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[RP] Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 20, 2018 6:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

That morning the Archdeacon of Rome entered the great Basilica from a lateral entrance, fully wrapped in his cardinal robes in the Italian winter.
Unusually without any escort or servants, he went straight to greet his fellow cardinals before taking a seat. He was almost late and the mass was to begin any time soon.

Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 20, 2018 7:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Fenice arrived a little breathless, shivering with the unusual cold of the Roman morning.
She reached her seat and greeted with a smile the other Cardinals, sat down and began to pray while waiting for the beginning of the Mass.
It was a rare event, and her mind was full of conflicting thoughts.

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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 20, 2018 8:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

An important day,in the Basilica of San Titus in Rome.
in the silence the heart becomes great
a great event was about to be celebrated
the missal clasped in his hands, a silent prayer of peace
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Inscrit le: 18 Nov 2008
Messages: 2597
Localisation: Venezia - Italia

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 20, 2018 11:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The old emerite cardinal arrived in the hall... He looks around for a little amount of time, so he decided to talk, with respect for the moment:

Pax vobiscum fratres et sorores, can I stay as Emeritus or I have to leave you to take this important decisions?

He was grabbing his old episcopal stick as if it would be the only reason for he was yet standing up.

Ho looked around searching for familiar faces, seeing someone, but not many... The Cardinals and the clerics he knew were not there, maybe deads, maybe retired.

+S.Ecc.Ill.ma frà Tebaldo Foscari detto Heldor il randello
Cardinale Vescovo Emerito di San Domenico in Burgos
Vice Primate delle Venezie e Stato da Mar
Legato Apostolico per le Venezie e Stato da Mar
Patriarca di Venezia
Arcivescovo Sine Cura di Gorizia
Padre Generale dell'Ordine di San Domenico,
Conte di Sezze

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Inscrit le: 16 Juin 2016
Messages: 2119

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 20, 2018 11:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il était tôt encore quand la silhouette toute de noire vétue arpenta les couloirs de Rome. Se faufilant des bureaux de l'Inquisition vers ceux des Collèges pontificaux, la petite préfète jésuite trottinait avec empressement. C'est qu'elle voulait clore quelques dossiers avant les matines et la messe du jour. C'est uniquement quand tout fut en ordre, qu'elle rajusta sa mantille devant son visage et se dépêcha de remonter vers le parvis de la basilique de Saint Titus. Là, elle vit son supérieur, le cardinal Cesarino et lui sourit avec sa bienveillance habituelle. C'est qu'elle aimait à veiller sur ce dernier, il était un peu un de ses mentors, et son savoir en hérauderie impressionnait toujours l'infante. Elle vint donc se faufiler jusqu'à lui pour le saluer avant que ne commence la cérémonie du jour.

Bien le bonjour, Eminence. Comment vous portez vous?


It was still early when the all-black silhouette paced the corridors of Rome. Sneaking from the offices of the Inquisition to those of the Pontifical Colleges, the little Jesuit priest was trotting along eagerly. It was because she wanted to close some files before the matins and the mass of the day. It was only when everything was in order, that she adjusted her mantilla in front of her face and hurried back to the forecourt of the Basilica of Saint Titus. There she saw her superior, Cardinal Cesarino, and smiled at him with her usual kindness. Because she loved to watch over him, he was a bit of a mentor, and his knowledge of heraldry always impressed the Infanta. She came to sneak up to greet him before the ceremony of the day began.

Good morning, Eminence. How are you?
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Inscrit le: 13 Nov 2015
Messages: 177

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 1:35 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il entre dans Basilique de San Tito. Il espérait que Arnarion devienne pape pour développer le rayonnement de la Sainte Église.
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 5:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Some days were ordinary some weren't and this particular one was surely none of the ordinary ones. The scottish blond followed the many clergy members who joined the basilica. Hence there was this particular feeling common today was a day where history was about to be made.

She nodded politly when passing familiar faces. Stepping close enough to his Eminance Kalixtus "Dominus Vobiscum" the young blond greeted him.

Looking for a suitable seat witin the pews reserved for the clergy she waited for the ceremony to begin.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2012
Messages: 578
Localisation: Játiva, Ciudad Aristotélica, gracias al Altísimo

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 10:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The sunlight was barely visible yet, but the Archbishop of Valencia Isabella Fontana Olavarrieta Palacios, Señora de Lloesa, walked to the Basilica of San Titus.

In his hands he carried the Book of Virtues, pressed against his heart. It would be a very important day, prayed to the Most High in silence.

She entered and the sign of the cross was made and slowly I greet with a small smile those gathered there, looked for a place to sit and wait for the ceremony to begin.


La luz del sol apenas era visible todavía, pero la arzobispo de Valencia Isabella Fontana Olavarrieta Palacios, la señora de Lloesa, caminó hasta la Basílica de San Tito.

En sus manos llevaba el Libro de las Virtudes, presionado contra su corazón. Sería un día muy importante, rezaba en silencio al Altísimo.

Entró y se hizo la señal de la cruz y, lentamente, saludo con una pequeña sonrisa a los reunidos allí, buscó un lugar para sentarse y espero a que comience la ceremonia.

fides scutum nostrum est, amor telum nostrum est
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Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2016
Messages: 1175
Localisation: Señor de Ascrea

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 11:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The journey to Rome from Valencia was long and peaceful, accompanying Mother Isabella Fontana, Archbishop of Valencia on that trip to attend a ceremony of great importance to the Aristotelian Church worthwhile, taking her reliquary and her little book of Virtues , did not stop praying to bless in the name of the Most High the future Pope of Rome.


El viaje hacia Roma desde Valencia fue largo y tranquilo, acompañando a la Madre Isabella Fontana, Arzobispo de Valencia en aquel viaje para asistir a una ceremonia de gran importancia para la Iglesia Aristotelica valía la pena, tomando su relicario y su pequeño libro de las Virtudes, no dejó de orar para bendecir en nombre del Altísimo al futuro Papa de Roma.

Cardenal-Diacono +Primado Hispano +Arzobispo Metropolitano Osma+ Señor de Ascrea
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Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2012
Messages: 482

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 1:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Doriano, nelle sue migliori vesti, giunse presto alla Basilica, dove si sarebbe tenuta la messa per l'elezione del nuovo Sommo Pontefice.
Approfittò per ammirarne la splendida struttura, riccamente decorata e così immensa da togliere il fiato. Ci si sentiva sempre minuscoli in quel luogo.
Cercò un posto appartato e dedicò il tempo che mancava all'inizio della cerimonia alla preghiera.
Lentamente, la basilica si riempì del sommesso vociare tipico dell'attesa, accompagnato dal rumore di passi dei fedeli che si affrettavano per guadagnare una posizione che gli permettesse di avere una visione completa dell'altare.
Era percepibile una certa emozione mista a curiosità e anche il giovane ne fu contagiato. Incapace di ritrovare la concentrazione si lasciò andare e cominciò a osservare i convenuti, salutando con un cenno del capo od un leggero inchino quanti riconoscesse.

Seguendo con lo sguardo le grandi colonne che sorreggevano la struttura della basilica, dedicò una preghiera all'Altissimo, affinché sostenesse i Cardinali prossimi a riunirsi in Conclave nella loro importante decisione, ed attese con pazienza l'inizio della cerimonia.


Doriano came early, in his best clothes, in the Basilica, where the mass for the election of the new Supreme Pontiff would be held. He took advantage of that to admire the splendid structure of it, so richly decorated and so immense to remain breathless. One would always feel so tiny in that place. It looked for a spot apart and devoted the time missing from the beginning of the ceremony to prayers.
Slowly but steady, the Basilica was filled by the hushed buzz typical of the awaiting, accompanied by the noise of footsteps of the believers that hastened for earning a position that would have allowed them to have a complete vision of the altar.
A certain emotion was perceivable mixed to curiosity and also the young man found himself exposed to it. Incapable of retrieving the concentration, he let himself go, and started observing the present, greeting with a nod of the head or a slight bow those he recognized.

Following with the eyes the great columns that supported the structure of the Basilica, he devoted a prayer to the Most High, so that He would support the Cardinals next to be reunited in Conclave in their important decision, and awaited patiently for the beginning of the ceremony.

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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 2:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A mesure que le jour se levait, le soleil pénétrait Saint-Titus. De minces rayons filtrés par les vitraux colorés imperturbablement traçaient le chemin d'une lumière qui, en allant toucher les vénérables parois de pierre baignaient la nef d'une lueur féerique. Enveloppées dans cette atmosphère irréelle, là, dans cette basilique où la terre rencontrait le ciel, les statues des apôtres et des saints de tout temps semblaient prendre vie. Leur visage, d'ordinaire imperturbable, modelé à présent par l'ombre et la lumière semblait prendre une expression de solennelle attente comme s'ils avaient depuis longtemps attendu ce jour.

Soundain l'éclair ! Des hauteurs l'orgue, majestueux, terrifiant monstre de fer, entonnait en un tonnerre son magnifique chant qui, tels les anges louant la gloire de Dieu, préfaçait à son peuple la splendeur de l'Eglise triomphante, celle du Ciel, l'Eglise éternelle qui depuis l'aube du monde a présidé à la naissance des hommes et qui les accompagnera jusqu'aux fins dernières.
Alors, droitement alignés en ordre dans une marée pourpre, les cardinaux se mirent procéssion vers l'autel. Porte-croix en tête, cierges par dizaines, ainsi était ouverte la marche solennelle. Des encensoirs, adroitement secoués se déversaient des volutes d'encens, manteau d'éther qui vint recouvrir les alentours d'un fin nuage de fumée aux odeurs d'orient. Le soleil à présent haut dans le ciel vint frapper la croix portée magistralement en tête de procession. Celle-ci ainsi touchée, resplendissante de mille feux, vint transpercer de ses rayons la nébuleuse.
Le Cardinal-doyen, présidant la cérémonie vint clore la marche. Mains jointes, drapé dans sa capa magna, il cheminait les yeux semi-clos, en expression de prière. Une fois arrivé au pied de l'autel, alors que la procéssion se dispersait et après s'être profondément incliné, il se tourna vers l'assemblée des fidèles. Comme le voulait la tradition, le temps était venu de laver les âmes de leurs péchés et de les préparer à l'office qui allait se dérouler. Prenant un goupillon et précédé d'un clerc tenant un sceau d'eau bénite, il parcouru les allées de la nef, repandant l'eau purgatrice, salvatrice, celle qui faisait renaître. De son côté, le choeur de chanoines, chapitre collégial, entonnait le cantique usuel, première antienne de la Sainte Messe.

Asperges me, Dómine, hyssópo, et mundábor : lavábis me, et super nivem dealbábor.
Tu m'aspergeras, Seigneur, avec l'hysope, et je serai purifié; tu me laveras, et je serai plus blanc que la neige.
You will shower me, Lord, with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; you will wash me, and I will be whiter than the snow.

Miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericórdiam tuam. Glória Patri et Aristoteli et Christi.
Aie pitié de moi, mon Dieu, selon ta grande miséricorde; Gloire au Père, à Aristote et à Christos.
Have mercy on me, my God, according to your great mercy; Glory to the Father, Aristotle and Christos.

Verset/Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam.
Montrez-nous, Seigneur, votre Miséricorde.
Show us, Lord, your Mercy.

Repons/Et salutáre tuum da nobis.
Et donnez-nous votre salut.
And give us your salvation.

V/Dómine exáudi oratiónem meam.
Seigneur, écoutez ma prière.
Lord, listen to my prayer.

R/Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
Et que mon cri parvienne jusqu’à vous.
And let my cry reach you.

V/Dóminus vobíscum.
Le Seigneur soit avec vous.
Le Seigneur soit avec vous

R/Et cum spíritu tuo.
Et avec votre esprit.
And with your mind.

V/Orémus : Exáudi nos, Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus et míttere dignéris sanctum Angelum tuum de cælis; qui custódiat, fóveat, prótegat, vísitet, atque deféndat omnes habitántes in hoc habitáculo.

Per Dóminum nostrum altissimi creatorem mundi.

R/ Amen.

Prions : Exaucez-nous, Seigneur saint, Père tout-puissant Dieu éternel, et daignez envoyer du ciel votre saint ange pour qu’il garde et soutienne, qu’il protège, visite et défende tous ceux qui sont réunis en ce lieu.

Par notre Seigneur tout puissant créateur du monde.

Ainsi soit-il.

Let us pray: Exhort us, holy Lord, Father Almighty God eternal, and deign to send from heaven your holy angel to guard and support, protect, visit and defend all who are gathered in this place.

By our Lord, all-powerful creator of the world.

So be it.

Google trad. sorry.

As rose the day, the sun penetrated St. Titus. Thin rays filtered by stained glass stained imperturbably traced the path of a light touching the venerable stone walls bathed the nave with a magical glow. Embedded in this surreal atmosphere, there, in this basilica where the earth met the sky, the statues of the apostles and saints of all time seemed to come to life. Their usually imperturbable face, now patterned by shadow and light, seemed to take an expression of solemn expectation as if they had long been waiting for that day.

Suddendly the lightning! From the heights the organ, majestic, terrifying iron monster, thundered in a thunderous sound [url = https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLyg3WB8qwo] singing [/ url] who, such as the angels praising the glory of God, prefaced to His people the splendor of the triumphant Church, that of Heaven, the eternal Church which, since the dawn of the world, presided at the birth of men, and which will accompany them to the last ends.
Then, rightly lined up in a purple tide, the cardinals proceeded to the altar. Cross holder in the lead, candles by tens, so was the solemn march. Censors, deftly shaken, poured out incense volutes, a mantle of ether which covered the neighborhood with a fine cloud of smoke with oriental odors. The sun now high in the sky came to strike the cross carried masterfully at the head of the procession. The latter, thus touched, resplendent with a thousand fires, pierced with her rays the nebula.
The Cardinal-Dean, presiding over the ceremony, closed the march. Hands clasped, draped in his capa magna, he walked his eyes half-closed, in expression of prayer. When he arrived at the foot of the altar, while the trial was dispersing and having deeply bowed, he turned to the assembly of the faithful. As tradition had it, the time had come to wash the souls of their sins and prepare them for the office that was going to unfold. Taking a brush and preceded by a cleric holding a seal of holy water, he walked the aisles of the nave, spreading the purgatrice water, saving, the one that was reborn. For its part, the choir of canons, chapter collegiate, intoned the usual canticle , first antiphon of the Holy Mass.


Dernière édition par Arnarion le Ven Déc 21, 2018 3:43 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 3:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

the cardinals continue towards the altar, trails of purifying incense
the bishops bow to their passage

les cardinaux continuent vers l'autel, des traces d'encens purifiant
les évêques s'inclinent devant leur passage
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Inscrit le: 15 Nov 2015
Messages: 830
Localisation: Zaragoza

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 3:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Un mensajero había llegado hasta su residencia con una carta lacrada con el sello de la Iglesia Aristotélica de Roma y para su asombro, una invitación a la ceremonia religiosa para el reconocimiento del futuro Papa de la Santa Madre.
Con todo su emoción por ser un gran defensor de la Fe Aristotelica junto con su familia.
Dando aviso a su esposa Rosa Margarita, no pudieron decir que no a tan hermosa invitación y juntos llegaron ante aquella gran Basilica de San Titus y en silencio se acomodaron y algunos lugares que aún quedaban vacios.

A messenger had arrived at his residence with a letter sealed with the seal of the Aristotelian Church of Rome and to his astonishment, an invitation to the religious ceremony for the recognition of the future Pope of the Holy Mother.
With all his excitement for being a great defender of the Aristotelian Faith together with his family.
Giving notice to his wife Rosa Margarita, they could not say no to that beautiful invitation and together they came before that great Basilica of San Titus and quietly settled down and some places that were still empty.

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Inscrit le: 16 Fév 2012
Messages: 3474

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 4:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Camerlengo had arrived with the others and had taken his place. He had followed the beginning of the ceremony.
His role imposed on him duties and he felt all the weight on his shoulders.
Governing the Church in place of the Holy Father was not an easy task.

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Inscrit le: 07 Juin 2012
Messages: 1480

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 21, 2018 5:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Vicarius Urbis Romae, Cardinal Cristoforo Borgia, arrived at the Cruch.
He teak a seat and wait for the beginning of the ceremony.

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