Laodin demanded himself if what Kalixtus told him was not rather of a symbolic nature, as oblivion and ignorance were enemies to forces of the light. This man was so wise, so experimented within the Church his words could be of a higher signification than what they looked like. He was so understanding of faith and what endangered it that everything could bring the bishop of Montélimar new metaphysical knowledge without even knowing.

-----When their feet finally met the bottom of the staircase, a complex of corridors appeared in front of them. Kalixtus then led him to one of them, perfectly knowing where they were heading for. It was utter, complete silence and the air smelt like an old cellar.

-----At the opening of an ancient and dusty door, Laodin discovered a room seemingly covered by bookshelves and strange artefacts, soon lighted in its entirety. It was Kalixtus' secret cabinet, as he said, anciently destined to the young exorcists who now were not to be found anymore. All the books that surrounded them, for the most black unless it was an illusion caused by the absence of window, narrated the exact procedures and discoverings of multiple exorcisms for the past millenia. If Kalixtus was right, and he probably was, no other libraries like this one remained, adding to its preciousness.

-----It was, as Laodin realized it, truly exceptional to stand there, and at the same time quite depressing. Again, he wondered why Kalixtus had invited him to this secret place rather than simply answering his request higher in the building. Did he feel the desire to inform someone of the reality of what he was dealing with? Did he feel the necessity to not be the only one or almost to know about what was hiding beneath the well? In his place, Laodin would have been scared by the possibility of being the last to know about it, definitely condemning the library to centuries of darkness. It had to be a fearful responsibility to bear, so finally seeing someone in the reception of the Brotherhood should have awoken this anxious desire.

-----He sat, disoriented by the turn of events. Alone, he would not have dared to touch a single chair, but the invitation had been sent by the cardinal himself, Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith. He could not help but think about all the exorcists who sat precisely where he was, giving him an impression of imposture. That was very disturbing, and confusing. Certainly the cardinal had an excellent reason to invite such a little bishop as him?

------ Why am I here? he spoke aloud.

-----The thought had escaped his mouth without warning, surprising him. Kalixtus should believe now it was addressed to him, which in a sense was; so Laodin looked at him, waiting.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14398
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 08, 2024 3:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Because it is dangerous to draw the attention of the dark forces of our planet in public. Those vile, sulfuric demons who have eyes even in the holiest places and serve as obedient servants of the Creature.

    Even in Rome, even at the highest levels, there is no guarantee that one will remain untouched by possession.

    Within here, there are powerful sigils and protective mechanisms against the influence of evil. No possessed being can enter this place without experiencing excruciating pain.

    Exorcists expose themselves to an increased risk of becoming possessed themselves. A demon, or even the Creature itself, can transfer from the original victim to the exorcist and cause terrible, bloody harm here.

    Possession is not always immediately apparent. The demon decides when to reveal itself and how to control the victim's behavior.

    Furthermore, the scriptures will be able to help us discern your case and whether assistance is possible. But you should be aware that any form of possession and any form of exorcism can lead to death or even lasting damage to the precious soul.

    Yet, death is the better alternative to being possessed. In this state, the demon rules over your body, harming not only you but also your surroundings.

    The nature of demons allows them to magnify the darkest desires and wishes of the victim, indulging them to the most extreme excesses, where victims have torn the skin from their own faces in pure agony and delight in pain.

    But tell me about your case. Every detail is important for an initial assessment.

    Kalixtus would listen attentively, not only to the words but specifically to how Laodin spoke them and which parts he emphasized. The impression of the subconscious was far more revealing than that of the young bishop’s rational mind. For a rational mind tries to preserve the logic of things, but demons and the Creature are beings of chaos, indifferent to natural laws or moral or social norms. They are the opposite of rationality and can therefore deceive our minds to a great degree. But in the subconscious, these rules do not exist. The subconscious is not controlled, and its influence is immense; it governs emotions, danger, needs, and desires. It is the place most susceptible to manipulation but also where information about the supernatural is most likely stored. The exorcist must filter and analyze this information.

    Impressions can be misleading. Emotions are not a science. However, science is the means of sorting and interpreting emotions and weaving them into a coherent whole, from which the wise man will derive the image we seek.

    The type of possession. The type of demon. And how to rid oneself of it.

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 09, 2024 3:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----When Kalixtus told him about sigils, Laodin looked around him, searching any sign of an esoteric symbol. He also had a question in his mind: was the cardinal actually worried of him sooner being himself possessed, and was he testing him by refusing to speak outside of the catacombs? With experience came vigilance, so Laodin could understand that. As he said, noone was safe of corruption by the Nameless One, and the appearances could be deceptive.

-----In fact, it was exactly as Laodin hap hoped for: he was right now in front of an expert, someone more than qualified for the subject he had to work out, and oceans of knowledge were now in his field of vision and listening, revealing only a bit of their depth. If there was a place he had to be, it certainly was this one, and he was lucky. Too lucky to deserve it? Never mind, it was of no real importance as long as he left with answers, finally not feeling guilty anymore of inaction. Someone had given him her trust, so he had to do everything he could for her. Kalixtus was probably the best man for this occurrence, a gift for his guidance.

------ Well... Some time ago, an aged woman came to me in order to get some help, desperate about the torment she was facing. She told me about voices, malevolent voices which were taking progressively the control of herself, including her body: for moments, as soon as she felt tired, her mouth moved of itself, speaking words of a foreign language. It was not all: she could understand this language, even though she never had learned it, and its content was complete abomination. I do not know precisely what it was, but she surely was shocked by it, and afraid. She also knew the name of the spirit that was inhabiting her: it was Cassandra, Cassandre in French, who she believed to be the one from Troy. To prove its victim of its identity, Cassandra apparently gave her the gift of clairvoyance, allowing her to see the future in a short term. Always her visions were verifying themselves, to her great trouble. I feel it was another way for the spirit to weaken her, until it would be powerful enough to get a complete use of her body.

-----» May this story be true or not, and I believe it is, she certainly endures a lot and I feel concerned for her. You understand I could not let her in this state, and that I had to get some help knowing it is beyond my skills. I gave her a prayer she will now use everytime the demon tries to get possession of her and I also gave her a more practical mean to call me for help, but I cannot cure her, I cannot bring her peace. I fear if she is not strong enough, and she already has briefly fallen to the demon's influence, she will eventually lose the fight and become a puppet enslaved by the forces of evil. She is old, you know, and blind, dependant of her dog for moving into the village. I already considered the possibility her age and handicap would have made her lose her mind, but her words seem perfectly rational and logical, her religious assiduity preserved as she often comes to the church, and I am not willing to let the risk of not doing anything. It is my responsibility to make sure desperate people are not let down, and, yes, can receive the best treatment they deserve.

-----» So I turned towards the Brotherhood of Exorcists, telling myself it could help me know the truth, and give me the solution to my problem. Possession is not a subject taught to simple priests like me, the situation I am facing right now requires advice, and possibly physical help, in order to not make any perilous mistake. That is why I came to this place, thinking it would be the best decision.

-----He had told all of this with an anxious look, wondering how fine Diogena was at this moment. The feeling grew stronger when Kalixtus learned him one capital information, one he had not found in his current readings:

------ I did not know about the ultimate risks of exorcism, he confessed. I informed myself about the nature of possession and symptoms of that occurrence, by texts like The effluvium of evil. However, now that it appears the subject of possession can die in the process, or get irreversible damage to the spirit... I am not so sure it is the right option. Can she resist Cassandra to the end of her life? She would perpetually suffer from spiritual harassment, but if a fate even worse than that is waiting for her with exorcism... I suppose this is a dilemma resting more on confidence than real certitude.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14398
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 10, 2024 2:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus listened attentively, then rose from his chair and retrieved some books, written in Latin as well as in other languages such as Aramaic, Greek, Sumerian, and others, often in secret tongues.

    Numerous texts were filled with complex celestial mathematics. A special kind of geometry, based on the theory of harmony, that could create passages through the ether or serve as protective circles.

    The majority of church buildings are designed according to this geometry in their floor plans. Nothing in this world is coincidental; Laodin would know this.

    Everything God creates follows His heavenly vision of perfection. However, not everything He creates is perfect. He places "flaws" to shape individual destinies.

    Not all people are born beautiful, nor does every life go according to plan. Not every tree grows the same way.

    His creation is made of objective similarity, not equality.

    Earthly demons could be a scourge from the Moon Hell. But they are likely remnants from the destruction of Oanylone. Nothing can escape from the Moon Hell. Oanylone, however, existed on Earth itself.

    However, we believe that we can banish them and ideally invoke the archangels to send the earthly demons to that very hell where, according to God’s judgment on Oanylone, they rightfully belong.

    The creature without a name is a shadow, as you know. Its nature is fleeting and possessive. It can achieve very little through its own physical power.

    Our knowledge about it is quite extensive. We know it also uses demons to win its eternal battle with God.

    Demons and the creature share a similar goal, merely pursuing different tactics. The creature possesses a person and whispers to them to do things they desire, what they long for. It stirs up our fears, our passions, and makes us believe that the ecstasy of those acts is precisely what we want.

    In fact, we follow its whispers and act out of our own desire to perform these things. Thus, the creature would have triumphed over God. Humanity would abandon God's concept of virtue and devote itself solely to sin.

    We saw this with the demon princes. Their corrupt nature was intensified by the creature and alienated to the point of surrealism.

    Demons, however, have a different approach, which is crucial to understand because they find a different utility in humans.

    Demons attach themselves to humans because they crave the soul. They feed off the divine in us. They are parasitic and wish to remain in us as long as possible, feeding. Those who have lost their soul have an unquenchable thirst for this divine essence. They crave physical life.

    While they feed off us, we naturally grow weaker, and the demon increasingly takes control over what we do. It can remain in a body indefinitely. It could even behave entirely innocently and control covertly, yet our will is already broken. The demon wants to partake in life and creation. It covets what it has lost and finds it in us. However, it cannot help but continue the sinful life it once led.

    It abuses the person and makes them do things they wouldn’t normally do. Thus, the demon often becomes noticeable. People who were once kind and gentle become suddenly aggressive and dangerous. This can happen periodically, and the person recognizes what is happening to them. Myths of werewolves or vampires stem from demonic possession. Inhuman strength is granted through the demon’s takeover of the body.

    The demon prompts the most absurd actions for its own amusement. It damages the person, causes fear, chaos, and destruction, and due to its presence, creates more willing victims who, weakened by its influence, start questioning faith or even give in to temptation and offer themselves to the demon willingly.

    There were several cases around 200 years ago when possession was linked to vampirism. The demon led its puppet to drink blood. Demons of this strength, nourished by souls, can physically transform the host. A phase of so-called transformation begins, much like what happened to the demon princes who rule in the Moon Hell.

    We see images of demons in these books. Transformations always occur in a way that humans increasingly conform to the demon’s appearance. It is the goal of all earthly demons to turn their shadowy physiology into flesh so they can ultimately live again as they once did.

    These beings achieve superhuman abilities, control over elements, over people, over objects, power, and influence. They are incredibly fast, extremely deadly, and can live for centuries. They transcend the bounds of humanity, for they are merely distorted reflections.

    It is essential to understand that we can no longer save such individuals. An exorcist must decide whether death would be a better option to save everyone else. We thus make decisions on the gradient of human existence.

    If the host has died, the demon must depart, for the soul it seeks rises to the Last Judgment. What it desires, it can then only obtain from someone else. Sometimes, if the exorcist hesitates, if he is afraid, if he does not fully stand behind his actions, he himself may become possessed by the demon.

    All powerful individuals in this world are at risk, as they increase the demon’s power, influence, and food source. Furthermore, the powerful are often susceptible to sins, which are great, golden gates for demons and, naturally, for the creature without a name.

    In many respects, possession by the creature is far less severe, but it is also far more difficult to defeat than a demon. The creature can leave, and the damage is already done. When demons leave, the host is freed and can recover. In the case of the creature, a long pastoral care is necessary to cleanse them from vices and sins.

    Do you know exactly what the lady says when she is possessed?

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 11, 2024 7:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----With the feeble light and both of them walled up in the underground, the illustrations and strange writings should have been properly terrifying. However, and again to his great surprise, Laodin felt no sudden urge to run far away to the surface, perfectly calm and measured. In a kind of way, he was more fascinated and grateful than scared, because he knew ignorance was the territory of darkness, and all he was doing right now was fighting it. Wasn't it better to identify a rose's thorns before picking it on the ground? So it was just a course like any other, perhaps a little more frightening, but definitely essential for keeping himself protected.

-----No reading would have been as good as Kalixtus' words, a man who understood his subject from the top to the bottom. If Laodin had any question, it was now or never; after, he would be alone once again, outside of these walls only authorized to deliver these teachings. Even what seemed unimportant had to be said, and silence was his real enemy here.

------ But... But how could the demon transform its victim's body into a monstrous appearance? We know the physical body to be very different from the spiritual body which is given by the Most High on the Moon. It should not be possible on our Earth... I read in The effluvium of evil that demons are actually souls which decided not to take the road to their Divine Judgment after death, and are then condemned in our world in a semi-alive state, incapable of doing anything more than moving objects and torture people's mind. What you are telling me basically means they already have their spiritual body, despite they have not been judged already... Are they somehow linked to the Moon? Do they often go back and forth between Hell and Earth ? That would explain how Belial could possess Pope Hygin's mind before being chased away by Miguaël.

-----His confusion led then to embarrassment as Kalixtus demanded more detail. It was the only one point he didn't know anything about, and the cardinal apparently thought it to be of vital importance. Had he neglected his work? Had he wanted to respect Diogena's intimacy too much for her own good? When he had entered this building, he was sure to come with enough information to get a precise answer, but it appeared he had been far too confident about it. He was not prepared at all, in the end.

------ I am sorry, this information may be the only one I do not have, he answered. I thought it already was so difficult for her to tell me about all these things I better had to not insist on this point. I suspect the words she qualified of pure horror were demonic insults she would not dare to repeat in front of me. Do you think I was wrong Your Eminence? Do you think the demon would force her to... repeat incantations, for example?

-----How naive he had been if that was the case! Persuaded the demon was dangerous, but harmless as long as it only controlled Diogena's mouth, his conclusions had been made a little too soon. However, he usually worried too much when not worrying not enough, so it had to be something in-between Kalixtus would present to him. Right?
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14398
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 18, 2024 6:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    There are many theories on this. The most plausible, supported by evidence from natural science, is the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

    It seems that similar, albeit parasitic, forces are at work. In addition to the pathological changes in lifestyle that the demon imposes on the human host.

    For example, altered nourishment—raw meat, blood, or no food at all, sometimes even decayed, sulfurous sustenance.

    This transformation is accompanied by a different posture, which often causes irreparable damage to bones and joints.

    It comes with rapid aging, a lack of personal care, and poor hygiene.

    All these external changes lead to internal transformations and ultimately to an embodiment.

    There are accounts from exorcists who observed horns suddenly sprouting from the afflicted, flesh and skin receding, teeth elongating, appearing like fangs.

    I have seen people transformed. Women who suddenly grew hair all over their bodies. Men of immense strength. Individuals with the ability to peer into the deepest secrets of others, or even see into the future or the past.

    Humans with abnormal powers. Powers that, above all, stem from a domain that overwhelms us scientifically, both theologically and naturally. We can document these phenomena empirically and seek assistance from higher beings, foremost among them the archangels, who once waged war against the demon princes.

    The exorcist does not perform miracles; he merely discerns the type of possession at hand and must then take the correct measures to summon the appropriate archangels, who will intervene in the battle for the lost soul. Sometimes, in early stages, it suffices to work with holy insignia: relics, holy water, consecrated earth, blessed objects, and other instruments.

    The demon fears hell, as there is no way out of it. Thus, it seems that the existing earthly demons are remnants of the destruction of Oanylone. When the archangels come, they will drag the demon before God’s judgment and into hell.

    Kalixtus paused briefly.

    “It is unfortunate that we lack further details on the words. What else can you tell me? Anything could be useful—habits, changes, appearance, texture, behavior—absolutely everything.”

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 20, 2024 6:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----More than the creepy illustrations Kalixtus had showed him earlier, it was his testimony about men and women possessed that scared him. This man had seen evil manifesting physically, granted with new powers the Church still had hard work to understand. What did it feel to see one of his kind completely deprived of his soul, now resembling a living monster of hair and muscle? You could feel powerless at this instant, and yet expected to follow your duty without giving in to panic. It was like confronting a bear with a spoon, hoping it would make the beast confused and willing to go. Laodin knew an exorcist had to be one of the bravest men, but this was even worse than telekinetic powers or extreme aggressivity and savageness from the host.

-----Diogena could never be like that; it was impossible, and however it had to be considered no matter how unlikely it was. They were very far from this point of no return but Diogena was old and alone, having to face many more difficulties than others. Was it what attracted the demon in the first place? If that really was the case, it would defeat her slowly, little step by little step, as it already had been several months since the beginning of the possession.

------ Well, nothing except for the words and visions seems to have really changed since the demon has taken possession of her body, he answered. I believe the lady finds herself still in an early stage, because her mind is strong although she is physically so weakened. Her habits are still the same, she goes to the market and to spiritual activities, but she now fears to be too long with others in case the demon would force her to speak terrible words, making people afraid or angry against her. If the possession becomes more and more difficult to contain, she naturally will avoid any social activity and become more and more hopeless, or we know it is what the demon is expecting - to become her only interlocutor. Of course, I will encourage her to continue as normally as possible and support her in her pain, but she continually makes more efforts than others due to her blindness, and the tentation to retire herself from the world would be strong. Then, not practising the virtues as before, the transformation could finally begin. In fact, it is more about what could happen than what happens right now that is worriying me very much, because she already presents signs of possession. She knows what is affecting her, she cannot resist it sometimes... This is already quite bad, but it could get largely worse.

-----The more he thought about it, the more he realized he finally had little to say to Kalixtus. Was it the proof he had done his job badly, or the proof he had done his job well by waiting no longer? Surely, more signs, clues could manifest with time, and maybe he had come too early in front of the cardinal to help him in his judgment. Maybe this case was of no serious gravity to him for the moment, given what he had personally witnessed... It was all the difference between an experimented specialist and a worried young man, all the difference between considering a few aimless bandits as a peasant and considering them as a soldier of many battles.

------ I have two questions: when the demon is chased from the host, does it go to Hell, or does it look for another victim to torture? And why do the demons not always choose the most physically strong individuals, the ones who could make serious damages to the world? Are they desperate enough to choose the first to be on their sight, even if they would just have to wait to find a much better one? Yes, it makes three questions, but I understand myself.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14398
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 21, 2024 6:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Demons are somewhat like us, and we must not forget that they stem from our very nature. They are intermediate beings, possessing powers as diverse as ours, and are subject to their own hierarchy. At its summit stand the demon lords—or perhaps the nameless creature, which does not reside in hell but instead dwells on earth, eternally.

    At times, demons seek out strong hosts to wreak havoc on a grand scale. Occasionally, they target influential individuals to amplify chaos and open the gates for the creature whose sole aim is to defy God. In this sense, all demons are servants of the creature.

    When a demon selects a strong or powerful leader as its host, the demon must itself be exceptionally cunning and formidable. Leaders should be protected by clerics, surrounded by individuals who love, value, and defend them, and should exist within the bonds of Aristotelian friendship.

    This highlights a challenge of our time: many rulers today choose to forgo such safeguards, instead pursuing their own isolated, often unexamined paths. These paths—whether by intention or ignorance—serve the creature. This is deeply troubling.

    Demons seeking to dominate great lords must often consider not only the individual but also their surrounding network, employing deception even against the clerics assigned to guard them.

    Lesser demons, on the other hand, tend to prey upon weaker victims. Paradoxically, this can be advantageous. They cause less widespread chaos because—tragically—their hosts succumb quickly. The demon’s powers drain the host, consuming their strength, corrupting their soul, and tarnishing their nature until death overtakes them.

    The death of the host forces the demon to abandon it and seek another. Only through the intervention of heavenly beings—chiefly the archangels—can the demon be cast into hell or brought before God’s judgment. These heavenly beings carry the evil away and purge it from the earth.

    It is God’s judgment that demons fear above all else. For this reason, many demons abandon their hosts, retreating into the shadows to find new victims.

    As exorcists, we cannot command the heavenly beings to assist us; their intervention must come freely. If they choose not to act, the demon will not be removed. However, the demon does not know this, and this uncertainty often drives it to flee—especially in the case of weaker demons.

    Stronger demons are more likely to risk confrontation, though they frequently lose. Yet even here, a troubling question arises: why would a heavenly being save a man who has already led a sinful life, even apart from demonic possession?

    Here too, we confront a problem rooted in the spirit of our age.

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
Messages: 984
Localisation: Entre fantaisie et rigueur

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 22, 2024 7:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-----Everything that Kalixtus taught him was of the most precious value and Laodin received it with the greatest attention, his back straight on his chair. It was like he was told not only how to do an exorcism, but also when, and why; no task was more difficult to undertake in the Church, and an exorcist truly appeared to be a champion of the light, calling the Sky itself to act directly against an agent of the dark. Fear was not an acceptable option as the light would fade out, nor was a bad appreciation of the victim who also had to be good at heart. Had Kalixtus always succeeded in his mission? For an instant, Laodin almost asked the question to him, but he understood it would be a little too personal and that it would be like he was not trusting him enough. The only real thing to consider here was if Diogena had to be put under the risk, if they they would better have to cure her than watch her with care. What was the best thing to do: act with confidence, or wait with the minimum risk?

------ So, when she dies of old age, the latest possible I hope, the demon shall quit her in the search of another body to inhabit... And, if the demon is chased away, there is a huge possibility the Archangels will bring it to its Divine Judgment by themselves, making it harm people no more. If she mostly was pure before being possessed, the exorcism will be a sucess, but if she was not, the Archangels will not come to help her and she will die in the process... Lastly, if the demon is weak enough, it will flee just when the exorcist calls the Archangels before their arrival, which is possible if we look at the lady's physical condition and social situation. It means an exorcism would have a chance to succeed on her, right? If she had done bad things, she would have told me, and she is a normal person with little influence on society, so the demon that chose her must be pretty weak. What do you think Your Eminence?

-----He again looked at him, trying to decipher the cardinal's expression. He had become quite optimistic listening to his explanations, but maybe it was only him, betraying himself by his lack of experience. Theory was so much easier to consider than practice!
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