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[RP] Remise de l'Etoile d'Aristote - avril 1460
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Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2009
Messages: 2537

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 25, 2012 7:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Koolike was at his office, looking through his wardrobe of formal clothing. What to wear? What to wear? Was going through his head. There was a very important ceremony going on at the St. Titus Basilica. Koolike just had to make it there, he took the first finest blue-red clothing he could get and made post-haste to the Basilica.

Quietly sneaking into he tried to be as quiet as he can overseeing the ceremony, being proud of the Dutch Church

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Inscrit le: 11 Aoû 2007
Messages: 76

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 26, 2012 11:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

[i]Bolsius arrived at the great Basilica[/i]
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Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2008
Messages: 2212

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 26, 2012 12:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Darien slipped silently into the back of the Basilica for the ceremony.
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Inscrit le: 28 Oct 2007
Messages: 376
Localisation: Archevêque In Partibus de Tongeren (atm sailing round Ibiza)

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 28, 2012 1:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After everybody had seated, the Camerlingo started the ceremony with a special prayer in wich everybody joined.
The sound of all the voices together, filled him with a joyfull feeling wich he hadn't felt in a long time.

Where there is hate that I bring the love.
Where there is offence, forgiveness.
Where there is discord, that I brings the union.
Where there is the error, that I bring the truth.
Where there is the doubt, that I brings the faith.
Where there is the desperation, that I brings the hope.
Where there is the darkness, that I brings the light.
Where there is the sadness, that I brings the joy. "

"Or Mister, You do that I don't look for so much
to be consoled whether to console,
to be inclusive as to understand,
to be beloved as to love.

In fact being giving that it is received,
being forgetting that it finds us,
being forgiving that it is forgiven,
and being dying that it is resuscitated to eternal life."


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Inscrit le: 17 Fév 2008
Messages: 3285
Localisation: Genève et Thorens /Savoie

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 29, 2012 12:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le Ritter Teutonique Hobb Siegfried VonKorwald, Chevalier d'Isenduil arriva en retard,, mais la route depuis Genève n'avait pas été simple.
Il s'installa discrètement. Fi un signe de tête à ses Soeurs et Frères qu'il reconnut. Comme ces croix noires de son Ordre.
Il portait l'Etoile de Rubis.
Puis il pria avec l'assemblée.

The Teutonic Hobb Siegfried VonKorwald, Knight of Isenduil arrived late, but the road from Geneva was not simple.
He sat quietly. Nodded his head to his Sisters and Brothers he recognized. As these black crosses of his Order.
He wore the Star of Ruby.
Then he prayed with the congregation.


Curé de Genève Maire de Genève (5 jours) - Dit "48%" ! Prince de Lausanne, Baron de Saltara
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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2008
Messages: 2492
Localisation: Modena

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 30, 2012 10:47 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il Cardinale osservava sempre attentamente con quanta devozione i fedeli e i chierici si rivolgevano all'Altissimo, li osservava gioendo nel vederli tutti li riuniti. Ogni volta che una cerimonia riusciva a radunare così tanti figli di Dio, era un segno chiaro e tangibile che la Chiesa era in continua evoluzione, nonostante tutti i problemi a cui questa vita terrena sottopone ogni uomo.

Appena ci fu di nuovo silenzio, riprese la parola

" E' con grande onore che oggi mi trovo su questo palco per conferire il dovuto riconoscimento a due persone che tanto hanno dato alla nostra Chiesa. Giornalmente ho la fortuna di vedere personalmente quanti si prodigano per la Fede, per la nostra Santa Chiesa.
Ognuno a suo modo, ognuno offrendo quello che ha, quello che può. Spesso mi soffermo a guardare le famiglie dei contadini, ogni membro della famiglia fa la sua parte, si vede il padre che ara il terreno, i bambini che spargono i semini, quasi fosse un gioco per loro, la moglie e madre che prepara loro i pasti, gli porta da bere quando il caldo e la fatica diventano insopportabili.
E così giorno dopo giorno, con sudore e fatica, i semi iniziano a germogliare, le piantine crescono pian piano, quando capita che una di loro inizia a piegarsi subito la si lega ad un piccolo tronco di legno, per farla crescere dritta, e alla fine l'esplosione di gioia quando i frutti della terra sono pronti per esser raccolti, il le lunghe e faticose ore di lavoro ricompensate. Questi esempi sono dinanzi agli occhi di tutti noi, e ci sembra essere la cosa più normale del mondo.
Ogni volta che mi capita di fermarmi a guardare queste scene, penso alla Chiesa come una grande, un'enorme famiglia, dove ognuno svolge il suo compito, nel suo piccolo, ma avrà dato il suo contributo ad avere i frutti tanto attesi. E quando c'è qualche anima che ha perso la via, ci si affianca, per mostrargli il cammino migliore, per farla crescere bene.
La Chiesa per dare i suoi frutti ha bisogno di lavoro, di sacrificio e di dedizione, ed in questo giorno vogliamo dire "grazie" a chi dedica la sua vita ad aiutare la Chiesa e vogliamo farlo conferendo un riconoscimento a due persone in particolare."

prese un respiro

"Invito quindi karanda de ligne ad avvicinarsi"

Le Cardinal observait toujours attentivement avec combien de dévotion les fidèles et les clercs s'adressaient au Tres Haut, il les observait en jouissant en le les voir tous ils réunis. Chaque fois qu'une cérémonie réussissait à réunir ainsi beaucoup de fils de Dieu, c'était un signe clair et tangible qui l'Église était en évolution continue, malgré tous les problèmes auquel cette vie terrestre soumet chaque homme.

Il y avait à peine de nouveau silence, il reprise le mot

"Est avec grand honneur qu'aujourd'hui je me trouve sur cette loge pour conférer la reconnaissance dûe à deux gens que beaucoup d'ils ont donné à notre Église. J'ai de la la chance quotidiennement de voir personnellement combien d'ils se prodiguent pour la Foi, pour notre Sainte Église.
Chacun à sa manière, chacun qui en offre celui-là qui a celui-là qui peut. Je m'arrête souvent à regarder les familles des paysans, chaque membre de la famille fait sa partie, il se voit le père qui laboure le terrain, les enfants qui répandent les sèmes, presque ce fût un jeu pour eux, la femme et mère qu'il leur prépare les repas, les donnés par boire quand la chaleur et la fatigue deviennent insupportables.
Et ainsi jour après jour, avec sueur et fatigue, les graines commencent à germer, les plans grandissent tout doucement, quand entendu qu'une d'eux commence à se plier tout de suite il se la lie à un petit tronc de bois, pour lui faire croissance astucieuse, et à la fin l'explosion de joie quand les fruits de la terre sont prêts pour être recueilli, le les longues et fatigantes heures de travail récompensées. Ces exemples sont devant les yeux de tous nous, et nous il semble être la chose la plus normale du monde.
Chaque fois qu'il m'arrive de m'arrêter à regarder ces scènes, je pense à l'Église comme une grand, une famille énorme, où chacun déroule son devoir, dans son petit, mais il aura donné sa contribution à avoir les fruits très attendu. Et quand il y a quelque âme qu'il a perdu la voie, il se se placer aux côtés y, pour lui montrer le chemin meilleur, pour lui faire bien croissance.
L'Église pour donner ses fruits a besoin de travail, de sacrifice et de dévouement, et dans ce jour nous voulons dir "merci" à qui il dédie sa vie à aider l'Église et nous voulons le faire en conférant en particulier une reconnaissance à deux gens."

il prise un souffle

""J'invite donc karanda de ligne à se rapprocher"

The Cardinal attentively observed always with how much devotion the faithfull and the clergymen turned him to the Hightest, he observed them rejoycing in to see all of them to them reunited. Every time that a ceremony succeeded in assembling so many sons of God, were a clear and tangible sign that the Church was in continuous evolution despite all the problems to which this terrestrial life submits every man.

When there was just again silence, taken back the word

"It is with great honor that today I am me on this stage to confer the due recognition to two people that so much they have given to our Church. Daily I have the fortune to personally see how much they lavish themself for the Faith, for our Saint Church.
Each to his way, each offering what has what is able. I often stop me to look at the families of the farmers, every member of the family do his part, the father is seen that ploughs the ground, the children that scatter the sow, almost pits a game for them, the wife and mother that it prepares them the meals, hands them to drink when the warm and the work become unbearable.
And so day after day, with sweat and work, the seeds begin to bud, the seedlings grow little by little, when he understands that one of them begin to bend hitself immediately he ties it to a small wood trunk, to make it grow right-hand, and at the end the explosion of joy when the fruits of the earth are ready to be picked and the long and fatiguing hours of job compensated. These examples are in front of the eyes of all us, and it seems us to be the most normal thing of the world.
Every time that happens me to stop to look me at these scenes, I think about the Church as a great, an enormous family, where each develops his assignment, in his small, but he will have given his contribution to have the fruits very attended. And when there is some soul that the street has lost, we cooperate, to show him the best walk, to make it grow well.
The Church to give its fruits needs job, of sacrifice and of devotion, and in this day we want to say "thanks" to who dedication its life to help the Church and we want to do conferring particularly it a recognition to two people."

He took a breath

"I invite therefore karanda de ligne to draw near"
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Inscrit le: 11 Nov 2009
Messages: 1422

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 31, 2012 12:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Era la prima volta che varcava la soglia della Basilica di San Tito.
Aveva dentro di se una certa agitazione, o meglio una certa emozione.

Salì i pochi gradini che vi erano all'ingresso.
Probabilmente la cerimonia era già iniziata.

Il contrasto tra l'accecante luce esterna e la tranquillità delle soffice luci interne, le impedirono una visione chiara per i primi attimi.

Riconobbe però la voce del Camerlengo.
Un dolce sorriso comparve sulle sulle labbra.

Avanzò con eleganza e discrezione lungo le navate laterali e, trovando un posticino libero, seguì con interesse il prosieguo della celebrazione.

It was her first time in St. Titus Basilica.
She felt inside her heart a commotion, or maybe a strange emotion.

She climbed the few steps at the entrance.
Probably the ceremony was already begun.

The contrast between the blinding light outside and the soft of the interior lights, prevented her a clear vision for the first minutes.

She recognized, however, the voice of Camerligue.
A sweet smile appeared on her lips.

She moved with elegance and discretion along the aisles and, finding a empty bench, she followed with interest the continuation of the celebration.

C'était sa première fois dans la Basilique de Saint Titus.
Elle sentait dans son cœur une commotion, ou peut-être une émotion étrange.

Elle monta les etapes à l'entrée.
Probablement la cérémonie a été déjà commencée.

Le contraste entre la lumière d'aveuglement à l'exterieur et la douceur des lumieres interieures, l'a empêchée une vision claire pour les premières minutes.

Elle reconnut, cependant, la voix de Camerligue.
Un doux sourire apparut sur ses lèvres.

Elle avança avec elegance et discrétion long des allées, et en recherchant un banc vide, elle suivit avec interet la continuation de la celebration.
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Inscrit le: 31 Jan 2009
Messages: 3721

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 31, 2012 4:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'archevêque de Besançon vint aussi assister à la remise des étoiles d'Aristote, très belle récompense de l'Eglise.
Il fut surpris de ne voir que peu de francophones en ces lieux, mais soit, c'était pour le service de Très-Haut.
Il entra discrètement et salua quelques personnes pour enfin prendre place dans les rangs des clercs.

The Archbishop of Besançon also came to attend the ceremony of Aristotle's stars, great reward of the Church.
He was surprised to see that few french-speaking in these places, but, this was for the service of the Almighty.
He entered quietly and greeted a few people to finally take place in the ranks of the clergy.

L'arcivescovo di Besançon è venuto anche a partecipare alla cerimonia di Aristotele, grande ricompensa della Chiesa.
Fu sorpreso di vedere che i francofoni pochi in questi luoghi, ma, questo era per il servizio dell'Altissimo.
Entrò in silenzio e ha salutato alcune persone di prendere finalmente posto nei ranghi del clero.
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2009
Messages: 8076
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 01, 2012 10:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le Primat de France entra dans la Basilique Saint Titus pour la cérémonie de remise des médailles d'Aristote. Il avait déjà vu la Basilique plus remplie, mais il y avait quand même plusieurs personnes. Il reconnu notamment plusieurs fonctionnaires de la Nonciature Apostolique, des collègues italiens du CESE, Monseigneur Angelo, Monseigneur Uriel, ainsi que le Cardinal Koolike. Souriant, il s'avança jusqu'à la hauteur de ce dernier et prit place à ses côtés en le saluant. Il écoutait avec attention le Camerlingue qui remettait les médailles.

The Primate of France entered the Saint Titus Basilica for the Aristote Medal's ceremony. He had already seen the Basilica fuller thant that, but there were still several people. He recognized many functionnary of the Aposcolic Nunciature, Italian colleagues of CESE, Monsignor Angelo, Archbishop Uriel, and Cardinal Koolike. Smiling, he advanced to the height of the Cardinal Koolike and sat beside him, saluting him. He listened to the Camerlengo who was presenting the medals.


« Les paroles sincères ne sont pas élégantes ; les paroles élégantes ne sont pas sincères. »
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Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2009
Messages: 2537

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 01, 2012 10:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Koolike saw the figure of the Primate of France coming near him, saluting him. Perhaps the primate was to kill him next? Rampant thoughts ran through the head of the Cardinal. No-no, the primate was a nice man incapable of killing.

Koolike looked around, making sure noone is seeing and with a single swoop of his hand he poked the primate of France thrice
Twisted Evil .
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Inscrit le: 02 Mar 2008
Messages: 110

MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 02, 2012 6:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mother Karanda sang the words of the special prayer which the Camerlengo had recited. She will still very impressed by the ceremony but she also felt the love and dedication to the work of God in all people gathered in the church.

Where there is hate that I bring the love.
Where there is offence, forgiveness.
Where there is discord, that I brings the union.
Where there is the error, that I bring the truth.
Where there is the doubt, that I brings the faith.
Where there is the desperation, that I brings the hope.
Where there is the darkness, that I brings the light.
Where there is the sadness, that I brings the joy. "

"Or Mister, You do that I don't look for so much
to be consoled whether to console,
to be inclusive as to understand,
to be beloved as to love.

In fact being giving that it is received,
being forgetting that it finds us,
being forgiving that it is forgiven,
and being dying that it is resuscitated to eternal life."


She listened closely when the Cardinal continued the ceremony. At his invitation she walked to the front of the church. She felt as if all the people in the Basilica where looking solely at her. Finally she reached to front end of the church and for the first time of her life she stood eye to eye with the Camerlengo of Rome. Respectfully she bowed her head for this men, upon which a great responsibility for the Roman Aristolelic Church was placed.
Bishop of Utrecht
Dutch Diocesane Council
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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2008
Messages: 2492
Localisation: Modena

MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 02, 2012 8:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Passarono pochi attimi prima che karanda de ligne si avvicinasse al Cardinale, il Camerlengo fece cenno ad un accolito che immediatamente gli si avvicinò portando il cuscino di velluto rosso, su cui era adagiata la Stella di Aristotele

Il cardinale prese il gioiello e lo mostrò ai fedeli presenti, poi sorrise a karanda

" Oggi, ti faccio dono della Stella di Aristotele, il simbolo del vostro impegno e dell'infinita gratitudine della Chiesa nei vostri confronti. Sono davvero onorato di poter conferire a voi tale riconoscimento, a nome della Chiesa tutta "

Così dicendo le porse la Stella, che si era degnamente meritata.

Ils passèrent peu instants avant que karanda de ligne se rapprochât du Cardinal, le Camerlingue fit signe à un acolyte qu'il se rapprocha immédiatement en portant le coussin de velours rouge sur lequel elle était étendue l'Étoile d'Aristote.

Le cardinal prenda le bijou et il le montra aux présents fidèles, puis il souri au karanda

"Aujourd'hui je te fais cadeau de l'Étoile d'Aristote, le symbole de votre engagement et de la gratitude infinie de l'Église dans votre égard. Je suis vraiment honoré de pouvoir conférer à vous telle reconnaissance, au nom de l'Église tout"

En lui disant donna ainsi l'Étoile qui avait dignement gagné.

They passed few instants before karanda de ligne drew near to the Cardinal, the Camerlengue made sign to an acolyte that he immediately drew near him bringing the pillow of red velvet, on which the Star of Aristotle had placed.

The cardinal takings the jewel and he showed it to the present faithfull, then smiled at karanda

"Today I make you gift of the Star of Aristotle, the symbol of your appointment and the endless gratitude of the Church in your comparisons. I am honored indeed to be able to confer to you such recognition, in the name of the all Church"

Saying that he handed her the Star, that she was worthily deserved.

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Inscrit le: 02 Mar 2008
Messages: 110

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 03, 2012 7:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Karanda accepted the shining star of Aristotle out of the hands of the Camerlengue while she listened to his words.

"Today I make you gift of the Star of Aristotle, the symbol of your appointment and the endless gratitude of the Church in your comparisons. I am honored indeed to be able to confer to you such recognition, in the name of the all Church"

She smiled back at him when she responded.

I thank you for the great honor which is bestowed upon me Your Eminency. After this she took a step back and waited if it was appropriate for her to return to her seat amidst the other members of the Dutch clergy.

Bishop of Utrecht
Dutch Diocesane Council
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Inscrit le: 28 Oct 2007
Messages: 376
Localisation: Archevêque In Partibus de Tongeren (atm sailing round Ibiza)

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 06, 2012 6:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After the prayer, the Camerlengo called upon mother Karanda to step forward. Sonho felt the pride, seeing her getting the honor for all the good work she did. He also felt very priviliged that he may work together with her, for he had learned so much of her.
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Inscrit le: 20 Sep 2006
Messages: 6405
Localisation: Evêque In Partibus de Tibériade

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 07, 2012 8:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le cardinal, qui se tenait dans l'ombre du camerlingue jusqu'alors, pris en charge la fin de la cérémonie. Il s'agissait de récompenser l'investissement de longue date de Sonho, ainsi que sa contribution pour l'édification de l’Église Aristotélicienne en hollande.

J'appelle Monseigneur Sonho de Ligne.

Lorsque l'ancien archevêque de Cologne fut venu à lui, il déclara :

Monseigneur, nous tenons à vous remercier tout particulièrement au nom de notre Sainte Mère l’Église, merci au nom de tous le peuple de Rome, merci pour l'incommensurable travail accompli durant ces années de bons et loyaux services.

Le cardinal épingla la décoration sur la tenue de Sonho avant d'ajouter :

C'est avec un immense honneur que nous vous remettons en ce jour l'étoile d'or de l'ordre d'Aristote, et que nous encourageons et saluons par ce geste le clergé néerlandais qui nous tient à cœur et dont nous apprécions le dévouement et l'abnégation.

The cardinal, who was standing in the shadow of Camerlengo hitherto supported the conclusion of the ceremony. It was rewarding a longtime investment of Sonho, and his contribution to building the Aristotelian Church in Holland.

I called Monsignor Sonho Line.

When the former Archbishop of Cologne had come to him, he said:

Monsignor, we thank you especially on behalf of our Holy Mother Church, thank you on behalf of all the people of Rome, thank you for the immeasurable work during these years of loyal service.

Cardinal pinned the decoration on holding Sonho before adding:

It is with great honor that we give you this day the gold star on the order of Aristotle, and we encourage by this move the Dutch clergy dear to our heart and that we appreciate the dedication and selflessness.

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