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Request for divorce

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Inscrit le: 29 Jan 2012
Messages: 15

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 28, 2016 1:40 am    Sujet du message: Request for divorce Répondre en citant


I've received a sad request from Lady Kylonaa and Prince Chris Braveheart. Unfortunatelly, they consider their marriage broken and wish to dissolve their bonds.

Here you are the relevant info:

Request for divorce from Lady Kylonaa:
I, Kylonaa Talbot Stuart, request a divorce from my husband Chris_Braveheart Stuart. We are in agreement that our marriage has irrevocably broken down and we cannot reconcile.

I, HRH Chris Braveheart Stuart, regretfully petition for a dissolution of marriage from Lady Kylonaa Talbot Stuart. In recent years, we have found ourselves to be growing apart from each other and spending less time together with my duties outside of Devon and her duties in Barnstaple. We also have found ourselves in complete disagreement on many issues that once we were of like mind on. Additionally, the recent events surrounding my dismissal as an Appeals Justice from Devon has irrevocably injured our marriage beyond repair. Lady Kylonaa has moved away from the marital home, Hartland Abbey which was a personal gift to me from HRH Degas, and we have not spoken except in our official capacities or to settle our dissolution of marriage. We have three children together from our marriage though they are of age to care for themselves and remain in contact with us both from my understanding. As such, I request the dissolution of marriage be granted by the Church at its convenience so we both may put this unfortunate matter behind us and continue forward in our lives.

Record of Kylonaa's baptism:
Completed by Lorudce on February 4th, 1455 in Barnstaple England

Record of Chris_Braveheart's baptism:
Completed by Lorudce on May 20th, 1455 in the National Cathedral of London

I've been looking for the wedding papers in our registers but unfortunately it seems the priest who provided the service failed to record it. Anyway, I'm asking for this information to the petioneers.

In Faith,
Beatriz de Winter-Dorchester

I'm like a bird ✠ Vice-Chancellor of England ✠ House of Dorchester ✠ The Eyes of the Torment ✠ La Louve
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Inscrit le: 29 Jan 2012
Messages: 15

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 28, 2016 2:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

An update on this,

According to Prince Chris, there's no record of this marriage due to an earthquake that desvastated many halls of records some time ago, but he's indicating that the marriage took place on September 22, 1455 in Westminster Abbey by former Cardinal Lorduce.

As to children, they have three born from the marriage (ooc: NPCs), all of them of age of maturity so there's no custody issues here as they have their own lifes away from their parents.

I'm like a bird ✠ Vice-Chancellor of England ✠ House of Dorchester ✠ The Eyes of the Torment ✠ La Louve
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Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2009
Messages: 2537

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 29, 2016 2:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    I, Koolike Frankopan, after hearing the case presented by Beatiz_de_castro agree to validate the dissolution of the duties of the marriage of Lady Kylonaa and Prince Chris Braveheart.

    The duties of marriage are dissolved for reason of the lack of development of true Aristotelian friendship (id est the loss of the love-bond between the spouses). [DC-1.3.ii§B,6.1]

    However ex lege a period of reflection is called upon before any party can marry again, as marriage should not be taken lightly and we should be disappointed when what was solemnly blessed before Jah should be so dissolved. As such we declare the following:

    1. Lady Kylonaa shall be allowed to remarry, after a period of healing and reconciliation lasting no less than three months.

    2. Prince Chris Braveheart shall be allowed to remarry, after a period of healing and reconciliation lasting no less then three months.

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